
ok, i'm talking to ben online now, but i'm gonna call him in a minute. this moniter is ready to explode apparently. does anyone out there know what to do if your g-4 moniter keeps overheating and shutting itself off?

and hey, emily aaaaaaaaanne. you are the most matched person with me so far!! even more then ben! *gasp*

no rehearsal today. because we're crazy, and dont' feel like rehearsing RIGHT BEFORE WE OPEN *deep breath* but, derek and i went to biaggi's (is that how it's spelled?) in cedar rapids.... and it was sooooooo good. it was a late birthday dinner, then we wen t to daredevil. it was ok.

i think matthew lilliard's character just died in thirteen ghosts. i hope not, i love him.

goddamn this moniter. i have to go.
i'm watching thirteen ghosts. and i forgot to call ben. shit.


yeah, i know that says "just for your" and not "just for you." bite me.

i hate this show, i hate boys, i hate school, i hate everything. grr.

i definitely just cried all my eye makeup off... the rest of my make up is on my phone, and on my pillow. but, i'd just like to say that derek is a wonderful friend. i really never would have expected him to be.... a friend like he has proven himself to be... um. yes. ok, enough of me being sappy. i get sappy after i get hysterical.

i'm going to go to sleep. or maybe watch some more friends. i just.... feel.... so crappy.

< southern accent > i am a trailer park princess, the best white trash has to offer!


hey kids! (hey tim! i'm blogging JUST for yooour)

i'm writing to you from the living rooom of my neeeeeew house! brad just unplugged the tv.... and plugged it in again.... and unplugged it..... now it's in again. i dunno what he's doing over there.... so. here's the deal. i've moved. to the trailer park. so serious. but, it's the nice trailer park. the brand new "manufactured housing development" and our trailer is awesome. it's three bedrooms, and brad and i live here. (brad as in.... sandy crevasse... the drag queen, from the show, remember?)

my room is neato. it's the little room, because i'm po' and can't afford to live in the luxury of the big room. we don't have a third roommate, so if you wanna live with me, here's your chance!! oh oh oh! we might get a webcam. and put it up in the living room, so you can see me sitting here typing if you want! yay!

rehearsal took forever tonight, but i will not bitch and moan, i will be nice. but, RAWR.

i love macs. i'm on a mac right now (it's brad's, i haven't hooked my computer up yet...) kayla's here, she's gonna spend the night. yay!

so... updates in my life... dating gabe. who i've known since fourth grade... (for iowa city people..... this is gabe.... as in mariah's brother, and big football person from west high.... crazy shit man, crazy shit. .... i'd say his last name, but i dont' want people all finding it searching for him.......) but, it rocks.

h2$ opens friday. AAAAAAAH!

okie, i gotta go. buh bye.


hey. so i haven't been posting much.... because i'm in the middle of moving. surprise!

i have a hella lot of stuff to do, and test tonight, and dress rehearsal tonight.... and AH!

ok. i'm gonna get going. ^_^ bye! i'll try to post more tonight though!



so, after that post i DID decide to go to gabe's house. it was a good choice. we watched margaret cho. "are yoooou gaaaaaaaay?" oh my god, i'm gonna order that shirt.... if i can find it. (see, there are margaret cho shirts..... and one of them just says "are you gay?" aaaahahaa. i guess you have to see it.)

i'm doing laundry right now. and i made a gigantic pile of clothes to give to goodwill (what's funny is... a lot of the sweaters i GOT from goodwill.... like forever ago.) and i sorted my clothes into "wear ALL the time." for like.... the jeans and sweatshirts that i tend to wear like.... three days in a row. and into dressy stuff that i won't wear very much. and dressy stuff that i'll wear to work all the time.... and casual nice stuff i should wear more often.... and scrubby stuff that i like but really should never be worn in public. (ask to see my favorite jeans sometime..... they are hardly even jeans anymore. they're liike..... the waistband and some rags.) or my old sailor moon shirts. which i love. but are like.... disintegrating. yes. so that's what i did with my morning once i got home.

sidenote: gabe gets ready in the morning faster than anyone in the entire world. he got up at 8:50 (by his clock.... which is like..... 20 minutes fast.....) and was ready to walk out the door at 9:08. in those 18 minutes... i had sat up..... found my socks.... and that was about it. i was fully dressed so i didn't really have much getting ready to do except get my socks. which i did. though, while i was driving home.... i noticed that i had a bag with pajamas and clean clothes in my car. because i generally try to have a bag with my stuff in it. because i so rarely sleep at home. but i'm a dork and i always forget i have it.

yesterday i would have killled someone for a mcdonalds sausage biscuit.... and when i was driving home today i wa slike "hmmm... i could get one..." but i decided not to. *pause* i think i'd actually be ok living in the dorms... because i'd never be home. though.... see.... i need a private bathroom. i couldn't handle the bathroom situation. not at all. ok, so i guess i couldn't handle living in the dorms.

i'm listening to elvis costello. spooky girlfriend. dude. stu should do this song. "she says 'are you looking up my skirt?', when you say 'no', she says 'why not?'" i LOVE this song.

hmmmm. i was just like "dude, i'm done with everything for today!" but.... i forgot i work at 1. dammit all. actually, it's ok. i just need to go early enough to eat a sandwich at panera. otherwise i'm like.... famished by the end of my shift. okie. i'm gonna go get dressed and redo my hair, because i tried a hat on and messed it up.
i was feeling all gross at rehearsal, but then i ate a piece of cake and felt better. maggie bitched at me, so i threw cookie crumbs on the floor so she'd have to clean them up when she goes to tidy at the end of rehearsal.... *hangs head* oh well. then maggie was like.... hitting on me and breeze. and we were frightened.

rehearsal didn't make me want to die as much as i thought it would. there were still suicidal thoughts, don't get me wrong... but it's getting better. though.... the show itself.... like, the script.... sucks. i mean.... the first act is like.... four hours. and the second is like.... twenty minutes. well... maybe more like... hour and half, and 45 minutes.... but.... bah.

i'll stop bitching, i'm sorry.

i just got chicken soup in my ear. *sigh* it's tough being me.

worked today.... did i say that in the last post? well, i worked, and mike stopped in and gave me $ for him and the kismet's tickets to "H two dollarsign" as they call it.

and what's this i hear about rob being here between march 10 and 20th? hmmmm. the kismet needs to call me when she gets home from the stu love in boulder. rob to the power of three also needs to call me. because i miss him terribly. *sniffle*

i was gonna go to gabe's (as in.... gabe's house, not gabe's.... the nasty bar downtown...) but.... i decided to stay home and do homework and get soup in my ear instead. it was a good choice. i'm going to bed now, because i went to bed at like.... 4am last night.... and got up at 9.... and had a highly busy day. and i have class tomorrow.... but i cannot for the life of me remember what classes..... aside from philosophy.

hm. any other news? *thinks* my foot's asleep. derek leaves for las vegas tomorrow at four o clock in the am. i just watched the friends where they go to las vegas and ross and rachel get married. wouldn't it be cool if derek got married in las vegas? he's really the type to get married when drunk. and forget about it until a day or two later. *thinks some more* i bought some new graph paper today. i work 1-5 tomorrow (what's with these four hour shifts?) .... so.... class 10:30-12:20 .... work 1-5 .... rehearsal 6:30-forever..... no.... prolly 11:30. then.... maybe to s13 to see the male dancers? maybe home. to nap (since barby was like "don't go party! ever again!" only.... maybe a little nicer and saner. though.... she is a touch high strung lately....) maybe i'll come home and sleep... not nap. since little naps are all i do anymore. oh well, i dig it.

gooodnight kids!


ah, so many comments! let's see. ben, i knew how matched we are because they send me an email everytime someone i know takes the test. i don't know how they know, they're just so smart over there at rum and monkey that they just KNOW! i love it.

my stomach hurts. it may be because i just ate like... a weeks worth of food. blaaaah.

this guy i sorta kinda know won amateur night last night. his real name's beau. and i think his drag name is asia... something or other. but yeah. so, i had to meet people at s13, because i stupidly assumed that we wouldn't have rehearsal until 11:00. so i ended up leaving early..... but whatever. dude. i want to quit. but i won't.

anywho. much fun was had by all. gabe came for like.... a few minutes. but he had to do a gigantic project.... so he had to go home to spend all night working. and we would go to a movie tonight if i didn't have to rehearse for a show that is oppening in a week and isn't even 100% choreographed/blocked.... pirate dance anyone? fuck me, but i am going to cry on opening night. please don't come opening night. come the next weekend. bah. someone from icct's gonna read this and yell at me for being negative.... but dude.... just.... dude.... *trails off*

i'm super stressed. i have a big huge gigantic psychology test, and i'm going to have to miss monday night's rehearsal for it. prolly only the first half hour.... but.... still. fuck fuck fuck. i wonder if i can be anymore vulgar in this post?

i don't think there's anything that's been massively pissing me off, or i'd be MUCH more vulgar. oh dude, this guy at hot topic today... (i was there buying pins. i got one that i love.... "i'm not shallow, i just don't like ugly people" it makes me feel bad though. because it is bad. shame shame.) aaaaaanywho. he hit on me for like.... 20 minutes, while i desperatly tried to leave without being like "dude, you're a loser." he walked me all the way out to the parking lot (i was like "oh, is that so? *several steps towards the door*" "really? wow, i never knew.... *few more steps*" but he managed to follow me. i just wasn't sneaky enough.)

this is really random, but it amused me.... so ha. derek showed me the valentine his mom sent him... and it's like "son, happy valentines!" (only the "o" in son was a heart....) then, in parentheses under that, it was like "see how we made the "o" into a heart?!?!" and on the inside it was like "don't worry, you'll be just as clever and witty at our age" and i was really amused. in hindsight, that's not THAT funny. but i guess you had to be there, because it WAS very funny. or maybe i'm just a dork. speaking of being a dork, i need to change my voicemail (i change it like.... daily.)

i'm listening to moulin rouge, the second cd. the credits song. (erin knows which one...) and i LOVE it.

i am gonna go get ready for rehearsal. because.... ugh. i have to. rehearsal makes me hate my life.


thus far, ben is the most perfectly matched with me. (awwwwwww)

studio 13 tonight kids! open mic/amateur night! yay!

i have rehearsal now. booo.

and tim, i was referring to maggie being pissy. though that comment was pretty pissy, bitch. ^_~

nyaaah. i'm gonna put my hair up (i need a hair cut SO badly...) and go to pick up kayla. byee!
I'm a generally unfuckwitted, liberal, tight as fuck, relatively well adjusted human being!
See how compatible you are with me!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
dude. google bought blogger. crazy shit.

i'm listening to madonna. i LOVE madonna.

today: got up at like...10:00. went to work (12-5). actually, i stopped at the bank, for some important banking. then i went to work. worked with tara all day, we had boy talk, in between the HUGE rushes of people. holy cow. like.... was there no school somewhere? because like, nine groups of little pre teens came in and pretended they had the bodies to wear the clothes we carry. whatever.... then this woman and her four children came in. and she shopped while her children DESTROYED everything in sight. i was ready to club them to death. seriously. i have never hated a child as much as i hated these children. ooh! erica and her new boyfriend stopped by. and bought all sorts of nice clothes. erica is gonna look so hot at her new job. mike and someone stopped by for a minute, but i was doing shipment. oh, which reminds me. i had a HUGE amount of rubber bands on my wrists from unpacking stuff, so at rehearsal i used them to shoot TJ during the board room scene. then scott and breeze and i got in a giant rubber band fight. there was some drama in the parking lot before rehearsal. ooooh drama.

rehearsal.... aaaah i'm so scared. this show is NOT ready. i have no idea what barby's talking about when she's like "we're ahead of schedule!" because we ARENT. opening night is going to come.... and act I will still be like.... four hours long. whereas act II is like..... a half hour. what the fuck?! aaaaah! and no one has costumes. though, today.... breeze and i found out we get to have matching dresses! (we're the twins.... i' ma twin again! ha! anywho... see, we are the same size.... and look alike, so we're finch's assistants, and w'ere the pirate girls.... and we're just generally together ALL the time. so we get to match.)

everyone seems to expect me to be able to lift up giant office desks by myself, but i can't, because i'm weak as all hell. but, everyone gets all pissy when i can't do it! aaagh!

brad bought us all rings for when we're sinateers. they're enormous. mine's a big huge rhinestone heart. since i'm lust. kayla's wrath.... michelle's pride.... miriam's envy.... uhm.... steffani is.... uh.. sloth! tim's gluttony.... thang's greed... yeah. i think that's all of them. and brad is CAPTAIN SIN!

i'm talking to ben, because i LOVE ben! benbenbenbenben!

also... ah! i have a boyfriend. ah! *runs away*


fuck it all.

but it's all good. i'm alright. rock on.

i work tomorrow. 12-4. wooooo!

i'm really tired.


i'm writing my paper now. since it's actually due. boooo. i fucking hate interp of lit. i think if my TA wasn't a moron, i wouldn't despise it so much. but i literally loathe my TA. aah well.

my birthday was fun.... even though tim and thang and kayla didn't come. though tim had promised he would.... bitter, party of one... oh well, at least i looked hot. (it's kinda crappy when the best thing about your birthday was "i looked hot")

i worked today. woooooo! the mall was SO busy! aaah! crazy. we were understaffed, but it was ok. i did dressing rooms all day, and let me say.... that some people are jerks. yeah, i think it's cool if you leave everything you tried on balled up in the corner when there's a big line waiting for rooms. you're not a bitch or anything. but it's ok because i love rebecca and tara.

i'm going out tonight. because i'm a dirty dirty whore. (that's apparently my new nickname. i got several birthday cards that were to dirty dirty whore. i didn't go out last night though. but derek did! and called me! at 2:30 in the am. and woke me up. and i was QUITE grouchy. and couldn't fall back asleep for along time. but he sang me a song, so maybe i'll consider forgiving him. since... calling someone at 2:30 to sing them a song is something i'd do.

i'm really cold. and i apologize for the lack of interesting posts lately. sorry! i'm REALLY cold. sheesh! it happened all of a sudden too. i'm wearing a tank top, because i'm going to s13, and it's always so fucking hot in there.... they're also always playing madonna.... and I'M playing madonna.... AND it's hot in here! (well, it was) anywho, my room was at studio13 conditions.... (aside from the lack of dancing and drag queens) but now it's not and i'm cold. i don't even think i want to wear this tonight. bah. ok, i'm gonna go now. byee


nic's in town! but i'm staying home. because i am TIRED. because last night was a big ol birthday celebration at studio 13. i have SO much to post about, but i'm soooooo sleepy, and i work tomorrow. which reminds me.... i need to change "work" and "age" on the side bar thingy..... yeah. like that'll happen...


dude, my paper's not due til monday. gooodnight!
it was the friends where joey is supposed to be on law and order, but they cut his scene. so he makes the video of him in the hallway and pretends it's in the show so his grandmother doesn't find out he wasn't on tv.

jane widness was the first person to wish me happy birthday. she wins!! then kismet, then ben, then skanky (sorry brian i said you were three, you were four....) then michael, then paulina, then bryan. i feel so loved! awww!!

except for.... i'm all sad because ben's in north carolina. oh, excuse me, my boyfriend is in north carolina ^_~ mwaaaah i love you ben!

so. tonight... studio13. be there or be square. people coming (or at least have claimed tthat they're coming...) from h2$: breeze, tim, thang, jenn, miriam, bradman .... from.... random: brian (skanky), keith (keeeth), michael, jenna, *thinks* um.... some other people? i can't remember.

ohmygod ohmygod! i didn't tell you what brad said he got me for my birthday.... *drumroll* at tattoo! i'm gonna get my cow jumping over the mooon!!!!! aaah!!

i fucking need to finish my paper for interp of lit. it's hardly even a real paper. bah.


holy comments batman!

as for the double comments... i dunno if ben is really milking it that much, or if my comments suck (both are VERY possible, so it's tough to tell.) ben and i discussed earlier how amusing he is. which is VERY amusing. to me and him at least. ah, new person who is also mike.... welcome! and mike who is michael.... hi! and such. aah. i'm tired.

we won open stage last night! go us! money money! yay!! fetish party tomorrow!!! (note: house of love is RIGHT NOW. but i'm not there because i apparently got some sort of terrible illness just in time for my birthday. wooooo. hoooo.) i'm writing a response paper for interp of lit (fuck you fuck you fuck you *kills interp of lit and interp of lit's aloof jerk TA* .... and kind of cleaning. more organizing. i'm also missing friends! ah! *goes to watch friends* be back later...


oh, also... didn't mention this. i quit panera.

i am now an assistant manager at rue 21 in the mall. wooo!

so, if you are one of those people who doesn't call me when they want to talk to me, but chooses to "bump into" me while i'm at work... please note that i am no longer at panera, and you will have to walk a whole thirty feet more to rue. but yeah. it fuckin rocks.

blaaah. *leaves*
*sob* someone commented that they'll hang out with me on friday.... but didn't sign their comment. so i have no idea who it is. i would guess abi or pavlina..... but i'm not sure. so, ifyou commented on my last post, you need to tell me who you are.

friday night. fetish party. i really want people to come!! since i'm not having a party, i really want my friends (all like...two of them...) to come out with me. la la la. please please please. if you are single, or whatever, or hate valentines day.... come hang out with me so i don't feel all sad, and get all drunk and embarrass myself or something equally stupid.

so, tomorrow. you also need to come to studio thirteen (i'm such a bar ho.) michelle and steff and i are doing our thing tomorrrow for open stage. starts at 10, but we're gonna go last.... so 10:30ish. it's gonna be fucking awesome, we worked everything out today.... and it's AWESOME.

rehearsal tonight... i want to scream and cry and throw things. the women did not need to be called. we didn't do anything alll night. grr. please find a way to waste more of my time. really, i would love that.

i have been REALLY depressed about my birthday and valentines day... REEEEALLY depressed. i'm dreading it. up until this week, i've been SO excited. all "my birthday's coming!!!" and now i'm like "*sob* i hate my life." whenever valentines is mentioned. oh well, i'm gonna look so fucking hot in my little outfit on friday. if i really wanted a guy, i could definitely walk my ass over to the s(c)ummit and pick up some frat boy. but i'm going to the gay bar to avoid that kind of thiing ^_^ though...i've defnitely had my share of straight boys at s13. whatever.

grrrrr valentines day.


so. this week.

monday: hey that's today! happy manic monday everyone! ok. monday, class from 9:30-12:20 ... then did some rue21 stuff. now doing nothing. voice lesson 3:30-4, then nothing til rehearsal at 6:30. then that goes til like.... 10. then i'm coming home and going to sleep in MY bed. (since i haven't been in my bed for like.... three nights.

tuesday: no class on tuesday!! wooooohoooooo! so, nothing until 6:30 rehearsal. though, i need to go buy a slip to wear on wednesday. and i'll prolly go to rue 21, because i have paperworky stuff to do.

wednesday: class all fucking day. blaaaaaaaah. then, open stage at studio 13. that's at 10. come see me! seriously, if you're in iowa city, i think cover's $2. steff and michelle and i are so excited. (but i think we may postpone it til next wed. since there are apparently a BUNCH of people who are gonna go for open stage this wed... johnny (well, he was augusta when he was suggesting it... so...) augusta keeps suggesting that i strip for open stage. but i'm gonna go with no. i made a dollar last night, just dancing. yay slutty dancing.....

thursday: rue 21. rehearsal 6:30-10. house of love drag show at studio 13.

friday: MY BIRTHDAY!! whee!! i don't have ANY plans. boo. this is gonna be the first year i haven't had a party, and the first year since like.... 8th grade... that erin and i haven't had a party. *sniffle* but it's ok! why am i always single on valentines day? i hate valentines day as a birthday. "bitter, party of one" oh well. fetish party at studio 13 (i dunno though.... three days in a row?? i bet i'll go though. no cover if you're in pajamas or dressed as a fetish ^_^ i'm going for the brittany "baby one more time" look.)

saturday: rehearsal

sunday: tech work (then, monday starts our panic time for H2$.... this friday is two weeks off of opening... eek!)

alright, that's all. nic and i are discussing our favorite drag queens. so i'm gonna go do that. because i dont' have anything else to blog about.


ok, so i'm deleting my post from last night. a quick overview if you missed it. kayla and me and everyone got quite sloshed, kayla and i kissed, we discussed how i don't wear underwear, so kayla tooks hers off too and put them in her pocket (not picket...) i cannot type when drunk, and am generally incoherent. however, last night was quite fun.

that's all... i'm off for now. ^_^


i'm at tim's. his calender is a karate ferret, and i don't like this keyboard.

we just watched the tape of kayla and i oatmeal wrestling. it was HILARIOUS. tonight was amateur open mic night at studio 13. brad fucking kicked ass as "sandy crevasse" he rocked so so so so much. he's going on this sunday too. he got invited back!! aaah!!

also, steff and me and michelle and derek (surprise michelle and derek! they totally don't know that we volunteered them for this) are going to dance and lip synch to toucha touch me next wed. so, if you are in iowa city, come see me dancing around in my slip and bra and check out the unclothed derek, and the dykey action with michelle and steff. 10 o clock at studio 13, cover is $3. we're SO excited.

oooh! at studio 13 tonight, tim was a drag elf. he had to pick up all brad's tips and take care of him. johnny (augusta) was fucking awesome. he (she) did "all the good men are gay" and something else....i totally don't remember. johnny is so fucking funny. "mary you need to stop smoking that crack pipe!!" she calls everyone mary ... ooooh augusta... "bitch i will beat you like the kmart hooker!" "i will fucking slap you like a redheaded stepchild!"

we have to go because we're holding up the sex. and we wouldn't want to do that.


blogger... you are a bitch for not publishing things.

open mic/amateur drag night at studio 13 tonight. we'll be there. kayla and i are fag hags and proud of it. ("fag hags are the backbone of the gay community, you'd all be fucking lost without us!" it's so true). we're going because brad (not derek, but bradman) is doing drag tonight, so come on down and show your support!!


i am oh-so-covered in oatmeal. why am i covered in oatmeal you ask? because kayla and i were wrestling in a wading pool of oatmeal. why were were wrestling in a pool of oatmeal? to see if the groundhog was right about winter. he wasn't. if you missed seeing us wrestling in oatmeal, it will be rebroadcast at 8 on friday on patv channel 18. seriously.

watched margaret cho again tonight. at thang's. good times.

i think we upset his downstairs neighbor though.

and thang and i are going to davenport to see rent on march 3rd. feel free to join us.

i'm going to bed because i have rue 21 stuff at 11, tech theatre stuff at 1, lunch with thang at 3, rehearsal at 6:30.

today was really awful at first, but panned out to be ok. just ok though. however, life will return to wonderfulness. eventually.

my TA for psychology is a stuart fan, and is apparently on the monktalk list. guess that means no more skipping psych discussion.

speaking of classes.... fuck you interp of lit. ... fuck you in the ass. i hate you more than life itself.


and by the way... my fingernails look fucking awesome. acrylics. did them myself, and it was cheap and they rock.

drag show tonight was.... eh.

amateur night is wednesday, bradman is definitely doing it. we'll all be there supporting him.

oh, and everyone who totally said they'd be there tonight.... and didn't come.... you're fired and i hate you.
i definitely just smoked three cigarettes.


but i feel better.

still.... ew.


i totally know that there should have been a comma there rob. i was in an irate hurried mood and when it finally published, iwas like "i dont' want to go back and edit that... and even if i did, i bet it wouldnt' make a difference. grr."

i got so totally trashed last night. it was bad. it was fun. but bad. we went to a big icctheatre party and brenton and i had like... three separate heart to heart talks. while sitting and smoking. eew. the only time i ever smoke is when drunk. because smoking and drinking fit together so well, because they're both so BAD. blaaah.

rehearsal today was great up until the point when i passed out. then it wasn't so much great as kind of melodramatic and not fun. they weren't going to let me drive home. but they did.... and now i'm gonna eat something (and drink some water) before i call derek back and we go to see chicago (FINALLY... how long have i been trying to see this goddamn movie?!)

i'm still a wee bit dizzy. i'm so not drinking like i did last night, then not eating. i so brought this on myself.