
i was just sending something to the stuart davis mailing list about hotel stuff... and mentioned a trip that rob3t2, the kismet, and chad made back in january.... and am all of a sudden overcome with emotion missing these guys and that time SO much. there's a picture of all of us the last time we were together, and it's on my desk and i see it every day.... and now that i'm looking at it i want to cry because i miss my rob so much *sniffle* and he doesn't even blog anymore so i can't read it. *sob* but.... he *is* going to stop by my house on his way to colorado on... *looks at calender* july 21st. yay! but wow. that trip was so much fun. to chicago and rockford with the stuart. and we stayed in a red roof in in rockford.... and at stuart's brother's in chicago. and marcy was there. and... i guess, obviously... stuart was there. (i always find myself leaving stuart out of these memories. poooor stuart.) aaand bree sharp was there... *sniffle* which reminds me of another sad thing.... my FAVORITE bree sharp cd (the one with david duchovney and faster faster... the first one) is in the light booth at ICCT and i want it back. *cries* i miss my friends and i miss my cd!


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