
i am soooooo sorry it has been forever since i blogged. many many apologies. i'll try my best to recap what's beeen up.

thursday: from like... 9-11:30, there was crazy drama while i talked to everyone in the WORLD trying to get tickets set up for me and kayla. thursday is also the last time i saw derek. aw. i miss him muchly. well, kayla and i left iowa city at like.... 2. so we were behind schedule (my fault) then, there was crazy construction that we had to navigate through (and a terribly confusing detour. boo) but then all was well. we stopped at mcdonalds in galesburg, because it seems like i ALWAYS stop at mcdonalds in galesburg. we had snack size fruit and yogurt parfait things. they were reeeally good. yay dollar menu! so we got to normal, found the theatre, no thanks to renata's crazy directions (right vs. left was a fairly big issue). the people in line got tickets, kayla and i sat on a couch and i made mean observations about people walking by. then we went to ming's wok, where i almost had a panic attack waiting in line for the buffet. because there were SOOOOO many people. and i didn't even waaant the buffet *sniffle* but i calmed down, and it was all ok. i called derek when we got there, because i wanted to tell him about the terrible news i'd gotten earlier (which i will discuss in a minute.... i just know that if i talk about it now... this post will be liek "i've been wanting to blog all this for so long, and now i'm too sad to.) uh, anyways.... called derek, left a voicemail, he called back and i missed it, so i called him back .... and i think left another voicemail (yeah i did, because i had food in my mouth when it beeped and i panicked.) then he finally called me and i answered. but then the waitress took away a piece of pie right as renata and i were about to finish it, and craziness ensued at the table, and i had to go. then, to the theatre, where i wanted to have another panic attack due to the SWARMS of people. and the satanic ushers. and general craziness (i got yelled at for not liking guy (who plays mark) these girls heard me be like "i dunno why, but i don't like him" to renata... and they're like "MARK'S OUR FRIEND, DON'T SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HIM" and i was scared. and oooh ooh! i had an ecounter with amber (kyle... i didn't take a picture, i'm sorry. i'll take one i milwaukee, i promise) anywho, i asked if there was an understudy board, and she just stared at me. and i'm like "well, i know there is one somewhere, but it's usually by the merch booth... do you know where it is. and she stared at me for like.... ten seconds, and was like "no." and turned around. i was sooo confused. yes. the show: it was.... eh. i didn't like guy olivieri as mark at all. i don't know why. everyone else liked him, and he was good (i know he was goood.... but i didn't like him.... ) alison burns as maureen.... looked JUST like debra. it was so weird. (i realize most of you don't know debra.... but alison looks ALOT like her, especially with her hair cut the way it was. uh, what else? DJ dropped the squeegee during "on the street" and i was SO amused. he's SUCH a ham as the squeegee guy. oh my god, and he does the cutest thing ever before he starts to dance during LVB. he's all taking orders and running around, then he stops and looks around for his boss, puts his pen and order pad away and starts dancing like crazy. i loved it. the reversed steve and paul thing confuses me (like.... steve used to be the fuzzy hat guy, and paul was the waiter. but now steve is the squeegee man and waiter and will i solo, and paul is the fuzzy hat guy, and paul in life support (duh) and it's crazy. there was drama after the show, but then it was ok, and we went to steak and shake and had inappropriate disucussions. and del cracked me up. oooh she is soooo hilarious. renata too "today for you, tomorrow for your mom" del laughed so hard she had to stop the car. theeen kayla and i drove home in the middle of the night. and had heart to heart discussions about everything in the world (we did this again last night before falling asleep.)

friday: got up at 1 and went to my dad's then took allison when she got home from school. i'm going to be babysitting allison a LOT for the next week or so. that's really all i did on friday during the day. oh! i ran into brian and sue gilbert, and they told me that they're planning a rocky horror party! yaaaaay! then i took allie home at 9:30. then kayla and brad and i met at studio 13 for the longest drag show ever. and gabe was there, and boy did drama ensue. we talked, then we played video games, and left a whole bunch of high scores "g and m" and "gabe is hot" "megan is hot" etc. then, i yelled at him and told him he was a jerk, and i hate him. and he told me that it wasn't his fault, and blah blah blah, and was all trying to get me to settle down, and i was like "no, i'm not going to, how can i even consider giving you another chance when you're apparently seeing two other girls, you can't even take the time to call me....and admittedly, it's not like i had a perfect relationship waiting for me when i figured out you were a jerk.... but at least i can be spending my time with someone who cares about more than himself." i was quite mad. so, we talked in the corner for a LOOOONG time. and i was like.... very angry at him for being a jerk. tim kept saying that he thought i was going to go home with gabe, and i was really insulted. because i wouldn't do that. grr. ah!! oh my god! i called to leave derek a voicemail, to tell him i had closure, and had told gabe what i think if of him (oh, and it was going to be short!) and then he answered, and i felt TERRIBLE (i mean, i already felt terrible, the whole yelling at gabe thing made me feel pretty bad) but i felt SO much worse waking derek up, and i prolly woke mike up too... since theyr'e in a hotel.... aah. i'm sor terrible. ugh. i freaked out about it for a little while, then i called dusty and told him how grouchy gabe made me. and disscussed rent in milawaukee!! which will rock!!! then we got home and i told kayla eeeeeverything, then we had a deep meaningful discussion about religion, and another deep discussion about boys in general.... then we had some pizza, then we went to bed.

saturday: i just got up. and nothing's happened.... so.... i'll just sort of put this out there.... just so you know, if i disappear for a bit... where i'll be. well. thursday morning, i found out my godmother died. i have two godmothers, there was auntie pat, and gramma dayton, and they were both people who were very very close to our family. well, pat died last year from breast cancer, and now gramma dayton. the funeral is monday morning, so i will prolly be gone all of monday. then, thursday night, while we were at mings, my dad called to tell me that my grandpa grave (my mom's dad) is having a triple bypass surgery on friday.... apparently he's been having chest pains, and the doctor he goes to misdiagnosed it as something minor, but it's not, it's something huge. so, he had like... an eight hour surgery yesterday, and it ended up being a quadruple bypass... and he made it through surgery which no one thought would happen.... and now he just has to get off the respirator and breathing again, and he'll prolly be ok. my mom is going to be up in souix falls for the next like.... week and a half. so, i have to be watching allie all the time (tara was like "she's 11, she doesn't need a babysitter!" because i couldn't work for her because i was watching al, but.... seriously, my dad is NEVER home, is she just supposed to take care of herself? what? for a week? um.... no. but i have hella hours this week.... so this should be interesting... ) so. that's that. i'm off to work now kids. i'll be home in 11 hours. wooohoo.


bloomington IS having a regular rush line! aaaaaaah!

i called kayla, because this drastically changes plans. *flail* and now i need to call renata as soon as kayla lets me know whether or not she can get off work early.... as in not work at all. aaah! *freak out*

and i think i may not go see bree sharp.... aah craziness...

and at some point the entire rocky cast needs to email chad and tell him he cannot leave for florida without giving us our photos and such. i really want those pictures.... because there's a really sexy one of me (granted, i'm making a sexy face while holding a cracker with turkey and cheese... it's like "look at me and my cracker. rawwr, you want me" but i still want it.)

brad doesn't think our house is a mess.... but it really is.... but, he apparently has a guy who owns a cleaning service, who advertises with him on the radio... so he's gonna come clean. yay! now all i need is a bed, to put my neat underbed clothing holders under. it's difficult for them to be all space effiecient when i don't have an under the bed. alas. i'm off. bye!
i moved my bookcase all by myself today. i took everything off of it, "carried" (dragged) it down stairs, put it in my car (kind of) and drove it to my new house (trailer). then carried (dragged) it up the front steps and into my room! yay me! all went well, except for the minor dent in the wall at my (old) house. but, i figure it's not a big deal, because i mean... caleb ran a floor sander into the wall and left a MUCH bigger dent.

rent on thursday!! yay!!

i got so much done today. and i worked! yay! i love being productive! after i was done being productive, and working, and all that... i decided to take a bubble bath before showering (i do this alot. take a bubble bath, then take a shower.... it's a good deal, it lets me deep condition my hair and shave my legs.... then i take a shower and it's just so great.) anywho. so, i finish my shower, and my phone rings, and it's derek, and i'm like "aaah hang on!" so i dried off the right side of my head so i wouldn't get my phone all wet.... then i thought i heard someone at the door, then my battery died. so i went to see who was at the door, and to plug my phone in. then there wasn't anyone at the door. so i went back to dry off before calling derek back. then i heard someone at the door AGAIN! and there wasnt' anyone there! and at this point, i still thought i was imagining the knocking at the dooor. after a few more times, i was like "grrr!" so i opened the door again (i was totally in just a towel for this, it was so bad.) and was like "stop it! aah!" then, i waited by the door so i could pull it open right when they knocked. and it was derek!! and i was sooooo confused. he gets a lot of enjoyment out of confusing me. so, then jane came over, and we watched disc 2 of season 1. and it was amusing ( i love friends so much) and we had the best chips ever. and jane had her digital camera and showed me the pictures from winter break of me at pancheros. and took two pictures of me and derek. one where i'm hiding, and one where i look kind of pissed off. i wasn't TRYING to look pissed off, i guess i just look like that. *sigh* and she had pictures of her boyfriend whose name i can't spell. but he's hot, and it's a cool name. so it's all good.

in other news..... check out the counter!!! twenty thousand hits! i'm so popular! *has big egocentric moment.... wait, my whole life is a big egocentric moment... ah!* man... twenty thousand. that is CRAZY.

i got a really sweet email from rob3t2 today. it brightened my day considerably. and even though various things kept me away from my kismet today..... i still got to talk to her.... and i'm sure we'll find a time. *snifffle*

ok, i'm going to go to bed, because i told derek that i would go to bed when he left. and i haven't. so i'm actually..... going to clean. then go to bed. i hate how nasty my house is. i vow that it will be clean! (i've been vowing a lot lately. that i'll reduce the drama.... that my house will be clean.... well, i guess just those two...)

ok. goodnight!


i am SO energized, and my diet is going SO well, and i feel SO great! rawr! i am invincible, i could totally like... do.... something... cool or something. *pause* yes. (seriously, i woke up at like... 8:30... and totally couldn't/didn't go back to sleep. i LOVE it when i wake up! yay!)

not much goin on, derek left me two voicemails accusing me of screening my calls, (i was at work!) then, when i called him back, he didn't answer. and i was all sad, and thought he went to bed and didn't want to talk to me, and i was all sad when i got home. but then he called and was like "i turned my phone off accidentally.... i've been pouting because you didn't call back.... but you did." i was amused. we were both moping around because of phone technical difficulties. so, that was resolved, and all was well. dude, with my tall shoes (the shoes, not my come-fuck-me boots) i'm taller than derek! rawr! amazon megan! i'm enormolous. (did you catch that renata??? i'm sirius lee enormolous. seriously. i need to call you. i'm going to do that right now. *calls renata* *leaves an insane message on renata's voicemail*)

i have so much to do today!! but it's all goood! (well, cleaning not so much. but needs to be done. i need my damn bookshelf before i can do it though. grrrrrrr. oh well. i need some lunch. i contemplated having a power bar for lunch, but decided that i deserve a real meal. but oh no! what if kismet DOES want to get fettucini? *sigh* to eat now? or wait, and maybe not eat later? i'm going to eat now. because i went jogging earlier (it was a very nice jog, and it gave me an oppurtunity to explore the good ol trailer park. let's see....


~find out who wants to come to rent on thursday
~find out who is ACTUALLY going to be there so i can tell renata what my ticket count is.
~find out the driving situation (here's the deal kids... kayla works til 1:30 on thursday, so we are leaving ic at 1:35. and, she needs to be back home by 1:30 on friday, so we'll be leaving blooomington at about 8:30 or 9:00 in the am... yes.)
~move my bookcase here (grrr!!)
~pay my phone bill(s) (eek!)
~get tickets to david sedaris
~find out if anyone wants to go see david sedaris with me... (c'mon, you know you want to)
~go to daydreams
~go to iguana's
~redo my nails (wait.... rent will be a sparkly occasion.... maybe i'll just leave them.)
~buy handsoap!
~scrape wax out of sink (long story...)
~clean clean clean!

okie, i'm gonna go and eat. mmmmmm eating. see, dieting makes me appreciate eating.

you know who i need to talk to more?!?! kyle!! my toast twin! and fellow lover of amber. i get to see amber on thursday. boy, sure do hope she wears her size small shirt. to prove just how stretchy it can be. oh, and those pants.... the ones that need a belt. oh i can hardly wait. i'm going to make some toast and take a picture of me eating it (with cherry pepsi? or was it cream soda?) and put it up here, so kyle and i can continue our toasttwinness. ANYwho, lunch. bye!!!


kismet has something to tell me?!? i'd call you, but it's like.... 1:30 in the am. maybe you're online.... if you are, i'll call you. ooooh you are!! but now we're talking online, so maybe i don't need to call. hmmm.

so. before i get anymore distracted.... gotta blog about today! because that's what i do. i blog about things that are going on. yes yes. and about tomorrow (ooooh futuristic blogging oooh! *futuristic noises* ... that right there is a glimpse of how i think. the noises. yes.) ANYHOW! today! got up fairly early, went for a bike ride by the river, then went and had brunch with my parents. then i spent like... two hours making shrinky dinks with my sister. and they are the coolest things ever. ask to see one. because they rock. and i will show you just how much the rock. i haven't been proud of something the way i'm proud of my shrinky dinks in a LONG time. theyr'e so cool. so, after spending two hours with allie and the dog and the cat and the ferret and my parents.... i was going crazy. so i went home, and then derek came over, and we went motorcycling. it was weird.... like, i guess it's just been forever since caleb was home doin the motorcycle thing.... and it was very foreign and crazy. so, we started to leave, but we saw brenton and jeff driving in, so we went back to see them. so we talked with brenton, while he was supposed to be telling jeff whether he was backing the uhaul into the trailer or not. then we told him we were going to go get salads, and brenton was like "i hate skinny people, go away!" so we left. and went to atlas. and i had what i always have. and derek had a buffalo chicken salad (good, but not as good as the caesar. mmm.) then we were gonna get ice cream, but there was a HUUUUGE line. so we got coffee and saw tim!! yay tim! yay coffee! oh dammit all! i wanted to go to vortex and see if they still had their chakra necklaces. alas. i'll do it tomorrow.

then what'd we do? *ponders* ah! we went back to derek's and he gave me a shirt! (that sounds weird...) anywho, he went to see tick...tick...BOOM, remember? well, he got me a shirt, and i heart it more than life itself. (i do alot of things more than life itself. i should settle down.) it's soooo cool! it has red sleeves, but it's sleeveless. how does that work? it's so great! ah! theeen... we decided to go convertibling (that's not a word...) then discovered that a bunch of his cds were broke because they'd been sliding around behind the seats (i would like to take a moment to mention that i TOLD him that they were gonna get broken if he left them back there. and he didn't listeeeen!) so we went to best buy, and were going to go to FYE, but they were closed, because it's sunday. theeen we went and watched the oscars. crazy political shit going on in the speeches. whoa. i am going to refrain from ranting about the war. just go check out my rob3t2's blog. i find he is very articulate on the subject.

then we went to wal mart! and saw tim and kayla! and derek kept compulsively grabbing donuts and twinkies and cupcakes and blaming it on me. grr. then we went to cubfoods, and saw tim and kayla AGAIN! whoa!! then we went to wendy's and i ate. eeeeeeew i'm so gross. (*shudder* yuck fast food eew.) it was sooo goood though *sigh*

and now i'm home. i'v been blogging for like two hours. i keep getting distracted. and now that i'm FINALLY done, i'm going to bed. it's been tough typing this.... because i have fake nails on, and it makes typing hard (i decided i that i am going to do away with the sparkly nail polish and go for the light pink. nail polish this sparkly should be reserved for sparkly occasions. if that makes sense to you. because it makes perfect sense to me. goodnight kids!

*gasp* i'm gonna change the comments to "k-k-k-kiss me" i'm so clever. (there are a few people who don't know what that refers to! haha! *amused*)

kismet's coming to see me on tuesday! and i promise i will not drag her into the drama. because it's all calmed down ALOT. but i still need my kismet, and am SUPER looking forward to it.

hey, guys, i'm thinking of a possible site layout change... thoughts?

i work tomorrow, 6:00 to close. come see me! i look my best when working, so if you've only seen me in real life.... come see me at work ^_^

wasn't i going to bed?


ok, it's actually 9. but still.

"Curtis uses containers of cereal, macaroni and water to make great shakers, while Karla pretends to be a rabbit, nibbling a carrot. Jen and Chats sing about pizza and Shaun investigates the similarities and differences shared by watermelons and lemons."

i'd just like to say, that this episode sounds like it will be super cool. cereal (rent related... think of sonic!), and lemons. ooooh renata, i hope they're skanky. oh oh! that reminds me, i have pictures for you, of me being a pirate in h2$. and i'm really upset of have missed curtis as captian puffy pants. yes. this entry was really only for renata. oh well.
i am super happy to have discovered that curtis's show is on at 10am sometimes! aaaaaH!!
i hate the rush situation in normal more than life itself (thats quite a bit of hate). what am i gonna do what am i gonna do!? (about rent... not life...)

maaaan, this is gonna be so crazy. and then there's bree sharp (YAY BREE SHAAAARP!!!) on saturday in rock island. yay yay yay! i get to seeee breeeee sharp again! and maybe rent.... if normal's stupid ticket situation keeps me from seeing rent, i will kill whoever at braden is responsible.

*SIGH* ok. so, what's up? nothing, at all. tim murphy called me last night, and left a voice mail asking me to sleep with him before he leaves town.... i didn't call him back. aside from that, there has been nothing notable goin on. ooh hey! derek got to see tick...tick...BOOM today. i hope he liked it. trey ellet was apparently playing jon. crazy. but derek said his hair isn't long anymore (*booohisss* i hate trey's skanky hair)

i get to see kismet this week. when, i do not know. but it doesnt' matter. becuase i will get to see her *good sigh*

i'm gonna go to bed. because i really do not feel so great. i really hate having this stupid webcam hooked up. because whenever i look over to the right, it's like "hey! there i am! looking like crap. good thing that it's there to remind me that i'm tired and sick and not wearing makeup! i'd forgotten!"

at least my nails look nice.

i hate it when people sleep on the couch in the living room instead of in their beds. just sayin.

i'm gonna burn a cd for my psych. TA before i go to bed. because i promised i would. and break's almost over. yes. ok, goodbye goodnight. ("*knockknockknock*" "it blew out again?" "no... i think that i dropped my stash" kudos to those who know what that was about ^_^)


*deep breath*

i'm so much better this morning (well, kinda) tim and miriam and brad and i had breakfast at hamburg, it was very good. though, brad was being hella annoying. he wanted us to tell him EXACTLY what had happened last night. and tim and i were like "look, it's your fault you were so fucking drunk that you can't remember all the shit you caused to happen" *sigh* i do wish i knew what all was said to gabe.... by him, by derek... no, i don't. i don't care.

internet was down when i got home. and i was mad. but i fixed it! i fixed it!!! *i* fixed it! i can NEVER fix things, this is sooooooo exciting. i don't want to blog about yesterday anymore. it was too happy and i dont' feeel like it. i fell asleep last night listening to bright apocalypse and holding onto the crystal heart rob3t2 gave me (it's rose quartz for love) but i had really good lucid dreams last night and i feeeeel so much better (who was it who wanted to talk to be about lucid dreaming? apparently it's like.... really difficult to achieve, and people work on getting it..... but..... it's the only way i dream.... the only way i've EVER dreamed. i never knew there was anyother way of dreaming.... craziness.)

i want to go to disneyworld. i don't remember who i was telling this to.... maybe i imagined i was telling it to someone. but if i had gone of spring break..... i would have gone to disney. i was looking at my pictures from like.... five years ago... and i want to go back so bad. i'm such a dork. but that would be SO fun!

i have had sexy messiah stuck in my head for DAYS. seriously, this part, allllll of this has been on repeat in my head for like.... three days. everytime i'm sitting around, i realize i'm singing it.

she gave the world
her only girl
to dance the dead awake

baby god
five feet tall
jumping off of the wailing wall
as acolytes somersault
on a blue green disco ball

that's my sexy messiah
doing a flip off the wailing wall
that's my sexy messiah
giving it up for the disco ball

and why does it start with the "she gave the world her only girl" part? because that's such a RAAAANDOM place to start! (ok, i've lost everyone except kismet and rob. if he even still reads this.. *sigh*)

ok, that's enough of the sexy messiah rant. i have to go to work in like.... an hour. bah. i also have to go pick up pictures at walmart. those are ready right now as a matter of fact....

as sooon as kyle, my toast twin and fellow amber lover, tells me his story, i'm gonna go to waaalmart. buuuuhbye!
i hate all this drama. why can't i just.... be happy? be calm? not have issues upon issues upon issues?!

gah. i do not even want to discuss tonight. (if you want to listen to me hate gabe with all my heart and soul, feel free to im me, and i'll discuss) i had such a good blog entry earlier today. then brad closed it so he could talk to this girl he met online and wants to get with. i'm still bitter. it was the best blog entry in weeks! and brad closed it. and then the girl didn't even answer. *sigh*

i just woke up. because i got home and went to get my blankies (those of you who truly know me, know that in times of distress, i can be found with my two baby blankets and my doll... ) so anywho, i went to get those, and was all regressing, and i was like *sob sob* "how did i let myself become this person? where is me? and my faith, and my intelligence, and my way of life? whooo the hell is this? how did this happen!" *sniffle* then i fell asleep. then my phone rang. and i did a full body jolt awake. because i was supposed to call derek to tell him i made it home ok after the drama. i feel so so so so awful about it. (derek, if you are reading this, i cannot convey how awful i feel for not calling you. i would have FREAKED out had i been you...) so then i was gonna go back to sleep. but i got up to take my bar clothes off and my makeup and such. i looked nice tonight. i was REALLY happy with how i looked and felt tonight. then everything went to hell. i am going to go and sit, because i have not been doing it enough lately (man, i used to not be able to make it through the day if i didn't take at least ten mintues), and i know that i need to, and it will make me feel more like me. (note: not like me lately.... but like me.) ok, so.

1. tim, call me about breakfast tomorrow (oh god, please stop the drama)
2. renata, i miss you. rent in normal, i'll be there.
3. kismet, thanks for stopping by today. i miss you so much, and i really need you and your infiinite levelheadedness and wisdom. we need to have a java house meeting. maybe java house to go and sitting around my house discussing and making plans for stuff. so good to see you today.
3. dusty, i need to talk to you about stu in ames. you coming? i miss you!
4. abi, calll me
5. pavlina dearest, you need to call me too. and meet derek! for the love, how long have we been TRYING to introduce you? since freaking november. yeah?
6. derek, good luck in minnesota, thank you so much for everything you did for everyone tonight. and always. and such. and don't molest me! ^_~

ok, i'm going to go sit now. wish me a happy meditation. i will reblog my gloriously amusing and interesting blog entry tomorrow sometime. and, i hereby vow to eliminate at least fifty percent of the drama from my life.


gaaaaaah internet has been down at my house (trailer) since monday. *cries* i hate it so much. what's been up since then?

monday night.... i was gonna go oot. i looked so pretty (well, i dunno if i really looked pretty, but i felt very pretty). but derek wanted to watch a movie, and i still felt all sickly so i was like "that actually sounds sooooo nice". though, now.... i do not recall what we watched... *thinks* hudsucker proxy!!! i love that movie.... but not that much.... uh, yes. that was monday. i think that's all that really happened.

tuesday... i was supposed to work. but didn't get to.... *grr* so.... what did i do? i don't remember.... um... well, brad's show is tuesday, so i went to be the studio audience. it was quite enjoyable. ben called, and derek called. and then derek told me that he didn't call. and i believed him, because i am sooooooo gullible. but it was him. grr. then.... after that i went to studio13 for the 'miss gay iowa city' benefit. almost all of house of love was there. it was pretty good. jade (miss gay iowa city) is a very pretty queen, but..... i was SO not impressed by her acts. and i'm sorry, but her cleopatra costume sucked. the body for that look was NOT there. ok, enough of me critiqueing drag queens. then i watched center stage with derek.

i have been soooo mellow the past couple days. *sigh* it's kinda nice. i'm digging the alone time. but i need to get some hours at work.

i have so much to talk about, but i'm at ben's and i have to go. and i hate our computer because it sucks so much. i'll blog when i get home, then publish it when we finally get access again. ok. man. i really have so much more to saaaaay. *sob* oh well. bye.


*groan* i feel SO sick.

ben came home yesterday. it was a surprise. i didn't think he'd make it home for the show, but he did. so we hung out last night. which is why i feel so sick. before drinking, we went to cub foods, and i rode around in the shopping cart. i was fun. i mean, it was fn. fun. bah.

today is st patrick's day and i am NOT wearing green. i also think that i smell kind of bad.... hm. after i go have coffee, i'll take another shower (i took a cold shower this morning. but i was still a little tipsy, so i went back to bed.) aaaaaah, why did i drink last night? i totally told ben that i wouldn't, because i was gonna see if derek wanted to go oot and aboot tonight for st patrick's day. and i didn't want to be all hungover today.

it is SO hot. i'm gonna go to rue 21 to get my paycheck, so that i can pay renata for frowl. whoa. i just had TOTAL deja vu.


abba rocks so much. < abba interude >

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
If you need me, let me know, gonna be around
If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down
If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me
Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
If you put me to the test, if you let me try

< / abba interlude > ^_^ i amuse myself. i listen to that song prolly five times a day. along with time after time, you spin me right round... should i stay or should i go.... is she really going out with him... and the hairbrush song from veggie tales. because i'm ALWAYS looking for my hairbrush. ask my parents, since i was five, i've been losing my hairbrush. "ooooh wheeeere is my hairbrush, ooooooh wheeeeeeeere is my hairbrush?!" ok. this is just a perfect example of how much i amuse myself

you know, some people think it's a bad thing that i find myself (and nearly everything and everyone else around me) to be hilarious. rob and kismet and testify that EVERYTHING "cracks me up" ^_~ i'm in SUCH a good mood!! why? i really couldn't say. i worked today, and our district manager was there all day, so it was all stressful. he was in a BAD mood too. and my keys weren't working correctly because 'things remembered' made them. and they are SO bad at cutting keys. i spent so much time fighting with dressing room doors and every other lock in the store. "do you need a dressing room? *tries to unlock door... fails* just a sec.... *fighting with lock* i'll get it, don't worry..." "are you sure that's the right key?" "yes! *continues fighting with lock" now.... repeat that scenario about 45 times, and you'll have how i spent a good portion of my day. i also hung up 150 pairs of shorts. dear god. i didn't know there were that many pairs of shorts in the ENTIRE WORLD. but there are.

then derek called, and it was SUCH good timing. i'd been out on the floor running around and making a fool of myself opening doors and hanging up shorts, when i went to the back room to get some hangers. so, i climb up on the chair, then the table, and am getting hangers (we keep them in the highest most inaccessible spot in the world.) when my phone rings! so i climb down. and answer it. and it's derek and he can pick me up after work! and i'm happy because this means i dont' have to stay at rue 21 for the rest of my life. after that i changed the outfits on the mannequins.... because the girls mannequins looked REALLY BAD. their pants were too big.... and they clashed.... oh it was so bad. they look SO cute now though. then i went home. only first we went to red roof inn to get derek's car. and i had to drive his jeep. (is he trusting or what?) it was highly successful. i really am a good driver. i know sometimes it doesn't seem like it.... but i AM! *sigh* also, i used this time to prove that i'm a big dork. good times.

now i'm home, and i'm making a pizza. omigod. i bet it's burning. fuck it all. *about a minute later* it isn't burned! it's perfect!! i'm the best cook in the whole world.

mmmmm that's some good pizza. i'm over posting at compulsivebowlers.com ..... i've missed it so.

ok, i'm done with the entry, and i wil leave you with this picture, that i LOVE to death....


internet wasn't working earlier, so i couldn't blog. so i cleaned instead. i made minor dent in the mess that is my house (trailer). at blockbuster last night, there was this hoarde of trailer trash rednecks. and derek was like "hey, are those your neighbors?" grr.

anywho, today. i woke up at 6:30 in the am, so that i could be ready when derek picked me up at 8:45. but then, i went back to sleep. and woke up at 8:35. doh. so, my morning was crrrazy. then, got home, cleaned, took a half hour nap. went to work. worked. nick stopped by and he was wearing an orange shirt. and one of our mannequins has an orange shirt, and i kept confusing myself. then, i finished working, went to panera and got jenny to make me a sandwich. then sat and ate my sandwich until nick came to pick me up. then nick grossed me out, and i couldn't eat the rest of my soup. and i was QUITE upset. then he drove me home. then i got ready to go to the gymnastics meet. then paulina picked me up, and we went to carver hawkeye. and the gymnastics meet was awesome. iowa won! wooooo!!! it was suspenseful. when they were getting ready to announce the final scores, paulina and i were holding hands and being all "aaah!!" (it was kind of like when we saw 'catch me if you can' and were freaking out at the end). paulina and i were able to master one of the cheers, but were complete morons when it came to the second one. *sigh* then we went home. and i've been cleaning since i got home. because it is GROSS here.

now that internet isn't sucking, i think i'm gonna go to the rentboards. maybe i'll blog more later. i really should finish the huge cleaning endeavor i've started. i'm actually really digging not having plans. everyone else is at parties and karaoke right now. and i'm all loving my alone time. aw.


i totally wrote out what i wanted to blog during one of my classes today. but i don't feel like rummaging through my bag to get it.

did i mention that i got a $40 speeding ticket last night? because i did. i don't even have a car and i get a speeding ticket. *sigh* oh, about my car. apparently my dad's going to pay to have a new engine put in. because my car is definitely in good enough shape.... uh no. so, stay tuned for the next installment..... when my car breaks AGAIN beyond all repair and my dad flips out because he'll have spent more fixing it than we paid for it in the first place. whew! won't that be goodtimes? my dad has been really crazy and flipping out at me all the time lately. either he's really edgy or i've become a complete fucker who is ruining his life. he still takes me out to lunch and hangs out with me.... but he's so grouchy and hostile all the time. it sucks. *sigh* (no capital letters kyle!!)

skanky got us a new moniter, and now i can type and read and see the computer screen again! that didn't really make much sense. but it makes sense to me. it's all good. i love our monter.

i had coffee (well, hot chocolate) with derek this morning at the terripin, and it was quite nice. because derek is quite nice. then i went to class. philosophy was really interesting (sidenote: i told derek i had psych. first, but i lied. i have philosophy first.) psychology was NOT interesting at all. erin and i read the addsheet. that was interesting. and we talked about nate. because he had a root canal. pooooooor nate (go read the who's who!) then, i was going to go to baldy's with erin and nate, but i have no money, so i went to the yacht club (yay yacht club!) with my dad for a sandwich. it was very good. theeeeeen i went to spence labs to hang out in the hallway before my next class (i had like 40 minutes to kill. so i talked to derek. then i talked to brad, then tim, then my dad, then it was time for class. so i went to class. and it was soooooooooo boring. i mean, it was interesting. but everyone was falling asleep. yeah. then i walked to the theatre building, and hung out with jessica and stevie (my two "college" friends...) before our class. then we had class. and it was QUITE amusing. then brad picked me up, and we took jessica home.... and brad took me home. and i shall remain home. because i'm tired. if jessica calls and wants to go to studio13 tonight, i might go.... (she's never been, and i said i'd go out with her if she ever wanted to go) but it depends. annnnnd if derek wants to do something that involves no getting ready and looking nice, i will be very all for that. because i feel pretty scrubby, and am going to stay that way. well i actually kind of want to crimp my hair..... maybe i'll do that. then no matter what i'll be ready for tonight.

hey, producer mark from tonight with bradman might be our third roomate! wouldn't that rock??? he cracks me up.

i had/have so much more to say! but i forget what it is/was. hmm. derek's getting the gymnastics meet (which paulina is defnitely coming to!) all ready. and gabe will be there. and i'm distressed. (if you want info on the gabe situation, feel free to im me or email me and i will TOTALLY tell you how heartbroken i was. and how conflicted and completely distressed i still am. i almost blogged about it last night. but i went to sleep instead. last night very nearly produced a saaaad saaaaaaad blog entry from me. but i'd promised someone that i would go to sleep. so i did.

i think i am gonna crimp my hair. i love it when my hair is crimped. it makes me feel pretty and want to dance about merrily. so, if you hang out wiht me tonight, you can witness me being all flighty and frolicky due to the crimped hair. wooot!


frowl.org is down!! nooooo! *flail flail flail* ooooh the huuuumaaaanity.

and i have so much to blog about, because i couldn't blog last night. because internet was down. it makes me grouchy when internet is down, but cable isn't.... because our cable never leaves. jsut internet. but i bet i would have been grouchier if both of them had gone out. aaaaaaaanywho, instead of blogging, i watched natural born killers. and it was SO good! i had to watch it all by myself because nooooooooooo one wanted to hang out with me. because i'm so lame.

so, yesterday, i went to work, and worked. and it was QUITE enjoyable. oh wait. before work.... MY CAR BROKE! and it was very upsetting. so i sat on the side of the road and ate my burrito (i'd just been at pancheros) and waited for my rescuers to come get me. then, my dad got there, then nick got there, then we called AAA and they sent a towtruck. and nick took me to work. and THEN i worked. and tamika and jess and i had goodtimes with shipment. we had like.... 15 totes left when i got there. but we got them allllll done. tamika was in a very grouchy mood when i got there, but my crazy antics brightened her day! actually, she just thought i was funny. i kept shocking myself (well, we all kept shocking ourselves, because shipment is all staticified but, i was by far the most vocal about being shocked.) then derek came to see me. and it made me happy. i love when people come visit me. derek also bought the ONLY mens shirts that i think are cool. one of them is such a summit shirt. i bet you money that if we go to the summit again, he'll wear it. then jess and i closed everything down. and all was well.

then derek and i went to the laundromat. despite the fact i can do my laundry for free at home. i can't complain though, since he paid for my laundry so i'd keep him company. and he said that he read my blog yesterday! like, all the archives and such! aaaah! oh, on a sidenote, derek's a dork ^_^ and he has like.... all the high scores on the video games there. which i found VERY amusing. he's really good at video golf. who'd have thought?

hey, saturday is the ides of march. coool.

heeeey guess what, i'm gonna go to on thursday..... the iowa women's gymnastics meet at carver hawkeye!! i'm trying to get abi and pavlina to come with me. also, YOU should come with me. everyone should come with me.

so, i still don't have my car back. because it's dead. and it makes me saaaaaaaaaaaaad. ok. i'm gonna go. because i'm done blogging, and have nothing to say.


i was just on the radio again. because brad was talking about george (george is our pet bug. i'd say what kind of bug, but i dunno how to spell it. boxelder? that's SO not right. *Sigh*) and i called to affirm that george is indeed a very important part of our lives. then, he read my horoscope, and it was SO right.
blogger didn't publish my two quotes from last night. blogger is such a bitch sometimes *SIGH*

natalie (brad's radio partner) says that everyone should have shirts that have their status on the back of them.... like ... "in love with the same person for six years" "has a boyfriend, but cheats alot, don't tell him!" "single and desperate"

last night we had a cast party, and it was SO much fun. our house is a huge mess now though. we seriously started drinking at 6:30. eight and a half hours later.... we finally went to bed. ugh, it's soooo bad. i ate so much though, like for me... it ended up being much more about eating FOUR hamburgers, and TWO hot dogs. mmm. it was so good. we played truth or dare, and naked snow angels were made. i apparently missed some of the truth or dare action, because i went to the back room to talk to derek. because he called to say goodnight. and that was at like....11. oooh, and i told him i'd go to bed after i got off the phone with him. mmmm, but i didn't. i helped construct a bong out of a test tube shot thing.... a margarita mix bottle, two hairties, and some gum. i found it amusing that i don't smoke pot, yet i was actively involved in bong building. mike and nick were super proud of their bong. it was pretty impressive.

i need to take the computer in to ui surplus tomorrow, so skanky can help me with the moniter problem. we have this crappy little moniter right now. we NEED a bigger one. the resolution on here is like..... enormous. and i hate it so much.

i was on the radio this morning. because brad's show was on (its still on actually...) and he called to see what was going on. and i was like "i'm the only one here... nick and tim left at 8, tom left at 3... i dunno when kayla and mike left..." then kayla walked out of the bedroom. and i was like "AH!" it was amusing.

our house is SUCH a mess! ah!

we played taboo last night too. it was hilarious. there were SO many that i needed renata to be there for. "renata and i are terrified of these!" "*silence*" *SIGH* our team won though. despite scott sucking soooo much at it. he'd start a sentence, then just not say anything at all. and i'm making all these wild guesses..... he's just lucky i'm sooooo good at taboo. "he's a guy..... *LONG PAUSE* ... like, cable tv..." "ted turner!"

i don't have my acrylic nails on anymore, so i can type! yaaaaaaaay!! i'm not really sure how i managed this, but derek and i went to the summit on saturday and i managed to lose four of my nails. i must have been like... full contact dancing. but i didn't spill anything, so i must have been fairly calm and non flailsom in my dancing. *shrug* but, let me say that mandarin vodka, while incredibly good, is SO not not not good. it made all of sunday quite miserable. i felt FINE when i got up sunday morning. but the dancing and singing at the matinee sort of upset my stomach. and i was like "aaaah delayed reaction hangover! *flaaaaaail*"

speaking of flailing.... renata's in costa rica right now. i think. i neeed to talk to her about rent in bloomington/normal. it's like coralville/iowa city. only it has renata instead of me. woooooo crazy. rent in bloomington is going to rock so much. kayla's coming!! and i think.... tim? i hope tim. and i dunno who else. but, it's gonna rock soooo much.

this is too exciting, being able to type. i have had my nails on so long that i haven't been blogging seriously because i can't type. bwaha. ok, enough of that. buh bye.


"i'm kind of wobbling a little bit" ~tim
"braaaaaaaaaaad! don't stick food up my butt!"



ben, apologies for the sobbing message on your answering machine. i'm not 100% better.... but i'm much better, no worries.

worked today, didn't go to class.... whoops. stopped by melrose meadows (retirement community/assisted living) and scheduled next weeks hours (i volunteer there.. )i haven't been ther ein a while, due to the play dominating my life. i miss sitting around playing cards and scrabble, and doing puzzles... aaaah goodtimes.

i bought some new pants at work today. they are so super cute. i've been meaning to get them for like... two weeks. i'm wearing them with my tan vagina-monkey shirt, and my platform cordouroy sneakers. they're navy blue with tannish pinstripes.... and bellbottoms.... and cuffs. i LOVE them. and.... i fit into a size 1 in them. happy day, oh happy day.

i have to go to wal mart and get some pantyhose for tonight. so, i'm off.... toodle pip

due to the play



i totally haven't beeen sleeping enough lately.... and life is so hella crazy... aaagh.

however, rent in davenport monday night was hella awesome, understudy mark... i don't remember his name, but i'm gonna check it out, because he did a damn good job. derek didn't like him, but derek's a dork for not liking him, because he was really good. he had long hair, he's the first long haired mark i liked. also, brian ashton miller as roger... he was very good, but a very sweet innocent looking roger. i dunno how i felt about that. krystal was incredible as mimi.... the first time i saw her.... she was just plain bad.... but she's SO good now. everytime since the first, she's been awesome. so, that's my review... though i watched with writing a review in mind.... i totally don't feel like it.... and i need to write a paper before 2:00, so i'm gonna do that... after i finish blogging........

last night, i was totally just going to stay home, and do this paper... so, nick came over to hang out and we were gonna watch brads's show and then i was gonna do my paper and go to bed. but then we had to go to town to pick up brad.... then we came back home.... THEEEEN i decided to go out because derek called, and it was fat tuesday and all.... and i was drinking.... these things... they had puckers in them, i know.... and they were SO good. cal said they tasted like cough syrup...but, he was wrong. dude, cal cracks me up "gabe, will hold my purse so i can dance?" "i thought it was a 'male carry all'" "oh who am i kidding, it's a purse." and i had allllll this glitter on and cal was like "i love your glitter! it's so pretty! do you have anymore?" i was totally going to go out to the car to get him some glitter.... but it was snowing like a bitch... yeah, like blizzard last night.

mmmm i'm gonna listen to some music and do my paper.


stuart last night .... and.... btw, i haven't slept. ack. test at 10:30. break from studyiing to blog. *distracted by 'all that jazz' video* yes, so some stuart quotes.... just a few.

"okay, i may have damaged the ceiling a little...."

"i could put another string where that one was... but that seems a little too predictable."

"i'm like an italian grandmother... "you don't like the sauce?!""

"*knocks ceiling dust in eyes* aaaah. this happens everytime i play the mill and am fidgeting with they ceiling."

"they're a little traumatized after having seen me put a foot sized hole in my other guitar"
re: difficulty tuning

"well, i was dancing quite freely, when i placed my foot through the body of my guitar..."
re: how it happend that he put a foot sized hole in a guitar

and dude, he sang "is she really going out with him" i LOVE that song, he couldn't have done better uness he'd played "you spin me right round" he also had a.... hanging fabric thing. very interesting.

today (well, technically yesterday... sunday) i had a show at 2:30, that lasted until almost 6.... i came home, cleaned a little, went to the mill to see stu, came back here (with stu and kismetriculation and company) and everyone signed our table and our clock. and stuart tried to con me into giving him my hat. then.... they left, and i proceeded to have a minor breakdown (it was all day in the making. i cried like eight times today. i'd be fine, then all of a sudden i'd be like "*sniffle....* *pause* *sob*" everyone was like "is it that time?" and i was like "no, fuck you" so, i made a trip to wendys mid breakdown to talk to nick. then i came home and continued my self pitying hating everyone and crying and such. and studied a little. then nick came over and calmed me down, and ALMOST got me to sleep. then, i studied some more, and watched grease. i watched empire records somewhere in there too....

and i watched hi-5. aaaaaah! curtis was SO adorable. he was an elephant, and a chimp, and a frog who couldn't jump. awww.

and now, back to studying.


hey! been awhile. surry.

and, i have fake nails on for the show, so my typing skills have been greatly decreased. boo. so, this maybe a short post because it's hard to type. i'm watching a rent bootleg, and making gabe a cd. it's the best cd EVER. it has all this eighties stuff, plus all "our" studio 13 songs, because we're such s13 whores. yeah.

speaking of being a studio thirteen ho, i'll be ther tonight, i was there last night... and i'll prolly be a the drag show after stuart on sunday. bwahah! i have no idea why there's a bwaha fr that. i'm a dork. i'm gonna go shower. bye.