
oh... god...

am still drunk.

holy... fuck. wow..... i should NOT drink like that.

for having thrown up as much as i did... i should NOT still be this drunk.

i recall three shots in addition to everything else i was drinking.... one with trey... one with... someone? and another one with the same someone. oh my god. and who the hell bought me those mandarin vodka and sprites? some boy... and someone bought me a puckers and sprite as well... damn. i'm not a big person. i can't do three shots, three drinks and god knows how many beers.

i'm SO glad that trey took care of me last night, or i don't know where the hell i would have ended up. also, i love the comment.

and alex from detroit, i would have looooved to talk to you last night while i was so drunk i couldn't stand up... i'm sure i would have made a fool of myself.... and been horribly inarticulate... but, it's ok. if we were both drunk, i'm sure our chatting would have been v. fun. i'm sure i'll be able to do it NEXT weekend when del's here and i'm horribly drunk (yay del!), or we can re-enact it whenever i make my way up to see you and kyyyyyyyyyyyle (toast twins for evah). wow. july 25th. that's soon. kyle and i have no plans aside from eating toast. and being twins. and alex and i have no plans except for stalking jack white. but we were planning on doing that in august. crazy.

ralph, dahling, don't evah tell anyone about how drunk i was! donatella should not get so drunk, even though it was much fun. p.s. when did i meet your roommate who left me a comment? because i DO NOT remember anything. damn. but, tell him thanks for the comment. (i also don't remember running into the door, but that's something i do when i'm sober. so it's even more likely to happen if i'm drunk. which i definitely was.)

nic, your straight roommate's a cutie, i hope i didn't do anything TOO stupid in front of him. i barely remember talking to him the first time. he was really nice to me though.

toooo many people buying me drinks. i'm getting trey drunk next week though, with del. am SO excited.

am also v. happy that my car did not get towed.

and trey lives RIGHT by thang, so my car was like two feet away from where i woke up (i assume that i woke up at trey's house. i have NO idea. past about one am, i'm drawing a TOTAL blank. fuck.)

trey, do you spell your name with an extra e? and i never knew?! wow. treye. hmm.

ah, am going to bed. does this qualify as a drunk post? i think it does.


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