
holy cow!

what's all this new stuff.... blogger's crazy.... but still sucking when it comes to keeping up with me typing....

WOW... i can upload stuff through blogger without having to open smartftp and all that! yaaaaay! that's exciting.

so, what's gotten done on the to do list?

- put erin's link up
- put up my howard dean graphic
- figure out what kind of new layout i want
- ask kyle's erin if she has a website... put link up...
- do laundry
- change little side bar thingy... work .. sears
- vacuum bedroom
- learn how to spell vacuum (i looked it up in the dictionary ^_^)
- put away clean clothes
- get my clothes basket from allie

so that leaves....

+ MAKE new layout....
+ upload the three picture pages i made... like, three weeks ago. (on hold until downstairs computer is fixed...)
+ update the who's who.... (alex, tom, keisha, erik, kyle's erin, (which reminds me... of my next to do), thad, thaddeus, sam, chris... and some others)
+ get postcards for postcard circle. (at fun zone, next time i'm downtown)
+ watch spiceworld with adam (asap)
+ build something to hold all my shoes... (all designed, measured, just waiting for dad to build it...)
+ buy black pants (can wait)
+ move enormous pile of books from floor to bookshelf (again, added more books to pile, didn't actually put them away...)
+ audition for rumors. (thursday)
+ training at sears (thursday)
+ get a haircut (friday, 4:30)
+ make rent road trip plans... (not terribly pressing, just figure out schedule for indy will do with andrea this weekend!)

so. that's that. only one bold thing to do tonight!! my room is clean though! minus the big pile of shoes by the futon.... and the big pile of books by the desk... i just need to organize a few things, and it'll be beeeeeeeeaautiful. for now though, i have to go to the er and have them poke my foot for awhile. i HATE going to the ER alone.... it's so lonely and boring! *sob* anyone want to come keep my company? no? well, i hate you. make me go through this alone... *cries*

i told graham that i'd come downtown for awhile tonight, but i work at 11 tomorrow, so i don't know about that. maybe just til like...12. depends on who else is going out and about. i would really like to see adam, but i bet he won't be oot. due to way too much school. unless he took care of that... (i forgot to ask when he was fixing his school situation. boo.)

though, i'd also like to play some more secret of mana. but the damn werewolves keep killing me, and i can't get past them, and i was SUPPOSED to get captured by goblins... but... the stupid goblins never captured me, so now i have to fight the werewolves... and i only have two people in my party... and... *sob* it's haaaaard.

ok, to the ER i go. wish me luck.


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