

it's been forever since i updated.

and, DON'T worry, someone took my diet pills away while i was drunk. i have SOME smart friends. i think i know who it was... well, one of like, three people.

and if adam finds out, he'll kill me more than enough times... it'll make up for everyone else being too far away to kill me.

i had something to blog about, buy my comments distracted me.

OH!!! i got a part in rumors at city circle theatre (where we did rocky last year. yeah.) ANYwho, cassie cooper. i TOTALLY didin't think i had a chance at it... she's supposed to be like... late twenties. but, uh, we'll ignore the face that i look like... twelve. but, anyways, i'm SOOOOO excited. rehearsals start tomorrow. yay! so so so excited.

everyone needs to come see me!

also, love to stuart and marci and ara. i'm sure everything will be ok! scary, but... it'll be ok!

i've been listening to grease! alot lately. and i actually used the phrase "well that's just tough and a half" yesterday. and i was like "i must not do that again." but i bet i will.

oh hey, all of caleb's cds got stolen saturday night. WAY sad.

and adam has a sinus infection and is all sickly, also way sad.

also, i lost gabe's phone number, so i can't call him. we needed to discuss. but, it's difficult to discuss when drunk, or when i've lost his number. doh.

ok, i'm gonna go watch friends.


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