everyone at work makes fun of how i talk. "yeah, i know, right?" "oh gurl..." "haaay" "you wanted it here, yes?" (adding yes? and eh? to the end of sentences... agh.) "awww jeeze." "oh dear" "oh my" .... among others. apparently i talk really weird. according to EVERYONE there.... *sigh*
just got home from work. good day. anthony and i demonstrated our inability to count... and anthony caused a thing of gravy to explode. v. exciting. made many pizzas. fun time had by all. got to see colin (tweedledum) but not jon (tweedledee) also found out i'm going to have to work til 1:30 on saturday (well, i actually offered, since there was craziness... but yeah). so, annnndrea... sorry! leaving at 1:30 instead of noon. i got us a bobble head for the ride to make it up to you...... i'm so amused that we're going to "detroit" because... we're actually going to like... EVERYwhere remotely near detroit. hee.
and as for alex. i didn't SAY that it was roger's guitar. now did i?? (i actually made stratocasters because i had a picture of a stratocaster and i made the drawing based on that.... because i have no idea what guitars really look like.... aside from the general shape...) also, i imagine roger's guitar isn't really three times as big as him... (it's mini roger.) maybe i won't give you your shrinky dinks now. huh, whaddaya think about THAT? aw, no, i wouldn't do that. besides, i even made roger with hair like yours, instead of spikes.
now, i'm home, and there's nooooo one here. and i'm sad and lonely *sniffle*
i need to make a who's who of work people now. bah. neverending, stupid who's who. i actually updated it quite a bit, but am too lazy to upload it, because smart ftp is a JERK. and wants to upload the first thirty two kb of everything... then stop. grrr.
am going to go watch a movie and prolly fall asleep. i'm QUITE tired after staying up talking to alex, and listening to everyone rant about the gaaaay draaaaaama. oh gurl.
and as for alex. i didn't SAY that it was roger's guitar. now did i?? (i actually made stratocasters because i had a picture of a stratocaster and i made the drawing based on that.... because i have no idea what guitars really look like.... aside from the general shape...) also, i imagine roger's guitar isn't really three times as big as him... (it's mini roger.) maybe i won't give you your shrinky dinks now. huh, whaddaya think about THAT? aw, no, i wouldn't do that. besides, i even made roger with hair like yours, instead of spikes.
now, i'm home, and there's nooooo one here. and i'm sad and lonely *sniffle*
i need to make a who's who of work people now. bah. neverending, stupid who's who. i actually updated it quite a bit, but am too lazy to upload it, because smart ftp is a JERK. and wants to upload the first thirty two kb of everything... then stop. grrr.
am going to go watch a movie and prolly fall asleep. i'm QUITE tired after staying up talking to alex, and listening to everyone rant about the gaaaay draaaaaama. oh gurl.
shrinky dinks!!
i just made like, a BILLION shrinky dinks with my sister and her friend. i made three fender stratocasters, a roger, a mark, a maureen, a mimi (she melted into herself in the oven and had to be thrown away though...) aaaand a couple of shrinky dinks of drawings of mine. they're all SO cool. i'm gonna give the roger and a guitar to alex. THIS WEEKEND. wooot.
i think that's my all time favorite picture. us, in des moines, just before missy left. *Sigh*

i think that's my all time favorite picture. us, in des moines, just before missy left. *Sigh*
i haven't been up this early in FOREVER... (unless it's been still up.... in which case i've been up this LATE quite a bit...)
alright. comments are down, because the world hates me... grrr. and my email is still waging war on aim. i don't know why....
ok. so i'm goin to work. alex and kyle need to both email me about this weekend.... and, i got erin's comment on my LJ!! (kyle's erin, not my erin) we ARE purse twins! wooot!!
i love bree sharp. dirty magazine is the best song ever.
alright. comments are down, because the world hates me... grrr. and my email is still waging war on aim. i don't know why....
ok. so i'm goin to work. alex and kyle need to both email me about this weekend.... and, i got erin's comment on my LJ!! (kyle's erin, not my erin) we ARE purse twins! wooot!!
i love bree sharp. dirty magazine is the best song ever.
quick blog... then bed.
work at nine tomorrow morning. boo. who's gonna want pizza at ten. i mean, really. oh well
so. i may be going to detroit this weekend with aaaaaaaandrea. it depends on a couple things, such as work, and being able to get to butler to drive home... (or, i could just remain in detroit forever. but i dont' want to do that.)
so, moral is... kyle, email me.
p.s. nothing exciting happened today anyways... so don't feel like me going to bed early deprived you of anything.
so. i may be going to detroit this weekend with aaaaaaaandrea. it depends on a couple things, such as work, and being able to get to butler to drive home... (or, i could just remain in detroit forever. but i dont' want to do that.)
so, moral is... kyle, email me.
p.s. nothing exciting happened today anyways... so don't feel like me going to bed early deprived you of anything.
i need to go see 28 days later again... i'm always much better the second time through with scary movies.... (the doesn't mean i won't spend the whole movie clinging to whoever's next to me, and making little scared noises every time something startling happens... because, i'm such a wimp i NEVER stop doing that. i still do that when i watch scream. which i've seen like, at least 100 times.)
in other news i've just been informed that ryan's in jail.... in polk county (des moines! that's where i was yesterday! ...)
i was gonna go to patrick's after i went out to north liberty, but like, everyone in the world's over there..... so i dunno. *antisocial*
in other news i've just been informed that ryan's in jail.... in polk county (des moines! that's where i was yesterday! ...)
i was gonna go to patrick's after i went out to north liberty, but like, everyone in the world's over there..... so i dunno. *antisocial*
i heart my comments! those are two of the best comments ever! *hearts* one from aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandreeeeaaaaaaaaaaa and one from scott-who-i-love-because-i've-never-talked-to-him!!! they're so great. *heart heart*
but alas, i cannot stay here to discuss the comment love.... though, i don't wanna leave, because i'm listening to some josh kobak, and loving it. freedom, and the police officer/motorcycle/rent story. awww. i heart joshy. and matty. i wish they'd tour through to iowa again. i'll get them a gig at the mill if they'll come. heck. or gabe's since that's usually where they play... (all two times..) but i don't like going to gabe's except for last call.... or to look for rachel, or to just cause a general scene. (which you'll do walking into regular bars with two drag queens... we were really lacking on forethought there....)
i had NO mail. *cries* except for hot or not mails from some guy in nebraska. who wants me to call him.... because email is impersonal... and i'm like "um. hi, who are you?"
my exciting plans for tonight are..... studio! (treye dj's tonight. i haven't seen that boy in like.... four days. i miss my husband) aaaaaaaaand.... UPDATING THE WHO'S WHOOOOOOO! (which is already out of date. grrr. i'm gonna have to update it like, twice a week to keep up with stuff. )
man. i forgot how much i LOVE josh. (i rediscovered my matt love earlier this week. i need to go download some more of his stuff though....)
but alas, i cannot stay here to discuss the comment love.... though, i don't wanna leave, because i'm listening to some josh kobak, and loving it. freedom, and the police officer/motorcycle/rent story. awww. i heart joshy. and matty. i wish they'd tour through to iowa again. i'll get them a gig at the mill if they'll come. heck. or gabe's since that's usually where they play... (all two times..) but i don't like going to gabe's except for last call.... or to look for rachel, or to just cause a general scene. (which you'll do walking into regular bars with two drag queens... we were really lacking on forethought there....)
i had NO mail. *cries* except for hot or not mails from some guy in nebraska. who wants me to call him.... because email is impersonal... and i'm like "um. hi, who are you?"
my exciting plans for tonight are..... studio! (treye dj's tonight. i haven't seen that boy in like.... four days. i miss my husband) aaaaaaaaand.... UPDATING THE WHO'S WHOOOOOOO! (which is already out of date. grrr. i'm gonna have to update it like, twice a week to keep up with stuff. )
man. i forgot how much i LOVE josh. (i rediscovered my matt love earlier this week. i need to go download some more of his stuff though....)
just got home from pirates of the caribbean with erin. GOOD movie. i LOVED it. and, i LOVE orlando bloom. *rawr* he's so foxy.
the end. i'm exhausted and going to bed, because i have to work (eeek) at 2 tomorrow.
i ought to go on a blogging strike until i get more comments! (heck, lately i've inadvertantly been on a blogging strike.... i don't know why i haven't been blogging so much, i think it's because i'm writing more.) i prolly won't go on strike though....
the end. i'm exhausted and going to bed, because i have to work (eeek) at 2 tomorrow.
i ought to go on a blogging strike until i get more comments! (heck, lately i've inadvertantly been on a blogging strike.... i don't know why i haven't been blogging so much, i think it's because i'm writing more.) i prolly won't go on strike though....
(mini) road trip!
okie, super quick nonsensical blog. that i will change into a real blog when i wake up. because i haven't slept since about noon yesterday. and i'm tired.
des moines today to take missy to the (ghetto) airport.
photos will be coming v. soon. highlights include.... the poster of a castle in a bunch of clouds... i used it to alter emily's driving reality so that it was like she was driving away from a castle in the clouds. then we had to put it away, and missy and i made use of the poster condom. then we found (more accurately, i went in search of... there's a picture of me climbing over the back seat... it's like... my butt and my feet in the air.....) the cargo net, and missy and i were held captive in the back seat by this giant net.... but then we got our helmut (aka big popcorn bowl) and broke free. also, discovered that we could turn emily's car into a helicopter by opening the back windows.... aaaand.... then we got to the airport and took pictures of ourselves being iowan in the gift shop (corn hats!!!) and i bought an iowa postcard to send to alex. (it's the best postcard ever, it's a field with a bunch of cows. only i added myself, and a ufo. and some info about the cows.) then we hung out by the GIANT revolving doors.... and even managed to get brian trapped in one.... then we sat on some scary chairs that kept almost tipping over.... and this lady took our picture.... and was like "i just spilled soda all over my pants... can you tell???" and we were like "no, no you can't" ... then missy got on her plane... and we were sad.... so we went to mcdonalds. and came up with bands names. ("insatiable baptist" and "bunny foo and field mice"...) i tought emily how to use the hand dryers ("push button.... wipe hands on pants.") and we set off again. i sang show tunes for the first half of the ride home, and slept for the second half. emily tried to kill us once while i was sleeping, but i woke up and stopped her. (*car swerves wildly, i wake up* "aaaah what's going on?!" "i'm trying to kill us all.... go back to sleep" "ok. *sleeps*") then we took the scenic route back to iowa city after some exit confusion. all in all, an excellent adventure ^_^ the pictures we took to illustrate are HILARIOUS.... i can't wait to get them up.
but for now, i'm EXHAUSTED. and i have to go out to north liberty at eight. woooot. (teeeen giiiirl squuuaaaad! "how do we look?" "soooo goood!" "oookay! ... i mean, soooo good!")
des moines today to take missy to the (ghetto) airport.
photos will be coming v. soon. highlights include.... the poster of a castle in a bunch of clouds... i used it to alter emily's driving reality so that it was like she was driving away from a castle in the clouds. then we had to put it away, and missy and i made use of the poster condom. then we found (more accurately, i went in search of... there's a picture of me climbing over the back seat... it's like... my butt and my feet in the air.....) the cargo net, and missy and i were held captive in the back seat by this giant net.... but then we got our helmut (aka big popcorn bowl) and broke free. also, discovered that we could turn emily's car into a helicopter by opening the back windows.... aaaand.... then we got to the airport and took pictures of ourselves being iowan in the gift shop (corn hats!!!) and i bought an iowa postcard to send to alex. (it's the best postcard ever, it's a field with a bunch of cows. only i added myself, and a ufo. and some info about the cows.) then we hung out by the GIANT revolving doors.... and even managed to get brian trapped in one.... then we sat on some scary chairs that kept almost tipping over.... and this lady took our picture.... and was like "i just spilled soda all over my pants... can you tell???" and we were like "no, no you can't" ... then missy got on her plane... and we were sad.... so we went to mcdonalds. and came up with bands names. ("insatiable baptist" and "bunny foo and field mice"...) i tought emily how to use the hand dryers ("push button.... wipe hands on pants.") and we set off again. i sang show tunes for the first half of the ride home, and slept for the second half. emily tried to kill us once while i was sleeping, but i woke up and stopped her. (*car swerves wildly, i wake up* "aaaah what's going on?!" "i'm trying to kill us all.... go back to sleep" "ok. *sleeps*") then we took the scenic route back to iowa city after some exit confusion. all in all, an excellent adventure ^_^ the pictures we took to illustrate are HILARIOUS.... i can't wait to get them up.
but for now, i'm EXHAUSTED. and i have to go out to north liberty at eight. woooot. (teeeen giiiirl squuuaaaad! "how do we look?" "soooo goood!" "oookay! ... i mean, soooo good!")
ok, i totally got this on purpose....

You are... 'Damn, I think I might have gone a
little heavy on the eyeliner today.' It's
okay, you're still sexy. You know that, we
know that, everybody knows that. You are
Captain Jack Sparrow, so, of course, everybody
loves you... well... not everybody....
actually, a lot of people don't like you...
but... damn, you sure are sexy. With or
without the eyeliner.
What random made up thought from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
just got home from seeing 28 days later with some of the old highschool gang... good times. though, i HATED the alternate ending, it SUCKED. made me really mad. the movie was SO good though. it was so so so scary. i spent the entire thing covering my eyes, and occasionally leaping into brian or michael's (michael! the caterpillar from alice!!!) laps. and everyone kept laughing at me, because i'm such a basket case at scary movies....
then, when we left, nicole somehow managed to get like, every candy wrapper in the world stuck to her shoes. it was hiiiiilarious. and we got outside, and nate's like "my eye hurts." and i'm like "ooh, it does look all red..." and erin's like "oh, maybe it's infected again?" and i was like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH nate's infected! kill him!" but, he promised that it was just his eye. ("nate's eye has rage! it wants to kill us all!" "don't worry guys, i'll keep it in control.")
and we had good times and emily's with cookie dough, and james bond, and stuff.
and brian and i rode to the movie theatre with our heads out the windows. because it seemed like the thing to do. it was fun.
this entry took like three hours to write, because i'm such a space case. *distracted*
then, when we left, nicole somehow managed to get like, every candy wrapper in the world stuck to her shoes. it was hiiiiilarious. and we got outside, and nate's like "my eye hurts." and i'm like "ooh, it does look all red..." and erin's like "oh, maybe it's infected again?" and i was like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH nate's infected! kill him!" but, he promised that it was just his eye. ("nate's eye has rage! it wants to kill us all!" "don't worry guys, i'll keep it in control.")
and we had good times and emily's with cookie dough, and james bond, and stuff.
and brian and i rode to the movie theatre with our heads out the windows. because it seemed like the thing to do. it was fun.
this entry took like three hours to write, because i'm such a space case. *distracted*
aaagh. almost seven am.
I am 39% Emo

Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.
Take the Emo Test at fuali.com
the last time i took this test, in december 2001.... i was 58% emo. teehee.
i talked to alex on the phone tonight for.... *cough* a very long time.
i'm reallly tired.
i'm making a list of things i need to do to keep my parents from killing me...
i need to talk to patrick... and... emily.... and see my missy again tomorrow.
i actually had something real to blog about, but i'm too tired. maybe when i get up. oh hey alex, the bald guy with the goatee in the picture from december 02 is my friend rob... (remember? rob from pittsburgh who i know through stuart? i know i mentioned him.... he just stayed with me on his way to colorado.... scroll down a few entries and you'll see it.)

Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.
Take the Emo Test at fuali.com
the last time i took this test, in december 2001.... i was 58% emo. teehee.
i talked to alex on the phone tonight for.... *cough* a very long time.
i'm reallly tired.
i'm making a list of things i need to do to keep my parents from killing me...
i need to talk to patrick... and... emily.... and see my missy again tomorrow.
i actually had something real to blog about, but i'm too tired. maybe when i get up. oh hey alex, the bald guy with the goatee in the picture from december 02 is my friend rob... (remember? rob from pittsburgh who i know through stuart? i know i mentioned him.... he just stayed with me on his way to colorado.... scroll down a few entries and you'll see it.)
oh. my. god.
lecia is married! has been for a year. oh my GOD. oh. my. god. this was my BEST friend from like.... freshman and sophomore year. oh my god. living in the coraliville ghetto... (the fact that coralville has a ghetto is hilarious. it's the ghettoest ghetto ever. ah! hahaa. i'm so amused.)
we're all discussing how freakd out we are by the recent marriage trends.
oh, i'm at emily's house, btw. then to ben's. actually first to the bar. then to ben's. wooot. (woot always makes me think of teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen giiiiiiiiiiiiirl squaaaad)
we're all discussing how freakd out we are by the recent marriage trends.
oh, i'm at emily's house, btw. then to ben's. actually first to the bar. then to ben's. wooot. (woot always makes me think of teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen giiiiiiiiiiiiirl squaaaad)
much to blog about!!
am late to emily's!
sean just started MAJOR fucking drama at the bar. tonight is going to be bad.
patrick and i are "back together" so to speak. (in a will and grace way...) let's see, the position of gay boyfriend is now filled. now all i need is a straight one ^_~
ok, to emily's for dinner, then to ben's for paaaaaaaaartay all night long. wooot! we're going to use my kool aid for jungle juice... i'm a little wary of it.... but... we'll see.
am late to emily's!
sean just started MAJOR fucking drama at the bar. tonight is going to be bad.
patrick and i are "back together" so to speak. (in a will and grace way...) let's see, the position of gay boyfriend is now filled. now all i need is a straight one ^_~
ok, to emily's for dinner, then to ben's for paaaaaaaaartay all night long. wooot! we're going to use my kool aid for jungle juice... i'm a little wary of it.... but... we'll see.
was my alice comment from casey?? i think it was.
i'm going to marry jordan so that he can cook for me the rest of my life.
though, i'm married to treye already, and someone else... and andrea? or aric? or strongbad? and ben and i are gonna get married (he's going to make millioins of dollars, and i'm going to look pretty. i think it's fair. ... right after i said i'd look pretty... i choked on my donut and almost died. whoops. not so preetty)
kudos to those who saw the title before my edit... "dective!megan"
i'm going to marry jordan so that he can cook for me the rest of my life.
though, i'm married to treye already, and someone else... and andrea? or aric? or strongbad? and ben and i are gonna get married (he's going to make millioins of dollars, and i'm going to look pretty. i think it's fair. ... right after i said i'd look pretty... i choked on my donut and almost died. whoops. not so preetty)
kudos to those who saw the title before my edit... "dective!megan"
good times at ben's house.
listenen to some white stripes, and drinking a dr pepper. heather's on her way over, if alex listened to his voicemail, he is headed over in spirit... aaand jordan just got here. (with hot pockets!)
i just made kool aid. that's the extent of my cooking ability. it's kinda overly sugary, but i blame ben. we got the bong water cleaned up. go us.
*lovin me some white stripes.* DUDE... nina... you HAVE to come to iowa to seeeee mee. we will have good times. and you will have pants. woot! (i will also have pants... but... you know...)
ok, i'm going to go anticipate heather's arrival. byee kids. and leave me a comment! i'm lonely without any comments. *sniffle*
i just made kool aid. that's the extent of my cooking ability. it's kinda overly sugary, but i blame ben. we got the bong water cleaned up. go us.
*lovin me some white stripes.* DUDE... nina... you HAVE to come to iowa to seeeee mee. we will have good times. and you will have pants. woot! (i will also have pants... but... you know...)
ok, i'm going to go anticipate heather's arrival. byee kids. and leave me a comment! i'm lonely without any comments. *sniffle*
"aawww jordan! you're spilling bong water all over the carpet! we're trying to clean!"
party preparation continues...
i have a donut balanced on my knee and it's making it hard to type. we're watching ninja turtles! wooo!
party preparation continues...
i have a donut balanced on my knee and it's making it hard to type. we're watching ninja turtles! wooo!
aww, i hate this blogger format.
apparently opera has the skanky version of new blogger. grrr. also, my iframe doesn't work in opera. curious.
oh hey, speaking of curious things, i'm gonna go watch a dvd of me in alice in wonderland! woot. whilst ben and beau enjoy some substances in the other room, and then clean, for ben's party tomorrow night, you'd all better come!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalex (i couldn't find the x for some reason. i typed alez, ales, alec, aled...) anywho, alex, i had something to discuss with you, but i don't remember what it was.... (doh) uh, i'll either leave you a message with ben's the # to ben's apartment (where i will be this fine evening) or, i'll leave you a message with what i wanted to tell you, if i remember. yup. okie, buhbye kids.
p.s. heather, come over!
oh hey, speaking of curious things, i'm gonna go watch a dvd of me in alice in wonderland! woot. whilst ben and beau enjoy some substances in the other room, and then clean, for ben's party tomorrow night, you'd all better come!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalex (i couldn't find the x for some reason. i typed alez, ales, alec, aled...) anywho, alex, i had something to discuss with you, but i don't remember what it was.... (doh) uh, i'll either leave you a message with ben's the # to ben's apartment (where i will be this fine evening) or, i'll leave you a message with what i wanted to tell you, if i remember. yup. okie, buhbye kids.
p.s. heather, come over!
outlook express and aim are having some MAJOR issues.... holy cow.
in other news... i dressed up really nice, and did my hair and make up, and feel really pretty.... for no reason. ben and i are going to go get donuts as soon as he gets here.... (not that i don't get all dolled up for you ben... but, i don't. because... well, you know what i look like when i look like crap... and i really have nothing to gain from being sexy for you. surry. *mwah*) so. long story short, i have no one to dress up for. (well, maybe i do... but they certainly aren't gonna see me tonight. oooh.)
ok. bye. i'm gonna go call ben and yell at him for being late.
in other news... i dressed up really nice, and did my hair and make up, and feel really pretty.... for no reason. ben and i are going to go get donuts as soon as he gets here.... (not that i don't get all dolled up for you ben... but, i don't. because... well, you know what i look like when i look like crap... and i really have nothing to gain from being sexy for you. surry. *mwah*) so. long story short, i have no one to dress up for. (well, maybe i do... but they certainly aren't gonna see me tonight. oooh.)
ok. bye. i'm gonna go call ben and yell at him for being late.
i hate our house.
aaaaaagh. i just went away for a moment to go get lemonade.... and a mouse JUMPED off the kitchen counter. and HIT me. and i screamed. oh, it was awful.
my away message amuses me greatly. "*angst angst angst*" only, it's in the cutest pink font in the entire world. awww. *just checked the cc.com mail* dude, parents need to stop emailing us thinking we're curtis. i thought that the only people who did that were the moron teenyboppers... but apparently there are quite a few parents of young children who watch hi-5 who don't get that we aren't curtis!! aaaaaaagh.
lalala. kyle's right, i need to get some icons. but i'm lazy. bah.
i'm trying to find my joshua kobak cd. and i can't. and i'm sad. oh, hey, my cd player played my matt caplan cd earlier today. but it won't do it again. because it's a jerk. and josh's cd is apparently in hiding. eh.
ah ah!! oh my god! it just started playing! my matt cd!! aaaaah! yay!! < / teenybopper >
i wrote so much today. and i want to share it with someone. but i don't. because it's not that good. booo.
can't.... focus.... too.... hungry....
i'm so weird. i was discussing boys with a friend of mine.... and she was like "you're scary for boys." and i'm like "uh, why?"... "because you're beautiful, and just... so unapproachable sometimes..." she says this to me as i sit, unshowered, in sweats, hair in a pony tail, with mascara under my eyes.... spilling soup on myself. GUYS... if you don't approach me, stay away because i'm nerdy, and stupid, and weird and loud... and annoying. not because i seem "unattainable". for the love. *shakes head* boys. gah. maybe liz is right, maybe i should consider becoming a lesbian. (i AM so in love with the gelfling girlies at the bar. awwww. they're so darling. and punkish. aww punk. it's so cute.) and... boys... suck. so. yeah. if anyone wants to know WHY i am harboring so much man hatred, i will totally tell you. i just know that three of the boys who made me realize have the URL to here... and will totally come yell at me if i talk about them. and i want to avoid that. because i'm trying to avoid public drama.
*loving me some matt caplan*
lalala. kyle's right, i need to get some icons. but i'm lazy. bah.
i'm trying to find my joshua kobak cd. and i can't. and i'm sad. oh, hey, my cd player played my matt caplan cd earlier today. but it won't do it again. because it's a jerk. and josh's cd is apparently in hiding. eh.
ah ah!! oh my god! it just started playing! my matt cd!! aaaaah! yay!! < / teenybopper >
i wrote so much today. and i want to share it with someone. but i don't. because it's not that good. booo.
can't.... focus.... too.... hungry....
i'm so weird. i was discussing boys with a friend of mine.... and she was like "you're scary for boys." and i'm like "uh, why?"... "because you're beautiful, and just... so unapproachable sometimes..." she says this to me as i sit, unshowered, in sweats, hair in a pony tail, with mascara under my eyes.... spilling soup on myself. GUYS... if you don't approach me, stay away because i'm nerdy, and stupid, and weird and loud... and annoying. not because i seem "unattainable". for the love. *shakes head* boys. gah. maybe liz is right, maybe i should consider becoming a lesbian. (i AM so in love with the gelfling girlies at the bar. awwww. they're so darling. and punkish. aww punk. it's so cute.) and... boys... suck. so. yeah. if anyone wants to know WHY i am harboring so much man hatred, i will totally tell you. i just know that three of the boys who made me realize have the URL to here... and will totally come yell at me if i talk about them. and i want to avoid that. because i'm trying to avoid public drama.
*loving me some matt caplan*
yay tom stoppard.
went to see the real thing at the university tonight. v.good. except, the girl playing annie, should have been playing charlotte, and the girl playing charlotte should have been annie. and it was PAINFULLY obvious. (see, the girl playing annie.... is the lead in freaking everything. i've seen her in SO many things. she's ok. but... the girl playing charlotte is new to the area, has this incredible resume, i've only seen her in one or two things, but she is unbelievable.) so. the guy playing henry, oh my god i totally know his name.... uhh, i'm too tired to walk downstairs and get the program, but i've seen him in tons of stuff too... anywho, he was WONDERFUL. it may just be that henry's my favorite character in like, the whole entire world.... but... really, if he fulfilled my expectatioins for what henry ought to be.... then he was pretty damn good. whenever he walked on stage, even in blackout, you could tell... he was so ON. like, no matter what, it was as though he was walking into or out of his home.... not like he was coming on stage, or exiting. very very nice. the girl playing debbie.... was... just... i don't know why she was cast. i mean, she was good. but she didn't fit the character at all. you could tell she was this sweet, nice, docile girl. who was pretending to be a rebel for the role. maybe i'm wrong... but if that's how it came across... it's still no good. but. wow, kristine as charlotte was so good. i would kill to see her as annie opposite the-guy-whose-name-i-can't-remember's (i think it's tom) henry.
all that said. i want to play henry in the real thing. lifes' so unfair. boys get all the good roles. *kicks boys*
my favorite section of the whole play.... (though, a close second is the "having all the words isnt' what it's all about" part, which *nina* has in her user info, gooo nina.) is TOTALLY when annie's leaving, and is late... and henry tells her that he CAN'T find a part of himself where she isn't important.... god, i love it. lemme find it, and i'll totally post it.
*edit, i found it. here..*
ANNIE: Tell me to stop and I'll stop.
HENRY: I can't. I'd just be the person who stopped you. I can't be that. When I got upset you said you'd stop so I try not to get upset. I don't get pathetic because when I got pathetic I could feel how tedious it was, how unattractive. I don't ask questions because that feels intrusive and a little vulgar. So. Dignified cuckoldry is a difficult trick, but it can be done. Think of it as modern marriage. We have got beyond hypocrisy, you and I. Exclusive rights isn't love, it's colonisation.
ANNIE: Stop it – please stop it. (Pause)
HENRY: The trouble is, I can't find a part of myself where you're not important. I write in order to be worth your while and to finance the way I want to live with you. Not the way you want to live. The way I want to live with you. Without you I wouldn't care. I'd eat tinned spaghetti and put on yesterday's clothes. But as it is I change my socks, and make money, and tart up Brodie's unspeakable drivel into speakable drivel so he can be an author too, like me. Not that it seems to have done him much good. Perhaps the authorities saw that it was a touch meretricious. Meretrix, meretricis. Harlot.
"I don't get pathetic because when I got pathetic I could feel how tedious it was, how unattractive"
i hear ya henry...
all that said. i want to play henry in the real thing. lifes' so unfair. boys get all the good roles. *kicks boys*
my favorite section of the whole play.... (though, a close second is the "having all the words isnt' what it's all about" part, which *nina* has in her user info, gooo nina.) is TOTALLY when annie's leaving, and is late... and henry tells her that he CAN'T find a part of himself where she isn't important.... god, i love it. lemme find it, and i'll totally post it.
*edit, i found it. here..*
ANNIE: Tell me to stop and I'll stop.
HENRY: I can't. I'd just be the person who stopped you. I can't be that. When I got upset you said you'd stop so I try not to get upset. I don't get pathetic because when I got pathetic I could feel how tedious it was, how unattractive. I don't ask questions because that feels intrusive and a little vulgar. So. Dignified cuckoldry is a difficult trick, but it can be done. Think of it as modern marriage. We have got beyond hypocrisy, you and I. Exclusive rights isn't love, it's colonisation.
ANNIE: Stop it – please stop it. (Pause)
HENRY: The trouble is, I can't find a part of myself where you're not important. I write in order to be worth your while and to finance the way I want to live with you. Not the way you want to live. The way I want to live with you. Without you I wouldn't care. I'd eat tinned spaghetti and put on yesterday's clothes. But as it is I change my socks, and make money, and tart up Brodie's unspeakable drivel into speakable drivel so he can be an author too, like me. Not that it seems to have done him much good. Perhaps the authorities saw that it was a touch meretricious. Meretrix, meretricis. Harlot.
"I don't get pathetic because when I got pathetic I could feel how tedious it was, how unattractive"
i hear ya henry...
hot or not, i hate you!
who ARE these people?! they're all cute, and have keywords matching mine, but i've never seen them before in my life!
awww matty caplan, i heart yooou.
thinking to myself she's so amazing
and i couldn't help remembering
the last time i thought someone was amazing.
divide and conquer matt, you tool, you. i hear ya.
< / renthead nerdiness >
and i couldn't help remembering
the last time i thought someone was amazing.
divide and conquer matt, you tool, you. i hear ya.
< / renthead nerdiness >
anonymous comments confuse me. especially when they have to be from someone i know.... (the whole alice thing...) hmmm. *begins rummaging through ip addresses*
i feel about a billion times better this morning. i'm still sad.... but it's not the same overwhelming, crushing everything kind of sad.
and missy gets home today. i couldn't be happier. she's in iowa RIGHT now... i think emily's bringing her back from the airport in des moines... i get to see my missy in like.... three hours! yaaaay! (p.s. emily, i will be waiting at your door when you guys get there ^_^)
i'm gonna go eat something. my mom's home though.... i seriously wish she'd finish this random vacation time and go away. uuuugh. oh hey... i have a play to go to tonight.... that cheers me up a little. it's with my mom though, which makes me sad. doh.
in an effort to make me stop hating things (like boys, and life) ben and i are going to go to krispie kreme and eat donuts. because, that will make me feel better about gaining weight. yes, it will. (i actually really do'nt care about the weight thing that much.... it's just nerve wracking, i was like... so well, horribly underweight all through highschool.... and i'm SO much heavier than that now, but you can't tell. so it doesn't bug me... especially since i still have about six people at the bar who call me toothpick... let's see. put it this way.... i love the way i look, couldn't be happier. but there's still a part of me that is saying "oh my god, you weigh 140. that is FORTY pounds more than you did three years ago..." (yes, i weigh 140, no one believes me. ever. that's another thing that helps me not care... people are always make jokes "you can't be more than 110, wet.") oh my GOD, where did this rant on weight come from?! i'm gonna shut up now. because i'm.... crazy. ok. read this quick kids, before i delete it or make it a private LJ entry ^_^
and missy gets home today. i couldn't be happier. she's in iowa RIGHT now... i think emily's bringing her back from the airport in des moines... i get to see my missy in like.... three hours! yaaaay! (p.s. emily, i will be waiting at your door when you guys get there ^_^)
i'm gonna go eat something. my mom's home though.... i seriously wish she'd finish this random vacation time and go away. uuuugh. oh hey... i have a play to go to tonight.... that cheers me up a little. it's with my mom though, which makes me sad. doh.
in an effort to make me stop hating things (like boys, and life) ben and i are going to go to krispie kreme and eat donuts. because, that will make me feel better about gaining weight. yes, it will. (i actually really do'nt care about the weight thing that much.... it's just nerve wracking, i was like... so well, horribly underweight all through highschool.... and i'm SO much heavier than that now, but you can't tell. so it doesn't bug me... especially since i still have about six people at the bar who call me toothpick... let's see. put it this way.... i love the way i look, couldn't be happier. but there's still a part of me that is saying "oh my god, you weigh 140. that is FORTY pounds more than you did three years ago..." (yes, i weigh 140, no one believes me. ever. that's another thing that helps me not care... people are always make jokes "you can't be more than 110, wet.") oh my GOD, where did this rant on weight come from?! i'm gonna shut up now. because i'm.... crazy. ok. read this quick kids, before i delete it or make it a private LJ entry ^_^
i mean, eric and ben. doh.
i told matt i'd be sad when he left, and he hit me. because he's not leaving. doh. ben is though. and we had a good time. last i saw ben, he was heading off down the alley to his afterhours goodbye party. and last i saw eric he was heading off with nic. awww.
sidenote: there is something hella shady going on with my hot or not account. i keep matching with people i didn't click yes to. help me! stalkers! aah! (yeah, FIVE messages from this one guy in like, a day.)
so. tonight. uugh. i had a good time, i guess. but, i don't think more people who i didn't need to see could have possibly been there. (no, that's a lie, derek's gone.) so. yeah. i also discovered tonight that there is NO such thing as a good straight guy. (at least not here) all any of them want is some ass. and i'm sick of it. tonight could have been way fun... (and it was, when i was with my boys.... but at the same time, it's depressing to be dancing with a bunch of gay men all night.) but i was all sad. *sad* a high point of the evening was when cotton eyed joe started, and gabe picked me up to put me on stage, only.... lifted me like... above his head. i thought i was going to die. so scary. but i didn't. there wasn't enough room for me do dance though.... (yes, i know the whole cotton eyed joe dance, i used to work on a ranch, bite me)
eeeeh. i'm sad. i almost started crying on the way home. but i didn't. because i don't think it would have helped anything. i should prolly go to bed... i'm a touch drunk, (two drinks) and sad. not a good combo. oh well, i'll be undrunk in like, five minutes if i go eat something and have some water... yeah.
sidenote: there is something hella shady going on with my hot or not account. i keep matching with people i didn't click yes to. help me! stalkers! aah! (yeah, FIVE messages from this one guy in like, a day.)
so. tonight. uugh. i had a good time, i guess. but, i don't think more people who i didn't need to see could have possibly been there. (no, that's a lie, derek's gone.) so. yeah. i also discovered tonight that there is NO such thing as a good straight guy. (at least not here) all any of them want is some ass. and i'm sick of it. tonight could have been way fun... (and it was, when i was with my boys.... but at the same time, it's depressing to be dancing with a bunch of gay men all night.) but i was all sad. *sad* a high point of the evening was when cotton eyed joe started, and gabe picked me up to put me on stage, only.... lifted me like... above his head. i thought i was going to die. so scary. but i didn't. there wasn't enough room for me do dance though.... (yes, i know the whole cotton eyed joe dance, i used to work on a ranch, bite me)
eeeeh. i'm sad. i almost started crying on the way home. but i didn't. because i don't think it would have helped anything. i should prolly go to bed... i'm a touch drunk, (two drinks) and sad. not a good combo. oh well, i'll be undrunk in like, five minutes if i go eat something and have some water... yeah.
goodbye ben erik and matt!
ben erik and matt's good bye partay tonight. i'm off to that.
i'm in a little bit better mood. i'm still feeling... i don't know how to describe it.... very small? eh?
i also slept for like, two hours. so much for my half hour nap. people kept calling and waking me up though. Gr...
i'm in a little bit better mood. i'm still feeling... i don't know how to describe it.... very small? eh?
i also slept for like, two hours. so much for my half hour nap. people kept calling and waking me up though. Gr...
so, rabbit judging at the fair ALL day today. well over six hours. (just like last year) again, i ran around catching bunnies that people dropped... i sat and talked with TONS of 4-H kids.... some were really cool. others... not so much..... i have to go back and get allison in a little while, because her and chelsea are still there.
i actually had a lot of fun today, but i got in a fight with my mom on the way home (about freakin NOTHING.... she just... ugh. i'm still a failure, if you're wondering...) and now i'm in a really bad mood. and i need a hug. and i'm sad.
i wrote alex a letter from the rabbit barn, (like a letter letter. ooh crazy.) but it's on gigantic paper, and it all smudgy, because chelsea had a crisis and i had to hold cliff (one of her rabbits) for her, and he sat on the letter and smudged it all up. stupid cliff.
ok, i'm gonna take a nap for like, a half hour. (james said that naps for a half hour are good. i never sleep less than like, two hours at a time.... we'll see.) because i have much to do tonight. bah.
i actually had a lot of fun today, but i got in a fight with my mom on the way home (about freakin NOTHING.... she just... ugh. i'm still a failure, if you're wondering...) and now i'm in a really bad mood. and i need a hug. and i'm sad.
i wrote alex a letter from the rabbit barn, (like a letter letter. ooh crazy.) but it's on gigantic paper, and it all smudgy, because chelsea had a crisis and i had to hold cliff (one of her rabbits) for her, and he sat on the letter and smudged it all up. stupid cliff.
ok, i'm gonna take a nap for like, a half hour. (james said that naps for a half hour are good. i never sleep less than like, two hours at a time.... we'll see.) because i have much to do tonight. bah.
alex's computer sucks!
and he owes me an email.
and i just got glue ALL over.
i'm also kind of depressed because renata's gone for two weeks.
but, happy because patrick and i are goign to the north halstead market days together! and he told me that his house is halfway between detroit and chicago, and we're going to his house too that weekend. so mayhaps perchance i'll bop up to visit my toasttwin. (and alex. even though is computer sucks and he owes me an email. i suppose i can forgive him.) patrick thought it was hilarious that you're going to comicon, btw.
ok, goodnight kids.
and he owes me an email.
and i just got glue ALL over.
i'm also kind of depressed because renata's gone for two weeks.
but, happy because patrick and i are goign to the north halstead market days together! and he told me that his house is halfway between detroit and chicago, and we're going to his house too that weekend. so mayhaps perchance i'll bop up to visit my toasttwin. (and alex. even though is computer sucks and he owes me an email. i suppose i can forgive him.) patrick thought it was hilarious that you're going to comicon, btw.
ok, goodnight kids.
pizza palace
patrick and i went to pizza palace in mt vernon today. because we're both freaking out in iowa city. and having those... "i'm right here by the interstate.... i should just go to chicago/california/denver/new york/anywhere but here" moments. so, we drove the back way to mt vernon. and had pizza in the cutest little pizza place. so good too. such a small town atomosphere, made me feel better about iowa city being so dinky. we almost went and knocked on some kid's apartment door.... because they had a pride flag in their window. and we were gonna be like "haaaaaaay gurl, we's familly, how's it?" but it was late. so we didn't. we're going back during the day to go to this cute little shop called the silver spider... and to knock and this kid's door. ^_^
so, that was very enjoyable. then i went to studio, and sat by the dj booth being a wallflower. it was nice. ken kept cracking me up doing inappropriate things with the microphone. then zane showed up and danced with me for awhile. and made me miss him a little bit. then the bar closed, and treye tripped on a bunch of things when he tried to make an announcement... and i was amused.... then zane and i went for a walk. then i came home. i wrote about stuff for about an hour. and kind of started thinking about where i want to road trip to. next summer is the plan. maybe get a van? and some people. four at the most. and just go. and take a video camera, a tape recorder, an slr camera, a digital camera.... a laptop.... and lots of notebooks. and just go. and fight, and hate eachother, and love eachother, and have drama, and just have fun. and take tons of pictures. and stay in scuzzy motels, and camp out. i would love it. so so so much. *sigh*
ok, alex just got his ass on aim. gtg kids ^_^
so, that was very enjoyable. then i went to studio, and sat by the dj booth being a wallflower. it was nice. ken kept cracking me up doing inappropriate things with the microphone. then zane showed up and danced with me for awhile. and made me miss him a little bit. then the bar closed, and treye tripped on a bunch of things when he tried to make an announcement... and i was amused.... then zane and i went for a walk. then i came home. i wrote about stuff for about an hour. and kind of started thinking about where i want to road trip to. next summer is the plan. maybe get a van? and some people. four at the most. and just go. and take a video camera, a tape recorder, an slr camera, a digital camera.... a laptop.... and lots of notebooks. and just go. and fight, and hate eachother, and love eachother, and have drama, and just have fun. and take tons of pictures. and stay in scuzzy motels, and camp out. i would love it. so so so much. *sigh*
ok, alex just got his ass on aim. gtg kids ^_^
i just decided something.
i want a road trip so bad. like, a BIG road trip. i wanna go to the old route 66. and... camp, and stay in crappy little motels with cool signs. and take pictures of stuff. and... and... *hand gestures* stuff! wow. i really really want to plan this. like... PLAN stuff out... and go. maybe next summer? or later this fall? (hell, i don't have school, i might as well.)
wow. i would LOVE this. anyone wanna come?
i want a road trip so bad. like, a BIG road trip. i wanna go to the old route 66. and... camp, and stay in crappy little motels with cool signs. and take pictures of stuff. and... and... *hand gestures* stuff! wow. i really really want to plan this. like... PLAN stuff out... and go. maybe next summer? or later this fall? (hell, i don't have school, i might as well.)
wow. i would LOVE this. anyone wanna come?
i LOVE sugar ray
that's all, really. i just... i LOVE them. and mark mcgrath.... *raaaaaaawr* i only listen to them like, once every two months. but, when i do, i am overcome with sugar ray love. *is overcome*
looking at my hot or not matches. part III of unacceptable keywords is coming soon. i just had this picture... nice looking guy, nice profile, keywords etc etc.... but, on a boat (not a sailboat.... ~_~) holding a fish. i was like "AAAH! *clicks no*" oh, and... nice hat... though, this batch i've actually clicked yes to THREE people. i NEVER do that. weeeird. admittedly one is because i think i met him in kansas city... but the other guys just seemed like he might be cool. (and one of them's picture made me crack up.) now watch, they'll be big losers. *sigh*
ok, and i vow to stop clicking yes to people and ignoring the emails they send me *hangs head* i'm a bitch sometimes. it's mostly because i'm lazy.
ok... i forgive katie for her short notice chicago show.... becaaaaaaause she's gonna be there (at schuba's no less) on the ninth! woohooo! *dance* but, bree sharp is only playing east coast shows. i REALLY want to see bree. oh oh oh kyle! katie's also going to be in kalamazoo on august.... uh.... 30th. so you can see her too! wooo! stuart should be back in that area for a cd release soon.... but, i really have no idea when that'll be.
looking at my hot or not matches. part III of unacceptable keywords is coming soon. i just had this picture... nice looking guy, nice profile, keywords etc etc.... but, on a boat (not a sailboat.... ~_~) holding a fish. i was like "AAAH! *clicks no*" oh, and... nice hat... though, this batch i've actually clicked yes to THREE people. i NEVER do that. weeeird. admittedly one is because i think i met him in kansas city... but the other guys just seemed like he might be cool. (and one of them's picture made me crack up.) now watch, they'll be big losers. *sigh*
ok, and i vow to stop clicking yes to people and ignoring the emails they send me *hangs head* i'm a bitch sometimes. it's mostly because i'm lazy.
ok... i forgive katie for her short notice chicago show.... becaaaaaaause she's gonna be there (at schuba's no less) on the ninth! woohooo! *dance* but, bree sharp is only playing east coast shows. i REALLY want to see bree. oh oh oh kyle! katie's also going to be in kalamazoo on august.... uh.... 30th. so you can see her too! wooo! stuart should be back in that area for a cd release soon.... but, i really have no idea when that'll be.
so. my perfect girlfriend picture isn't working anymore, and someone left me a not-so-nice comment on it. i KNOW i'm not perfect, you dolt. whichever exboyfriend that was, i'll be you aren't so perfect either. oh well. "i'm sweet, you're bitter" *deletes that post to get rid of graphic issue*
bloggers unite!
renata, i agree... we *were* the last two hold out on the livejournal thing.... *sigh* but, i will not let my blog die! viva la blog! i only joined lj because of the cute bouncy kitty moods... (aawwwwww) and so i could join kait's new community. which i haven't done yet. and once i do, i doubt i'll be brave enough to post anything. doh. oh, and to leave comments! (i hate always being anonymous...)
i just made deviled eggs!! they're really good. i had some (read: many) problems... but in the end it's all good. at one point, there was creamed egg yolk stuff EVERYWHERE.... but, it ended up alright. and they're good. and even kinda pretty. awww preeeeetty. *eats a pretty egg*
my cd player is being a jerk. it keeps skipping, and saying that my matt caplan cd isn't a cd. and it IS. it is!! you stupid cd player! i'm so much smarter than you, and i say it is! *sigh* one of the only burned cds it will play is my drag queen songs cd... and the second act of my 7.6.01 bootleg. but none of my other bootlegs, and not the first act. *kicks cd player*
dammit all. katie todd is opening for 10,000 maniacs (i didn't even know they were still a band..) this saturday in chicago. dammit katie! i wanna come! but i already have like, three things i reaaaaally want to do this weekend! and i'm so torn! why does this always happen? i do NOTHING for like, three months. then all of a sudden everyone i've ever met has something that i really ought to do. *sigh* maaaaaaan i really want to see katie. i can't even LISTEN to katie... (well, i could listen to her actual cd, but i wanna listen to the boooots.)
*whine* this has been a particularly whiney post. i'm sorry. i'll discuss last night, because last night was fun, and not whiny.
kismet got here right at eight, and then ivy called and was like "i left my id in your purse, will you drive over here and give it to me?" and i was like "uh, no. i have friends coming over..." and then she wanted to come over and party.... and i had to explain that ... no. i don't WANT to party, and besides, these aren't party friends. they're.... better friends? yeah. anywho. so, she called when her and matty were about two miles away to ask for directions.... because she left them at her house. so, i'm directing them how to get here, and i'm like "ok, i see your car, turn right RIGHT now." and the car turned into our driveway, but it was rob! not ivy! and i was like "dammit, where i just send ivy?" so i went and found her, and gave her her stuff, and then raaaaaan over to hug my rob. and then rob and kismet and i hung out til mike and travissattva got here.... then we all hung out. and... i dont know if i was just cranky or what.... but travis pissed me off. grrr. then everyone but rob left. and we hung out and watched conan, then went to bed. i was OUT by like, 12:30 last night. and slept til 9:30 this morning. when rob came up stairs and made me get up. then we had frozen waffles. and oatmeal, and a pop tart. (rob doesn't believe how much i eat. i don't think it's THAT much) then my mom got home, and we all had apple crisp, and i gave rob some flowers for his ride to colorado. theeeeen he left. and i went to wal mart and such. the eeend.
it was v. nice to see rob. and i get to see him again reeeeally soon! yay! but, i'm concerned about how the sangha soiree is going to pan out.... since i'm apparently driving out on my own, but i'm worried i'll get conned into bringing people back with me. and inevitably, they're like "is two dollars for gas ok? alright." and i'm like "i hate you." besides, there are very few people i could handle a thirteen hour car trip with. kismet is one of them.... renata is one of them... rob... emily jones... and... that's about all. (maybe with ben. i bet i'd kill him though.) oh my god, KAYLA. i could drive across the entire country with kayla. she's the best car trip partner EVER. oh my god, i wonder if she'd come with me to chicago in august..... she's totally on my way.... that'd be SO fun. i have to go call her!
okie ^_^ see you guys later!
i just made deviled eggs!! they're really good. i had some (read: many) problems... but in the end it's all good. at one point, there was creamed egg yolk stuff EVERYWHERE.... but, it ended up alright. and they're good. and even kinda pretty. awww preeeeetty. *eats a pretty egg*
my cd player is being a jerk. it keeps skipping, and saying that my matt caplan cd isn't a cd. and it IS. it is!! you stupid cd player! i'm so much smarter than you, and i say it is! *sigh* one of the only burned cds it will play is my drag queen songs cd... and the second act of my 7.6.01 bootleg. but none of my other bootlegs, and not the first act. *kicks cd player*
dammit all. katie todd is opening for 10,000 maniacs (i didn't even know they were still a band..) this saturday in chicago. dammit katie! i wanna come! but i already have like, three things i reaaaaally want to do this weekend! and i'm so torn! why does this always happen? i do NOTHING for like, three months. then all of a sudden everyone i've ever met has something that i really ought to do. *sigh* maaaaaaan i really want to see katie. i can't even LISTEN to katie... (well, i could listen to her actual cd, but i wanna listen to the boooots.)
*whine* this has been a particularly whiney post. i'm sorry. i'll discuss last night, because last night was fun, and not whiny.
kismet got here right at eight, and then ivy called and was like "i left my id in your purse, will you drive over here and give it to me?" and i was like "uh, no. i have friends coming over..." and then she wanted to come over and party.... and i had to explain that ... no. i don't WANT to party, and besides, these aren't party friends. they're.... better friends? yeah. anywho. so, she called when her and matty were about two miles away to ask for directions.... because she left them at her house. so, i'm directing them how to get here, and i'm like "ok, i see your car, turn right RIGHT now." and the car turned into our driveway, but it was rob! not ivy! and i was like "dammit, where i just send ivy?" so i went and found her, and gave her her stuff, and then raaaaaan over to hug my rob. and then rob and kismet and i hung out til mike and travissattva got here.... then we all hung out. and... i dont know if i was just cranky or what.... but travis pissed me off. grrr. then everyone but rob left. and we hung out and watched conan, then went to bed. i was OUT by like, 12:30 last night. and slept til 9:30 this morning. when rob came up stairs and made me get up. then we had frozen waffles. and oatmeal, and a pop tart. (rob doesn't believe how much i eat. i don't think it's THAT much) then my mom got home, and we all had apple crisp, and i gave rob some flowers for his ride to colorado. theeeeen he left. and i went to wal mart and such. the eeend.
it was v. nice to see rob. and i get to see him again reeeeally soon! yay! but, i'm concerned about how the sangha soiree is going to pan out.... since i'm apparently driving out on my own, but i'm worried i'll get conned into bringing people back with me. and inevitably, they're like "is two dollars for gas ok? alright." and i'm like "i hate you." besides, there are very few people i could handle a thirteen hour car trip with. kismet is one of them.... renata is one of them... rob... emily jones... and... that's about all. (maybe with ben. i bet i'd kill him though.) oh my god, KAYLA. i could drive across the entire country with kayla. she's the best car trip partner EVER. oh my god, i wonder if she'd come with me to chicago in august..... she's totally on my way.... that'd be SO fun. i have to go call her!
okie ^_^ see you guys later!
i hate outlook express...
it's trying to protect me from two attatchments.... one is from patrick, and one is from me. yet, one from some random spam type guy.... that one they would have let me download. jerks.
i'm reading a bunch of old emails and im conversations. wow. i have a lot of drama in my life. it's a little out of control. my favorite is josie freaking out at me. aaah. that was hilarious. "i heard you were talking shit about kristin, you can't call her a bitch, because YOURE the bitch." and i'm like "well, if you can call me a bitch, i can call you AND kristin bitches for all i care... and i actually HAVEN'T been talking shit about either of you lately.... a month ago, that's a different story..." i think i would just DIE without josie's approval. really, i would. dude, apparently she's after tim? (remember, i ran into tim ealier this week, with the towel taped to his foot? yes, he's quite the catch.)
i'm SO torn.... detroit this weekend? but.... MISSY is gonna be here... aaaaaggh.
i just found two pieces of popcorn in my bra. *sigh* life's hard.
goddamn you outlook express. i hate you more than life itself.
patrick just emailed me about my blog, and refferred to it as "the ramblings of a depressed beauty queen." *sigh*ok. so i just got my pictures to open, none of them are the ones he was supposed to send. *sigh* maybe i'll drive over to his house and email the right ones to myself. *sigh* wow. three sighs in one paragraph.
ok, patrick sent one of the pictures i wanted....
awwwwwwwww. seriously. awwwwwww. and look! i have pink hair! and we're by the door, cuz adam's working. awww. *hearts* where is adam anyways? i haven't seen him... since... well, saturday. nevermind.
ok. many more when i go over and send myself the RIGHT pictures. including one that i'm going to make my LJ icon. (p.s. i got a
i have a lot to do today, and no gas in my car. booo. damn, i have to stop and pick up birthcontrol too. though, this is the last month i'm putting up with this thirty dollars bullshit. i'm going to planet parenthood next month. dude, patrick's like... captain parenthood.... cool.
ok. i'm off. but hey, there's one picture that i'm debating posting.... it's me and tim at like, five in the morning at patrick's house. and i have NO makeup on. me without my eye make up is a startling sight. i look SO different. weeeeeird. we'll see whether or not i have the courage to post it...
i'm reading a bunch of old emails and im conversations. wow. i have a lot of drama in my life. it's a little out of control. my favorite is josie freaking out at me. aaah. that was hilarious. "i heard you were talking shit about kristin, you can't call her a bitch, because YOURE the bitch." and i'm like "well, if you can call me a bitch, i can call you AND kristin bitches for all i care... and i actually HAVEN'T been talking shit about either of you lately.... a month ago, that's a different story..." i think i would just DIE without josie's approval. really, i would. dude, apparently she's after tim? (remember, i ran into tim ealier this week, with the towel taped to his foot? yes, he's quite the catch.)
i'm SO torn.... detroit this weekend? but.... MISSY is gonna be here... aaaaaggh.
i just found two pieces of popcorn in my bra. *sigh* life's hard.
goddamn you outlook express. i hate you more than life itself.
patrick just emailed me about my blog, and refferred to it as "the ramblings of a depressed beauty queen." *sigh*ok. so i just got my pictures to open, none of them are the ones he was supposed to send. *sigh* maybe i'll drive over to his house and email the right ones to myself. *sigh* wow. three sighs in one paragraph.
ok, patrick sent one of the pictures i wanted....

awwwwwwwww. seriously. awwwwwww. and look! i have pink hair! and we're by the door, cuz adam's working. awww. *hearts* where is adam anyways? i haven't seen him... since... well, saturday. nevermind.
ok. many more when i go over and send myself the RIGHT pictures. including one that i'm going to make my LJ icon. (p.s. i got a
i have a lot to do today, and no gas in my car. booo. damn, i have to stop and pick up birthcontrol too. though, this is the last month i'm putting up with this thirty dollars bullshit. i'm going to planet parenthood next month. dude, patrick's like... captain parenthood.... cool.
ok. i'm off. but hey, there's one picture that i'm debating posting.... it's me and tim at like, five in the morning at patrick's house. and i have NO makeup on. me without my eye make up is a startling sight. i look SO different. weeeeeird. we'll see whether or not i have the courage to post it...
randomness to the power of five.
unacceptable keywords. part II
-"gazebos" ... hi, i'm megan, my interests include writing, drawing, acting and gazebos.
-"thugged out" ... need i say more? it was this short little white guy.
-"pajamas" ... ?
-"ducks" ... ok. alex has "feeding the ducks" which is SO cute. and i used to feed the ducks every wednesday over my lunch break from classes, and ALWAYS after my dance classes. so, i like ducks as well as the next person... but...really... just ducks?
-"jumbo" ... one of his other keywords was "prince albert" and his profile mentioned that he had a three year old daughter. i was concerned.
-"wet" ... "hi, i enjoy things that are wet. *suggestive eyebrow motions.*"
-"lindsay" ... what? maybe he just REALLY likes the name lindsay...
-"party's" ... he enjoys things that belong to parties?
ok. that's all really. i'm SO bored. *swivels in chair*
rob3t2 is coming tomorrow!! (today) i talked to him for like, an hour and a half earlier this evening. it was v. nice.
everyone should come out to the johnson county fair this week. and see me and my sister and our bunny rabbits. c'mon, it's iowa, come on wednesday and you can see the tractor pull and the cow judging. i think thursday's the rabbit judging... but, come aaaaaanytime. and meet the bunnies. comet, wesley, renata and nancy. renata is our big prize winner. though comet and wesley are doing really well.... nancy would do better, but she's kind of bitey. so's renata though. last year she bit allie, and escaped. and i had to catch her. for the full account, check last july's archives. i broke a nail, and was VERY unhappy about it.
the end. so bored. only one home. SO bored.
-"gazebos" ... hi, i'm megan, my interests include writing, drawing, acting and gazebos.
-"thugged out" ... need i say more? it was this short little white guy.
-"pajamas" ... ?
-"ducks" ... ok. alex has "feeding the ducks" which is SO cute. and i used to feed the ducks every wednesday over my lunch break from classes, and ALWAYS after my dance classes. so, i like ducks as well as the next person... but...really... just ducks?
-"jumbo" ... one of his other keywords was "prince albert" and his profile mentioned that he had a three year old daughter. i was concerned.
-"wet" ... "hi, i enjoy things that are wet. *suggestive eyebrow motions.*"
-"lindsay" ... what? maybe he just REALLY likes the name lindsay...
-"party's" ... he enjoys things that belong to parties?
ok. that's all really. i'm SO bored. *swivels in chair*
rob3t2 is coming tomorrow!! (today) i talked to him for like, an hour and a half earlier this evening. it was v. nice.
everyone should come out to the johnson county fair this week. and see me and my sister and our bunny rabbits. c'mon, it's iowa, come on wednesday and you can see the tractor pull and the cow judging. i think thursday's the rabbit judging... but, come aaaaaanytime. and meet the bunnies. comet, wesley, renata and nancy. renata is our big prize winner. though comet and wesley are doing really well.... nancy would do better, but she's kind of bitey. so's renata though. last year she bit allie, and escaped. and i had to catch her. for the full account, check last july's archives. i broke a nail, and was VERY unhappy about it.
the end. so bored. only one home. SO bored.
flat pickles.
i went downstairs to get some rice... and we didn't have any! and i was SO upset.
so, instead... i had chocolate milk, some potato chips, like... three flat pickles (we didn't have regular ones... just the sandwich slice ones...) and an apple. while i was making my chocolate milk, i spilled all over the counter. (the milk was too full, and when i added the chocolate, it overflowed, because i was reading the newspaper instead of paying attention to what i was doing.) then, when it was WAY too chocolaty, and i drank like, a third of it and put more milk in, i overflowed it AGAIN. someone... (i don't remember who, i THINK it was ben...) told me that things like that are my most endearing quality. i hope so, otherwise i'm just a dork.
i've been writing for quite awhile... and am now going to go watch friends.
so, instead... i had chocolate milk, some potato chips, like... three flat pickles (we didn't have regular ones... just the sandwich slice ones...) and an apple. while i was making my chocolate milk, i spilled all over the counter. (the milk was too full, and when i added the chocolate, it overflowed, because i was reading the newspaper instead of paying attention to what i was doing.) then, when it was WAY too chocolaty, and i drank like, a third of it and put more milk in, i overflowed it AGAIN. someone... (i don't remember who, i THINK it was ben...) told me that things like that are my most endearing quality. i hope so, otherwise i'm just a dork.
i've been writing for quite awhile... and am now going to go watch friends.
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
that's reassuring. since when am i tomboyish? well, i guess i might be. i just don't APPEAR to be tomboyish. hmm.
i ran into a group of boys from west last night. and i was like "hey! what's up!?" and they all just STARED at me. and i was like "um..." and finally, shawn goes "you... look... SO .... different. wow." and i'm like "uh. ok... see you guys later.... *runs*" it was WEIRD.
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
that's reassuring. since when am i tomboyish? well, i guess i might be. i just don't APPEAR to be tomboyish. hmm.
i ran into a group of boys from west last night. and i was like "hey! what's up!?" and they all just STARED at me. and i was like "um..." and finally, shawn goes "you... look... SO .... different. wow." and i'm like "uh. ok... see you guys later.... *runs*" it was WEIRD.
so, funnny story.....
i'd been screwing around on the computer and such, sitting around... listening to music, crying because i have no comments... (not really...) and singing along with chorus line REALLY loud... (tits and ass if you're wondering...) and all of a sudden, the power goes out. i'm like "doh." so, when it flashes back on, my radio comes on. oh, tornado warning. like, for my house specifically. literally. "megan bohlke, there is a tornado in your front yard. stop singing and get your ass to the basement!" and i'm like "AAAAAAH!" (because... well, i've been in my bedroom during a tornado before.... and the windows both blew in. and one hit me. and cut me and knocked me out. it was not fun. makes for a good story though.) so, i run downstairs. and am like... eep. scared.
so, downstairs is boring. the computer doesn't work, and is by a GIGANTIC window. so i come back upstairs. but everytime i hear it getting too windy, i'm like "eeeeek!!"
i'm listening to my drag queen songs cd. seriously, every song on this cd is a song that is SO over used by my girls. (superficial expectations.... i think i could do that whole damn song, routine and all.) *sings along* do you think it'd be weird if i named a daughter "fancy"? because, i think it would... as much as i love reba and all.... it really seems like something i'd do though. also, i wouldn't put it past me to name daughters after drag queens. (ayanna, dena, and augusta.... they all have a nice ring...)
ok, i think i hear the tornado sirens... (break between songs, and i'm like "what's that noise?") i'm gonna go take shelter. feel free to call me though, because i'll be really bored once the power goes. renata just told me to try not to get blown away. so that's what i'm gonna do.
so, downstairs is boring. the computer doesn't work, and is by a GIGANTIC window. so i come back upstairs. but everytime i hear it getting too windy, i'm like "eeeeek!!"
i'm listening to my drag queen songs cd. seriously, every song on this cd is a song that is SO over used by my girls. (superficial expectations.... i think i could do that whole damn song, routine and all.) *sings along* do you think it'd be weird if i named a daughter "fancy"? because, i think it would... as much as i love reba and all.... it really seems like something i'd do though. also, i wouldn't put it past me to name daughters after drag queens. (ayanna, dena, and augusta.... they all have a nice ring...)
ok, i think i hear the tornado sirens... (break between songs, and i'm like "what's that noise?") i'm gonna go take shelter. feel free to call me though, because i'll be really bored once the power goes. renata just told me to try not to get blown away. so that's what i'm gonna do.
soooooo bored.
so, last night i didn't have fun at all. except playing with the glowsticks wade gave me. i ended up leaving at like.... 1:30. and i was walking back to thang's and this hoarde of guys was like "hey! come hang out with us! come drink with us!" and i was like "no, really i'm ok." and they sort of steered me into ajaxx liqour and were all talking to me... and i was like "i actually really have to go. bye." and left. and then i went to pancheros (not the downtown one, but the one by my house. because i was sick of drunk people...) to get a burrito. (which was really good. mmmmm rice. and mmmm black beans... ) and the guy at the counter gave me a free soda and i was like "awww. thanks.". and then his friend who was sitting out in the dining room followed me outside and hit on me for like five minutes while i tried to be nice... and was really like "oh my god go away." then alex called and i was like "AH! i have to go!" and waved the phone at him and left.
then i got home, and watched friends for awhile, and fell asleep.
got up this morning to do some fair stuff (johnson county fair starts tuuuuuesday!) then came back home and chilled until patrick called, went to his house to give ivy everything she'd had in my car. and she pissed me off, so i didn't stay. (she was mad because she found some guy for me, and him and his friend were buying her drinks, and she'd been like "well, you should hang out with megan too!" only i was dancing, and she didn't see me, then i left.... and... stuff. *shrug* i told her i was sorry, and thanks... but... she was still like "how could you have LEFT?!" and i was like "dude, i TOLD you when i was leaving.... we talked..." bah.)
then after that i made some foood. and discovered that we have NOTHING to drink except water (and gin, vodka and vermouth) in our entire house. and was like *sigh* i can have water, or a martini. bah. so i had water. and then i cleaned for awhile, then i took a half hour nap, and had a dream about crocodiles living in the creek outside our house.... and attacking people.... and trying to eat the rabbits.... and it was weird.
then i got online. and have NO email except for hot or not "someone wants to meet you"s, and no comments, and renata's on aim, but it isn't working right. booo. and she just left. boooooo. i'm going to go downstairs and have a sandwich. someone needs to entertain me! right now! though, i'm signing off and going downstairs. so good luck with that.
then i got home, and watched friends for awhile, and fell asleep.
got up this morning to do some fair stuff (johnson county fair starts tuuuuuesday!) then came back home and chilled until patrick called, went to his house to give ivy everything she'd had in my car. and she pissed me off, so i didn't stay. (she was mad because she found some guy for me, and him and his friend were buying her drinks, and she'd been like "well, you should hang out with megan too!" only i was dancing, and she didn't see me, then i left.... and... stuff. *shrug* i told her i was sorry, and thanks... but... she was still like "how could you have LEFT?!" and i was like "dude, i TOLD you when i was leaving.... we talked..." bah.)
then after that i made some foood. and discovered that we have NOTHING to drink except water (and gin, vodka and vermouth) in our entire house. and was like *sigh* i can have water, or a martini. bah. so i had water. and then i cleaned for awhile, then i took a half hour nap, and had a dream about crocodiles living in the creek outside our house.... and attacking people.... and trying to eat the rabbits.... and it was weird.
then i got online. and have NO email except for hot or not "someone wants to meet you"s, and no comments, and renata's on aim, but it isn't working right. booo. and she just left. boooooo. i'm going to go downstairs and have a sandwich. someone needs to entertain me! right now! though, i'm signing off and going downstairs. so good luck with that.
wild thang
isn't here. but we're at his apartment. with what's left of last night's keg. we're going to the bar momentarily.
alex, if i'm not gonna be home to email you or what not (i.e. don't make it home) i'll give you a call. ^_^
okie. i'm gonna go drink some more, then i'm goin to the baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar. am with ivy all night, if you were smart and wrote down the # last night. kudos to you, and caall. woohoo!
alex, if i'm not gonna be home to email you or what not (i.e. don't make it home) i'll give you a call. ^_^
okie. i'm gonna go drink some more, then i'm goin to the baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar. am with ivy all night, if you were smart and wrote down the # last night. kudos to you, and caall. woohoo!
all in all, a wonderful evening.
well, we partied at treye's house until about 10. and between about.... 7 of us... finished half the keg... then went over to studio.... and... wow, lots of shots were had. i should have been a lot drunker than i was, but for some reason.... i was really chill last night. everyone else was fucking wasted.... wow. so, we hang out at studio from 10-close.... i really don't remember too much of what went on, except neither kenny or treye was DJing, and whoever was (chad or michael, i dont' remember...) wouldnt' play you spin me right round. and i was sad. *sad*
let's see. i'll start at the beginning... treye's house.... ivy, treye, me, keisha, sunday, phil, and phil's-skanky-friend tyler. then later, these two girls with shirts that said "i heart lance" and i was all excited, and was like "lance from nsync??" and they're like "no, duh." all rude. and i go, really loud.... "fine, bitch." and then they didn't talk to me anymore. hee. they all played drinking games, and i did peoples' make up and made them sparkly. oh, thad didn't come, because we all neglected to call him because we're TERRIBLE friends. oops. so, we left treye's at about 10. v. drunk.
arrive at studio, we all go in, and proceed to take over some tables, make the rounds saying hi to people.... the only people i remember being there when we got there.... mm... joshy, jake, kenny, danny and danny's little brother whose name i forgot, but is straight and oh-so-sweet. oh, duh, drag show... so augusta and co were all there... then... PATRICK!!! got there. and we discussed my aforementioned anger at his play. and he made me feel better. and we did a shot (a slippery nipple) to being friends again. (though, we did the gaaaaaaaaay toast. "heres you and heres to me, best of friends we'll always be, and if by chance we disagree, fuck you bitch, here's to me.") let's see, thang and jenny showed up a little later in the evening, as did adam.... but adam was working. and both ben's.... oh gosh.... benny ben..... i talked to him for QUITE awhile (by benny ben, i mean the ben you think's hot, heather ^_^) and we were like "WHY DON'T WE EVER HANG OUT?!?" and i made friends with the like.... four studio employees i don't know really well. and we were all like "how come we didn't know eachother?!" cuz, we knew eachother... like who was who and such... (like, i threw and ice cube at ben to get his attention and he was like "megan. what, are you josh? don't throw ice." (joshy is always throwing ice...) and i was like "hey you know my name!" and he's like "everyone here knows your name, you dolt." and i was like "oh. right.") oh and johnny's going to cut my hair for me. (just a trim ^_^) anywho....
post drag show a LOT of out of town people showed up, who i hadn't seen in awhile. and thad showed up, and reprimanded us for not calling him.... then he left to hang out with joshy for a bit, then... we.... all did some stuff.... and danced. and went and hung out in the alley on the wall... and then danny and his cute little brother came all stumbling out to the alley... and his brother was DRUNK. and danny's all flailing around and it was so cute. because his little brother is like, football player sized... and danny.... is.... well, drag queen sized. so, i helped get them into their friend's car... and danny's brother kept trying to get me to get in too... and i was like "uh, no can do. sorry boys." and the only way we got him to stay in the car was to promise i'd be over in ten minutes.... straight boys. bah.
ah, what else? oh, a little earlier in the evening the po-lice came and chilled for a bit. and i saw them pull up and went tearing off into the bar finding everyone i know who's underage and being like "pssst!! police! get rid of your drink and act sober kids!" and all was well. after all that, i had a shot with someone... possibly sparkles.... (was really pink and overly sweet) then trey bought me a beer even though i told him not to. and was all telling ben (other ben) at the bar i didn't want one.... but ben gave me the drink, and wrote "get laid tonight, baby" on my arm. doh. they always side with the gay guys.
then want? aaaah, hung out with kenny and jake for awhile, and they were both very sympathetic to my saddness that since neither kenny or treye was djing.... there would be no spinning right round. *sniffle* THEN i ran into stingray (as in king stingray the tattoo artist, and the guy who did the paintings on the bathroom doors at studio (two guys making out on the boys room, to girls on the girls room. v. cute.) and the guy who almost pounded derek the night he (derek) moved all the dumpsters to the middle of the alley...) ANYwho, i bumped into him, and he's like "HEY! i know you!" and i was like "eeep" because he's all big and scary. as tattoo artists often are... and he's like "you're that guy's girlfriend. the one who's always fucking with the dumpsters." and i laughed REALLY hard. and was like "no, no i'm not." and he was like "well, you used to be." and signed my arm. and promised he'd do a really awesome job on my tattoo when i get it. woot!
uh.... then it was last call, and we all went outside. then i ... had to go back in for something... and they let me, which is so unusual. and i started talking to.... someone.... and was inside til like.... 2:10. then everyone was all looking for me... so i went out. and we all walked to treye's where ivy already was.... (she was passed out at about 12. phil had to carry her to treye's. poooor girl.) and everyone from the bar showed up, and we were like "doh." cuz we were trying to keep that from happening. but i went and sat in one of the guest rooms and talked to alex from detroit on the phone for about an hour and a half (seriously, i don't think we can have short conversations.), and people kept coming in and looking for the keg, and hitting on me. (there were a lot of random straight guys. including ben from the balcony across the alley. more about him in a second...) and i was like "bah, treye put the keg in the living room. you dorks. and leave me alone." while i was on the phone, healy tried to take my shoes twice.... and everyone was like "you're at an after hours keg! drink!" and i was like "no." so i went for a walk.
got back from my walk/still talking on the phone.... and thad was there. and i was like "what the hell?!" because i never really believe thad when he says he'll be somewhere. because he never ever shows up. so, thad hung out with ben and both jasons, and treye (treye's roommates are both named jason...) and i finished my talk with alex. (which was a VERY nice conversation, btw. and i discovered that alex and i have strangely similarities in our histories...) and, then, i'm hanging out with treye and them, and treye and i remember that we got married last sunday! and we were like "wooo we're married!" and ben believed us. because he's apparently VERY stupid. (he's also very conservative, and we got in a fight earlier in the evening, pre bar, because of that...) so, ben and jason #2 (not healy) start this huge campaign to get me to go to bed with both of them. (which just screams closet case... helloooo) they got mad when i suggested they go ahead, and i'd think about joining them. but thad saved me. (see, he saves me from fish and straight guys. but he's straight. doh.) and we headed off to my house, because thad doesn't live anywhere right now. so he's staying with me until he does live somewhere on monday. on the way down stairs we ran into this HUGE group of football player types.... and they over heard me saying goodbye to treye, and something about husband and such... and they're all confused. and talking to thad "you're married to her? wow." and i was like *sigh*. so, we got back to my house. and i promptly fall asleep. but wake up at about six am to find thad all curled up in a pink hello kitty blanket in just his boxers on the futon, and am like "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" and take a picture.
then, this morning, when i got him some water, i spilled it on him. because i'm the hostess with the leastest. and i showed him a picture of alex, because thad and alex look strangely alike... then i took him back downtown, so he could... do something or another.... then i went and got some french fries.... and i was gonna see if heather wanted to go goodwilling with me.... but she's not online.... and i really ought to do some other stuff as well..... so, i'm going to go fee the rabbits. and the birds. and the dog, and the cat. even though the cat just ate like four of my french fries. stupid cat. and then maybe take a nap. because i'm sleepy. and i don't have anything to do until like..... 8. when i have to go to the mill. so, heather, leave me a message about goodwill, and if i dont' hear from you, i'll give you a call. even though i don't have your new cell phone number. unless it's in your blog. hmm.
let's see. i'll start at the beginning... treye's house.... ivy, treye, me, keisha, sunday, phil, and phil's-skanky-friend tyler. then later, these two girls with shirts that said "i heart lance" and i was all excited, and was like "lance from nsync??" and they're like "no, duh." all rude. and i go, really loud.... "fine, bitch." and then they didn't talk to me anymore. hee. they all played drinking games, and i did peoples' make up and made them sparkly. oh, thad didn't come, because we all neglected to call him because we're TERRIBLE friends. oops. so, we left treye's at about 10. v. drunk.
arrive at studio, we all go in, and proceed to take over some tables, make the rounds saying hi to people.... the only people i remember being there when we got there.... mm... joshy, jake, kenny, danny and danny's little brother whose name i forgot, but is straight and oh-so-sweet. oh, duh, drag show... so augusta and co were all there... then... PATRICK!!! got there. and we discussed my aforementioned anger at his play. and he made me feel better. and we did a shot (a slippery nipple) to being friends again. (though, we did the gaaaaaaaaay toast. "heres you and heres to me, best of friends we'll always be, and if by chance we disagree, fuck you bitch, here's to me.") let's see, thang and jenny showed up a little later in the evening, as did adam.... but adam was working. and both ben's.... oh gosh.... benny ben..... i talked to him for QUITE awhile (by benny ben, i mean the ben you think's hot, heather ^_^) and we were like "WHY DON'T WE EVER HANG OUT?!?" and i made friends with the like.... four studio employees i don't know really well. and we were all like "how come we didn't know eachother?!" cuz, we knew eachother... like who was who and such... (like, i threw and ice cube at ben to get his attention and he was like "megan. what, are you josh? don't throw ice." (joshy is always throwing ice...) and i was like "hey you know my name!" and he's like "everyone here knows your name, you dolt." and i was like "oh. right.") oh and johnny's going to cut my hair for me. (just a trim ^_^) anywho....
post drag show a LOT of out of town people showed up, who i hadn't seen in awhile. and thad showed up, and reprimanded us for not calling him.... then he left to hang out with joshy for a bit, then... we.... all did some stuff.... and danced. and went and hung out in the alley on the wall... and then danny and his cute little brother came all stumbling out to the alley... and his brother was DRUNK. and danny's all flailing around and it was so cute. because his little brother is like, football player sized... and danny.... is.... well, drag queen sized. so, i helped get them into their friend's car... and danny's brother kept trying to get me to get in too... and i was like "uh, no can do. sorry boys." and the only way we got him to stay in the car was to promise i'd be over in ten minutes.... straight boys. bah.
ah, what else? oh, a little earlier in the evening the po-lice came and chilled for a bit. and i saw them pull up and went tearing off into the bar finding everyone i know who's underage and being like "pssst!! police! get rid of your drink and act sober kids!" and all was well. after all that, i had a shot with someone... possibly sparkles.... (was really pink and overly sweet) then trey bought me a beer even though i told him not to. and was all telling ben (other ben) at the bar i didn't want one.... but ben gave me the drink, and wrote "get laid tonight, baby" on my arm. doh. they always side with the gay guys.
then want? aaaah, hung out with kenny and jake for awhile, and they were both very sympathetic to my saddness that since neither kenny or treye was djing.... there would be no spinning right round. *sniffle* THEN i ran into stingray (as in king stingray the tattoo artist, and the guy who did the paintings on the bathroom doors at studio (two guys making out on the boys room, to girls on the girls room. v. cute.) and the guy who almost pounded derek the night he (derek) moved all the dumpsters to the middle of the alley...) ANYwho, i bumped into him, and he's like "HEY! i know you!" and i was like "eeep" because he's all big and scary. as tattoo artists often are... and he's like "you're that guy's girlfriend. the one who's always fucking with the dumpsters." and i laughed REALLY hard. and was like "no, no i'm not." and he was like "well, you used to be." and signed my arm. and promised he'd do a really awesome job on my tattoo when i get it. woot!
uh.... then it was last call, and we all went outside. then i ... had to go back in for something... and they let me, which is so unusual. and i started talking to.... someone.... and was inside til like.... 2:10. then everyone was all looking for me... so i went out. and we all walked to treye's where ivy already was.... (she was passed out at about 12. phil had to carry her to treye's. poooor girl.) and everyone from the bar showed up, and we were like "doh." cuz we were trying to keep that from happening. but i went and sat in one of the guest rooms and talked to alex from detroit on the phone for about an hour and a half (seriously, i don't think we can have short conversations.), and people kept coming in and looking for the keg, and hitting on me. (there were a lot of random straight guys. including ben from the balcony across the alley. more about him in a second...) and i was like "bah, treye put the keg in the living room. you dorks. and leave me alone." while i was on the phone, healy tried to take my shoes twice.... and everyone was like "you're at an after hours keg! drink!" and i was like "no." so i went for a walk.
got back from my walk/still talking on the phone.... and thad was there. and i was like "what the hell?!" because i never really believe thad when he says he'll be somewhere. because he never ever shows up. so, thad hung out with ben and both jasons, and treye (treye's roommates are both named jason...) and i finished my talk with alex. (which was a VERY nice conversation, btw. and i discovered that alex and i have strangely similarities in our histories...) and, then, i'm hanging out with treye and them, and treye and i remember that we got married last sunday! and we were like "wooo we're married!" and ben believed us. because he's apparently VERY stupid. (he's also very conservative, and we got in a fight earlier in the evening, pre bar, because of that...) so, ben and jason #2 (not healy) start this huge campaign to get me to go to bed with both of them. (which just screams closet case... helloooo) they got mad when i suggested they go ahead, and i'd think about joining them. but thad saved me. (see, he saves me from fish and straight guys. but he's straight. doh.) and we headed off to my house, because thad doesn't live anywhere right now. so he's staying with me until he does live somewhere on monday. on the way down stairs we ran into this HUGE group of football player types.... and they over heard me saying goodbye to treye, and something about husband and such... and they're all confused. and talking to thad "you're married to her? wow." and i was like *sigh*. so, we got back to my house. and i promptly fall asleep. but wake up at about six am to find thad all curled up in a pink hello kitty blanket in just his boxers on the futon, and am like "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" and take a picture.
then, this morning, when i got him some water, i spilled it on him. because i'm the hostess with the leastest. and i showed him a picture of alex, because thad and alex look strangely alike... then i took him back downtown, so he could... do something or another.... then i went and got some french fries.... and i was gonna see if heather wanted to go goodwilling with me.... but she's not online.... and i really ought to do some other stuff as well..... so, i'm going to go fee the rabbits. and the birds. and the dog, and the cat. even though the cat just ate like four of my french fries. stupid cat. and then maybe take a nap. because i'm sleepy. and i don't have anything to do until like..... 8. when i have to go to the mill. so, heather, leave me a message about goodwill, and if i dont' hear from you, i'll give you a call. even though i don't have your new cell phone number. unless it's in your blog. hmm.
so many phone calls today. bah. SO many.
and... none of them had any importance whatsoever... (except del saying she couldn't come *saaaad*)
am now wearing my ENORMOUS studio 13 shirt, and eating potato chips.
and waiting for my parents to GO AWAY. they're leaving for minneapolis as soon as my mom gets off work. thank god.
i had the weirdest dream last night. i was working at JC penneys, and they had these giant fish tanks... and they were divided into like... seven sections.... and like, one side (3 sections) had goldfish (really BIG goldfish) and the other side (3 sections) had weird little clearish fish. and then there was one section in the middle with no fish. well, i was walking in with kristin (who just got married, remember?) and she had a little bag with some fish from wal mart, and she'd like.... gotten permission from teh supervisor to put them in the center section. and she asked me to help, and i was like "aaah, i really don't like fish.... um, but, ok." so, i helped her put the fish in the middle section, and it freaked me out alot. THEN the supervisor's like "megan, i need you to transfer these fish *gestures to random extra fishtank in back* to the front tanks" and they were the big goldfish..... and i was SO freaked out, but i did it anyways.... only, while i was doing it, one of them touched my hand.... and i FREAKED OUT. and like, there were fish everywhere. and i was seriously panicking... (i'm the only person who had nightmares like this about fish.... but oh my god, i'm freaking out just remembering.) ok, so i'm freaking out, and there are fish all over the place.... and all of a sudden... thad's there! and i'm like "what the hell is thad doing here?" but apparently (in my dream..) he works at JC penney, and he had a suit on... (i remember thinking that he looked weird in a suit) but, he saved me! and took care of all the fish. and is now my hero.
so, analysis.... i have an unhealthy fear of fish (knew that...), and apparently a desire for thad to save me? strange. it was REALLY strange. and i feel like... the fact that i was there with kristin also illustrates my recent freaking out about everyone getting married..... and.... the whole "working there" thing is me freaking out about jobs and money.... yes. so, that's that.
ok, i have to go call ivy, so that we can figure out where we're having this party tonight. (we have a keg... and a tapper dealie (thanks to thad), but no where to HAVE the party... anyone who lives near the bar want ot have a party at their place?)
and... none of them had any importance whatsoever... (except del saying she couldn't come *saaaad*)
am now wearing my ENORMOUS studio 13 shirt, and eating potato chips.
and waiting for my parents to GO AWAY. they're leaving for minneapolis as soon as my mom gets off work. thank god.
i had the weirdest dream last night. i was working at JC penneys, and they had these giant fish tanks... and they were divided into like... seven sections.... and like, one side (3 sections) had goldfish (really BIG goldfish) and the other side (3 sections) had weird little clearish fish. and then there was one section in the middle with no fish. well, i was walking in with kristin (who just got married, remember?) and she had a little bag with some fish from wal mart, and she'd like.... gotten permission from teh supervisor to put them in the center section. and she asked me to help, and i was like "aaah, i really don't like fish.... um, but, ok." so, i helped her put the fish in the middle section, and it freaked me out alot. THEN the supervisor's like "megan, i need you to transfer these fish *gestures to random extra fishtank in back* to the front tanks" and they were the big goldfish..... and i was SO freaked out, but i did it anyways.... only, while i was doing it, one of them touched my hand.... and i FREAKED OUT. and like, there were fish everywhere. and i was seriously panicking... (i'm the only person who had nightmares like this about fish.... but oh my god, i'm freaking out just remembering.) ok, so i'm freaking out, and there are fish all over the place.... and all of a sudden... thad's there! and i'm like "what the hell is thad doing here?" but apparently (in my dream..) he works at JC penney, and he had a suit on... (i remember thinking that he looked weird in a suit) but, he saved me! and took care of all the fish. and is now my hero.
so, analysis.... i have an unhealthy fear of fish (knew that...), and apparently a desire for thad to save me? strange. it was REALLY strange. and i feel like... the fact that i was there with kristin also illustrates my recent freaking out about everyone getting married..... and.... the whole "working there" thing is me freaking out about jobs and money.... yes. so, that's that.
ok, i have to go call ivy, so that we can figure out where we're having this party tonight. (we have a keg... and a tapper dealie (thanks to thad), but no where to HAVE the party... anyone who lives near the bar want ot have a party at their place?)
forget the damn categories.
ok. two blog entries. since i haven't gone back to bed yet. i'm going RIGHT NOW though. i swear.
just wanted to let everyone know .... andrea is married to the sea.... but, she's going to divorce the sea, to marry homestar. and i'm going to marry strongbad. aaaand.... aric is also going to marry strongbad... and apparently andrea as well, but he's going to continue darting me. and at some point i have to hook up with the scanner as well. and andrea and i decided it would be nice if we would go for actual people instead of inanimate, or 2-d things. oh well. you can't have it all.
alright. i'm going to bed. goodnight kids.
ok. two blog entries. since i haven't gone back to bed yet. i'm going RIGHT NOW though. i swear.
just wanted to let everyone know .... andrea is married to the sea.... but, she's going to divorce the sea, to marry homestar. and i'm going to marry strongbad. aaaand.... aric is also going to marry strongbad... and apparently andrea as well, but he's going to continue darting me. and at some point i have to hook up with the scanner as well. and andrea and i decided it would be nice if we would go for actual people instead of inanimate, or 2-d things. oh well. you can't have it all.
alright. i'm going to bed. goodnight kids.
only one blog entry? weeeeeird.
"isaac brock was wearing a train conductor's hat. i wanted to marry his hat." that was the BEST part of *nina*'s modest mouse review. love it.
i'm so freakin exhausted. and i went to sleep at like.... 9... but everyone and their mother called to see if i wanted to go out. (five calls. i was alseep so i only really remember heather and ivy... i seriously was like... not awake enough to recall speaking to whoever else called. if one of them was james, i'm sorry if i was super bitchy and random. doh.) but then, my mom got home and was like... trying to tell me about how she was... folding clothes today? and i was like "ok. great. ok. fine. alright. yeah..." trying to make her go away, because i knew if got woken up i wouldn't fall back asleep.... and i woke up enough that i'm now sitting here blogging. doh.
doctor's visit went fine. almost fainted when they drew blood, (they apparently needed ALL of my blood for testing today...) and the lab techs all laughed at me.... (my mom's a lab tech at the hospital, so they all know me and make fun of me when i almost faint getting blood drawn.) still have to wait on two blood tests, but since everything else was normal, those should be normal too. yay not sick! oh oh oh!!! when i was in the pharmacy waiting room with allie, waiting for her allergy prescription, i found "alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day." and i read it out loud to allison and a bunch of random kids, in honor of alex from detroit, since it's one of his favorite books ^_~. it was excellent. i was laughing at it more than some of the kids. then allie found "alexander who is not (do you hear me? i mean it!) going to move." and i read that too. and "if you give a mouse a cookie." it was goodtimes, and i made all sort of new friends, all of whom were under the age of six. woo!
we got everything on my list done, except going to see aaaaaaaaaandrea and drop off some consignment stuff. but, i didn't really have everything ready anyways, so we can do that tomorrow. also, now that my dad's home again, he can give me gas money! because i have been driving very little for fear or running out of gas.
oh heeeey, kyle? (oh, dang, he's in NY right now...) anywho.... next weekend is going to be shortened muchly.... due to the fact that missy's going to be in town all weekend.... and... i really really really want to see her.... because i miss her muchly.... and... i haven't seen her since derek and i broke up, and we need to have a slumber party... and... she's hardly ever here (she lives in seattle now. *sniffle*) so... i'll be coming up on saturday if i still come.... and then.... leaving... monday? i guess? i don't know, it's so far to go.... and i would like to leave sunday night..... but it seems kinda silly to drive saturday morning, stay saturday night, and sunday during the day.... then go home sunday night? but, that's the plan. ^_^ hmm. maybe i'll stay in chicago sunday night? that could be doable....
i'm so freakin exhausted. and i went to sleep at like.... 9... but everyone and their mother called to see if i wanted to go out. (five calls. i was alseep so i only really remember heather and ivy... i seriously was like... not awake enough to recall speaking to whoever else called. if one of them was james, i'm sorry if i was super bitchy and random. doh.) but then, my mom got home and was like... trying to tell me about how she was... folding clothes today? and i was like "ok. great. ok. fine. alright. yeah..." trying to make her go away, because i knew if got woken up i wouldn't fall back asleep.... and i woke up enough that i'm now sitting here blogging. doh.
doctor's visit went fine. almost fainted when they drew blood, (they apparently needed ALL of my blood for testing today...) and the lab techs all laughed at me.... (my mom's a lab tech at the hospital, so they all know me and make fun of me when i almost faint getting blood drawn.) still have to wait on two blood tests, but since everything else was normal, those should be normal too. yay not sick! oh oh oh!!! when i was in the pharmacy waiting room with allie, waiting for her allergy prescription, i found "alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day." and i read it out loud to allison and a bunch of random kids, in honor of alex from detroit, since it's one of his favorite books ^_~. it was excellent. i was laughing at it more than some of the kids. then allie found "alexander who is not (do you hear me? i mean it!) going to move." and i read that too. and "if you give a mouse a cookie." it was goodtimes, and i made all sort of new friends, all of whom were under the age of six. woo!
we got everything on my list done, except going to see aaaaaaaaaandrea and drop off some consignment stuff. but, i didn't really have everything ready anyways, so we can do that tomorrow. also, now that my dad's home again, he can give me gas money! because i have been driving very little for fear or running out of gas.
oh heeeey, kyle? (oh, dang, he's in NY right now...) anywho.... next weekend is going to be shortened muchly.... due to the fact that missy's going to be in town all weekend.... and... i really really really want to see her.... because i miss her muchly.... and... i haven't seen her since derek and i broke up, and we need to have a slumber party... and... she's hardly ever here (she lives in seattle now. *sniffle*) so... i'll be coming up on saturday if i still come.... and then.... leaving... monday? i guess? i don't know, it's so far to go.... and i would like to leave sunday night..... but it seems kinda silly to drive saturday morning, stay saturday night, and sunday during the day.... then go home sunday night? but, that's the plan. ^_^ hmm. maybe i'll stay in chicago sunday night? that could be doable....
way busy today!
gotta go to the doctor. (routine stuff, i promise this won't be another "going to the doctor... and by doctor... i mean hospital for three days. whoops.) after my appointment, i have to take allie to get a prescribtion renewed..gotta go to dillards, gotta see if my dad's in town (i think he went to.... hardin county? eh?), gotta go drop off a LOT of clothes at the consignment place where aaaaandrea works (woooo andrea! she likes to watch. heee.), might go get my hair cut.... (since no one CARES...) aaah, what else is there? i have to stop and get groceries before mom gets home... and... something else? eh, who knows.
i left my water downstairs and i want it sooo bad. i'm in the middle of writing an email, but i have to go get my water. neeeed water...
i just took a shower, and deep conditioned my hair, and used my new lotion... and life is good. i'm soft and i smell nice. yay!
right. water.
gotta go to the doctor. (routine stuff, i promise this won't be another "going to the doctor... and by doctor... i mean hospital for three days. whoops.) after my appointment, i have to take allie to get a prescribtion renewed..gotta go to dillards, gotta see if my dad's in town (i think he went to.... hardin county? eh?), gotta go drop off a LOT of clothes at the consignment place where aaaaandrea works (woooo andrea! she likes to watch. heee.), might go get my hair cut.... (since no one CARES...) aaah, what else is there? i have to stop and get groceries before mom gets home... and... something else? eh, who knows.
i left my water downstairs and i want it sooo bad. i'm in the middle of writing an email, but i have to go get my water. neeeed water...
i just took a shower, and deep conditioned my hair, and used my new lotion... and life is good. i'm soft and i smell nice. yay!
right. water.
a poll...
keep growing my hair out?
or get the hair cut i've been talking about for a month and a half?
and, if i get the hair cut... how short? c'mon guys. you get to choose my fate! the popular vote will seriously decide what i do. (now watch, renata will be the ONLY person who comments.)
or get the hair cut i've been talking about for a month and a half?
and, if i get the hair cut... how short? c'mon guys. you get to choose my fate! the popular vote will seriously decide what i do. (now watch, renata will be the ONLY person who comments.)
am looking at all of my "someone wants to meet you" links. i get about two emails a day of them.... and i never check them out anymore. (i got over hot or not very quickly. i acquired about five stalkers, loads of random people.... and an alex from detroit. and boy, i can't stand alex. ^_~) aaanywho. these crack me up. ok, and.... about these things...
a) why would you be on "meet me" if you have a girlfriend? (or boyfriend for that matter...) maybe it's just me, but i would get a little distressed if i found out my boyfriend was actively trying to meet girls on hot or not.
b) why do people click yes to me, when they're like homophobic bible thumping hunters from texas?? helloooo, did they just not read ANYthing i wrote??
c) why does this one guy from iowa city have THREE accounts? (and wants to meet me with all of them.... and i've totally seen him around. he drives a convertible, and is at studio all the time, and HAS to be gay, in my humble opinion..... but he always has skankalicious girls with him...)
d) what is with the "just fooling around... thought it'd be funny if i just put my pic up" guys... who then have like... year long star memberships??
e) i hate anyone with "sex" as a keyword.
f) it's weird when i find people i know....
g) i hate guys whose picture is them some random place, like their living room, with their shirt off! aaaah!
ok. also.... keywords that are unacceptable.... "being a girl", "oral sex", "country music television", "life cereal" (i mean, c'mon, let's not get too attatched a cereal...), "cuddlin", "hot women", "partys" (people! learn to spell!!), "vanilla" (what?), and "hats" (who likes hats THAT much. really.)
AAAAH another person i know and don't like! i always wonder if they recognize me...
and someone who blacked his prom date out of the picture....
omg, renata. this guy's hair is reminiscent of the SAM. the octopus is on the loose again... (thus far it's gone from the sam.. to saycon, correct?)
< / rant>
a) why would you be on "meet me" if you have a girlfriend? (or boyfriend for that matter...) maybe it's just me, but i would get a little distressed if i found out my boyfriend was actively trying to meet girls on hot or not.
b) why do people click yes to me, when they're like homophobic bible thumping hunters from texas?? helloooo, did they just not read ANYthing i wrote??
c) why does this one guy from iowa city have THREE accounts? (and wants to meet me with all of them.... and i've totally seen him around. he drives a convertible, and is at studio all the time, and HAS to be gay, in my humble opinion..... but he always has skankalicious girls with him...)
d) what is with the "just fooling around... thought it'd be funny if i just put my pic up" guys... who then have like... year long star memberships??
e) i hate anyone with "sex" as a keyword.
f) it's weird when i find people i know....
g) i hate guys whose picture is them some random place, like their living room, with their shirt off! aaaah!
ok. also.... keywords that are unacceptable.... "being a girl", "oral sex", "country music television", "life cereal" (i mean, c'mon, let's not get too attatched a cereal...), "cuddlin", "hot women", "partys" (people! learn to spell!!), "vanilla" (what?), and "hats" (who likes hats THAT much. really.)
AAAAH another person i know and don't like! i always wonder if they recognize me...
and someone who blacked his prom date out of the picture....
omg, renata. this guy's hair is reminiscent of the SAM. the octopus is on the loose again... (thus far it's gone from the sam.. to saycon, correct?)
< / rant>
that wasn't SO bad.
i only wanted to scream "shut up" once or twice.... sometimes i think she just really likes talking. like, she says what she has to say, and i say "alright" then she says the exact same thing.... and i'm like "um, ok, that's... alright..." same thing with when i don't know. she asks again. and i'm like "uh, i still don't know...." i really haven't gotten much new information on the subject in the past three seconds. why don't you ask again? *grrr*
but yes, so that was that.
oh well, del is coming this weekend (i think? i haven't talked to her since like.... last friday) i hope she is. otherwise i will be really sad, and sit around by myself all weekend. because my parents are gone (yay!). but, i find that i often just sit around the house when there's no one here, because i have nothing to get away from. if del doesn't want to come (or even if she does...) does anyone else wanna come? i know enough people who only live two or three hours away, and i NEVER see them.
and then, after del's here.... rob's here on monday!! and THEN, after rob's here.... i leave to see kyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyle on friday!! woooohooooo! i'm sooooo excited. (and i'm going to hang out with alex from detroit sometime that weekend too. woo!) and then after THAT.... i'm going to boulder! and then to chicago and michigan (hopefully... if the concert's cancelled... i may just hit chicago and then i can come home saturday night or sunday morning. instead of monday.)
i have some tortilla chips.... with cheese.... and they're really good. mmm.
i only wanted to scream "shut up" once or twice.... sometimes i think she just really likes talking. like, she says what she has to say, and i say "alright" then she says the exact same thing.... and i'm like "um, ok, that's... alright..." same thing with when i don't know. she asks again. and i'm like "uh, i still don't know...." i really haven't gotten much new information on the subject in the past three seconds. why don't you ask again? *grrr*
but yes, so that was that.
oh well, del is coming this weekend (i think? i haven't talked to her since like.... last friday) i hope she is. otherwise i will be really sad, and sit around by myself all weekend. because my parents are gone (yay!). but, i find that i often just sit around the house when there's no one here, because i have nothing to get away from. if del doesn't want to come (or even if she does...) does anyone else wanna come? i know enough people who only live two or three hours away, and i NEVER see them.
and then, after del's here.... rob's here on monday!! and THEN, after rob's here.... i leave to see kyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyle on friday!! woooohooooo! i'm sooooo excited. (and i'm going to hang out with alex from detroit sometime that weekend too. woo!) and then after THAT.... i'm going to boulder! and then to chicago and michigan (hopefully... if the concert's cancelled... i may just hit chicago and then i can come home saturday night or sunday morning. instead of monday.)
i have some tortilla chips.... with cheese.... and they're really good. mmm.
a post about....nothing really. at least it's short.
i heart renata. i do'nt know if i say that often enough. (is at least once every post often enough?) and i hate my stupid double commenting comments. rawr.
since my mom got home, i have not left my room. but i'm getting really hungry. so i'm going to have to go downstairs eventually. *Sigh* i've been able to hear her yelling and kicking the cat... and banging things around. i'm really not looking forward to going downstairs. oh well, at least after i go downstairs, i'll know exactly what's wrong with me. and boy, i have been wondering.
ok. here i go. wish me luck.
since my mom got home, i have not left my room. but i'm getting really hungry. so i'm going to have to go downstairs eventually. *Sigh* i've been able to hear her yelling and kicking the cat... and banging things around. i'm really not looking forward to going downstairs. oh well, at least after i go downstairs, i'll know exactly what's wrong with me. and boy, i have been wondering.
ok. here i go. wish me luck.
so, my "washing all my sheets and such to keep me from going to bed" plan appears to have failed. because now they're all clean.... and laundry's in the washer and dryer.... and my calvin and hobbes books are calling me..... mmm. and... mmmm fresh warm sheets.... mmmmm.
i want to email alex a response to the novel he wrote me last night/this morning, but i'm not going to. bwaha. (of course this means i'll write him like... a whole series when i do write him.... but oh well.)
scott, dahling, i will have my people call your people and we'll set up a luncheon about the audtions. *mwah, mwah*
renaaaataaaaaa, i think i even fixed the whole "surprise, you have a comment!" situation.... (i hate when it doesn't tell me how many comments i have. and i have to go to the actual control panel site and look at them.)
i just ate an apple. real food! adam will be so proud of me.
i also just tried to listen to my goo goo dolls cd, but 'name' skips so much that it was making me hate my life and i had to turn it off. (i got in the mood to hear it because kait had the lyrics on her LJ, and i was like "I LOVE THAT SONG!" and wanted to hear it, but alas, it was not meant to be.)
*dives into bed with notebooks, calvin and hobbes books, a diet coke, a bottle of water, and some crackers* life is good again ^_^
i want to email alex a response to the novel he wrote me last night/this morning, but i'm not going to. bwaha. (of course this means i'll write him like... a whole series when i do write him.... but oh well.)
scott, dahling, i will have my people call your people and we'll set up a luncheon about the audtions. *mwah, mwah*
renaaaataaaaaa, i think i even fixed the whole "surprise, you have a comment!" situation.... (i hate when it doesn't tell me how many comments i have. and i have to go to the actual control panel site and look at them.)
i just ate an apple. real food! adam will be so proud of me.
i also just tried to listen to my goo goo dolls cd, but 'name' skips so much that it was making me hate my life and i had to turn it off. (i got in the mood to hear it because kait had the lyrics on her LJ, and i was like "I LOVE THAT SONG!" and wanted to hear it, but alas, it was not meant to be.)
*dives into bed with notebooks, calvin and hobbes books, a diet coke, a bottle of water, and some crackers* life is good again ^_^
hehehe, i love renata soooo much.
"i will write a play. right now. for you.
"megan is not skanky". by renata.
act 1.
megan: hi renata!
renata: hi megan!
megan: do you think i'm skanky?
renata: no, i think you're cool. now let's play clue.
megan: okay.
act 2.
renata: hi megan, good to see you again. i'm glad you're still not skanky.
megan: hi renata. i'm glad you're not skanky too.
renata: but you know what is skanky? is lemons.
megan: yes indeed. however, they are quite antiscurvylicious.
renata: yes, yes they are.
the end. "
oh so amused. and renata, i'm not going to school this semester because i haven't paid them for last semester ^_^ more accurately, my dad hasn't paid them. and, all my classes filled up over the summer while i couldn't register. so, i was like "i'm not paying all that money to take random classes!!" so i'm waiting til i can register and get into all my classes. i think we may have actually paid them by now... really no idea. hey, my stereo just turned off. doh.
"megan is not skanky". by renata.
act 1.
megan: hi renata!
renata: hi megan!
megan: do you think i'm skanky?
renata: no, i think you're cool. now let's play clue.
megan: okay.
act 2.
renata: hi megan, good to see you again. i'm glad you're still not skanky.
megan: hi renata. i'm glad you're not skanky too.
renata: but you know what is skanky? is lemons.
megan: yes indeed. however, they are quite antiscurvylicious.
renata: yes, yes they are.
the end. "
oh so amused. and renata, i'm not going to school this semester because i haven't paid them for last semester ^_^ more accurately, my dad hasn't paid them. and, all my classes filled up over the summer while i couldn't register. so, i was like "i'm not paying all that money to take random classes!!" so i'm waiting til i can register and get into all my classes. i think we may have actually paid them by now... really no idea. hey, my stereo just turned off. doh.
good morning kids!
feeling: much better. watching mscl with adam last night made me feel much better.
wearing: red terry cloth pants, and my bree sharp "cheap and evil girl" shirt. it's perhaps my favorite shirt. *spites everyone*
listening: the bangles, different light.
eating: a nutrigrain bar! (adam and i had a discussion about what constitutes real food.... essentially... nothing that i eat ever.... is real. doh.)
should be: laundry. but i DID just put a load in. (see, i got home from adam's just now, i was gonna leave last night, but i got all depressed watching mscl and fell asleep. aaanywho, to keep myself from crawling in bed here, i pulled all the sheets and such off and put them in the washing machine. they needed it, remember when i spilled pudding on the foot of my bed while i was talking to zane? (like a month ago?) yeah, there was still a little pudding blotch.)
sidenote: the new blogger tags for bold are < strong > instead of < b > and they make me think of strongbad. oh hey! speaking of strongbad, i threw a lightswitch rave to get my sister out of bed this morning. allsion was right on top of it though "megan is grounded!" i was like "aaaahahhaahaa." techno is STILL my favorite strongbad email.
am in a much better mood today. i'm sorry for the past few posts that were all "*rage rage* *angst angst*" and casey, thank you so much for you comment via my away message.... (which reminds me. where the heck did my comments go? *sigh*) but, yeah. casey left my away message the nicest comment denouncing those who think i'm slutty and stupid.
i wish more people could be like... ivy. because like, i dated a guy she really liked... and she was so cool with it. and we're still friends. and she might accompany me to michigan to see kyle (and alex-from-detroit). yeah. ivy is really cool. i'm glad we're friends. she totally gets where i'm coming from. and spent like, a half hour comforting me last night after i took her home.
sidenote: walk like an egyptian just came on. *dances*
so, i'm trying to get my comments back... and thus far i'm unsuccessful. if i do succeed, i expect a lot of congratulatory comments. is congratulatory a word? and did i spell it right? the answer is prolly no to both those.
aaaahaha, allie just walked in, with the little vaccum cleaner all shoulder strapped on, with extra attatchments and such all hanging from the strap. i was like "hehehe, you look like a ghostbuster." so she ghostbusted my room before going to vaccuum the couch. (and she said something about the cat as well, i should check on them...)
ooh waaah ooooh. *sings along with track five*
wearing: red terry cloth pants, and my bree sharp "cheap and evil girl" shirt. it's perhaps my favorite shirt. *spites everyone*
listening: the bangles, different light.
eating: a nutrigrain bar! (adam and i had a discussion about what constitutes real food.... essentially... nothing that i eat ever.... is real. doh.)
should be: laundry. but i DID just put a load in. (see, i got home from adam's just now, i was gonna leave last night, but i got all depressed watching mscl and fell asleep. aaanywho, to keep myself from crawling in bed here, i pulled all the sheets and such off and put them in the washing machine. they needed it, remember when i spilled pudding on the foot of my bed while i was talking to zane? (like a month ago?) yeah, there was still a little pudding blotch.)
sidenote: the new blogger tags for bold are < strong > instead of < b > and they make me think of strongbad. oh hey! speaking of strongbad, i threw a lightswitch rave to get my sister out of bed this morning. allsion was right on top of it though "megan is grounded!" i was like "aaaahahhaahaa." techno is STILL my favorite strongbad email.
am in a much better mood today. i'm sorry for the past few posts that were all "*rage rage* *angst angst*" and casey, thank you so much for you comment via my away message.... (which reminds me. where the heck did my comments go? *sigh*) but, yeah. casey left my away message the nicest comment denouncing those who think i'm slutty and stupid.
i wish more people could be like... ivy. because like, i dated a guy she really liked... and she was so cool with it. and we're still friends. and she might accompany me to michigan to see kyle (and alex-from-detroit). yeah. ivy is really cool. i'm glad we're friends. she totally gets where i'm coming from. and spent like, a half hour comforting me last night after i took her home.
sidenote: walk like an egyptian just came on. *dances*
so, i'm trying to get my comments back... and thus far i'm unsuccessful. if i do succeed, i expect a lot of congratulatory comments. is congratulatory a word? and did i spell it right? the answer is prolly no to both those.
aaaahaha, allie just walked in, with the little vaccum cleaner all shoulder strapped on, with extra attatchments and such all hanging from the strap. i was like "hehehe, you look like a ghostbuster." so she ghostbusted my room before going to vaccuum the couch. (and she said something about the cat as well, i should check on them...)
ooh waaah ooooh. *sings along with track five*
(see, i'm already forgetting!!)
feeling: all sad. grr.
wearing: one of my all time favorite shirts... it's button down, and has blue paisleys and flowers all over it. and is this really thin gauzy fabric.... and i love it. even though the buttons always pop open and i find myself sharing a lot more than i intended. anywho, that, and a pair of enormous jeans, also abercrombie from preferred stock.... they WERE size two when i bought them.... but for some reason they're HUGE now.
reading: same
listening: not a damn thing
eating: everything. because i'm fat.
should be: not eating. but, sleeping.
doh, so...
patrick.... my once best friend... is writing a play. about our group of friends. and my character in this play... is the stupidest, sluttiest, least likeable person ever. i'm pissed. because.... i'm not a slut. and i like to think that i'm fairly intelligent. grr. ruin my mood why don't you. ... one of my best friends apparently thinks nothing more of me than... stupid. and slutty. i dress the way i do because it makes me feel good, so fuck off. grr. is this all anyone thinks of me? great. juuuuust great.
feeling: all sad. grr.
wearing: one of my all time favorite shirts... it's button down, and has blue paisleys and flowers all over it. and is this really thin gauzy fabric.... and i love it. even though the buttons always pop open and i find myself sharing a lot more than i intended. anywho, that, and a pair of enormous jeans, also abercrombie from preferred stock.... they WERE size two when i bought them.... but for some reason they're HUGE now.
reading: same
listening: not a damn thing
eating: everything. because i'm fat.
should be: not eating. but, sleeping.
doh, so...
patrick.... my once best friend... is writing a play. about our group of friends. and my character in this play... is the stupidest, sluttiest, least likeable person ever. i'm pissed. because.... i'm not a slut. and i like to think that i'm fairly intelligent. grr. ruin my mood why don't you. ... one of my best friends apparently thinks nothing more of me than... stupid. and slutty. i dress the way i do because it makes me feel good, so fuck off. grr. is this all anyone thinks of me? great. juuuuust great.
mmm. potato chips.
i love potato chips. i really do.
went back to the bar, it was a little busier. i daaaaaanced, and hung out with thad. jenny and i went on a walk and ran into "scary boots the coke dealer" and he was like "honey, it's so good to see you smiling. i never see you smile anymore." (which is true, he does manage to find me when i'm crying and freaking out.) but, the only reason i was laughing was because we'd just seen a really drunk girl spill beer on her white pants. heehee.
sidenote: allison just brought me popcorn to go with my chips!!! yaaaay. *eats everything in sight. raaaawr*
trey played some rockin mussssic. including you spin me right round. woooohooo! and no one would dance with me. though thad stood at the bar and made faces at me. i was amused. also, he played "shook me all night long" for the last song. woo.
aaaanywho. after close, thad and i hung out in the alley waiting for joshy, and derek comes up and is like "MEGAN. i want to talk to you when we're sober." and i was like "i really can't yet." and he's like "no, you're drunk, that's the only reason you're saying that." and i'm like "uh, actually i'm NOT drunk at all. i'm totally sober" and he scoffed at me. and i was like "riiiiiight. well. buhbye then." and then thad and josh and ivy and i started walking ot my car, only we all set off in TOTALLY different directions. i was like "c'mon guys. focus, follow me." and i made fun of thad for only ever wearing one shirt. (it's true. it's a very nice shirt, and he looks very good in it, but he wears it about three times a week.) and josh thought that was HILARIOUS.... and then i took ivy home.
then i drove home. and on the way home i was like *sniff... sniff* and i realized that i smell like bugspray. very curious indeed.... and then i got home and flooded the kitchen. (oops) then i cleaned it up. and now i'm eaating everything in site. mmm.
oh, also.... beau and danny almost destroyed the bar tonight. they were a little overly flailsome in their dancing... and some tables may have been knocked over. it was preeetty funny.
in other news... i have the BEST pink nail polish on my toes. it's sooooo preeeeeeeetty.
i'm gonna go email alex. (even though he owes me an email, the sleazy lush.) woo. email. rock.
went back to the bar, it was a little busier. i daaaaaanced, and hung out with thad. jenny and i went on a walk and ran into "scary boots the coke dealer" and he was like "honey, it's so good to see you smiling. i never see you smile anymore." (which is true, he does manage to find me when i'm crying and freaking out.) but, the only reason i was laughing was because we'd just seen a really drunk girl spill beer on her white pants. heehee.
sidenote: allison just brought me popcorn to go with my chips!!! yaaaay. *eats everything in sight. raaaawr*
trey played some rockin mussssic. including you spin me right round. woooohooo! and no one would dance with me. though thad stood at the bar and made faces at me. i was amused. also, he played "shook me all night long" for the last song. woo.
aaaanywho. after close, thad and i hung out in the alley waiting for joshy, and derek comes up and is like "MEGAN. i want to talk to you when we're sober." and i was like "i really can't yet." and he's like "no, you're drunk, that's the only reason you're saying that." and i'm like "uh, actually i'm NOT drunk at all. i'm totally sober" and he scoffed at me. and i was like "riiiiiight. well. buhbye then." and then thad and josh and ivy and i started walking ot my car, only we all set off in TOTALLY different directions. i was like "c'mon guys. focus, follow me." and i made fun of thad for only ever wearing one shirt. (it's true. it's a very nice shirt, and he looks very good in it, but he wears it about three times a week.) and josh thought that was HILARIOUS.... and then i took ivy home.
then i drove home. and on the way home i was like *sniff... sniff* and i realized that i smell like bugspray. very curious indeed.... and then i got home and flooded the kitchen. (oops) then i cleaned it up. and now i'm eaating everything in site. mmm.
oh, also.... beau and danny almost destroyed the bar tonight. they were a little overly flailsome in their dancing... and some tables may have been knocked over. it was preeetty funny.
in other news... i have the BEST pink nail polish on my toes. it's sooooo preeeeeeeetty.
i'm gonna go email alex. (even though he owes me an email, the sleazy lush.) woo. email. rock.
at wild thang's house....
they're all watching drumline.
"god, i love seeing men on their knees" ~thang.
yes. so, the bar is DEAD. and trey's holding off on the good music until people get there. (which should be soon.) we walked over here from the bar. jenny's really freaking out about drumline. as thang put it "marching bands make jenny orgasm." jenny and i loooooooove marching band. because we were marching band buddies. ok, jenny actually just SCREAMED in response to the movie. wow.
she might come with me to detroit! but, she won't let me drive if she does, because i'd prolly kill us. (read: i WILL kill somone driving.... because i'm TERRIBLE at driving.)
ok, i'm gonna go watch the end of the movie. there are like five minutes left.
oh hey, it's ivy's birthday this friday, partay at keish's and the bar. woo woo.
"god, i love seeing men on their knees" ~thang.
yes. so, the bar is DEAD. and trey's holding off on the good music until people get there. (which should be soon.) we walked over here from the bar. jenny's really freaking out about drumline. as thang put it "marching bands make jenny orgasm." jenny and i loooooooove marching band. because we were marching band buddies. ok, jenny actually just SCREAMED in response to the movie. wow.
she might come with me to detroit! but, she won't let me drive if she does, because i'd prolly kill us. (read: i WILL kill somone driving.... because i'm TERRIBLE at driving.)
ok, i'm gonna go watch the end of the movie. there are like five minutes left.
oh hey, it's ivy's birthday this friday, partay at keish's and the bar. woo woo.
am on my way to studio for an evening of treye's dj stylin. woooo much 80s music!
i'll be home at 2:00, and then all of my adoring fans can come a runnin.
or not.
ok, i'm gonna go pick up ivy. so i have someone to hang out with. (it's hard to hang out with treye when he's working ~_~)
i'll be home at 2:00, and then all of my adoring fans can come a runnin.
or not.
ok, i'm gonna go pick up ivy. so i have someone to hang out with. (it's hard to hang out with treye when he's working ~_~)
i can't wait for the new stuart cd!
sometimes a clumsy goddess
slips and falls between the skies
and you put your hand in hers
before she thinks to rise.
can't wait. must ask the kismet and r3t2 when it is coming. or must gank copy when in boulder with the sattvas. (sangha soiree, woo!) am super excited to see my rob and the kismet. but, will miss travis christ v. much.
but, will get to see my cousins while i'm out there... and patrick. and we can work on our plans for becoming the largest turban manufacturers in the world! bwaha! and perhaps have some goodtimes harrassing the dogs and the ducks. and the birds. (last time i was there, one of emily's birds stole my earring RIGHT OUT OF MY EAR. i was pissed. patrick and i were going to drop kick him out the window. but... that didnt' work out so well. it's ok though, i think that's the bird that tessie (one of the dogs) ate last winter.)
need to go to sea shore hall tomorrow to pick up some photo cds from brian. (yes, two more cds of rocky pictures. these are the ones with crazy nudity. also, documents derek's then-girlfriend getting on my then-boyfriend. whoa. i don't know how many pictures people took during that show, but it's CRAZY.)
damn, i was just gonna post about the cd, and got horribly involved in blogging. must go to diana's.
slips and falls between the skies
and you put your hand in hers
before she thinks to rise.
can't wait. must ask the kismet and r3t2 when it is coming. or must gank copy when in boulder with the sattvas. (sangha soiree, woo!) am super excited to see my rob and the kismet. but, will miss travis christ v. much.
but, will get to see my cousins while i'm out there... and patrick. and we can work on our plans for becoming the largest turban manufacturers in the world! bwaha! and perhaps have some goodtimes harrassing the dogs and the ducks. and the birds. (last time i was there, one of emily's birds stole my earring RIGHT OUT OF MY EAR. i was pissed. patrick and i were going to drop kick him out the window. but... that didnt' work out so well. it's ok though, i think that's the bird that tessie (one of the dogs) ate last winter.)
need to go to sea shore hall tomorrow to pick up some photo cds from brian. (yes, two more cds of rocky pictures. these are the ones with crazy nudity. also, documents derek's then-girlfriend getting on my then-boyfriend. whoa. i don't know how many pictures people took during that show, but it's CRAZY.)
damn, i was just gonna post about the cd, and got horribly involved in blogging. must go to diana's.
i'll temporarily unavailable YOU friendster. *shakes fist in menacing fashion.*
*is gonna go call diana, and then go over to her house*
*is gonna go call diana, and then go over to her house*
*swivels in chair*
feeling: gooood!
wearing: my super lowrise jeans from abercrombie-but-really-preferred-stock that were like.. $20, they're my favorites. even though there's a biiiiig hole in the knee. anywho, my lowrise jeans that are way long, one of my paul frank (aka vagina monkey) shirts (the blue one with red ringers, if you're wondering), a purple bra,and matching underwear (i love matching underwear sets. they make me so haaaaaaappy.) and stripey socks. oh, and a reeaaaally big grey hoodie over the top of it all. (my mom and the air conditioner like it to be about thirty degrees in our house.), oh, and my OTM necklace.
reading: finished dealing with dragons last night. so it seems like the next book in the series (searching for dragons) would be the next step.
listening: strong enough, cher. *does cher impression*
eating: another nutrigrain bar. i need to eat more than two nutrigrain bars a day. that's what i think.
should be: cleaning, i'm actually doing laundry RIGHT now. woo me.
well, i was in an angsty mood this morning, wasn't i? goodness.
in response to my comments.... *nina* is seeing them somewhere in the chicago area, and ... i had NO idea they were gonna be in iowa.... doh. but apparently, they are? *looking....* well, i think ben's lying. because they aren't going to be in iowa. man. got me all excited. the band that they're playing with in chicago was at gabe's oasis a couple nights ago though. hhmmm.
in other news, i burned my hand on the toaster today.
and, while my angstiness has mostly passed, i'm still feeling very blaaaah. i'm not sure why my usual attitude of "fuck you, i like how i look" is lagging, but it really is. and it's bugging me. i thought that i felt like this yesterday because it's very difficult to feel pretty when you're so ill you can't get out of bed.... (trust me kids.... i will never drink that much again. though, i said that last time too...) ....
i hate being grouchy.
aawwww, alex from detroit left me a testimonial on friendster. *is touched* i love both my testimonials. (and am amused that they aren't comments, theyr'e testimonials.) i spin renata right round, like a record, baby. and i'm alex's drama queen *sings take me or leave me*
ok, i'm gonna go continue working on the laaaaaundry. woo laundry.
wearing: my super lowrise jeans from abercrombie-but-really-preferred-stock that were like.. $20, they're my favorites. even though there's a biiiiig hole in the knee. anywho, my lowrise jeans that are way long, one of my paul frank (aka vagina monkey) shirts (the blue one with red ringers, if you're wondering), a purple bra,and matching underwear (i love matching underwear sets. they make me so haaaaaaappy.) and stripey socks. oh, and a reeaaaally big grey hoodie over the top of it all. (my mom and the air conditioner like it to be about thirty degrees in our house.), oh, and my OTM necklace.
reading: finished dealing with dragons last night. so it seems like the next book in the series (searching for dragons) would be the next step.
listening: strong enough, cher. *does cher impression*
eating: another nutrigrain bar. i need to eat more than two nutrigrain bars a day. that's what i think.
should be: cleaning, i'm actually doing laundry RIGHT now. woo me.
well, i was in an angsty mood this morning, wasn't i? goodness.
in response to my comments.... *nina* is seeing them somewhere in the chicago area, and ... i had NO idea they were gonna be in iowa.... doh. but apparently, they are? *looking....* well, i think ben's lying. because they aren't going to be in iowa. man. got me all excited. the band that they're playing with in chicago was at gabe's oasis a couple nights ago though. hhmmm.
in other news, i burned my hand on the toaster today.
and, while my angstiness has mostly passed, i'm still feeling very blaaaah. i'm not sure why my usual attitude of "fuck you, i like how i look" is lagging, but it really is. and it's bugging me. i thought that i felt like this yesterday because it's very difficult to feel pretty when you're so ill you can't get out of bed.... (trust me kids.... i will never drink that much again. though, i said that last time too...) ....
i hate being grouchy.
aawwww, alex from detroit left me a testimonial on friendster. *is touched* i love both my testimonials. (and am amused that they aren't comments, theyr'e testimonials.) i spin renata right round, like a record, baby. and i'm alex's drama queen *sings take me or leave me*
ok, i'm gonna go continue working on the laaaaaundry. woo laundry.
mmm, nutri grain...
nina loves and adores me! awwwwww. and she's seeing modest mouse tonight. lucky girl.
i am seeing treye tonight! and he's gonna play allllll my songs. (including some journey ^_^) and i will dance about merrily. this may even be a skirt and come-fuck-me boots night. since i'm not drinking, i can wear complicated clothing. when i'm drinking.... my clothes have to remain drunk friendly.
nina loves and adores me! awwwwww. and she's seeing modest mouse tonight. lucky girl.
i am seeing treye tonight! and he's gonna play allllll my songs. (including some journey ^_^) and i will dance about merrily. this may even be a skirt and come-fuck-me boots night. since i'm not drinking, i can wear complicated clothing. when i'm drinking.... my clothes have to remain drunk friendly.
we'll try it again, see how long it lasts...
feeling: eh.
wearing: plaid pajama pants, my "make love, not war" shirt, the cutest pink underwear on the entire planet, and my over the moon necklace.
reading:dealing with dragons (i read this in like.... fifth grade. and i happened upon it and decided to read the whole series again. loving it.)
listening: good person inside, jill sobule
should be: doing laundry.
have decided that my blog needs more structure. thus, a review of my recent ramblings has sparked the return of the categories. (i know, i try to bring them back about twice a year. and it never works.)
i reallly wish the scanner worked.... because i have some hilarious pictures from like... the past fifteen years, that i would reeeally like to put up. perhaps i will have to impose on a friend with a working scanner. since mine SUCKS. (for more info on this, stay tuned for the soap opera about my illicit love affair with the scanner. treye and i are wonderful writers when it comes to love triangles, excuse me, i mean.... donatella and ralph.)
need to update the who's who again. i ALWAYS need to update the who's who. i should stop meeting people. that would solve my problems.
well, maybe.
am actually spiralling into a rather bad mood. parents are mad at me for wasting my life, and not doing anything, i've gained two pounds, i hurt my foot, i have a messy room, i'm not going to school this semester (i'll be back winter semester), aaaaand, nobody loves me. *cries*
being lonely SUCKS.
i'm going to go write some bad poetry about how lonely and sad i am. not really though, because i hate bad poetry. hehe. imagine, me, writing poetry! what a laugh. i prolly will go work on a few of my stories though. and possibly work on a new layout for here. and maybe redo the soundtrack (because my compture crashed and i lost it all. *sob*) and.... maybe put my pictures page up with the photos i have....? or, maybe i'll just go be useless some more. boo.
wearing: plaid pajama pants, my "make love, not war" shirt, the cutest pink underwear on the entire planet, and my over the moon necklace.
reading:dealing with dragons (i read this in like.... fifth grade. and i happened upon it and decided to read the whole series again. loving it.)
listening: good person inside, jill sobule
should be: doing laundry.
have decided that my blog needs more structure. thus, a review of my recent ramblings has sparked the return of the categories. (i know, i try to bring them back about twice a year. and it never works.)
i reallly wish the scanner worked.... because i have some hilarious pictures from like... the past fifteen years, that i would reeeally like to put up. perhaps i will have to impose on a friend with a working scanner. since mine SUCKS. (for more info on this, stay tuned for the soap opera about my illicit love affair with the scanner. treye and i are wonderful writers when it comes to love triangles, excuse me, i mean.... donatella and ralph.)
need to update the who's who again. i ALWAYS need to update the who's who. i should stop meeting people. that would solve my problems.
well, maybe.
am actually spiralling into a rather bad mood. parents are mad at me for wasting my life, and not doing anything, i've gained two pounds, i hurt my foot, i have a messy room, i'm not going to school this semester (i'll be back winter semester), aaaaand, nobody loves me. *cries*
being lonely SUCKS.
i'm going to go write some bad poetry about how lonely and sad i am. not really though, because i hate bad poetry. hehe. imagine, me, writing poetry! what a laugh. i prolly will go work on a few of my stories though. and possibly work on a new layout for here. and maybe redo the soundtrack (because my compture crashed and i lost it all. *sob*) and.... maybe put my pictures page up with the photos i have....? or, maybe i'll just go be useless some more. boo.
"Wait! We need to ground ourselves before we kiss!"
that was about the funniest thing ever. static electricity at it's best. maaaan, that was a LONG time ago.
that was about the funniest thing ever. static electricity at it's best. maaaan, that was a LONG time ago.
emily cracks me up.
a story, by emily.
The Quest for Red Hair
Once upon a summery Thursday, there was a damsel in distress. Megan by name, she was in dire need of assisstance. She was obliged, upon the morrow, to have lovely red tresses, but her hair was a pale blonde color instead. To help her through this trial, she called upon her long-time friend, one Emily. Emily, ever willing to be helpful, agreed at once to come to Megan's aid. When Megan arrived at Emily's flower-bedecked home, Emily emerged to join Megan in her *trusty* white car. The two proceeded with all due haste to Wal-Mart, where they hoped to find the magicks required to perform the transformation of Megan's locks. Having located a promising-appearing box of dye, they then returned to the car, with which they traveled to Megan's abode. These two talented maidens immediately set to work, following the instructions of the magicks and carefully combing the dye through Megan's hair. Although having more would have been adventageous, the two made do with what they had and settled down to wait for the prescribed length of time. All had gone well, until suddenly...Alas! Having washed out the dye, Megan's locks remained blonde! A darker blonde than they had been, but certainly not the vibrant red they of necessity had to become. Not to be deterred from their goal, these brave friends went out again into the world, and again made the perilous drive to Wal-Mart. Having found another, and stronger, dye to use, they left to try again. In the parking lot, they spared a moment to decide whether a young couple, who were either having a moment or locked out of their car, required assisstance. Having decided upon the former circumstance as being the most likely, the two returned to Megan's habitation. Having examined the contents of the new box of color, they realized belatedly that they really ought to have two boxes. Ever patient, they chose to return for a third foray in Wal-Mart. Most misfortunately, this time they were unsucessful...there was no more of the color they had already chosen! Determined to finish their quest, however, they contemplated their options, and brilliantly decided to try another locale that sold such magicks as they required. So onward to Hardig Drug they went. Then Walgreens. And Super Wal-Mart. The fates had turned their backs upon these resourceful heroines, for nowhere was there more dye to be found. Wearily, but still supporting their spirits with such humor as they could muster, the two friends again took to the road. Having reached Target before it's closing, they again began their search for the correct color. Just before they were going to turn away in despair, they found the box! Again filled with energy and renewed purpose, the maidens rejoiced. Suddenly hungering, Megan, having bought the magickal dye, hurried to the food court for dinner. Due to the emotional tumult caused by the recent events, however, she forgot her food momentarily. Running back, she retrieved her dinner, and both girls laughed while leaving the mall, a mere five minutes before it closed its doors for the night. Once again in Megan's home, the two went to work on her hair, and soon had the dye combed through. For entertainment, while waiting for the magick to set in, the two watched another episode of "Friends." The wait sorely tried their patience, for their hopes were high that their task would be finished. Megan washed and dried her hair again...and the color was beautiful! A perfect red, exactly what she had needed for the next day. Triumphant, the friends called it a night.
Blogged Emily @ 2:07 PM"
i meant to post that awhile ago. but being that it's me, i didn't.
maaan, i love emily. she's so fun.
i have much to do today. which is why i'm awake at six am after a brief nap.
man, i was so sick yesterday. it was bad. i'm never ever drinking again. (until this weekend when del comes! which reminds me, more people should come visit me! like renata! aaaand.... ok, del and renata are my only friends. *sigh* *sad*)
today: clean, laundry, lunch with allie, caleb and dad, manicure with diana at 6:30 (?) need to call her..... la la, what else? there's more, i'm sure. oh well. i'll remember after a few loads of laundry, i'm sure.
i hate doing laundry so much. that's seriously why i have so many clothes, because i'm WAY more likely to go buy a new outfit than i am to wash one that i have.
am feeling rather bummed, and have given up all hope of ever dating anyone ever again. *sniffle*
well kids, i've gotta go. i have some important life wasting and such to do.
The Quest for Red Hair
Once upon a summery Thursday, there was a damsel in distress. Megan by name, she was in dire need of assisstance. She was obliged, upon the morrow, to have lovely red tresses, but her hair was a pale blonde color instead. To help her through this trial, she called upon her long-time friend, one Emily. Emily, ever willing to be helpful, agreed at once to come to Megan's aid. When Megan arrived at Emily's flower-bedecked home, Emily emerged to join Megan in her *trusty* white car. The two proceeded with all due haste to Wal-Mart, where they hoped to find the magicks required to perform the transformation of Megan's locks. Having located a promising-appearing box of dye, they then returned to the car, with which they traveled to Megan's abode. These two talented maidens immediately set to work, following the instructions of the magicks and carefully combing the dye through Megan's hair. Although having more would have been adventageous, the two made do with what they had and settled down to wait for the prescribed length of time. All had gone well, until suddenly...Alas! Having washed out the dye, Megan's locks remained blonde! A darker blonde than they had been, but certainly not the vibrant red they of necessity had to become. Not to be deterred from their goal, these brave friends went out again into the world, and again made the perilous drive to Wal-Mart. Having found another, and stronger, dye to use, they left to try again. In the parking lot, they spared a moment to decide whether a young couple, who were either having a moment or locked out of their car, required assisstance. Having decided upon the former circumstance as being the most likely, the two returned to Megan's habitation. Having examined the contents of the new box of color, they realized belatedly that they really ought to have two boxes. Ever patient, they chose to return for a third foray in Wal-Mart. Most misfortunately, this time they were unsucessful...there was no more of the color they had already chosen! Determined to finish their quest, however, they contemplated their options, and brilliantly decided to try another locale that sold such magicks as they required. So onward to Hardig Drug they went. Then Walgreens. And Super Wal-Mart. The fates had turned their backs upon these resourceful heroines, for nowhere was there more dye to be found. Wearily, but still supporting their spirits with such humor as they could muster, the two friends again took to the road. Having reached Target before it's closing, they again began their search for the correct color. Just before they were going to turn away in despair, they found the box! Again filled with energy and renewed purpose, the maidens rejoiced. Suddenly hungering, Megan, having bought the magickal dye, hurried to the food court for dinner. Due to the emotional tumult caused by the recent events, however, she forgot her food momentarily. Running back, she retrieved her dinner, and both girls laughed while leaving the mall, a mere five minutes before it closed its doors for the night. Once again in Megan's home, the two went to work on her hair, and soon had the dye combed through. For entertainment, while waiting for the magick to set in, the two watched another episode of "Friends." The wait sorely tried their patience, for their hopes were high that their task would be finished. Megan washed and dried her hair again...and the color was beautiful! A perfect red, exactly what she had needed for the next day. Triumphant, the friends called it a night.
Blogged Emily @ 2:07 PM"
i meant to post that awhile ago. but being that it's me, i didn't.
maaan, i love emily. she's so fun.
i have much to do today. which is why i'm awake at six am after a brief nap.
man, i was so sick yesterday. it was bad. i'm never ever drinking again. (until this weekend when del comes! which reminds me, more people should come visit me! like renata! aaaand.... ok, del and renata are my only friends. *sigh* *sad*)
today: clean, laundry, lunch with allie, caleb and dad, manicure with diana at 6:30 (?) need to call her..... la la, what else? there's more, i'm sure. oh well. i'll remember after a few loads of laundry, i'm sure.
i hate doing laundry so much. that's seriously why i have so many clothes, because i'm WAY more likely to go buy a new outfit than i am to wash one that i have.
am feeling rather bummed, and have given up all hope of ever dating anyone ever again. *sniffle*
well kids, i've gotta go. i have some important life wasting and such to do.
i have zero intelligence points.... but a LOT of drunk points.
trey has just informed me that i started talking shit to a big burly guy while we were walking home last night, and he told trey to "keep his girl quiet" and i continued talking shit... then... he started walking towards us.... at which point we both ran like hell.
i have NO recollection of this.
i have NO recollection of this.
"welcome to music town, may i service you?"
am going to go watch empire records with my sister.
i really had a lot i was going to blog about, but then i got caught up writing an email to alex, and now i can hear the movie in the other room.... so, i'll just do it later.
i really had a lot i was going to blog about, but then i got caught up writing an email to alex, and now i can hear the movie in the other room.... so, i'll just do it later.
hey now...
ok. who wrote "nice tits" on my chest? and when did i get the NINE studio thirteen stamps? and whose phone number is on my left hip? and who the hell is ryan and why is his signature WAY low on my right hip? hehe, someone wrote "FAG HAG" in really big letters on my side. heeeey now, who wrote "great fuck" on my stomach? damn. i have about fifteen signatures, a lot of stamps, and a lot of messages written on my stomach and chest and pelvic... region. this happens to me a lot more often than one might think.
oh... god...
am still drunk.
holy... fuck. wow..... i should NOT drink like that.
for having thrown up as much as i did... i should NOT still be this drunk.
i recall three shots in addition to everything else i was drinking.... one with trey... one with... someone? and another one with the same someone. oh my god. and who the hell bought me those mandarin vodka and sprites? some boy... and someone bought me a puckers and sprite as well... damn. i'm not a big person. i can't do three shots, three drinks and god knows how many beers.
i'm SO glad that trey took care of me last night, or i don't know where the hell i would have ended up. also, i love the comment.
and alex from detroit, i would have looooved to talk to you last night while i was so drunk i couldn't stand up... i'm sure i would have made a fool of myself.... and been horribly inarticulate... but, it's ok. if we were both drunk, i'm sure our chatting would have been v. fun. i'm sure i'll be able to do it NEXT weekend when del's here and i'm horribly drunk (yay del!), or we can re-enact it whenever i make my way up to see you and kyyyyyyyyyyyle (toast twins for evah). wow. july 25th. that's soon. kyle and i have no plans aside from eating toast. and being twins. and alex and i have no plans except for stalking jack white. but we were planning on doing that in august. crazy.
ralph, dahling, don't evah tell anyone about how drunk i was! donatella should not get so drunk, even though it was much fun. p.s. when did i meet your roommate who left me a comment? because i DO NOT remember anything. damn. but, tell him thanks for the comment. (i also don't remember running into the door, but that's something i do when i'm sober. so it's even more likely to happen if i'm drunk. which i definitely was.)
nic, your straight roommate's a cutie, i hope i didn't do anything TOO stupid in front of him. i barely remember talking to him the first time. he was really nice to me though.
toooo many people buying me drinks. i'm getting trey drunk next week though, with del. am SO excited.
am also v. happy that my car did not get towed.
and trey lives RIGHT by thang, so my car was like two feet away from where i woke up (i assume that i woke up at trey's house. i have NO idea. past about one am, i'm drawing a TOTAL blank. fuck.)
trey, do you spell your name with an extra e? and i never knew?! wow. treye. hmm.
ah, am going to bed. does this qualify as a drunk post? i think it does.
holy... fuck. wow..... i should NOT drink like that.
for having thrown up as much as i did... i should NOT still be this drunk.
i recall three shots in addition to everything else i was drinking.... one with trey... one with... someone? and another one with the same someone. oh my god. and who the hell bought me those mandarin vodka and sprites? some boy... and someone bought me a puckers and sprite as well... damn. i'm not a big person. i can't do three shots, three drinks and god knows how many beers.
i'm SO glad that trey took care of me last night, or i don't know where the hell i would have ended up. also, i love the comment.
and alex from detroit, i would have looooved to talk to you last night while i was so drunk i couldn't stand up... i'm sure i would have made a fool of myself.... and been horribly inarticulate... but, it's ok. if we were both drunk, i'm sure our chatting would have been v. fun. i'm sure i'll be able to do it NEXT weekend when del's here and i'm horribly drunk (yay del!), or we can re-enact it whenever i make my way up to see you and kyyyyyyyyyyyle (toast twins for evah). wow. july 25th. that's soon. kyle and i have no plans aside from eating toast. and being twins. and alex and i have no plans except for stalking jack white. but we were planning on doing that in august. crazy.
ralph, dahling, don't evah tell anyone about how drunk i was! donatella should not get so drunk, even though it was much fun. p.s. when did i meet your roommate who left me a comment? because i DO NOT remember anything. damn. but, tell him thanks for the comment. (i also don't remember running into the door, but that's something i do when i'm sober. so it's even more likely to happen if i'm drunk. which i definitely was.)
nic, your straight roommate's a cutie, i hope i didn't do anything TOO stupid in front of him. i barely remember talking to him the first time. he was really nice to me though.
toooo many people buying me drinks. i'm getting trey drunk next week though, with del. am SO excited.
am also v. happy that my car did not get towed.
and trey lives RIGHT by thang, so my car was like two feet away from where i woke up (i assume that i woke up at trey's house. i have NO idea. past about one am, i'm drawing a TOTAL blank. fuck.)
trey, do you spell your name with an extra e? and i never knew?! wow. treye. hmm.
ah, am going to bed. does this qualify as a drunk post? i think it does.
aaaahooooooooot tonight.
to studio i go.
apparently abi was there and met thang (and derek. eep.) the other night. i haven't been oot since thursday.
i have a feeling tonight is going to be a night of general drunkenness... so, if anyone plans on being online past two am.... expect drunk messaaages! (happy ones!)
la la la. i was apparently not in a blogging mood today.
apparently abi was there and met thang (and derek. eep.) the other night. i haven't been oot since thursday.
i have a feeling tonight is going to be a night of general drunkenness... so, if anyone plans on being online past two am.... expect drunk messaaages! (happy ones!)
la la la. i was apparently not in a blogging mood today.
i missed sailor moon.
and i was just reading some recent blog entries... and i'm a total dork. everyone except alex (because i'm sure he's already read it and realized my dorkiness) go read the july 3rd, 4:06am entry. and laugh at me.
and i was just reading some recent blog entries... and i'm a total dork. everyone except alex (because i'm sure he's already read it and realized my dorkiness) go read the july 3rd, 4:06am entry. and laugh at me.
good mooooooorning
and no ben, i didn't sleep. sorry.
i want a diet vanilla coke SO bad. oh my god. you can't even imagine how bad i want one. hmmmm.
between writing and drawing, and cleaning, i was VERY productive last night.
the bad news is... since... wednesday... i have slept approximatly... 9 hours. total. i feel surprisingly great though. weird.
perhaps i'll take a mid afternoon nap today... like, 3 til 5 or 6. and then it's DRRAAAAAG shooooooow with ralph, i mean, trey. we are gonna have a greeeeat (and prolly drunken) time. i am super excited.
i just drew the most bad ass picture of maureen. (well, the most badass first draft of a picture of maureen that may actually be bad ass when i work on it later...) and a really cute picture of rooooger (like, his face, and his left arm... and neck and part of his chest and such. guys bodies are hard to draw. *whine* (hehe, i typed *shine* first... )) aaaand i drew on one of my nifty shelfbox dealies... and it's so cool, i'm gonna do it to all of them.
maaaan i really want a vanilla coke. half hour and i can go downstairs and get one without my parents knowing i didn't sleep. i can be like "what? i just woke up, i sweeeear.
in other news, whoever was outside went away at some point. i just turned all my lights off and locked my window.
whoa. i just got really dizzy, that can't be good... it went away though....
diet vanilla coke, diet vanilla coke. mmmm.
i want a diet vanilla coke SO bad. oh my god. you can't even imagine how bad i want one. hmmmm.
between writing and drawing, and cleaning, i was VERY productive last night.
the bad news is... since... wednesday... i have slept approximatly... 9 hours. total. i feel surprisingly great though. weird.
perhaps i'll take a mid afternoon nap today... like, 3 til 5 or 6. and then it's DRRAAAAAG shooooooow with ralph, i mean, trey. we are gonna have a greeeeat (and prolly drunken) time. i am super excited.
i just drew the most bad ass picture of maureen. (well, the most badass first draft of a picture of maureen that may actually be bad ass when i work on it later...) and a really cute picture of rooooger (like, his face, and his left arm... and neck and part of his chest and such. guys bodies are hard to draw. *whine* (hehe, i typed *shine* first... )) aaaand i drew on one of my nifty shelfbox dealies... and it's so cool, i'm gonna do it to all of them.
maaaan i really want a vanilla coke. half hour and i can go downstairs and get one without my parents knowing i didn't sleep. i can be like "what? i just woke up, i sweeeear.
in other news, whoever was outside went away at some point. i just turned all my lights off and locked my window.
whoa. i just got really dizzy, that can't be good... it went away though....
diet vanilla coke, diet vanilla coke. mmmm.
oh my god... oh my god....
there is someone outside. a big pickup truck just pulled up... and someone got out, and is walking around... like right on the side of the road in the trees by my window. oh my god. scary. oh my god, i can HEAR him out in the bushes... and stuff by the road... eeeeek.
right round baby right round....
it's still in my head.
chelsea is the hostess with the leastest.
and alex just signed on, and off, and on, and off. and it confused me (and my buddy list) greatly. *flail*
aaaaaaaaaand scene. *does the jack move from will and grace*
chelsea is the hostess with the leastest.
and alex just signed on, and off, and on, and off. and it confused me (and my buddy list) greatly. *flail*
aaaaaaaaaand scene. *does the jack move from will and grace*
watch out bush administration... here i come.

Threat rating: Low. You are annoying, but too much
of a softy tree hugger to pose any threat to
the mighty machine of Republican progress. And
the FBI know where you live.
What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
you know what song the title got in my head.....? (watch out here i come.... you spin me right round baby, right round, like a record baby, right round round round...)
ralph (aka trey) and i are discussing the fall line. we're going to stick with the polka dots, but throw out the monkey fur.
laaaaa i just finished a picture and i want to scan it, but the scanner hates me because i called it a bunch of names the other day when it brooooke. dooot doo doo doo doot doo doo doo doot doo. (a cookie to anyone who knows what song that is...)
mmm, i want to make cookies. according to trey, the scanner, alex-from-detroit and i are going to form a sordid love triangle. who knew?
why does maureen have to wear such an ugly outfit for the finale?? i mean... i know that she's apparently toned down her drama queen ways... and that joanne's costume is showing how she's loosened up... yadda yadda... but not being a drama queen does not mean you have to wear an ugly outfit. (/random)
in trey and my conversation... i just murdered the scanner. uh oh.
i don't like this post, but i do. it's so random and pointless. but then again, most times.... so am i.
so, to get everyone up to speed... andrea and i are gossiping relentlessly, trey and i are thinking of a name for the soap opera we're writing about the love triangle, and renata and i are having a catfight, due to the fact that she kicked my folding chair while i was trying to pout. (what a bitch). also, i'm drawing some pictures and writing. (a rent fic. oh gurl. i haven't written one in like a year. and 'im totally not letting anyone read it. though, renata just asked, and i agreed to let her....) so, what do you think "the young and the electronic" or "the best buys of our lives" ... by ralph and donatella. we're gonna be famous.
publish in fifteen seconds.... 15...14...13...12...11...10..9...8...7...6...5..4.....3...2.......1
born to hand jive, baby.
i totally swing danced AND did the hand jive at the reception. woo. my sister pretended she didn't know me. but, bwaha, we look exactly alike. her plan was foiled.
of course, the only people i danced with were little kids. and my dress was mysteriously too big. (i've gained weight since last year when i bought it... i don't understand) so i spent a lot of time pulling on my dress and trying to keep the straps from falling down. Linea and i talked alot over dinner, and she has her whole wedding planned, so does Asale, *sigh* they kept being like "what about you megan?" and i'm like "um. well, i kind of thought it might be cool to have a buddhist priest there...." *silence* "what about your dress? flowers? cakes? colors? where are you gonna have it?" and so on and so forth. and i was like "aaaaaaaaah!" *panic* guys. i'm nineteen! (and Linea, you're like.... 17! sheesh!). also saw a lot of kids that i only see at the bar.... and it was kind of funny. we've all seen eachother in such compromising situations... and we have to be all normal... weird. oh, and allie almost caught the bouquet. (i was hiding by the punch, trying to avoid that whole thing...)
and that was the wedding. yay scott and kristin! (kristin looked soooo pretty. aww.)
i never did find my shoes.
i'm highly distraught about this jack white breaking his finger business. if the august 10th show is cancelled, i lose one of my things i'm looking forward to. and those were REALLY hard to come up with!
oh, and alex, maybe a pirate's SECOND favorite rent character could be jolly roger. (renata! see, i knew you'd think alex was cool. he's good with pirate jokes. maybe he's the man of your dreams! i don't think he has a sailboat though...)
my sister's still at the wedding reception. i should prolly go back and get her eventually.
*nina* i enjoy that we are going to have coffee and admire gay men. it's the story of my life. *sigh*
of course, the only people i danced with were little kids. and my dress was mysteriously too big. (i've gained weight since last year when i bought it... i don't understand) so i spent a lot of time pulling on my dress and trying to keep the straps from falling down. Linea and i talked alot over dinner, and she has her whole wedding planned, so does Asale, *sigh* they kept being like "what about you megan?" and i'm like "um. well, i kind of thought it might be cool to have a buddhist priest there...." *silence* "what about your dress? flowers? cakes? colors? where are you gonna have it?" and so on and so forth. and i was like "aaaaaaaaah!" *panic* guys. i'm nineteen! (and Linea, you're like.... 17! sheesh!). also saw a lot of kids that i only see at the bar.... and it was kind of funny. we've all seen eachother in such compromising situations... and we have to be all normal... weird. oh, and allie almost caught the bouquet. (i was hiding by the punch, trying to avoid that whole thing...)
and that was the wedding. yay scott and kristin! (kristin looked soooo pretty. aww.)
i never did find my shoes.
i'm highly distraught about this jack white breaking his finger business. if the august 10th show is cancelled, i lose one of my things i'm looking forward to. and those were REALLY hard to come up with!
oh, and alex, maybe a pirate's SECOND favorite rent character could be jolly roger. (renata! see, i knew you'd think alex was cool. he's good with pirate jokes. maybe he's the man of your dreams! i don't think he has a sailboat though...)
my sister's still at the wedding reception. i should prolly go back and get her eventually.
*nina* i enjoy that we are going to have coffee and admire gay men. it's the story of my life. *sigh*
wedding time...
i have to go to a wedding today. without a date. where two of my ex boyfriends will be. (thankfully neither of them is actually the person GETTING married...). bah. and i can't find my silver shoes. (look at the survey, things that annoy me... I TOLD you this happens all the time.) i'm going to have to go to the wedding in my really pretty purple dress without shoes. *hyperventilates*
i am kind of freaking out. i'm not sure why. well, i am. but, i'm not sure why it's making me freak out so much. i usually like weddings, because it's one of the only times i wear dresses. and i really like wearing dresses. i like wearing dresses even more if i have the shoes that i bought to go with them! maybe allison stole them.... (she's always stealing my shoes. but her feet grew over the last year, and now my shoes don't fit her. bwaha.) that reminds me... yesterday, i took allie to the mall so she could get some platform flip flops, like mine... and we're trying on shoes and such... and i realize... she's only about an inch shorter than me. when she tried my shoes on, she TOWERED over me. i was like "NOOOOOO. you're my LITTLE sister. stop it!"
awwww, alex! i love your new picture! and, i LOVE your shirt. (not to suggest that i love your shirt more than your picture. or you for that matter.... but it's a damn cool shirt. (it says "jesus is my homeboy" for everyone else who has no idea what i'm rambling about. oooh parentheses inside parentheses... nice.)) i so could have just emailed you that. eh.
i feel like dancing. but not dancing at studio. which isn't dancing so much as being smushed up against people on the packed dance floor. i want to like... do all the dances from grease! maybe i'll handjive at the wedding. that would make me look cool and feel better about being single. riiiiiiight. that's an excellent plan. (hehehe, i typed "exellent plant" THREE times before i got it right.)
and renata, aren't you honored that, of EVERYONE i know, i'd want to spend the rest of my life with you (if forced to choose right now, this very moment..)? you comment to say that you agree with me on the comments thing (which makes me SO mad, btw) but don't say a thing about me wanting to spend the rest of my life with you?! sheesh. fine. it's over! *slams down a folding chair and pouts during seasons of love b* (hey, do you remember when your mom asked if we were lesbians? ("renata, would you like a cookie? are you and megan having a lesbian relationship? are you sure? it's alright if you are, megan's such a nice girl. yes, whatever you say dear...")
ok, i'm going to go and do allison's hair. and read compulsivebowlers really quick. doh, that reminds me, i have a site to add to compulsivebloggers. aagh.
i am kind of freaking out. i'm not sure why. well, i am. but, i'm not sure why it's making me freak out so much. i usually like weddings, because it's one of the only times i wear dresses. and i really like wearing dresses. i like wearing dresses even more if i have the shoes that i bought to go with them! maybe allison stole them.... (she's always stealing my shoes. but her feet grew over the last year, and now my shoes don't fit her. bwaha.) that reminds me... yesterday, i took allie to the mall so she could get some platform flip flops, like mine... and we're trying on shoes and such... and i realize... she's only about an inch shorter than me. when she tried my shoes on, she TOWERED over me. i was like "NOOOOOO. you're my LITTLE sister. stop it!"
awwww, alex! i love your new picture! and, i LOVE your shirt. (not to suggest that i love your shirt more than your picture. or you for that matter.... but it's a damn cool shirt. (it says "jesus is my homeboy" for everyone else who has no idea what i'm rambling about. oooh parentheses inside parentheses... nice.)) i so could have just emailed you that. eh.
i feel like dancing. but not dancing at studio. which isn't dancing so much as being smushed up against people on the packed dance floor. i want to like... do all the dances from grease! maybe i'll handjive at the wedding. that would make me look cool and feel better about being single. riiiiiiight. that's an excellent plan. (hehehe, i typed "exellent plant" THREE times before i got it right.)
and renata, aren't you honored that, of EVERYONE i know, i'd want to spend the rest of my life with you (if forced to choose right now, this very moment..)? you comment to say that you agree with me on the comments thing (which makes me SO mad, btw) but don't say a thing about me wanting to spend the rest of my life with you?! sheesh. fine. it's over! *slams down a folding chair and pouts during seasons of love b* (hey, do you remember when your mom asked if we were lesbians? ("renata, would you like a cookie? are you and megan having a lesbian relationship? are you sure? it's alright if you are, megan's such a nice girl. yes, whatever you say dear...")
ok, i'm going to go and do allison's hair. and read compulsivebowlers really quick. doh, that reminds me, i have a site to add to compulsivebloggers. aagh.
so emotional...
i was going to give my friend patrick my copy of perks of being a wallflower. because i thought he'd really like it.
i'm going to have to buy him his own copy, because i've just started re-reading it... and i don't want not have a copy.
it just made me start crying. really hard. not even a specific part... just the whole thing. and not because it's that sad... parts are, but they're all so true, and that's what made me cry.
*deep breath*
i'm going to have to buy him his own copy, because i've just started re-reading it... and i don't want not have a copy.
it just made me start crying. really hard. not even a specific part... just the whole thing. and not because it's that sad... parts are, but they're all so true, and that's what made me cry.
*deep breath*
*reading renata's arrrrrr-chives...*
"who's a pirate's favorite rent character? ... marrrrrrrrrrrrk"
and, i ganked this survey dealie...
12 things that annoy you:
* people who think they're better than me... even if they are ^_^ (*agrees with renata*)
* people who drive reeeeally slow in the left lane.
* when my car randomly doesn't work.
* FIVE DOLLAR COVER. (seriously. rawwwwwr)
* underage drinking laws! (i can die for our country if i want, i can vote to decide on a leader... but i cannot be trusted with alcohol, apparently.)
* nasty guys who hit on me/dance with me at studio.
* jerry falwell
* when i can't find my shoes (it happens more than you'd think.)
* my mom's attitude towards me.
* laundry!
* not having comments on a really cool post.
* renata! (just kidding) actually, STALKERS! i HAAATE stalkers, why why why do i have so many?!
11 people you'd want to spend more time with:
* renata!!
* del
* kait
* kyle
* *nina*
* heather (like we don't spend tons of time together already....)
* trey!! (i have much new found trey love. he's gone this weekend though.)
* JE!
* rob to the power of three.
* k-k-k-kismet
* aaaand, adam.
10 things you're looking forward to:
* being 21. (yeah, two years. doh.)
* liz phair (august 25th)
* stuart davis (august 22nd)
* stuart's new cd
* the mill reopening! yaaaay!
* white stripes (august 10)
* the new rent tour!!
* NYC next summer.
* sleeping tonight.
9 things you wear daily:
* a bra
* a shirt
* pants
* earrings
* shoes
* deodorant
* perfuuuume (gap so pink!)
* sunglasses (not my regular glasses, mind you)
* my rings.
8 movies you'd watch over and over:
* mst3k: the movie
* empire records
* do teevee serieses on dvd count? yeah, they do. the friends dvds...
* the MSCL dvds
* dogma
* clerks
* mallrats
* road to el dorado!!!!
6 objects you touch every day:
* my car
* my keyboard
* my makeup
* my hair brush
* the sink
* light switch
5 things you do every day:
* sleep
* brush teeth
* eat
* read
* go online
4 foods that you couldn't live without:
* potatoes
* toaaaast!!!
* rice
* coffee
3 of your favorite songs at this moment:
* "apple blossom" - the white stripes
* "you spin me right round" - (dead alive? is it? i don't care.)
* "lost cause" - beck
2 people that have influenced your life the most:
* my dad
* kate hamm
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
* wow. i don't know. renata?
and, i ganked this survey dealie...
12 things that annoy you:
* people who think they're better than me... even if they are ^_^ (*agrees with renata*)
* people who drive reeeeally slow in the left lane.
* when my car randomly doesn't work.
* FIVE DOLLAR COVER. (seriously. rawwwwwr)
* underage drinking laws! (i can die for our country if i want, i can vote to decide on a leader... but i cannot be trusted with alcohol, apparently.)
* nasty guys who hit on me/dance with me at studio.
* jerry falwell
* when i can't find my shoes (it happens more than you'd think.)
* my mom's attitude towards me.
* laundry!
* not having comments on a really cool post.
* renata! (just kidding) actually, STALKERS! i HAAATE stalkers, why why why do i have so many?!
11 people you'd want to spend more time with:
* renata!!
* del
* kait
* kyle
* *nina*
* heather (like we don't spend tons of time together already....)
* trey!! (i have much new found trey love. he's gone this weekend though.)
* JE!
* rob to the power of three.
* k-k-k-kismet
* aaaand, adam.
10 things you're looking forward to:
* being 21. (yeah, two years. doh.)
* liz phair (august 25th)
* stuart davis (august 22nd)
* stuart's new cd
* the mill reopening! yaaaay!
* white stripes (august 10)
* the new rent tour!!
* NYC next summer.
* sleeping tonight.
9 things you wear daily:
* a bra
* a shirt
* pants
* earrings
* shoes
* deodorant
* perfuuuume (gap so pink!)
* sunglasses (not my regular glasses, mind you)
* my rings.
8 movies you'd watch over and over:
* mst3k: the movie
* empire records
* do teevee serieses on dvd count? yeah, they do. the friends dvds...
* the MSCL dvds
* dogma
* clerks
* mallrats
* road to el dorado!!!!
6 objects you touch every day:
* my car
* my keyboard
* my makeup
* my hair brush
* the sink
* light switch
5 things you do every day:
* sleep
* brush teeth
* eat
* read
* go online
4 foods that you couldn't live without:
* potatoes
* toaaaast!!!
* rice
* coffee
3 of your favorite songs at this moment:
* "apple blossom" - the white stripes
* "you spin me right round" - (dead alive? is it? i don't care.)
* "lost cause" - beck
2 people that have influenced your life the most:
* my dad
* kate hamm
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
* wow. i don't know. renata?
can tofu go bad?
i asked ben... he said he didn't think so... but there is definitely something wrong with my tofu and rice. it tastes bad. (and no, i won't think it's clever if you say "well, it IS tofu..") just my luck, i'll die from tofu poisoning. *sigh*
i had a piece of pizza up at peter's aunt's house in CR (that's where i was tonight guys, quit iming me and asking.) and she was soooo excited that she'd made it... and that it was vegetarian, then she remembered that it has bacon on it. awww. but, technically, food that is a gift cannot be declined just because it's meat... so, mmm. bacon. i was good, but now i'm like... eh... weird. i'm not sure if it's from the bacon or the tofu... eh.
i'm so tired. i didn't sleep at all the night before last (and then i got like... a 30 minute nap...) and then last night i didn't really sleep well at all (ben can testify, i got up like four times.) and have been alll over the place today. and now i'm buzzed from the pepsi i just drank.... bah. someone needs to entertain me! do eeet. or, don't entertain me and i will go to bed.
hmmm. debating about whether to go to studio or not... (tomorrow, not now. there's no one there now, that wouldn't be much fun). i want to DO something. go somewhere! maybe i'll go to chicago... i'm not sure what i'd do in chicago (except bring nina her paaaaants)... i could have coffee. and write. and go for a walk. (i could do that here too... but. i'm feeling very blaaaah towards iowa city right now. driving to cedar rapids put me in the mood for a LONG drive.)
i have a really annoying song stuck in my head. it makes me sad.
i'm really not diggin this post. you suck post!
i had a piece of pizza up at peter's aunt's house in CR (that's where i was tonight guys, quit iming me and asking.) and she was soooo excited that she'd made it... and that it was vegetarian, then she remembered that it has bacon on it. awww. but, technically, food that is a gift cannot be declined just because it's meat... so, mmm. bacon. i was good, but now i'm like... eh... weird. i'm not sure if it's from the bacon or the tofu... eh.
i'm so tired. i didn't sleep at all the night before last (and then i got like... a 30 minute nap...) and then last night i didn't really sleep well at all (ben can testify, i got up like four times.) and have been alll over the place today. and now i'm buzzed from the pepsi i just drank.... bah. someone needs to entertain me! do eeet. or, don't entertain me and i will go to bed.
hmmm. debating about whether to go to studio or not... (tomorrow, not now. there's no one there now, that wouldn't be much fun). i want to DO something. go somewhere! maybe i'll go to chicago... i'm not sure what i'd do in chicago (except bring nina her paaaaants)... i could have coffee. and write. and go for a walk. (i could do that here too... but. i'm feeling very blaaaah towards iowa city right now. driving to cedar rapids put me in the mood for a LONG drive.)
i have a really annoying song stuck in my head. it makes me sad.
i'm really not diggin this post. you suck post!
i wanna be a cowboy. and you can be my cowgirl.
i love that song. i listened to it REALLY loud when i took my sister to the mall. she was so embarrassed.
uh, i had something specific i wanted to blog about. but i forgot what it was.
megan: i'm drawing a picture
renata: of pants?
megan: no.
renata: just thought i'd ask.
poll: are renata and i reeeeeeeeally weird?
laaaa am in a v. good moooooood. i found my necklace that's been missing all week. (it's the cutest necklace ever, and i wear it ALL the time. i'ts just a little tiny mini ball chain, with a silver charm that jane gave me for graduation.... and the charm is.... a cow jumping over the moon. woo! speaking of that, i wanna get my damn tattoo.)
i also found two more of my rent guitar picks (they're on my necklace as well. for like two weeks i've only had two picks.... now i have four again. woo.)
ooooh waaaay ooooh. (that's supposed to be the ooh way ooh from walk like an egyptian. eighties weekend rules my world.)
i still don't remember what i wanted to blog about. *sigh*
uh, i had something specific i wanted to blog about. but i forgot what it was.
megan: i'm drawing a picture
renata: of pants?
megan: no.
renata: just thought i'd ask.
poll: are renata and i reeeeeeeeally weird?
laaaa am in a v. good moooooood. i found my necklace that's been missing all week. (it's the cutest necklace ever, and i wear it ALL the time. i'ts just a little tiny mini ball chain, with a silver charm that jane gave me for graduation.... and the charm is.... a cow jumping over the moon. woo! speaking of that, i wanna get my damn tattoo.)
i also found two more of my rent guitar picks (they're on my necklace as well. for like two weeks i've only had two picks.... now i have four again. woo.)
ooooh waaaay ooooh. (that's supposed to be the ooh way ooh from walk like an egyptian. eighties weekend rules my world.)
i still don't remember what i wanted to blog about. *sigh*
my car is fixed!
the highlight of ben jumping my car.... has to be when he tripped on the jumper cable and almost fell down.
second place goes to me driving the wrong direction for two blocks before realizing that i'd turned the wrong way. i've lived in iowa city almost my entire life... and do not know my way around AT ALL. i never even knew about the hy-vee and mister movies and all that over on first ave... there is a HUGE part of iowa city that i've never encountered. it's weird.
blogger had better publish. or i will be sad.
when i was at ben's, and i was talking to brian on aim even though he was close enough that i could hear him typing.... him and ben were talking... and ben's like "duuude, there's a girl in my room!" and brian was like "here, i'll talk you through it man, don't worry" and such. but i got bored and wandered over to brian's room. and he types to ben "DUUUDE, now i've got a girl!!" ... ok, we're all dorks. but i was really amused.
renata: i had to get up hella early today for work, so i watched hi-5
renata: and it was the one where detective curtis finds the crazy mixed-up animals
renata: and, jen had a sailboat!
megan: !!
megan: jen is the man of my dreams!
i enjoy how that makes NO sense to anyone but renata. (remember... all the guys from hot or not had to meet the four s's before i'd consider them? and we couldn't remember what the third and forth s's were... so sailboat-owning is what we came up with? yeah. i'm cool.) (DUDE. rent related, eh? i was blogging about curtis... and then i said "i'm cool" which is what curtis says when he's the man. ok, i'm intentionally being this dorky. i'll stop. and i bet renata's still the only one who knows what's going on.)
well, now that i know that jen is the man of my dreams, i can stop looking. last night, thad said he could be the man of my dreams. and i told him that was very doubtful. and then tim showed up and was all "let's fool around" and i'm like. "no." everyone wanted to be the man of my dreams last night. including this weeeeird guy who came and danced with me and g-string (thang) and was singing badly, and flailing around.... i ran away and made trey protect me. trey is one of the few gay guys i know who i genuinely wish were straight. oh well. i gave trey the address to my site yesterday. ooh oh! he's djing on tuesdays now! (i think i mentioned that already...) but he's going to make sure to play you spin me right round for me... yay! duuude, there was an undercover cop there last night, so i was all not drinking... but the poor guy was SO obviously out of place. and you could tell that he'd tried to dress to fit in... but he kept like... looking aghast at the boys making out on the dance floor (admittedly, they were being a little blatant about it... and of them had ripped the legs out of his pants... so they were like... daisy dukes length...) the undercover cop guy was nice though. we talked for awhile.
renata and my conversations amuse me to no end. "ow, pointy cat." renata is the only person i know who thinks of cats as pointy.
our current topic of discussion: organized crime? or ani?
i'm still kind of tired.... my blog entries tend to be a little strange when i'm tired. i'm also hungry. i tried to convince my dad to take me and caleb out to lunch. but caleb didnt' come in to work until 11:15... and he was supposed to be there at nine. it's nice to have goood old unreliable caleb back.
renata and i are talking about rent in grand rapids, and she's like "maybe i could take a bus to iowa city, and ride up with you" (she's going to be at college in grinnell...) and i was like "dude, you dork. grinnell's like... an hour away. i can come up and get you..." renata and i are very excited about sharing a state next year. well, this year... yeah.
this is officially the longest, most random blog entry in the entire world.
but look, a rocky picture i forgot to post last time!
everyone makes fun of my in this picture because i am living up to my nickname of "kitty" ... i found out two of the techie guys thought that was my real name... i ran into them at studio. and one of them yelled at me across the alley "HEY KITTY!" and i'm like "what the heeeell?" i was so confused. and we talked, and someone came up and was like "hey megs, we're leaving..." and the guy was like "meg?? and i was like "well, megan. only my good friends call me meg... (or megs, meggie, megalo)" and he's like "i always thought your name was really kitty! wow." i was like "yeah, good story... *awkward silence*" (i only know how to spell awkward because of alex's email address. awkwardkiss. isn't that cute? awww.)
ok, i'm gonna go eat something. and figure out what i'm gonna do tonight. i'm filming up in CR, but i have tickets to macbeth. does anyone want to go to macbeth with my mom? let me know.
trey just imed me! and then my computer died (SO randomly...) and i lost his im! i hope ims me when i sign back on so i can add him to my list...
second place goes to me driving the wrong direction for two blocks before realizing that i'd turned the wrong way. i've lived in iowa city almost my entire life... and do not know my way around AT ALL. i never even knew about the hy-vee and mister movies and all that over on first ave... there is a HUGE part of iowa city that i've never encountered. it's weird.
blogger had better publish. or i will be sad.
when i was at ben's, and i was talking to brian on aim even though he was close enough that i could hear him typing.... him and ben were talking... and ben's like "duuude, there's a girl in my room!" and brian was like "here, i'll talk you through it man, don't worry" and such. but i got bored and wandered over to brian's room. and he types to ben "DUUUDE, now i've got a girl!!" ... ok, we're all dorks. but i was really amused.
renata: i had to get up hella early today for work, so i watched hi-5
renata: and it was the one where detective curtis finds the crazy mixed-up animals
renata: and, jen had a sailboat!
megan: !!
megan: jen is the man of my dreams!
i enjoy how that makes NO sense to anyone but renata. (remember... all the guys from hot or not had to meet the four s's before i'd consider them? and we couldn't remember what the third and forth s's were... so sailboat-owning is what we came up with? yeah. i'm cool.) (DUDE. rent related, eh? i was blogging about curtis... and then i said "i'm cool" which is what curtis says when he's the man. ok, i'm intentionally being this dorky. i'll stop. and i bet renata's still the only one who knows what's going on.)
well, now that i know that jen is the man of my dreams, i can stop looking. last night, thad said he could be the man of my dreams. and i told him that was very doubtful. and then tim showed up and was all "let's fool around" and i'm like. "no." everyone wanted to be the man of my dreams last night. including this weeeeird guy who came and danced with me and g-string (thang) and was singing badly, and flailing around.... i ran away and made trey protect me. trey is one of the few gay guys i know who i genuinely wish were straight. oh well. i gave trey the address to my site yesterday. ooh oh! he's djing on tuesdays now! (i think i mentioned that already...) but he's going to make sure to play you spin me right round for me... yay! duuude, there was an undercover cop there last night, so i was all not drinking... but the poor guy was SO obviously out of place. and you could tell that he'd tried to dress to fit in... but he kept like... looking aghast at the boys making out on the dance floor (admittedly, they were being a little blatant about it... and of them had ripped the legs out of his pants... so they were like... daisy dukes length...) the undercover cop guy was nice though. we talked for awhile.
renata and my conversations amuse me to no end. "ow, pointy cat." renata is the only person i know who thinks of cats as pointy.
our current topic of discussion: organized crime? or ani?
i'm still kind of tired.... my blog entries tend to be a little strange when i'm tired. i'm also hungry. i tried to convince my dad to take me and caleb out to lunch. but caleb didnt' come in to work until 11:15... and he was supposed to be there at nine. it's nice to have goood old unreliable caleb back.
renata and i are talking about rent in grand rapids, and she's like "maybe i could take a bus to iowa city, and ride up with you" (she's going to be at college in grinnell...) and i was like "dude, you dork. grinnell's like... an hour away. i can come up and get you..." renata and i are very excited about sharing a state next year. well, this year... yeah.
this is officially the longest, most random blog entry in the entire world.
but look, a rocky picture i forgot to post last time!

everyone makes fun of my in this picture because i am living up to my nickname of "kitty" ... i found out two of the techie guys thought that was my real name... i ran into them at studio. and one of them yelled at me across the alley "HEY KITTY!" and i'm like "what the heeeell?" i was so confused. and we talked, and someone came up and was like "hey megs, we're leaving..." and the guy was like "meg?? and i was like "well, megan. only my good friends call me meg... (or megs, meggie, megalo)" and he's like "i always thought your name was really kitty! wow." i was like "yeah, good story... *awkward silence*" (i only know how to spell awkward because of alex's email address. awkwardkiss. isn't that cute? awww.)
ok, i'm gonna go eat something. and figure out what i'm gonna do tonight. i'm filming up in CR, but i have tickets to macbeth. does anyone want to go to macbeth with my mom? let me know.
trey just imed me! and then my computer died (SO randomly...) and i lost his im! i hope ims me when i sign back on so i can add him to my list...
I'm so awesome
This is Ben. Megan left her blogger window open at my place, so now I can blog on her blog and tell you how awesome I am. I am very awesome. A great deal of awesome. You might say I'm the Sultan of Awesome, sans alliteration. I wouldn't, but that's just me. You might, and I won't judge you for it. By now I'm sure most of you are thinking, "Wow, that is pretty awesome, you are one awesome guy." But I know that it might be hard for some of you to conceptualize just how awesome I am. For you guys I can tell you that I'm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- approximately that awesome, in terms of length. Keep in mind that it's not to scale. That's it folks! You'd better read this fast before Megan becomes exasperated with my antics and deletes this. *buzzzzzzz* DELETED!
Total awesomes in this post: 10
Total awesomes in this post: 10
I hate my life! (and by life, i mean car)
so, i got my license back and such, wooo. and then last night, i took tim home after i encountered him downtown with a bar towel duct taped to his foot (apparently stomping on bottles in flip flops is not a good idea.) and we sat and talked for awhile in front of his house, and he kept making drunken moves on me. and i was like "oh tim. you are so naive to think i'm be stupid enough to mess around with you again..." so, then... randomly, my car won't start. and it makes loud scary noises instead of starting. boo. i wasn't happy. so, waited til tim sobered up a little, and he took me to ben's house. so, i stayed at ben's again last night. i'm turning into aric or jordan i'm here so much.
i'm still at ben's right now, and we're going to go try to start my car again. it's like you're in the middle of the action guys! my most recent drama doesn't even have an ending yet! i'll keep you updated as events warrant.
i'm still at ben's right now, and we're going to go try to start my car again. it's like you're in the middle of the action guys! my most recent drama doesn't even have an ending yet! i'll keep you updated as events warrant.
napping is difficult.
i tried to take a nap today... i didn't forsee it as being anything very difficult, because NO one ever calls me. not so, apparently. everyone in the entire world called while i was trying to sleep. and they spaced the calls about 15 minutes apart, for about two hours. then, people finally stopped calling, and i fell asleep, and my mom came in and started vaccuuming my bedroom. she's like "oh, am i bothering you?" *sigh*
now i'm up. kind of. i'm going to take a shower because my hair is all flat now... and i'm going oot with heather, to studio thriteen. and we are going to hate boys. grrrr. *hates boys*
we may also go over to fitzies... to see the boys (ben and co. even though they are also included in the boy hating) and there is a possibility of sleeping at ben's house if major drunkeness ensues. i've given ben instructions on what to get me when he goes grocery shopping... so i'll have food to eat a bens! (last time.... all the had was... ham, bacon, six hot dogs and like.... some sort of mystery meat. i was like "what can i eat here?!" aric suggested i have a bun with mustard. since they had FOUR bottles of mustard. i declined, but whined enough that ben eventually made me velveeta and shells. which i enjoyed with some dr. thunder, and stimulating conversation.
i just had a really amusing memory of tuesday night... ben wrote his phone number on one of my hands, and his address on the other... so that if i got horribly lost while drunk, i'd be able to find my way home. i could have like... asked directions from people... instead of spraying them with mace. ah, live and learn.
okie, i'm gonna go take REAALLY hot shower. yay shower!
now i'm up. kind of. i'm going to take a shower because my hair is all flat now... and i'm going oot with heather, to studio thriteen. and we are going to hate boys. grrrr. *hates boys*
we may also go over to fitzies... to see the boys (ben and co. even though they are also included in the boy hating) and there is a possibility of sleeping at ben's house if major drunkeness ensues. i've given ben instructions on what to get me when he goes grocery shopping... so i'll have food to eat a bens! (last time.... all the had was... ham, bacon, six hot dogs and like.... some sort of mystery meat. i was like "what can i eat here?!" aric suggested i have a bun with mustard. since they had FOUR bottles of mustard. i declined, but whined enough that ben eventually made me velveeta and shells. which i enjoyed with some dr. thunder, and stimulating conversation.
i just had a really amusing memory of tuesday night... ben wrote his phone number on one of my hands, and his address on the other... so that if i got horribly lost while drunk, i'd be able to find my way home. i could have like... asked directions from people... instead of spraying them with mace. ah, live and learn.
okie, i'm gonna go take REAALLY hot shower. yay shower!
yay license!
it's not suspended anymore!
i saw colin yoder at the DOT, he was very cheery and making all the workers laugh. the last time i saw him, jane and i were at the bookstore, and saw someone we knew... so we're like "HEY! i know you!" and spun around to point at them. only somehow colin had gotten between us and the person we knew. and jane's like "oh, not you." and i was liek "though, we do know you..." and then, like five other people from west high showed up. and we had a highschool reunion by the philosophy text books.
i still need a hug though. and my mom's due home at any moment... at least she's bringing allie home too. it's not *all* bad.
i saw colin yoder at the DOT, he was very cheery and making all the workers laugh. the last time i saw him, jane and i were at the bookstore, and saw someone we knew... so we're like "HEY! i know you!" and spun around to point at them. only somehow colin had gotten between us and the person we knew. and jane's like "oh, not you." and i was liek "though, we do know you..." and then, like five other people from west high showed up. and we had a highschool reunion by the philosophy text books.
i still need a hug though. and my mom's due home at any moment... at least she's bringing allie home too. it's not *all* bad.
clever title of some sort...
the cat has been driving me CRAZY. he's all following me around meowing at me... and i chased him into the laundry room, and i'm like "WHAT?! what do you want?! shut u- oh. you don't have any food. ok." i felt kind of bad for all the yelling at him...
i have a new theme song! minuet, by idina menzel. i love this song. it's in my regular theme song rotation. the "i" key on this key board sucks ass. by the way.
HOLY... jesus... i'm downstairs, listening to winamp, and a really quiet stuart song ended... and was followed by a REALLY loud rent bootleg mp3... curtis singing glory, if you're wondering. the first chord of glory, i choked on a potato chip. back to curtis singing glory though... i would have KILLED to see this boy as roger. he's such a mark, it would have been hilarious. i can just see him being WAY too cute for roger. like, roger's all shouting at mimi and such, and i'd be all "awwww. he's just darling! *jumps on stage to pinch his cheek*" curtis also makes me want to climb on stage to console him at various points in the show. sometimes mark (or gordon) just needs a hug, you know?
now i'm listening to everclear.... SPEEDRACER! wooohoo! go speed racer, go. i LOVE speed racer. i have a speed racer shirt. but i refrain from wearing it too often... because it makes my nerd status known to the general public. (kind of like my binary shirt. i have a shirt that says "hottie" in binary. because... i am a huge dork.)
"the best things in life are free. but you can give them to the birds and bees... i want money, that's what i want.... (gina: joe's money...) that's what i want... (gina: lotsa money...)" maaan, i LOVE my mp3s. it sucks not having any on my computer. though, my computer could KILL this computer in one fell swoop. and don't think it wouldn't. i have to keep my door closed to keep my computer from coming downstairs and destroying this computer. it's true.
my mom's coming home today. so if you never hear from me again, she killed me. i'm trying to get caleb to come home from work and stay with me until she gets home.... because caleb is the only person in the entire world that my mom likes. and think she'd be less likely to kill me if he was here. see, she's REALLY mad about my license... (she got a lot more angry when my response was "you're mad?! think of how *I* feel!" apparently she's even madder about it than i am. who would have thought?)
so, i'm gonna go clean.... because... maybe she'll spare my life if she thinks i've started cleaning... (oh who am kidding, she'll never fall for that.)
oh well. goodbye everyone, it was nice to know you all.
i have a new theme song! minuet, by idina menzel. i love this song. it's in my regular theme song rotation. the "i" key on this key board sucks ass. by the way.
HOLY... jesus... i'm downstairs, listening to winamp, and a really quiet stuart song ended... and was followed by a REALLY loud rent bootleg mp3... curtis singing glory, if you're wondering. the first chord of glory, i choked on a potato chip. back to curtis singing glory though... i would have KILLED to see this boy as roger. he's such a mark, it would have been hilarious. i can just see him being WAY too cute for roger. like, roger's all shouting at mimi and such, and i'd be all "awwww. he's just darling! *jumps on stage to pinch his cheek*" curtis also makes me want to climb on stage to console him at various points in the show. sometimes mark (or gordon) just needs a hug, you know?
now i'm listening to everclear.... SPEEDRACER! wooohoo! go speed racer, go. i LOVE speed racer. i have a speed racer shirt. but i refrain from wearing it too often... because it makes my nerd status known to the general public. (kind of like my binary shirt. i have a shirt that says "hottie" in binary. because... i am a huge dork.)
"the best things in life are free. but you can give them to the birds and bees... i want money, that's what i want.... (gina: joe's money...) that's what i want... (gina: lotsa money...)" maaan, i LOVE my mp3s. it sucks not having any on my computer. though, my computer could KILL this computer in one fell swoop. and don't think it wouldn't. i have to keep my door closed to keep my computer from coming downstairs and destroying this computer. it's true.
my mom's coming home today. so if you never hear from me again, she killed me. i'm trying to get caleb to come home from work and stay with me until she gets home.... because caleb is the only person in the entire world that my mom likes. and think she'd be less likely to kill me if he was here. see, she's REALLY mad about my license... (she got a lot more angry when my response was "you're mad?! think of how *I* feel!" apparently she's even madder about it than i am. who would have thought?)
so, i'm gonna go clean.... because... maybe she'll spare my life if she thinks i've started cleaning... (oh who am kidding, she'll never fall for that.)
oh well. goodbye everyone, it was nice to know you all.
it's the pelvic thrust...
more than six months later, and people are still sending me new photos...
frank plays with his creation, while we watch. rawr.
you can't tell, but we're looking at rocky, who has climbed the lightbooth at this point...
me and my other gay twin. whitney!
whenever i look at rocky pictures, i realize how short i am. since i wore ballet flats the whole show... and i'm so used to wearing heels... i look SO short in everything!

frank plays with his creation, while we watch. rawr.

you can't tell, but we're looking at rocky, who has climbed the lightbooth at this point...

me and my other gay twin. whitney!

whenever i look at rocky pictures, i realize how short i am. since i wore ballet flats the whole show... and i'm so used to wearing heels... i look SO short in everything!
howard dean gets continually cooler.
he has a blog! and the stickers he handed out at pride had pink triangles! go howard!
i have THREE pairs of pants for *nina* ... if you want them they're yours the next time i head on into chicago. i'll let you know when that will be.
clean clean clean. that's all i've been doing.
feel v. weird. life... eh. strangeness.
i wonder if it's good or bad for me to have little to no human contact? it might be good.
aaand, that's enough contemplating. i have to get my beauty sleep, lots to do tomorrow, and date at 5:00.
was supposed to meet up with thad downtown tonight. didn't due to no license. so sad. (about the license... not thad.)
clean clean clean. that's all i've been doing.
feel v. weird. life... eh. strangeness.
i wonder if it's good or bad for me to have little to no human contact? it might be good.
aaand, that's enough contemplating. i have to get my beauty sleep, lots to do tomorrow, and date at 5:00.
was supposed to meet up with thad downtown tonight. didn't due to no license. so sad. (about the license... not thad.)
"one day, i'll explain to you the positives and negatives of being sleaze and why such a thing is so important to me"
-alex, the sleazy lush of empty promises and whimsical parlor tricks
-alex, the sleazy lush of empty promises and whimsical parlor tricks
in response to my only comment...
my favorite jordan/angela exchange EVER....
Jordan: This doesn't seem like a Friday.
Angela: It's Thursday.
Jordan: Oh. Are you sure?
Angela: Well, yesterday was Wednesday, so...
Jordan: Oh... right.
Angela: So, that's how I know.
that conversation is all it took for me to fall in love with jordan. *sigh* i get way too caught up in that show. and the letter... oh man, that whole episode had me flipping out. i'm gonna have to go watch some MSCL right now. i'm sure i'll be back later, an emotional wreck, to blog about it.
i really love angela, you know? because she talks in that random wandering way that i do. and it makes me feel less weird for my random thoughts.
Jordan: This doesn't seem like a Friday.
Angela: It's Thursday.
Jordan: Oh. Are you sure?
Angela: Well, yesterday was Wednesday, so...
Jordan: Oh... right.
Angela: So, that's how I know.
that conversation is all it took for me to fall in love with jordan. *sigh* i get way too caught up in that show. and the letter... oh man, that whole episode had me flipping out. i'm gonna have to go watch some MSCL right now. i'm sure i'll be back later, an emotional wreck, to blog about it.
i really love angela, you know? because she talks in that random wandering way that i do. and it makes me feel less weird for my random thoughts.
goodwill rocks.
ok. does anyone who reads this wear size 1 pants? because, there was a pair of size one heavy duty khakis from gap at goodwill, for a quarter. and i just had to get them. they're SO nice. maybe they'd fit thang.... hmmm. he has no qualms wearing women's clothing... ok. thang has first dibs if he wants them, otherwise... email me about it. also, anyone wear size 6 1/2 shoes? because there were three or four pairs of chinese laundry shoes in 6 1/2, but unfortunatly i wear size 9. life's hard. but if YOU have small feet, get your butt over to the goodwill on boyrum st, because they had clogs, heels, and the cutest little grey lace up shoes. just darling. someone with really good taste in shoes got rid of a lot of them.
ok, so that's the stuff that i didn't get, or doesn't fit me... i did get a blue courderoy skirt (i've never known how to spell cordouroy.... i think the second spelling's the right one.... hmm) and a the COOLEST pink skirt. it's loooong, and bright pink. but it's like, a very formal cut. like, office/business type cut. it's the BEST. and, i got a set of wooden salad bowls. (shut up, they're cool.) OH and another purse. because i don't already have 12 black purses....
i'm having very nice conversation with scott from buffalo. if i didn't live in iowa, he'd definitely ask me out. (well, it's more that i don't live in NY that's the problem) ah well, it's the thought that counts, isnt it?
if it's the thought that counts.... maybe i can have an imaginary boyfriend.
because then i'd be cool. and not a dork. waaait....
well, my imaginary boyfriend's name is george (kudos to everyone that KNEW he would be named george. i name everything george. i'm gonna be like george forman and name all of my kids george. derek's bunny rabbit is named george ... he said i couldn't name it george, but i did anyways... and my pet bug was named george. and, my flute's name is george... and during marching band *i* was named george...) ANYwho, his name's george. and he's tall and has blonde hair. and he's all skinny (mmm scrawny), and.... he's NOT emo. (go cry somewhere ELSE emo boys.) AH ohmygod. i was so caught up in my imaginary boyfriend that when my chair broke (again) i fell completely out of it. yes. i landed on some laundry and a beach ball that gabe pulled off the ceiling at studio for me. it was pretty exciting. the cat and i thought so at least.
i'm listening to everclear, sparkle and fade. it's AWESOME. dude, they're gonna get at the state fair, and i'm SO excited. remember when they were here, and craig montoya spit water on me, and i got moshed onto a security gaurd, and art was like "don't throw people at the security personnel, you might hurt someone." and i fell in love with them?! yeah, *sigh* those were the days. i don't fall in love with nearly enough rockstars anymore.
i am apparently going to the mall with thang. *shrug*
ok, so that's the stuff that i didn't get, or doesn't fit me... i did get a blue courderoy skirt (i've never known how to spell cordouroy.... i think the second spelling's the right one.... hmm) and a the COOLEST pink skirt. it's loooong, and bright pink. but it's like, a very formal cut. like, office/business type cut. it's the BEST. and, i got a set of wooden salad bowls. (shut up, they're cool.) OH and another purse. because i don't already have 12 black purses....
i'm having very nice conversation with scott from buffalo. if i didn't live in iowa, he'd definitely ask me out. (well, it's more that i don't live in NY that's the problem) ah well, it's the thought that counts, isnt it?
if it's the thought that counts.... maybe i can have an imaginary boyfriend.
because then i'd be cool. and not a dork. waaait....
well, my imaginary boyfriend's name is george (kudos to everyone that KNEW he would be named george. i name everything george. i'm gonna be like george forman and name all of my kids george. derek's bunny rabbit is named george ... he said i couldn't name it george, but i did anyways... and my pet bug was named george. and, my flute's name is george... and during marching band *i* was named george...) ANYwho, his name's george. and he's tall and has blonde hair. and he's all skinny (mmm scrawny), and.... he's NOT emo. (go cry somewhere ELSE emo boys.) AH ohmygod. i was so caught up in my imaginary boyfriend that when my chair broke (again) i fell completely out of it. yes. i landed on some laundry and a beach ball that gabe pulled off the ceiling at studio for me. it was pretty exciting. the cat and i thought so at least.
i'm listening to everclear, sparkle and fade. it's AWESOME. dude, they're gonna get at the state fair, and i'm SO excited. remember when they were here, and craig montoya spit water on me, and i got moshed onto a security gaurd, and art was like "don't throw people at the security personnel, you might hurt someone." and i fell in love with them?! yeah, *sigh* those were the days. i don't fall in love with nearly enough rockstars anymore.
i am apparently going to the mall with thang. *shrug*
good morning (starshine)!
you know how there's that picture of cory and AJ on the empire records soundtrack (which, btw, has hardly any of the songs i wanted. boo, i had to make my own.) that's a close up of both their faces, and it's just the cutest thing ever? i spent like ten minutes trying to think if that was actually in the movie. but then, i was like... is it that important? and i decided it wasn't. also, there are like ten press pictures for empire records that aren't in the movie.... since they cut out a whole character... (warren's older sister... you can see her in the scene where mmm.... well, either lucas or warren is getting dragged into the back room. it's early, i'm confused.) and, to close my empire records rant.... i'm in love with AJ.
and mark. and maybe lucas a little.
it's storming out. i assume that's what all the noise is at least. i could be jumping to conclusions. *looks out window* no, no it's storming. it's really dark, and i get kind of jumpy and scared (because i'm stupid) during storms. ever since that big ass storm... like... three years ago? the one that blew in my windows... and blew over like.... twentysome trees at our house.... yeah, since then i'm a little more freaked out by storms. so. if anyone needs me, i'll be downstairs. we don't have a basement (doh) but our downstairs is built against the hill, so as long as i'm against the back wall.... i should be ok. the safest place in our house during a storm is the bathtub downstairs. my parents found me sleeping there one night when they got home in the middle of a storm. i may be a little paranoid sometimes.
i just drank a glass of milk after having brushed my teeth. and now i taste gross. blech, don't anyone kiss me right now, you will sorely regret it.
and mark. and maybe lucas a little.
it's storming out. i assume that's what all the noise is at least. i could be jumping to conclusions. *looks out window* no, no it's storming. it's really dark, and i get kind of jumpy and scared (because i'm stupid) during storms. ever since that big ass storm... like... three years ago? the one that blew in my windows... and blew over like.... twentysome trees at our house.... yeah, since then i'm a little more freaked out by storms. so. if anyone needs me, i'll be downstairs. we don't have a basement (doh) but our downstairs is built against the hill, so as long as i'm against the back wall.... i should be ok. the safest place in our house during a storm is the bathtub downstairs. my parents found me sleeping there one night when they got home in the middle of a storm. i may be a little paranoid sometimes.
i just drank a glass of milk after having brushed my teeth. and now i taste gross. blech, don't anyone kiss me right now, you will sorely regret it.
early (six hours earlier than usual) bedtime
am SO hungry. we have company though, and they're sleeping downstairs so i can't do anything in the kitchen. i'm freakin starving. i've only eaten one thing today. woe is me.
just got home from adam's, we watched a movie, and adam messed with matty d. online. at about 1:30, derek called, but uh, somehow the phone didnt' get answered. don't know how that happened. carelessness i guess.
i'm going to fix that last picture... (or at least try... damn smart ftp is pissing me off.) and then go to bed.
just got home from adam's, we watched a movie, and adam messed with matty d. online. at about 1:30, derek called, but uh, somehow the phone didnt' get answered. don't know how that happened. carelessness i guess.
i'm going to fix that last picture... (or at least try... damn smart ftp is pissing me off.) and then go to bed.
i'm a rock 'n roll party queen!
i'm listening to my grease cast recording (nbcr, with megan mullally as marty, and rosie o'donnell as riz. good times.) it's all alex-from-detroit's fault. he wanted me to tell him more, tell him more. in a non grease way.... but of course, my musical theatre brainwashed thoughts go right into summer nights. oh well. now it's on rock and roll party queen. woohoo!
i posted some bree sharp lyrics a couple hours ago, or so i thought. they're not here though.... stupid blogger. eh, you get what you pay for. they were the lyrics to "not your girl" because it's the best song evah.
i just got the filming schedule for the next two weeks of sackers.... i'm concerned that it is going to interfere with my kyle-visiting plans for the weekend of the 25th... oh well, august for sure then. white stripes on the 10th, liz phair on the 25th. (YAY white stripes concert, get to see kyle, have some toast, plan our rent trip... some general galavanting about. yay galvanting.)
speaking of galavanting, here are some new pictures..... from the evening of july 3rd. these are all pre-gay-cat-fight so i don't have bite marks on my shoulders. make sure you go read the entry for the third, and the pictures can illustrate the earlier part of the evening.
i'm being a rock and roll party queen in this picture!! and, this is one of like.... two pictures in existance of me with red hair. craziness. it's almost back to blonde.... (thank god) aaaanyways, here i am traipsing around the bar in my cami. due to the fact that i had to take my shirt off.... see the next photo....
me and the shirt (it says "dorks are hot." stupid blurry picture) that sparked so much drama. i'm sad because dorks are hot. *sniffle* i still have the i heart dorks bumper sticker on my car. and i guess it's still true, i do still heart most dorks.
there is a third picture, but smart ftp is not as smart as the name implies... (or maybe it is, and i'm the stupid one...) and i'm tired and i give up on it. booo.
i posted some bree sharp lyrics a couple hours ago, or so i thought. they're not here though.... stupid blogger. eh, you get what you pay for. they were the lyrics to "not your girl" because it's the best song evah.
i just got the filming schedule for the next two weeks of sackers.... i'm concerned that it is going to interfere with my kyle-visiting plans for the weekend of the 25th... oh well, august for sure then. white stripes on the 10th, liz phair on the 25th. (YAY white stripes concert, get to see kyle, have some toast, plan our rent trip... some general galavanting about. yay galvanting.)
speaking of galavanting, here are some new pictures..... from the evening of july 3rd. these are all pre-gay-cat-fight so i don't have bite marks on my shoulders. make sure you go read the entry for the third, and the pictures can illustrate the earlier part of the evening.

i'm being a rock and roll party queen in this picture!! and, this is one of like.... two pictures in existance of me with red hair. craziness. it's almost back to blonde.... (thank god) aaaanyways, here i am traipsing around the bar in my cami. due to the fact that i had to take my shirt off.... see the next photo....

me and the shirt (it says "dorks are hot." stupid blurry picture) that sparked so much drama. i'm sad because dorks are hot. *sniffle* i still have the i heart dorks bumper sticker on my car. and i guess it's still true, i do still heart most dorks.
there is a third picture, but smart ftp is not as smart as the name implies... (or maybe it is, and i'm the stupid one...) and i'm tired and i give up on it. booo.
remember how i wasn't going to go out?
doh. i did.
and it was zane's birthday. haaaappy birthday zane. and thus... we drank a lot. and zane, the sweet heart that he is, bought me a shot.... a "red headed slut" because, as he put it "that's what you used to be! only now, you don't have red hair..." i wanted to kick him. but i didn't, i plugged my nose, and knocked it back. (it was rather.... overwhelming) but, we had a good time. thad got his hair cut. he doesn't look like beck anymore. awww. i LOVED thad when he looked like beck. he was still really kissy, but he went home with one of zane's girls. i was fairly amused. being that this same girl had extolled her many virtues to me a few nights ago. virtues.... riiiiiiight. there are no virtuous girls in that damn bar. don't lie.
we had good times at ben's, and i enjoyed many strong bad emails. including my favorite of all time.... techno. "we put this lightswitch here so that the cheat could turn the lights on and off, not so you could have lightswitch raves." *has a lightswitch rave*
whoa, scott just imed me, and my away message went to him, and it set off his away message. whoooa. scott hopes i have a good day. hangover aside. (if i don't go to sleep.... i can't wake up hung over. good reasoning, yes?) oh oh, patrick sent me the pictures of me galavanting about at the bar. with red hair. will post v. soon. i promise. ok. i give up. it's bed time for megan.
and it was zane's birthday. haaaappy birthday zane. and thus... we drank a lot. and zane, the sweet heart that he is, bought me a shot.... a "red headed slut" because, as he put it "that's what you used to be! only now, you don't have red hair..." i wanted to kick him. but i didn't, i plugged my nose, and knocked it back. (it was rather.... overwhelming) but, we had a good time. thad got his hair cut. he doesn't look like beck anymore. awww. i LOVED thad when he looked like beck. he was still really kissy, but he went home with one of zane's girls. i was fairly amused. being that this same girl had extolled her many virtues to me a few nights ago. virtues.... riiiiiiight. there are no virtuous girls in that damn bar. don't lie.
we had good times at ben's, and i enjoyed many strong bad emails. including my favorite of all time.... techno. "we put this lightswitch here so that the cheat could turn the lights on and off, not so you could have lightswitch raves." *has a lightswitch rave*
whoa, scott just imed me, and my away message went to him, and it set off his away message. whoooa. scott hopes i have a good day. hangover aside. (if i don't go to sleep.... i can't wake up hung over. good reasoning, yes?) oh oh, patrick sent me the pictures of me galavanting about at the bar. with red hair. will post v. soon. i promise. ok. i give up. it's bed time for megan.
we're so mean...
renata and i are making fun of my most recent batch of "someone wants to meet you" candidates on hot or not. oooh dear. highlights include the guy who isn't "sinical", and is kissing a stuffed dear in his photo. (renata and i decided that tongues that touch deer to not touch us.) also the guy in a tux who appeared to have just whited his wife out of the picture. ("he should have put "you could be next!"") the best was the link i tried to send renata... but it showed her a girl in iowa who was recently single. and wanted us to give her a holla. and there was a picture i thought was gabe for a second, it wasn't. he was a retro cowboy though. someone whose interests were "kissing, more kissing and even more kissing." he sounded like a fascinating young man. so much fun at concerts... and his profile was practically soft porn... but he had nice abs. all guys who want to meet me need to meet the four s's. ... sexy, sassy, super... sailboat-owning... or wait... was it savvy... something to do with snuggling... smart... wait... thus far, sailboat-owning has been hard to fulfill. also, a lot of people are really into fishing. and i'm afraid of fish (shut UP! they're scary).
so. that's what i've been up to today. how are you? good? having a nice day? yeah?
i kind of told someone that i'd go out.... but it's almost 10:30.... and i don't want to go get ready.
i am laughing, very hard.... because of this: "renata: dude, the first guy... he's going to COLLEGE yet his keywords include "animels", "cammping", "musice", "partys" and "soccor"?"
ooooh dear. i'm far too amused for my own good. i feel bad for people i gave this link to as a "here's what i'm like" kind of thing. because... i'm mean, i'm a computer nerd, and i'm quite possibly the biggest dork in existence... (though, i'm not hungry, thanks to the powers of mac and cheese)
so. that's what i've been up to today. how are you? good? having a nice day? yeah?
i kind of told someone that i'd go out.... but it's almost 10:30.... and i don't want to go get ready.
i am laughing, very hard.... because of this: "renata: dude, the first guy... he's going to COLLEGE yet his keywords include "animels", "cammping", "musice", "partys" and "soccor"?"
ooooh dear. i'm far too amused for my own good. i feel bad for people i gave this link to as a "here's what i'm like" kind of thing. because... i'm mean, i'm a computer nerd, and i'm quite possibly the biggest dork in existence... (though, i'm not hungry, thanks to the powers of mac and cheese)
i fully realize that it is 7:30 am....
but macaroni and cheese sounds SO good right now. mmmm. poll: how big of a dork would i be if i went downstairs and made some?
i cannot believe i didnt' know this....
sailor moon is on at 6:30 every morning on our WB station. and i didn't know about this. i LOVE sailor moon.
um... that's all.
um... that's all.
i'm all wet, and no one loves me.
went oot and aboot at studio tonight (after watching THE CAR at emily's house. oh, it' was terrifying.) and, am now SOAKING wet. wade was SOOOOO fucking drunk, he kept spraying everyone down with the bar's soda water sprayer dealies. between him and josh, and people just throwing water around on the dance floor.... the floor was soaked, *i* was soaked.... yeah. then, wade came up to dance on the front raised stage with me and thang, and slipped/stumbled and just about fell off. but i grabbed him, and saved his life. everyone has me to thank for saving the hottest gay guy in the world.
that said... i LOVE drunk wade. oh my god. he was dancing on the bar... (almost fell off of there too... he was quite intoxicated, and everything was REALLY slippery.) he is so much fun. though, i saw some naughty pictures of him today. tsk tsk, wade, do not take your pants off when bartending. no.
when i got to the bar, none of my friends were, there, and i was in a really bad mood.... so i decided to leave. (despite having already paid cover... i was just that... ugh. ) so, i went for a walk, but i ran into thad on the ped mall, and he convinced me to come back. and i had much fun. yay for thad. he invited me to afties, but i decided that i was tired and wanted to go home. so here i am at home. woo. it was a really weird crowd tonight.... i hardly knew anyone, and the people i did know, were from out of town. v. strange. seriously, aside from g-string (aka thang, aka thong...) thad was the only other person i REALLY knew... (i take that back, matt (sparkles) was there, and mag, and byron, and sam ... but even out of them... sparkles is my only... friendfriend.)
no one loves me. i had NO email (except for hot or not "someone wants to meet you" emails... but, i'm sick of the "you're hot" emails. flattering but, no conversation ... boo.) anywho, NO email, NO comments, NO one on aim to talk to.... *sob* i need to talk to kyle about when he's gonna be in NYC, and such.
and del, you need to come visit me. heck anyone who wants to needs to come visit me, i promise we will have the best time ever. i really do. i'm just boooored.
la. being single is nice. kind of... lonely, but nice.
that said... i LOVE drunk wade. oh my god. he was dancing on the bar... (almost fell off of there too... he was quite intoxicated, and everything was REALLY slippery.) he is so much fun. though, i saw some naughty pictures of him today. tsk tsk, wade, do not take your pants off when bartending. no.
when i got to the bar, none of my friends were, there, and i was in a really bad mood.... so i decided to leave. (despite having already paid cover... i was just that... ugh. ) so, i went for a walk, but i ran into thad on the ped mall, and he convinced me to come back. and i had much fun. yay for thad. he invited me to afties, but i decided that i was tired and wanted to go home. so here i am at home. woo. it was a really weird crowd tonight.... i hardly knew anyone, and the people i did know, were from out of town. v. strange. seriously, aside from g-string (aka thang, aka thong...) thad was the only other person i REALLY knew... (i take that back, matt (sparkles) was there, and mag, and byron, and sam ... but even out of them... sparkles is my only... friendfriend.)
no one loves me. i had NO email (except for hot or not "someone wants to meet you" emails... but, i'm sick of the "you're hot" emails. flattering but, no conversation ... boo.) anywho, NO email, NO comments, NO one on aim to talk to.... *sob* i need to talk to kyle about when he's gonna be in NYC, and such.
and del, you need to come visit me. heck anyone who wants to needs to come visit me, i promise we will have the best time ever. i really do. i'm just boooored.
la. being single is nice. kind of... lonely, but nice.
i never thought i'd see this....
anthony rapp is playing hedwig in hedwig and the angry inch.
yes, that's right. mark. is playing hedwig. oh my. i'm listening to the obcr right now, and i can't help but think of hedwig instead of mark. oh my....
yes, that's right. mark. is playing hedwig. oh my. i'm listening to the obcr right now, and i can't help but think of hedwig instead of mark. oh my....
uh oh. nina has figured out my plan to possess her body and do naughty things to people while in possession of her... damn.
but the good news is, nina, i'm over my angsty unrequited love stage! yaaaay! i'm so much happier when i'm not angsty (what's strange is.... even when i *am* angsty, i'm still pretty darn happy and perky.)
i'm awake after like... my zillionth nap today. oh but hey! i have new furniture! hooooray! (it's not REALLY new furniture.... it's more of my crazy stackable boxes that i use instead of furniture. they're really nice. if i want to move, i can just throw everything in them and leave. very conveinent.) i moved it all upstairs after one of my naps. but it made me tired, so i had to watch friends and take another nap.
which reminds me... friends is on, so i have to go.
but the good news is, nina, i'm over my angsty unrequited love stage! yaaaay! i'm so much happier when i'm not angsty (what's strange is.... even when i *am* angsty, i'm still pretty darn happy and perky.)
i'm awake after like... my zillionth nap today. oh but hey! i have new furniture! hooooray! (it's not REALLY new furniture.... it's more of my crazy stackable boxes that i use instead of furniture. they're really nice. if i want to move, i can just throw everything in them and leave. very conveinent.) i moved it all upstairs after one of my naps. but it made me tired, so i had to watch friends and take another nap.
which reminds me... friends is on, so i have to go.
*nina* and i seem to be on the same vein lately....
it's not going to stop
so just...give up
- aimee mann, "wise up"
if we let our love
off of its leash
do you fear, like i fear
how fierce it would be?
i don't want want the world
i just want your half
-they might be giants
nothing worth knowing can be understood by the mind.
-woody allen
i'm done stealing stuff from nina. i SWEAR.
hey, blogger... why didn't you publish my last post?! yooooou bitch. you'd better run. because i'm gonna kick yo ass.
i'm in kind of a weird mood. i just listened to rent start to finish. i haven't done that in AGES. hey, know what? my archives were all screwy, and they randomly fixed themselves. (this is a different issue than the archive links being on crack... i fixed that myself. but the weird new blogger issues... were fixed by some blog fairy.)
i cannot type tonight. seriously, it's taking me forever to do anything because i keep having to delete stuff.
i'm gonna go over to thang's and be a ho. will be on later tonight. i expect lots of ims when i get home and am fucked up tonight. (tonight's my only night. so, bite me.) i'm feeling very superficial and BLAH lately. kismet's gonna read this and come beat me over the head with my spiritual practice.... *ducks*
ah, but that won't happen til later, and for now, i'm going to the wiiiild thang's house.
it's six in the morning.
cannot sleep. grrrr. waaaant to sleep.
read "ethics for a new millenium" (by the dalai lama) for... past hour and half. fascinating. love love love it. before i forget... NEED to read grace and grit (kismet? suggestions where to find it? i hear it's out of print...) and would like to read boomeritis...
la la la. i'm so very very awake.
read "ethics for a new millenium" (by the dalai lama) for... past hour and half. fascinating. love love love it. before i forget... NEED to read grace and grit (kismet? suggestions where to find it? i hear it's out of print...) and would like to read boomeritis...
la la la. i'm so very very awake.
from miss nina's blog...
Your sorry eyes, they cut through bone.
They make it hard to leave you alone.
Leave you here wearin' your wounds
Waving your guns at somebody new.
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost cause.
There's too many people you used to know
They see you coming they see you go.
They know your secrets and you know theirs
This town is crazy, but nobody cares.
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost cause.
I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause
There's a place where you are going
You ain't never been before
There's no one laughing at your back now
No one standing at your door
Is that what you thought love was for?
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost cause
I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause.
i hear ya sistah.
sidenote: i invited beck to my graduation party. he didn't come, but his publicist/fan mail person sent me a very nice letter.
They make it hard to leave you alone.
Leave you here wearin' your wounds
Waving your guns at somebody new.
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost cause.
There's too many people you used to know
They see you coming they see you go.
They know your secrets and you know theirs
This town is crazy, but nobody cares.
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost cause.
I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause
There's a place where you are going
You ain't never been before
There's no one laughing at your back now
No one standing at your door
Is that what you thought love was for?
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost
Baby I'm a lost cause
I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of fighting
Fighting for a lost cause.
i hear ya sistah.
sidenote: i invited beck to my graduation party. he didn't come, but his publicist/fan mail person sent me a very nice letter.
hot or not is dangerously addicting
help me! it's sucked me in!
i need a hot or not (and meet me) intervention.
oh, but i'm in love with alex from detroit... (i have a crush on someone i've never talked to... who i found... on hot or not. i am officially.... a nerd. *sigh* oh, but he's gorgeous. and... likes white stripes, and kevin smith, and rent. i wonder if he'd just marry me...)
heeey the dog's freakin out. brb. ok. he was in his kennel, door open... laying down.... all curled up.... barking at the wall. he's a really bright animal. i swear.
holy mother of god it's four in the morning. i did not even realize. i have to go to bed! good bye!!
i need a hot or not (and meet me) intervention.
oh, but i'm in love with alex from detroit... (i have a crush on someone i've never talked to... who i found... on hot or not. i am officially.... a nerd. *sigh* oh, but he's gorgeous. and... likes white stripes, and kevin smith, and rent. i wonder if he'd just marry me...)
heeey the dog's freakin out. brb. ok. he was in his kennel, door open... laying down.... all curled up.... barking at the wall. he's a really bright animal. i swear.
holy mother of god it's four in the morning. i did not even realize. i have to go to bed! good bye!!
omigosh. i forgot to talk about how court's gonna be my boss! remember the receptionist position at the dentist's office? well. court is a dentist. yeeeah.
i'm gonna be the perkiest receptionist EVAH. i cannot wait.
i'm gonna be the perkiest receptionist EVAH. i cannot wait.
what an evening.
i have a bugbite in my ear. it's really annoying. i had the hiccups for like... an HOUR tonight at the bar. i looked so hot, all hiccuping, without my shirt on (more on that in a minute...)
let us start at the beginning of the evening. i went oot and aboot with the kismet, travisattva, and mike and mike. we went to the noodle house, then walked, then i went to pancheros (mmm bean burrito.) it was soooo messy. sour cream everywhere. terrible. but so good. mmm. then we walked. then we sat, because travis is a lazy lazy bitch. then we went to the yacht club to see where stu's playing next (none of them had seen it before), then we went to studio because none of them had (well, actually mike and mike had... but kismet and travis hadn't...) seen my home away from home... then we parted ways. i went home to put on deodorant (because i smelled bad ~_~) and change shoes. then i came back in to studio, and patrick was there!!! yaaaaay patrick! and he's like "*reads my shirt, which says "dorks are hot"* do you have a tank top on?" "and i'm like "yeah.... why?" and he's like "take your shirt off." all urgent like. and i'm like "what?!" and he's like "do it. take your shirt off. just do it." so i did. and i look over, and lo and behold, there's derek, wearing... what else... the shirt i got him for his birthday, which says.... "dork" greeeeat. *sigh*
so, i ran around in my camisole all night. i looked like a ho. *sigh* zane came and danced with me and patrick, but tried to rape us... so we stopped that. he also invited me down to the parking ramp for some good times. but i declined. < side note > one of my friends told me how to get my blog titles to show up! i'm so happy!!!!! < / side note> anywho, i'm glad zane and i are friends again. even if he does try to rape patrick and me. and sean. and... prolly some other people. eh.
let's see, what else? kenny played 'you spin my right round' for me. i was all talking to court in the front bar, and i heard it start and i SPRINTED to the dance floor. heather and tom and i were like... the ONLY ones dancing. court came and danced with me like.... midway through. (court is gonna be my boss soon ^_^ more on that in a minute!) good times. so, last call, la la la, say my goodbyes, go outside to sit on the wall.
outside, sit on the wall, phil tries to take my shoes, i kick him (no straight boy is gettin MY shoes. hellll no.) then, all of a sudden, disaster! matty (sparkles) is drunk off his ass and trying to beat up some pooooor little emo boy. so, phil and i spring into action. (well, phil sprung into action, i stood back for awhile) and grab matt to restrain him and save the poor little emo boy. matt is... no so happy about being restrained, and begins biting, scratching, kicking... being a general bitch. so, being that all of matt's good friends are gone, and i'm the only one who even knows him, let alone being friends with him... so, i try to talk to him, but he's mad. so he calls me a slut, bitch, whore... the whole nine yards. then some girl said something, so he started calling HER all those names... and SHE got all mad... (i thought we were going to have a bitch fight on our hands...) so i let phil handle matt, and calmed her down... then went BACK to matt, who was now REALLY pissed off and kicking and biting and such. so i have TWO bite marks on my shoulder. and a scratch on my arm. so. the po-lice show up. and matt calms down... (well, stops being violent) and starts sobbing (he is not 21 so much as.... 19.) so, they come and ask for a license. and matt ... get this... matt says "fuck off you fucker" and i grab him and am like "matthew. do NOT speak to the police officer like that, APOLOGIZE right now." and he does. (thank god) and so the cop is talking to me... "what happened" yadda yadda... so we talk. then him and matt talk. then we talk some more. and he's like (to sparkles) "do you think you can get a taxi?" and heather and tom and i are like "YES. yes, he can. we will get RIGHT on that." so. they let him go. (thaaaank god) we got him a taxi... and he's home. yay! heather and tom are absolute dolls for waiting with me and matt for the taxi (which was soooo slow.) and brett is a doll for calling the taxi... and derek is a doll for restraining matt when phil got tired. and all is well. *happysigh* another drunken catastrophe with my gay boys was diverted. these kids have TERRIBLE friends, they're always ditching them and stuff. sheesh.
but then again, my friends always do that too. and i can't be the sober one when i'm drunk.... which has lead to some not-so-good phone calls... (sorry derek and adam ~_~)
so. that was MY night. how was yours?
let us start at the beginning of the evening. i went oot and aboot with the kismet, travisattva, and mike and mike. we went to the noodle house, then walked, then i went to pancheros (mmm bean burrito.) it was soooo messy. sour cream everywhere. terrible. but so good. mmm. then we walked. then we sat, because travis is a lazy lazy bitch. then we went to the yacht club to see where stu's playing next (none of them had seen it before), then we went to studio because none of them had (well, actually mike and mike had... but kismet and travis hadn't...) seen my home away from home... then we parted ways. i went home to put on deodorant (because i smelled bad ~_~) and change shoes. then i came back in to studio, and patrick was there!!! yaaaaay patrick! and he's like "*reads my shirt, which says "dorks are hot"* do you have a tank top on?" "and i'm like "yeah.... why?" and he's like "take your shirt off." all urgent like. and i'm like "what?!" and he's like "do it. take your shirt off. just do it." so i did. and i look over, and lo and behold, there's derek, wearing... what else... the shirt i got him for his birthday, which says.... "dork" greeeeat. *sigh*
so, i ran around in my camisole all night. i looked like a ho. *sigh* zane came and danced with me and patrick, but tried to rape us... so we stopped that. he also invited me down to the parking ramp for some good times. but i declined. < side note > one of my friends told me how to get my blog titles to show up! i'm so happy!!!!! < / side note> anywho, i'm glad zane and i are friends again. even if he does try to rape patrick and me. and sean. and... prolly some other people. eh.
let's see, what else? kenny played 'you spin my right round' for me. i was all talking to court in the front bar, and i heard it start and i SPRINTED to the dance floor. heather and tom and i were like... the ONLY ones dancing. court came and danced with me like.... midway through. (court is gonna be my boss soon ^_^ more on that in a minute!) good times. so, last call, la la la, say my goodbyes, go outside to sit on the wall.
outside, sit on the wall, phil tries to take my shoes, i kick him (no straight boy is gettin MY shoes. hellll no.) then, all of a sudden, disaster! matty (sparkles) is drunk off his ass and trying to beat up some pooooor little emo boy. so, phil and i spring into action. (well, phil sprung into action, i stood back for awhile) and grab matt to restrain him and save the poor little emo boy. matt is... no so happy about being restrained, and begins biting, scratching, kicking... being a general bitch. so, being that all of matt's good friends are gone, and i'm the only one who even knows him, let alone being friends with him... so, i try to talk to him, but he's mad. so he calls me a slut, bitch, whore... the whole nine yards. then some girl said something, so he started calling HER all those names... and SHE got all mad... (i thought we were going to have a bitch fight on our hands...) so i let phil handle matt, and calmed her down... then went BACK to matt, who was now REALLY pissed off and kicking and biting and such. so i have TWO bite marks on my shoulder. and a scratch on my arm. so. the po-lice show up. and matt calms down... (well, stops being violent) and starts sobbing (he is not 21 so much as.... 19.) so, they come and ask for a license. and matt ... get this... matt says "fuck off you fucker" and i grab him and am like "matthew. do NOT speak to the police officer like that, APOLOGIZE right now." and he does. (thank god) and so the cop is talking to me... "what happened" yadda yadda... so we talk. then him and matt talk. then we talk some more. and he's like (to sparkles) "do you think you can get a taxi?" and heather and tom and i are like "YES. yes, he can. we will get RIGHT on that." so. they let him go. (thaaaank god) we got him a taxi... and he's home. yay! heather and tom are absolute dolls for waiting with me and matt for the taxi (which was soooo slow.) and brett is a doll for calling the taxi... and derek is a doll for restraining matt when phil got tired. and all is well. *happysigh* another drunken catastrophe with my gay boys was diverted. these kids have TERRIBLE friends, they're always ditching them and stuff. sheesh.
but then again, my friends always do that too. and i can't be the sober one when i'm drunk.... which has lead to some not-so-good phone calls... (sorry derek and adam ~_~)
so. that was MY night. how was yours?
this post is for kyle. because he said i should blog about falling asleep when reading, and rating people on hot or not. i have become ADDICTED to that damn thing. *sigh* especially the "meet me" part. i'm such a dork. *sigh*
i'm really tired too. due to not sleeping last night.
i think i'm gonna go to bed reeeeally soon.
i'm really tired too. due to not sleeping last night.
i think i'm gonna go to bed reeeeally soon.
awwwwwwwwwwwww. i'm a 9.5 on hot or not. i feel so pretty *dances and sings* "i feel pretty, and witty and gaaaaaay!"
"hi, i'm a dork"
awwwww, scott from CT left me a comment (i assume it's scott from ct who found my site searching for danish furniture.... see, i remembered ^_~). he's apparently the ONLY person reading my blog. except del, who cannot work the commenting system, and needs to come to iowa city so i can give her glitter lessons. but... awwww. i heart scott. (i typed "ass" instead of "aww" TWICE before i got it right. i'm a dork.)
this blog entry is dedicated to scott, for reading my blog.
i've been trying to watch signs since about... midnight last night. it SO freaking scary. i'm like... less than fifteen minutes into it. and i've SEEN IT BEFORE. *sigh* you know the part .... when the little girl is like "there's a monster outside my room, can i have a glass of water?" .... and then they see the alien on the roof for like... a split second...? (ok, i actually SCREAMED when they showed the shot of the alien on the roof.) well, that's as far as i've gotten. they just ran around the house being insane with anger (i LOVE that part).... but then i got scared and had to turn it off. and i watched a commercial for miracle knives, the perfection series. i'm such a sucker for infomercials. i wish i had a miracle knife set. i really truly do. i also watched some of "live! with regis and kelly" that show is such a guilty pleasure. i hate to admit it, but i really like kelly ripa. she's so darn cute.
i'm going to go watch two weeks notice again. i HATE sandra bullock in it (i don't mind her normally... she's... eh.) but.... i think that they could have done SUCH a better job casting that role. she only got cast because it's by the same people that did miss congeniality. an AWFUL movie, btw. but... see, i LOVE hugh grant. he's HILARIOUS... especially in this... lucy: "you are the most selfish person in the ENTIRE WORLD!" hugh(or whatever his character's name is): "now that's just silly. have you MET everyone in the entire world?" and the accent... just the way he delivers lines. aaah, it's great. *swoons over any british actor who happens to be in view*
hey, there's a picture of alan cumming on my bulletein board... *swoons over alan* it's as the emcee... so he's all scrawny and pale and such.... *swoons nonetheless* any accent will do alan!
um. so, i'm a dork. betcha didn't know.
i couldn't get the stereo to turn on.... because i'd unplugged it earlier. like, five minutes ago earlier. why, why am i so stupid? it's the blonde thing, i'm sure. oooh hey! speaking of hair color. say i want to get rid of my red hair RIGHT now.... and i already tried shampooing my hair 24 times. and putting egg in it. (i really think my mom just wanted to see if i'd put egg in my hair, it didn't do ANYthing.) and i really really really just want it to go away. what should i do?! email me with suggestions... or, here's a novel idea.... leave me a comment! ^_~
this blog entry is dedicated to scott, for reading my blog.
i've been trying to watch signs since about... midnight last night. it SO freaking scary. i'm like... less than fifteen minutes into it. and i've SEEN IT BEFORE. *sigh* you know the part .... when the little girl is like "there's a monster outside my room, can i have a glass of water?" .... and then they see the alien on the roof for like... a split second...? (ok, i actually SCREAMED when they showed the shot of the alien on the roof.) well, that's as far as i've gotten. they just ran around the house being insane with anger (i LOVE that part).... but then i got scared and had to turn it off. and i watched a commercial for miracle knives, the perfection series. i'm such a sucker for infomercials. i wish i had a miracle knife set. i really truly do. i also watched some of "live! with regis and kelly" that show is such a guilty pleasure. i hate to admit it, but i really like kelly ripa. she's so darn cute.
i'm going to go watch two weeks notice again. i HATE sandra bullock in it (i don't mind her normally... she's... eh.) but.... i think that they could have done SUCH a better job casting that role. she only got cast because it's by the same people that did miss congeniality. an AWFUL movie, btw. but... see, i LOVE hugh grant. he's HILARIOUS... especially in this... lucy: "you are the most selfish person in the ENTIRE WORLD!" hugh(or whatever his character's name is): "now that's just silly. have you MET everyone in the entire world?" and the accent... just the way he delivers lines. aaah, it's great. *swoons over any british actor who happens to be in view*
hey, there's a picture of alan cumming on my bulletein board... *swoons over alan* it's as the emcee... so he's all scrawny and pale and such.... *swoons nonetheless* any accent will do alan!
um. so, i'm a dork. betcha didn't know.
i couldn't get the stereo to turn on.... because i'd unplugged it earlier. like, five minutes ago earlier. why, why am i so stupid? it's the blonde thing, i'm sure. oooh hey! speaking of hair color. say i want to get rid of my red hair RIGHT now.... and i already tried shampooing my hair 24 times. and putting egg in it. (i really think my mom just wanted to see if i'd put egg in my hair, it didn't do ANYthing.) and i really really really just want it to go away. what should i do?! email me with suggestions... or, here's a novel idea.... leave me a comment! ^_~
awww jeeze. i dunno why i just did this...
i was just sending something to the stuart davis mailing list about hotel stuff... and mentioned a trip that rob3t2, the kismet, and chad made back in january.... and am all of a sudden overcome with emotion missing these guys and that time SO much. there's a picture of all of us the last time we were together, and it's on my desk and i see it every day.... and now that i'm looking at it i want to cry because i miss my rob so much *sniffle* and he doesn't even blog anymore so i can't read it. *sob* but.... he *is* going to stop by my house on his way to colorado on... *looks at calender* july 21st. yay! but wow. that trip was so much fun. to chicago and rockford with the stuart. and we stayed in a red roof in in rockford.... and at stuart's brother's in chicago. and marcy was there. and... i guess, obviously... stuart was there. (i always find myself leaving stuart out of these memories. poooor stuart.) aaand bree sharp was there... *sniffle* which reminds me of another sad thing.... my FAVORITE bree sharp cd (the one with david duchovney and faster faster... the first one) is in the light booth at ICCT and i want it back. *cries* i miss my friends and i miss my cd!
blogger is a jerk!
la. i still can't figure out the title situation. i thought perhaps i was brilliant.... and i tried something, but it didn't work. alas, alas....but look what patrick finally emailed me!!! yay! it's me at studio 13!
"hi, my name is megan and i have a glowstick." i look pretty pissed off here. i don't know why. i have a glowstick and a drink, i ought to be happy.
"this is more money than i EVER have, take a picture, take a picture!" patrick has entitled this picture "golddigger" ... but that's a negative. if i were a golddigger, i wouldn't be so broke ALL the time.
me and my layers. i have like four shirts on. sheesh! and my lipstick only matches one of them. ^_^ i'm reading the drink specials (that's what that neon thing in front of me is...) and chillin. in my four shirts. (i dress to impress.)

"hi, my name is megan and i have a glowstick." i look pretty pissed off here. i don't know why. i have a glowstick and a drink, i ought to be happy.

"this is more money than i EVER have, take a picture, take a picture!" patrick has entitled this picture "golddigger" ... but that's a negative. if i were a golddigger, i wouldn't be so broke ALL the time.

me and my layers. i have like four shirts on. sheesh! and my lipstick only matches one of them. ^_^ i'm reading the drink specials (that's what that neon thing in front of me is...) and chillin. in my four shirts. (i dress to impress.)