

is the best unknown stuart song in the entire world.

i just listened to it like nine times in a row.

also, angel with two backs is GREAT. i LOVE that song. and, really, all stuart songs. yes.

if anyone wants to hear what i did saturday night, feel free to ask me... but i'm not blogging about it, because it was not very intelligent. (but, i've seen what iowa city looks like from several rooftops...)

also, i divulged a lot of information to peope that i didnt' want to know... stuff. doh. i work so hard to hide things. then i go and tell everyone my business. and apparently derek was really mean to me? who told me that? maybe derek did. today, when he was being mean to me. i should have kicked him. who else was i gonna kick? i told patrick about it... i was like "i hate her. i'm just gonna be like "come here so i can kick you in the face."" patrick doubted how effective that would be... but he took some pictures of me laying on his bed looking all sad and sick. (p.s. i have a HORRIBLE cold, and i blame adam.)

i have to go to bed, because i work tomorrow. i've been sitting downstairs here listening to stuart and bree sharp for like, an hour. i gotsa get some sleep.


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