
wedding time...

i have to go to a wedding today. without a date. where two of my ex boyfriends will be. (thankfully neither of them is actually the person GETTING married...). bah. and i can't find my silver shoes. (look at the survey, things that annoy me... I TOLD you this happens all the time.) i'm going to have to go to the wedding in my really pretty purple dress without shoes. *hyperventilates*

i am kind of freaking out. i'm not sure why. well, i am. but, i'm not sure why it's making me freak out so much. i usually like weddings, because it's one of the only times i wear dresses. and i really like wearing dresses. i like wearing dresses even more if i have the shoes that i bought to go with them! maybe allison stole them.... (she's always stealing my shoes. but her feet grew over the last year, and now my shoes don't fit her. bwaha.) that reminds me... yesterday, i took allie to the mall so she could get some platform flip flops, like mine... and we're trying on shoes and such... and i realize... she's only about an inch shorter than me. when she tried my shoes on, she TOWERED over me. i was like "NOOOOOO. you're my LITTLE sister. stop it!"

awwww, alex! i love your new picture! and, i LOVE your shirt. (not to suggest that i love your shirt more than your picture. or you for that matter.... but it's a damn cool shirt. (it says "jesus is my homeboy" for everyone else who has no idea what i'm rambling about. oooh parentheses inside parentheses... nice.)) i so could have just emailed you that. eh.

i feel like dancing. but not dancing at studio. which isn't dancing so much as being smushed up against people on the packed dance floor. i want to like... do all the dances from grease! maybe i'll handjive at the wedding. that would make me look cool and feel better about being single. riiiiiiight. that's an excellent plan. (hehehe, i typed "exellent plant" THREE times before i got it right.)

and renata, aren't you honored that, of EVERYONE i know, i'd want to spend the rest of my life with you (if forced to choose right now, this very moment..)? you comment to say that you agree with me on the comments thing (which makes me SO mad, btw) but don't say a thing about me wanting to spend the rest of my life with you?! sheesh. fine. it's over! *slams down a folding chair and pouts during seasons of love b* (hey, do you remember when your mom asked if we were lesbians? ("renata, would you like a cookie? are you and megan having a lesbian relationship? are you sure? it's alright if you are, megan's such a nice girl. yes, whatever you say dear...")

ok, i'm going to go and do allison's hair. and read compulsivebowlers really quick. doh, that reminds me, i have a site to add to compulsivebloggers. aagh.


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