
randomness to the power of five.

unacceptable keywords. part II

-"gazebos" ... hi, i'm megan, my interests include writing, drawing, acting and gazebos.
-"thugged out" ... need i say more? it was this short little white guy.
-"pajamas" ... ?
-"ducks" ... ok. alex has "feeding the ducks" which is SO cute. and i used to feed the ducks every wednesday over my lunch break from classes, and ALWAYS after my dance classes. so, i like ducks as well as the next person... but...really... just ducks?
-"jumbo" ... one of his other keywords was "prince albert" and his profile mentioned that he had a three year old daughter. i was concerned.
-"wet" ... "hi, i enjoy things that are wet. *suggestive eyebrow motions.*"
-"lindsay" ... what? maybe he just REALLY likes the name lindsay...
-"party's" ... he enjoys things that belong to parties?

ok. that's all really. i'm SO bored. *swivels in chair*

rob3t2 is coming tomorrow!! (today) i talked to him for like, an hour and a half earlier this evening. it was v. nice.

everyone should come out to the johnson county fair this week. and see me and my sister and our bunny rabbits. c'mon, it's iowa, come on wednesday and you can see the tractor pull and the cow judging. i think thursday's the rabbit judging... but, come aaaaaanytime. and meet the bunnies. comet, wesley, renata and nancy. renata is our big prize winner. though comet and wesley are doing really well.... nancy would do better, but she's kind of bitey. so's renata though. last year she bit allie, and escaped. and i had to catch her. for the full account, check last july's archives. i broke a nail, and was VERY unhappy about it.

the end. so bored. only one home. SO bored.


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