yay tom stoppard.
went to see the real thing at the university tonight. v.good. except, the girl playing annie, should have been playing charlotte, and the girl playing charlotte should have been annie. and it was PAINFULLY obvious. (see, the girl playing annie.... is the lead in freaking everything. i've seen her in SO many things. she's ok. but... the girl playing charlotte is new to the area, has this incredible resume, i've only seen her in one or two things, but she is unbelievable.) so. the guy playing henry, oh my god i totally know his name.... uhh, i'm too tired to walk downstairs and get the program, but i've seen him in tons of stuff too... anywho, he was WONDERFUL. it may just be that henry's my favorite character in like, the whole entire world.... but... really, if he fulfilled my expectatioins for what henry ought to be.... then he was pretty damn good. whenever he walked on stage, even in blackout, you could tell... he was so ON. like, no matter what, it was as though he was walking into or out of his home.... not like he was coming on stage, or exiting. very very nice. the girl playing debbie.... was... just... i don't know why she was cast. i mean, she was good. but she didn't fit the character at all. you could tell she was this sweet, nice, docile girl. who was pretending to be a rebel for the role. maybe i'm wrong... but if that's how it came across... it's still no good. but. wow, kristine as charlotte was so good. i would kill to see her as annie opposite the-guy-whose-name-i-can't-remember's (i think it's tom) henry.
all that said. i want to play henry in the real thing. lifes' so unfair. boys get all the good roles. *kicks boys*
my favorite section of the whole play.... (though, a close second is the "having all the words isnt' what it's all about" part, which *nina* has in her user info, gooo nina.) is TOTALLY when annie's leaving, and is late... and henry tells her that he CAN'T find a part of himself where she isn't important.... god, i love it. lemme find it, and i'll totally post it.
*edit, i found it. here..*
ANNIE: Tell me to stop and I'll stop.
HENRY: I can't. I'd just be the person who stopped you. I can't be that. When I got upset you said you'd stop so I try not to get upset. I don't get pathetic because when I got pathetic I could feel how tedious it was, how unattractive. I don't ask questions because that feels intrusive and a little vulgar. So. Dignified cuckoldry is a difficult trick, but it can be done. Think of it as modern marriage. We have got beyond hypocrisy, you and I. Exclusive rights isn't love, it's colonisation.
ANNIE: Stop it – please stop it. (Pause)
HENRY: The trouble is, I can't find a part of myself where you're not important. I write in order to be worth your while and to finance the way I want to live with you. Not the way you want to live. The way I want to live with you. Without you I wouldn't care. I'd eat tinned spaghetti and put on yesterday's clothes. But as it is I change my socks, and make money, and tart up Brodie's unspeakable drivel into speakable drivel so he can be an author too, like me. Not that it seems to have done him much good. Perhaps the authorities saw that it was a touch meretricious. Meretrix, meretricis. Harlot.
"I don't get pathetic because when I got pathetic I could feel how tedious it was, how unattractive"
i hear ya henry...
all that said. i want to play henry in the real thing. lifes' so unfair. boys get all the good roles. *kicks boys*
my favorite section of the whole play.... (though, a close second is the "having all the words isnt' what it's all about" part, which *nina* has in her user info, gooo nina.) is TOTALLY when annie's leaving, and is late... and henry tells her that he CAN'T find a part of himself where she isn't important.... god, i love it. lemme find it, and i'll totally post it.
*edit, i found it. here..*
ANNIE: Tell me to stop and I'll stop.
HENRY: I can't. I'd just be the person who stopped you. I can't be that. When I got upset you said you'd stop so I try not to get upset. I don't get pathetic because when I got pathetic I could feel how tedious it was, how unattractive. I don't ask questions because that feels intrusive and a little vulgar. So. Dignified cuckoldry is a difficult trick, but it can be done. Think of it as modern marriage. We have got beyond hypocrisy, you and I. Exclusive rights isn't love, it's colonisation.
ANNIE: Stop it – please stop it. (Pause)
HENRY: The trouble is, I can't find a part of myself where you're not important. I write in order to be worth your while and to finance the way I want to live with you. Not the way you want to live. The way I want to live with you. Without you I wouldn't care. I'd eat tinned spaghetti and put on yesterday's clothes. But as it is I change my socks, and make money, and tart up Brodie's unspeakable drivel into speakable drivel so he can be an author too, like me. Not that it seems to have done him much good. Perhaps the authorities saw that it was a touch meretricious. Meretrix, meretricis. Harlot.
"I don't get pathetic because when I got pathetic I could feel how tedious it was, how unattractive"
i hear ya henry...
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