

well. i'm blogging because i'm waiting for ben to get off work. when he does we're gonna move everything. woot! hopefully we're gonna move everything.... we shall see how successful this endeavor is.

i think ivy's gonna be way pissy because she wants me to drive her to a couple places, and help her move her clothes. but this is my like... only chance to get a lot of my stuff (desk, tables, etc etc etc) moved. especially since i actually have help. and hey. i'm bringing her a bed, so she needs to not whine. (especially since it's mine and i'm letting her use it.)

or maybe she won't be. hopefully. i'm grouchy enough for both of us right now. i'm not gonna get to see stuart tonight... due to the fact i'm moving, and exhausted, and broke, and it's at the yacht club.... (i cannot see him there, it gets SO croweded... i had a panic attack last time.... it was not good.) i'll try to say hey to him if i get a chance... which i hope i do.... if it were at the mill i'd be there in a heartbeat. stupid yacht club. stupid... so much to do. i have to be memorized for rumors by tomorrow. which isn't a problem, but i wanna work on my lines for awhile tonight. i don't wanna have to be calling for lines every five seconds.

AND i cannot find my damn wallet. shit. *sigh*

i hate being in a bad mood. working forty hours a week makes me depresssed and grouchy... welcome to the rest of my life. ugh.

oh, but nina sent me and email and it made my day. i love nina.

what ALSO just made my day.... is the new website for sackers. www.sackersmovie.com woot. i know it's not a link, bite me, i'm laaaaazy


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