

just got home from work. good day. anthony and i demonstrated our inability to count... and anthony caused a thing of gravy to explode. v. exciting. made many pizzas. fun time had by all. got to see colin (tweedledum) but not jon (tweedledee) also found out i'm going to have to work til 1:30 on saturday (well, i actually offered, since there was craziness... but yeah). so, annnndrea... sorry! leaving at 1:30 instead of noon. i got us a bobble head for the ride to make it up to you...... i'm so amused that we're going to "detroit" because... we're actually going to like... EVERYwhere remotely near detroit. hee.

and as for alex. i didn't SAY that it was roger's guitar. now did i?? (i actually made stratocasters because i had a picture of a stratocaster and i made the drawing based on that.... because i have no idea what guitars really look like.... aside from the general shape...) also, i imagine roger's guitar isn't really three times as big as him... (it's mini roger.) maybe i won't give you your shrinky dinks now. huh, whaddaya think about THAT? aw, no, i wouldn't do that. besides, i even made roger with hair like yours, instead of spikes.

now, i'm home, and there's nooooo one here. and i'm sad and lonely *sniffle*

i need to make a who's who of work people now. bah. neverending, stupid who's who. i actually updated it quite a bit, but am too lazy to upload it, because smart ftp is a JERK. and wants to upload the first thirty two kb of everything... then stop. grrr.

am going to go watch a movie and prolly fall asleep. i'm QUITE tired after staying up talking to alex, and listening to everyone rant about the gaaaay draaaaaama. oh gurl.


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