
good morning kids!

feeling: much better. watching mscl with adam last night made me feel much better.
wearing: red terry cloth pants, and my bree sharp "cheap and evil girl" shirt. it's perhaps my favorite shirt. *spites everyone*
listening: the bangles, different light.
eating: a nutrigrain bar! (adam and i had a discussion about what constitutes real food.... essentially... nothing that i eat ever.... is real. doh.)
should be: laundry. but i DID just put a load in. (see, i got home from adam's just now, i was gonna leave last night, but i got all depressed watching mscl and fell asleep. aaanywho, to keep myself from crawling in bed here, i pulled all the sheets and such off and put them in the washing machine. they needed it, remember when i spilled pudding on the foot of my bed while i was talking to zane? (like a month ago?) yeah, there was still a little pudding blotch.)
sidenote: the new blogger tags for bold are < strong > instead of < b > and they make me think of strongbad. oh hey! speaking of strongbad, i threw a lightswitch rave to get my sister out of bed this morning. allsion was right on top of it though "megan is grounded!" i was like "aaaahahhaahaa." techno is STILL my favorite strongbad email.

am in a much better mood today. i'm sorry for the past few posts that were all "*rage rage* *angst angst*" and casey, thank you so much for you comment via my away message.... (which reminds me. where the heck did my comments go? *sigh*) but, yeah. casey left my away message the nicest comment denouncing those who think i'm slutty and stupid.

i wish more people could be like... ivy. because like, i dated a guy she really liked... and she was so cool with it. and we're still friends. and she might accompany me to michigan to see kyle (and alex-from-detroit). yeah. ivy is really cool. i'm glad we're friends. she totally gets where i'm coming from. and spent like, a half hour comforting me last night after i took her home.

sidenote: walk like an egyptian just came on. *dances*

so, i'm trying to get my comments back... and thus far i'm unsuccessful. if i do succeed, i expect a lot of congratulatory comments. is congratulatory a word? and did i spell it right? the answer is prolly no to both those.

aaaahaha, allie just walked in, with the little vaccum cleaner all shoulder strapped on, with extra attatchments and such all hanging from the strap. i was like "hehehe, you look like a ghostbuster." so she ghostbusted my room before going to vaccuum the couch. (and she said something about the cat as well, i should check on them...)

ooh waaah ooooh. *sings along with track five*


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