

am looking at all of my "someone wants to meet you" links. i get about two emails a day of them.... and i never check them out anymore. (i got over hot or not very quickly. i acquired about five stalkers, loads of random people.... and an alex from detroit. and boy, i can't stand alex. ^_~) aaanywho. these crack me up. ok, and.... about these things...

a) why would you be on "meet me" if you have a girlfriend? (or boyfriend for that matter...) maybe it's just me, but i would get a little distressed if i found out my boyfriend was actively trying to meet girls on hot or not.
b) why do people click yes to me, when they're like homophobic bible thumping hunters from texas?? helloooo, did they just not read ANYthing i wrote??
c) why does this one guy from iowa city have THREE accounts? (and wants to meet me with all of them.... and i've totally seen him around. he drives a convertible, and is at studio all the time, and HAS to be gay, in my humble opinion..... but he always has skankalicious girls with him...)
d) what is with the "just fooling around... thought it'd be funny if i just put my pic up" guys... who then have like... year long star memberships??
e) i hate anyone with "sex" as a keyword.
f) it's weird when i find people i know....
g) i hate guys whose picture is them some random place, like their living room, with their shirt off! aaaah!

ok. also.... keywords that are unacceptable.... "being a girl", "oral sex", "country music television", "life cereal" (i mean, c'mon, let's not get too attatched a cereal...), "cuddlin", "hot women", "partys" (people! learn to spell!!), "vanilla" (what?), and "hats" (who likes hats THAT much. really.)

AAAAH another person i know and don't like! i always wonder if they recognize me...

and someone who blacked his prom date out of the picture....

omg, renata. this guy's hair is reminiscent of the SAM. the octopus is on the loose again... (thus far it's gone from the sam.. to saycon, correct?)

< / rant>


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