
watch out bush administration... here i come.

Threat rating: Low. You are annoying, but too much
of a softy tree hugger to pose any threat to
the mighty machine of Republican progress. And
the FBI know where you live.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

you know what song the title got in my head.....? (watch out here i come.... you spin me right round baby, right round, like a record baby, right round round round...)

ralph (aka trey) and i are discussing the fall line. we're going to stick with the polka dots, but throw out the monkey fur.

laaaaa i just finished a picture and i want to scan it, but the scanner hates me because i called it a bunch of names the other day when it brooooke. dooot doo doo doo doot doo doo doo doot doo. (a cookie to anyone who knows what song that is...)

mmm, i want to make cookies. according to trey, the scanner, alex-from-detroit and i are going to form a sordid love triangle. who knew?

why does maureen have to wear such an ugly outfit for the finale?? i mean... i know that she's apparently toned down her drama queen ways... and that joanne's costume is showing how she's loosened up... yadda yadda... but not being a drama queen does not mean you have to wear an ugly outfit. (/random)

in trey and my conversation... i just murdered the scanner. uh oh.

i don't like this post, but i do. it's so random and pointless. but then again, most times.... so am i.

so, to get everyone up to speed... andrea and i are gossiping relentlessly, trey and i are thinking of a name for the soap opera we're writing about the love triangle, and renata and i are having a catfight, due to the fact that she kicked my folding chair while i was trying to pout. (what a bitch). also, i'm drawing some pictures and writing. (a rent fic. oh gurl. i haven't written one in like a year. and 'im totally not letting anyone read it. though, renata just asked, and i agreed to let her....) so, what do you think "the young and the electronic" or "the best buys of our lives" ... by ralph and donatella. we're gonna be famous.

publish in fifteen seconds.... 15...14...13...12...11...10..9...8...7...6...5..4.....3...2.......1


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