

so, rabbit judging at the fair ALL day today. well over six hours. (just like last year) again, i ran around catching bunnies that people dropped... i sat and talked with TONS of 4-H kids.... some were really cool. others... not so much..... i have to go back and get allison in a little while, because her and chelsea are still there.

i actually had a lot of fun today, but i got in a fight with my mom on the way home (about freakin NOTHING.... she just... ugh. i'm still a failure, if you're wondering...) and now i'm in a really bad mood. and i need a hug. and i'm sad.

i wrote alex a letter from the rabbit barn, (like a letter letter. ooh crazy.) but it's on gigantic paper, and it all smudgy, because chelsea had a crisis and i had to hold cliff (one of her rabbits) for her, and he sat on the letter and smudged it all up. stupid cliff.

ok, i'm gonna take a nap for like, a half hour. (james said that naps for a half hour are good. i never sleep less than like, two hours at a time.... we'll see.) because i have much to do tonight. bah.


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