thursday: from like... 9-11:30, there was crazy drama while i talked to everyone in the WORLD trying to get tickets set up for me and kayla. thursday is also the last time i saw derek. aw. i miss him muchly. well, kayla and i left iowa city at like.... 2. so we were behind schedule (my fault) then, there was crazy construction that we had to navigate through (and a terribly confusing detour. boo) but then all was well. we stopped at mcdonalds in galesburg, because it seems like i ALWAYS stop at mcdonalds in galesburg. we had snack size fruit and yogurt parfait things. they were reeeally good. yay dollar menu! so we got to normal, found the theatre, no thanks to renata's crazy directions (right vs. left was a fairly big issue). the people in line got tickets, kayla and i sat on a couch and i made mean observations about people walking by. then we went to ming's wok, where i almost had a panic attack waiting in line for the buffet. because there were SOOOOO many people. and i didn't even waaant the buffet *sniffle* but i calmed down, and it was all ok. i called derek when we got there, because i wanted to tell him about the terrible news i'd gotten earlier (which i will discuss in a minute.... i just know that if i talk about it now... this post will be liek "i've been wanting to blog all this for so long, and now i'm too sad to.) uh, anyways.... called derek, left a voicemail, he called back and i missed it, so i called him back .... and i think left another voicemail (yeah i did, because i had food in my mouth when it beeped and i panicked.) then he finally called me and i answered. but then the waitress took away a piece of pie right as renata and i were about to finish it, and craziness ensued at the table, and i had to go. then, to the theatre, where i wanted to have another panic attack due to the SWARMS of people. and the satanic ushers. and general craziness (i got yelled at for not liking guy (who plays mark) these girls heard me be like "i dunno why, but i don't like him" to renata... and they're like "MARK'S OUR FRIEND, DON'T SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HIM" and i was scared. and oooh ooh! i had an ecounter with amber (kyle... i didn't take a picture, i'm sorry. i'll take one i milwaukee, i promise) anywho, i asked if there was an understudy board, and she just stared at me. and i'm like "well, i know there is one somewhere, but it's usually by the merch booth... do you know where it is. and she stared at me for like.... ten seconds, and was like "no." and turned around. i was sooo confused. yes. the show: it was.... eh. i didn't like guy olivieri as mark at all. i don't know why. everyone else liked him, and he was good (i know he was goood.... but i didn't like him.... ) alison burns as maureen.... looked JUST like debra. it was so weird. (i realize most of you don't know debra.... but alison looks ALOT like her, especially with her hair cut the way it was. uh, what else? DJ dropped the squeegee during "on the street" and i was SO amused. he's SUCH a ham as the squeegee guy. oh my god, and he does the cutest thing ever before he starts to dance during LVB. he's all taking orders and running around, then he stops and looks around for his boss, puts his pen and order pad away and starts dancing like crazy. i loved it. the reversed steve and paul thing confuses me (like.... steve used to be the fuzzy hat guy, and paul was the waiter. but now steve is the squeegee man and waiter and will i solo, and paul is the fuzzy hat guy, and paul in life support (duh) and it's crazy. there was drama after the show, but then it was ok, and we went to steak and shake and had inappropriate disucussions. and del cracked me up. oooh she is soooo hilarious. renata too "today for you, tomorrow for your mom" del laughed so hard she had to stop the car. theeen kayla and i drove home in the middle of the night. and had heart to heart discussions about everything in the world (we did this again last night before falling asleep.)
friday: got up at 1 and went to my dad's then took allison when she got home from school. i'm going to be babysitting allison a LOT for the next week or so. that's really all i did on friday during the day. oh! i ran into brian and sue gilbert, and they told me that they're planning a rocky horror party! yaaaaay! then i took allie home at 9:30. then kayla and brad and i met at studio 13 for the longest drag show ever. and gabe was there, and boy did drama ensue. we talked, then we played video games, and left a whole bunch of high scores "g and m" and "gabe is hot" "megan is hot" etc. then, i yelled at him and told him he was a jerk, and i hate him. and he told me that it wasn't his fault, and blah blah blah, and was all trying to get me to settle down, and i was like "no, i'm not going to, how can i even consider giving you another chance when you're apparently seeing two other girls, you can't even take the time to call me....and admittedly, it's not like i had a perfect relationship waiting for me when i figured out you were a jerk.... but at least i can be spending my time with someone who cares about more than himself." i was quite mad. so, we talked in the corner for a LOOOONG time. and i was like.... very angry at him for being a jerk. tim kept saying that he thought i was going to go home with gabe, and i was really insulted. because i wouldn't do that. grr. ah!! oh my god! i called to leave derek a voicemail, to tell him i had closure, and had told gabe what i think if of him (oh, and it was going to be short!) and then he answered, and i felt TERRIBLE (i mean, i already felt terrible, the whole yelling at gabe thing made me feel pretty bad) but i felt SO much worse waking derek up, and i prolly woke mike up too... since theyr'e in a hotel.... aah. i'm sor terrible. ugh. i freaked out about it for a little while, then i called dusty and told him how grouchy gabe made me. and disscussed rent in milawaukee!! which will rock!!! then we got home and i told kayla eeeeeverything, then we had a deep meaningful discussion about religion, and another deep discussion about boys in general.... then we had some pizza, then we went to bed.
saturday: i just got up. and nothing's happened.... so.... i'll just sort of put this out there.... just so you know, if i disappear for a bit... where i'll be. well. thursday morning, i found out my godmother died. i have two godmothers, there was auntie pat, and gramma dayton, and they were both people who were very very close to our family. well, pat died last year from breast cancer, and now gramma dayton. the funeral is monday morning, so i will prolly be gone all of monday. then, thursday night, while we were at mings, my dad called to tell me that my grandpa grave (my mom's dad) is having a triple bypass surgery on friday.... apparently he's been having chest pains, and the doctor he goes to misdiagnosed it as something minor, but it's not, it's something huge. so, he had like... an eight hour surgery yesterday, and it ended up being a quadruple bypass... and he made it through surgery which no one thought would happen.... and now he just has to get off the respirator and breathing again, and he'll prolly be ok. my mom is going to be up in souix falls for the next like.... week and a half. so, i have to be watching allie all the time (tara was like "she's 11, she doesn't need a babysitter!" because i couldn't work for her because i was watching al, but.... seriously, my dad is NEVER home, is she just supposed to take care of herself? what? for a week? um.... no. but i have hella hours this week.... so this should be interesting... ) so. that's that. i'm off to work now kids. i'll be home in 11 hours. wooohoo.