my car is fixed!
the highlight of ben jumping my car.... has to be when he tripped on the jumper cable and almost fell down.
second place goes to me driving the wrong direction for two blocks before realizing that i'd turned the wrong way. i've lived in iowa city almost my entire life... and do not know my way around AT ALL. i never even knew about the hy-vee and mister movies and all that over on first ave... there is a HUGE part of iowa city that i've never encountered. it's weird.
blogger had better publish. or i will be sad.
when i was at ben's, and i was talking to brian on aim even though he was close enough that i could hear him typing.... him and ben were talking... and ben's like "duuude, there's a girl in my room!" and brian was like "here, i'll talk you through it man, don't worry" and such. but i got bored and wandered over to brian's room. and he types to ben "DUUUDE, now i've got a girl!!" ... ok, we're all dorks. but i was really amused.
renata: i had to get up hella early today for work, so i watched hi-5
renata: and it was the one where detective curtis finds the crazy mixed-up animals
renata: and, jen had a sailboat!
megan: !!
megan: jen is the man of my dreams!
i enjoy how that makes NO sense to anyone but renata. (remember... all the guys from hot or not had to meet the four s's before i'd consider them? and we couldn't remember what the third and forth s's were... so sailboat-owning is what we came up with? yeah. i'm cool.) (DUDE. rent related, eh? i was blogging about curtis... and then i said "i'm cool" which is what curtis says when he's the man. ok, i'm intentionally being this dorky. i'll stop. and i bet renata's still the only one who knows what's going on.)
well, now that i know that jen is the man of my dreams, i can stop looking. last night, thad said he could be the man of my dreams. and i told him that was very doubtful. and then tim showed up and was all "let's fool around" and i'm like. "no." everyone wanted to be the man of my dreams last night. including this weeeeird guy who came and danced with me and g-string (thang) and was singing badly, and flailing around.... i ran away and made trey protect me. trey is one of the few gay guys i know who i genuinely wish were straight. oh well. i gave trey the address to my site yesterday. ooh oh! he's djing on tuesdays now! (i think i mentioned that already...) but he's going to make sure to play you spin me right round for me... yay! duuude, there was an undercover cop there last night, so i was all not drinking... but the poor guy was SO obviously out of place. and you could tell that he'd tried to dress to fit in... but he kept like... looking aghast at the boys making out on the dance floor (admittedly, they were being a little blatant about it... and of them had ripped the legs out of his pants... so they were like... daisy dukes length...) the undercover cop guy was nice though. we talked for awhile.
renata and my conversations amuse me to no end. "ow, pointy cat." renata is the only person i know who thinks of cats as pointy.
our current topic of discussion: organized crime? or ani?
i'm still kind of tired.... my blog entries tend to be a little strange when i'm tired. i'm also hungry. i tried to convince my dad to take me and caleb out to lunch. but caleb didnt' come in to work until 11:15... and he was supposed to be there at nine. it's nice to have goood old unreliable caleb back.
renata and i are talking about rent in grand rapids, and she's like "maybe i could take a bus to iowa city, and ride up with you" (she's going to be at college in grinnell...) and i was like "dude, you dork. grinnell's like... an hour away. i can come up and get you..." renata and i are very excited about sharing a state next year. well, this year... yeah.
this is officially the longest, most random blog entry in the entire world.
but look, a rocky picture i forgot to post last time!
everyone makes fun of my in this picture because i am living up to my nickname of "kitty" ... i found out two of the techie guys thought that was my real name... i ran into them at studio. and one of them yelled at me across the alley "HEY KITTY!" and i'm like "what the heeeell?" i was so confused. and we talked, and someone came up and was like "hey megs, we're leaving..." and the guy was like "meg?? and i was like "well, megan. only my good friends call me meg... (or megs, meggie, megalo)" and he's like "i always thought your name was really kitty! wow." i was like "yeah, good story... *awkward silence*" (i only know how to spell awkward because of alex's email address. awkwardkiss. isn't that cute? awww.)
ok, i'm gonna go eat something. and figure out what i'm gonna do tonight. i'm filming up in CR, but i have tickets to macbeth. does anyone want to go to macbeth with my mom? let me know.
trey just imed me! and then my computer died (SO randomly...) and i lost his im! i hope ims me when i sign back on so i can add him to my list...
second place goes to me driving the wrong direction for two blocks before realizing that i'd turned the wrong way. i've lived in iowa city almost my entire life... and do not know my way around AT ALL. i never even knew about the hy-vee and mister movies and all that over on first ave... there is a HUGE part of iowa city that i've never encountered. it's weird.
blogger had better publish. or i will be sad.
when i was at ben's, and i was talking to brian on aim even though he was close enough that i could hear him typing.... him and ben were talking... and ben's like "duuude, there's a girl in my room!" and brian was like "here, i'll talk you through it man, don't worry" and such. but i got bored and wandered over to brian's room. and he types to ben "DUUUDE, now i've got a girl!!" ... ok, we're all dorks. but i was really amused.
renata: i had to get up hella early today for work, so i watched hi-5
renata: and it was the one where detective curtis finds the crazy mixed-up animals
renata: and, jen had a sailboat!
megan: !!
megan: jen is the man of my dreams!
i enjoy how that makes NO sense to anyone but renata. (remember... all the guys from hot or not had to meet the four s's before i'd consider them? and we couldn't remember what the third and forth s's were... so sailboat-owning is what we came up with? yeah. i'm cool.) (DUDE. rent related, eh? i was blogging about curtis... and then i said "i'm cool" which is what curtis says when he's the man. ok, i'm intentionally being this dorky. i'll stop. and i bet renata's still the only one who knows what's going on.)
well, now that i know that jen is the man of my dreams, i can stop looking. last night, thad said he could be the man of my dreams. and i told him that was very doubtful. and then tim showed up and was all "let's fool around" and i'm like. "no." everyone wanted to be the man of my dreams last night. including this weeeeird guy who came and danced with me and g-string (thang) and was singing badly, and flailing around.... i ran away and made trey protect me. trey is one of the few gay guys i know who i genuinely wish were straight. oh well. i gave trey the address to my site yesterday. ooh oh! he's djing on tuesdays now! (i think i mentioned that already...) but he's going to make sure to play you spin me right round for me... yay! duuude, there was an undercover cop there last night, so i was all not drinking... but the poor guy was SO obviously out of place. and you could tell that he'd tried to dress to fit in... but he kept like... looking aghast at the boys making out on the dance floor (admittedly, they were being a little blatant about it... and of them had ripped the legs out of his pants... so they were like... daisy dukes length...) the undercover cop guy was nice though. we talked for awhile.
renata and my conversations amuse me to no end. "ow, pointy cat." renata is the only person i know who thinks of cats as pointy.
our current topic of discussion: organized crime? or ani?
i'm still kind of tired.... my blog entries tend to be a little strange when i'm tired. i'm also hungry. i tried to convince my dad to take me and caleb out to lunch. but caleb didnt' come in to work until 11:15... and he was supposed to be there at nine. it's nice to have goood old unreliable caleb back.
renata and i are talking about rent in grand rapids, and she's like "maybe i could take a bus to iowa city, and ride up with you" (she's going to be at college in grinnell...) and i was like "dude, you dork. grinnell's like... an hour away. i can come up and get you..." renata and i are very excited about sharing a state next year. well, this year... yeah.
this is officially the longest, most random blog entry in the entire world.
but look, a rocky picture i forgot to post last time!

everyone makes fun of my in this picture because i am living up to my nickname of "kitty" ... i found out two of the techie guys thought that was my real name... i ran into them at studio. and one of them yelled at me across the alley "HEY KITTY!" and i'm like "what the heeeell?" i was so confused. and we talked, and someone came up and was like "hey megs, we're leaving..." and the guy was like "meg?? and i was like "well, megan. only my good friends call me meg... (or megs, meggie, megalo)" and he's like "i always thought your name was really kitty! wow." i was like "yeah, good story... *awkward silence*" (i only know how to spell awkward because of alex's email address. awkwardkiss. isn't that cute? awww.)
ok, i'm gonna go eat something. and figure out what i'm gonna do tonight. i'm filming up in CR, but i have tickets to macbeth. does anyone want to go to macbeth with my mom? let me know.
trey just imed me! and then my computer died (SO randomly...) and i lost his im! i hope ims me when i sign back on so i can add him to my list...
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