my away message amuses me greatly. "*angst angst angst*" only, it's in the cutest pink font in the entire world. awww. *just checked the cc.com mail* dude, parents need to stop emailing us thinking we're curtis. i thought that the only people who did that were the moron teenyboppers... but apparently there are quite a few parents of young children who watch hi-5 who don't get that we aren't curtis!! aaaaaaagh.
lalala. kyle's right, i need to get some icons. but i'm lazy. bah.
i'm trying to find my joshua kobak cd. and i can't. and i'm sad. oh, hey, my cd player played my matt caplan cd earlier today. but it won't do it again. because it's a jerk. and josh's cd is apparently in hiding. eh.
ah ah!! oh my god! it just started playing! my matt cd!! aaaaah! yay!! < / teenybopper >
i wrote so much today. and i want to share it with someone. but i don't. because it's not that good. booo.
can't.... focus.... too.... hungry....
i'm so weird. i was discussing boys with a friend of mine.... and she was like "you're scary for boys." and i'm like "uh, why?"... "because you're beautiful, and just... so unapproachable sometimes..." she says this to me as i sit, unshowered, in sweats, hair in a pony tail, with mascara under my eyes.... spilling soup on myself. GUYS... if you don't approach me, stay away because i'm nerdy, and stupid, and weird and loud... and annoying. not because i seem "unattainable". for the love. *shakes head* boys. gah. maybe liz is right, maybe i should consider becoming a lesbian. (i AM so in love with the gelfling girlies at the bar. awwww. they're so darling. and punkish. aww punk. it's so cute.) and... boys... suck. so. yeah. if anyone wants to know WHY i am harboring so much man hatred, i will totally tell you. i just know that three of the boys who made me realize have the URL to here... and will totally come yell at me if i talk about them. and i want to avoid that. because i'm trying to avoid public drama.
*loving me some matt caplan*
lalala. kyle's right, i need to get some icons. but i'm lazy. bah.
i'm trying to find my joshua kobak cd. and i can't. and i'm sad. oh, hey, my cd player played my matt caplan cd earlier today. but it won't do it again. because it's a jerk. and josh's cd is apparently in hiding. eh.
ah ah!! oh my god! it just started playing! my matt cd!! aaaaah! yay!! < / teenybopper >
i wrote so much today. and i want to share it with someone. but i don't. because it's not that good. booo.
can't.... focus.... too.... hungry....
i'm so weird. i was discussing boys with a friend of mine.... and she was like "you're scary for boys." and i'm like "uh, why?"... "because you're beautiful, and just... so unapproachable sometimes..." she says this to me as i sit, unshowered, in sweats, hair in a pony tail, with mascara under my eyes.... spilling soup on myself. GUYS... if you don't approach me, stay away because i'm nerdy, and stupid, and weird and loud... and annoying. not because i seem "unattainable". for the love. *shakes head* boys. gah. maybe liz is right, maybe i should consider becoming a lesbian. (i AM so in love with the gelfling girlies at the bar. awwww. they're so darling. and punkish. aww punk. it's so cute.) and... boys... suck. so. yeah. if anyone wants to know WHY i am harboring so much man hatred, i will totally tell you. i just know that three of the boys who made me realize have the URL to here... and will totally come yell at me if i talk about them. and i want to avoid that. because i'm trying to avoid public drama.
*loving me some matt caplan*
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