
i have like, a million comments! (well, six...) and yes ben, i am for serious playing secret of mana. and erin #2, i knoooow your link's wrong! it's because i'm really stupid. i'll go fix it immediatly. (it's kyle's fault, his underscore got confused with the tilde... and... craziness ensued. *flail*)

i'm supposed to be at sears now... i guess, but they called me. and were like "come at five!" and i was like "but, you said eleven..." and they were like "ah, we lied. five." so, i'm gonna go in at five. woot five. oh, and dude, i talked to soomeone of UIHC this morning, and they called and told me when my appointment was... but they called at like, freaking eight am. and i totally DON'T remember when the appointment is. it's in the next like, week... doh. i'll have to call and ask.

went oot and partied last night due to the fact that i can drink again (yay my foot's getting better! either it's getting better, or i'm getting tougher. grrr) i had fun. though, i don't think too much of it could be attributed to drinking. i was just in a good mood, and a lot of my friends were out, and i can dance again (YAY) and.... woo. i ran into jason (caleb's friend) in the alley. and we discussed how caleb sucks because he didn't come out last night. it was a fascinating discussion. "man, caleb's at home" "aw, that sucks." "yeah" "yeah, stupid caleb."

what else did we do? went to gabe's (the bar, not ritter's....) to see rachel.. and a really loud band was playing. uuuhm, i think that was about all. i didn't drink that much, and at last call, i was refusing drink offers. i'm like "NOOOOOO i dont' waaaant anything else." "but you're not that drunk!" " i'm relaxed, and that's where i want to be, i don't WANT to be drunk! rawr"

i told terry i'd design a new logo for him. because we were talking. and he was like "design me a new logo!" and i was like "I HATE YOUR LOGO!" and he's like "yeah, me too. make me a new one." but, eh. there's no way to rival the old alley cat logo. man. i hate stupid studio 13, i want the alley cat back!

uh, i'll stop my random ranting... although, i guess that's all any of this really is... ah well, i really haven't gotten anything else done on my list ... i moved my haircut appt to 11:30 tomorrow morning though.... ok, i'm gonna go see my dad and caleb. byeee


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