
goodwill rocks.

ok. does anyone who reads this wear size 1 pants? because, there was a pair of size one heavy duty khakis from gap at goodwill, for a quarter. and i just had to get them. they're SO nice. maybe they'd fit thang.... hmmm. he has no qualms wearing women's clothing... ok. thang has first dibs if he wants them, otherwise... email me about it. also, anyone wear size 6 1/2 shoes? because there were three or four pairs of chinese laundry shoes in 6 1/2, but unfortunatly i wear size 9. life's hard. but if YOU have small feet, get your butt over to the goodwill on boyrum st, because they had clogs, heels, and the cutest little grey lace up shoes. just darling. someone with really good taste in shoes got rid of a lot of them.

ok, so that's the stuff that i didn't get, or doesn't fit me... i did get a blue courderoy skirt (i've never known how to spell cordouroy.... i think the second spelling's the right one.... hmm) and a the COOLEST pink skirt. it's loooong, and bright pink. but it's like, a very formal cut. like, office/business type cut. it's the BEST. and, i got a set of wooden salad bowls. (shut up, they're cool.) OH and another purse. because i don't already have 12 black purses....

i'm having very nice conversation with scott from buffalo. if i didn't live in iowa, he'd definitely ask me out. (well, it's more that i don't live in NY that's the problem) ah well, it's the thought that counts, isnt it?

if it's the thought that counts.... maybe i can have an imaginary boyfriend.

because then i'd be cool. and not a dork. waaait....

well, my imaginary boyfriend's name is george (kudos to everyone that KNEW he would be named george. i name everything george. i'm gonna be like george forman and name all of my kids george. derek's bunny rabbit is named george ... he said i couldn't name it george, but i did anyways... and my pet bug was named george. and, my flute's name is george... and during marching band *i* was named george...) ANYwho, his name's george. and he's tall and has blonde hair. and he's all skinny (mmm scrawny), and.... he's NOT emo. (go cry somewhere ELSE emo boys.) AH ohmygod. i was so caught up in my imaginary boyfriend that when my chair broke (again) i fell completely out of it. yes. i landed on some laundry and a beach ball that gabe pulled off the ceiling at studio for me. it was pretty exciting. the cat and i thought so at least.

i'm listening to everclear, sparkle and fade. it's AWESOME. dude, they're gonna get at the state fair, and i'm SO excited. remember when they were here, and craig montoya spit water on me, and i got moshed onto a security gaurd, and art was like "don't throw people at the security personnel, you might hurt someone." and i fell in love with them?! yeah, *sigh* those were the days. i don't fall in love with nearly enough rockstars anymore.

i am apparently going to the mall with thang. *shrug*


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