
I'm so awesome

This is Ben. Megan left her blogger window open at my place, so now I can blog on her blog and tell you how awesome I am. I am very awesome. A great deal of awesome. You might say I'm the Sultan of Awesome, sans alliteration. I wouldn't, but that's just me. You might, and I won't judge you for it. By now I'm sure most of you are thinking, "Wow, that is pretty awesome, you are one awesome guy." But I know that it might be hard for some of you to conceptualize just how awesome I am. For you guys I can tell you that I'm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- approximately that awesome, in terms of length. Keep in mind that it's not to scale. That's it folks! You'd better read this fast before Megan becomes exasperated with my antics and deletes this. *buzzzzzzz* DELETED!

Total awesomes in this post: 10


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