

alex just sent me pictures to cheer me up. awwwwwwwwwww. i heart them muchly. but he didn't send me ANY of the pictures from when he came to visit *glare* i'm not emailing him back until he sends pictures from andrea and megan's rock the midwest (and part of canada) tour. even though canada makes me horribly unphotogenic.

my sister just helped me peroxide my foot.... and it didnt hurt at all, because i apparently cut a nerve.... and i can't feel anything on the bottom of my foot. well, i can feel my big toe. but that's all. awww *sniffle* but the good news is... it's not infected! i'm not going die from a foot infection. well, at least not yet.

on an entirely unrelated note.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaam wheeeere aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare yoooooooooooooou?? i saw you signed on with your secret screenname. (bwaha, which i talked you into giving me on your birthday while we were all drunk and stuff...) but you haven't been on on your regular one, and you apparently didn't get my hysterical message, aaaand... *flail* i blame your new phone. confounded gadget. *shakes fist*

i'm going to go eat popcorn with my family now. oh, by the way, my comments had a major server failure, but should be back on tuesday or wednesday! sorry about all the stupid script errors they're causing.... will be fixed soon. promise. email me your comments until then! then i'll have email! and i'll be soooo happy. or ... just email me anything. i'm sad, and hurt, and i want email. *looks very pitiful* oh, and i don't remember if i thanked everyone for their heartfelt comments and desire to kill the person who injured my foot (speaking of, i have to go to the police station about all that on tuesday. bah.) but... many thanks! especially to mysterious scott of the east. well, i guess not ESPECIALLY to you... not to make anyone else feel unloved... but you don't even know me! and you were as adamant about getting my eeevil attacker as anyone. aww.

right. popcorn. bye!



that last post was only *kinda* hysterical....

sooo yeah. i can't walk, at all. i have crutches, and i'm afraid of them... and i hate them... and... yeah.

but i got to see margaret cho last night! yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!

with erin and nate and sean! but nate was a bitch all night. if i'd been able to, i would have kicked him.

after margaret cho, sean drove me over to studio, so i could reassure everyone that i was ok. and it was like... black light party, and it was ridiculous.... and i really hate black lights.... so it wasn't cool. but i talked to adam for awhile. i SWEAR to god, i left a hysterical message on his voicemail right after all this happened, like, as the ambulance was getting there... but apparently he didnt' get it? because when i came in, he's like "what the hell happened to you?!" *shrug*

i went to the hospital again this morning, and they were supposed to do major stitching... INSIDE my foot... but they didn't. and they're like "it's not infected! yay!" and just changed the bandage... and it was stupid. but it was a home game today, so there were tailgaters everywhere. and gabe called me from tailgating, and was like "hi! i'm drunk! thanks for seeing if i wanted to go to margaret cho!" and i was like "it's 9:30am!! how are you DRUNK ALREADY!?!" but it was a nice conversation.

i'm so bored. everyone needs to call me. i'm SO bored.



i went out tonight, and as i was leaving the bar, some kid from sports column hit on me, and i told him to go away, because he was really rude and gross and drunk, and then i went back in to get thad and ivy and everyone, and then when i walked back out with thad, this kid threw a beer bottle at me, and it cut my foot up all HORRIBLE..... and i was in the ER for FOUR HOURS.... and my foot wouldn't stop bleeding, and it was squirting blood, and they had to do like.... three x rays looking for glass... and..... it was horrible. and the ambulance came to the alley and i wouldn't let them take me to the hospital because it's so much money.... and.... i called patrick and he came and got me.... and.... we went to the ER, and.... when they made me look at the bottom of my foot so i could see how badly it was cut, i threw up.... because it's SO bad..... like, the worst cut is a little over an inch long... like, in and a half.... and it's DEEPER than it is wide.... and they were all worried it went all the way through my foot.... and... it's awful, and it hurts so bad, and it bled SO much.... puddle of blood in the alley, streams of blood in the ER.... oh my god.... and i can't walk on it AT ALL... and there are like six little cuts all over my foot....and it sucks so much. and everyone should come visit me at home, because i can't do anything for like a week and a half. i had to BEG to be allowed to go to margaret cho on friday, and it's only ok if i don't walk at all, and arrange for a wheelchair at hancher.

this sucks so much. and hurts SO much, and i if i ever catch the person who threw that... i'm gonna KILL them.



first thing's first.... DUSTY JUST IMED ME!!!! from ROMANIA! awwwwww dusty! i miss him so much. i'm glad he's having an awesome time in europe though. i wonder when he's coming home.... maybe he could come along to indiana and michigan!! that'd be so cool! i'm all bouncy and happy now. awww dusty!!!

ok. that JUST happened as i opened blogger, so i had to tell everyone that first. in oooother news... went oot tonight, BY MYSELF.... (i'm beginning to notice i do that alot. i think it's because i'm the biggest loser ever and i have no friends.) but i hung out with treye at the dj booth for while, then with ryan at the door, then with graham.... at the front bar area. it was a nice night. i meant to go over to see jenny but i forgot. i hope she forgives me.

a very very nice evening all in all.... and i just got home and checked my mail and i had something from graham, awwww. and he even used "doom" in it. it's always nice to recieve doom-filled email. i have to remember to email him back.

also, i'm gonna ask erin how to password protect my archives.... and for now i'm gonna take them off the main page, except maybe the last three months. i don't know. i feel like having everything up is too much. i read them and i feel so exposed. and i don't like that. so they're going away. i'm gonna make a selective "best of the archives" kind of thing though.... (ps. erin, mp3s are ok ^_^)

also, i finished my studio 13 website prototype.... i'll post a link to it here once i find the pictures i wanna use.... and you all can tell me what you think before i pitch it to terry and brett...

i'm really tired. so i'm gonna email graham. and go to bed. because i'm gonna get up and go for a bike ride tomorrow, and then come home and work on some characterization for rumors (city circle's producing it this oct.) aaand then go oot to eat with graham. at the cottage. mmm.... cottage. (sidenote: adam HATES the cottage. like, don't ever mention it to him, he will FLIP out about ... eggs... and... stuff. it's crazy. i really like it though)

p.s. i really need to remember to ad all my "dean for america" propaganda to the left sidebar.... and to see when the next dean meet up in IC is. doh! SO much to do.

oh, p.p.s. remember how i was all happy about not working at the mall ever again, well i applied at clairs today, and am applying at sears this week. DOH!


everything was ok at the hospital casey. it wasn't for me anyways, don't worry.

still feeling really blaaaaaaaah though. don't know why.

i'm going to go take a shower. and then upload all my studio pictures.... and then.... go to patrick's to help him with some computer stuff.


is a big crazy mess.

it seemed like it happened all of a sudden. it really surprised me. but... now, in hindsight... i'm like "doh. should have seen this coming.... so stupid."

have a horrible headache. going to try to get some sleep, have to spend.... a lot of time at the hospital tomorrow. woo. hoo.



have something in my eye. it's been there for about a half hour. i thought maybe it was my contact. but they aren't in. so i bet it isn't that. i can see it though. it keeps drifting across, and it's driving me absolutely up the wall. grr.

went out tonight. BY MYSELF. uuuuuuuuuuugh. well, actually i'll start at the beginning of the day. *time out while i try to get this thing out of my eye again....* ok. took allison out for back to school shopping, she got some way cute stuff, and i got a jordi labanda mousepad! with the picture of the girl driving! (yooooou know the one. well, erin does. it's a blonde girl. in a convertible, with sunglasses. and it's great. and it was way cheap at gadzooks. though, the sales girl was bitch. i wanted to kick her. but i didn't.) anywho, i got a mousepad, allie got TONS of new clothes. go allie. i took her to ragstock (they were playing elvis costello, and allison came on, and i'm like "AL! YOU'RE NAMED AFTER THIS SONG!!!!!" and the guy at the counter was like "REALLY!??!" and i was like "yeah!" and he thought that was way cool. so, we bought some shirts at ragstock. and i made allie try on all the hats. and some sunglasses. and she whined about how i'm the most embarrassing older sister in the entire world. then we went to preferred stock, and i wanted to get a cat. (they have cats from the animal shelter there... there was one that was soooo cute, and he only had one eye, and i loved him. and wanted to get him, and give him a pirate name. but allison pointed out that dad would KILL me if i brought another cat home.) so.... preferred stock.... allie got a shirt, and i fell in love with the cats. then we went back to my car... which didn't have a parking ticket, yaaaaaay, and i saw james davies. and allie was like "that's the guy in the trashcan!" (there's a picture of james in a trashcan in like... the last issue of our high school newspaper. yeah.) .... and that was our shopping down town.

then we went to the mall. actually, we may have gone to burger king first. i dont' remember when, but i had a craving for gross fast food. so we got some. mmmmmmmmm. it was so good.

the mall. we went to rue, and talked to jess for awhile, and got some jeans, then to.... some other places..... and stuff... and the mall sucked.... and i'm so glad i don't ever have to work there agaaaaain. yeah. well, i may have to work there again. you never know. bah. after that we went to my dad's and his car wasn't there, but caleb's was, so we decided to go in.... but no one was there, so we left, but they were at the gas station about a block away. so we went and talked to them, and caleb made fun of my hair, and i cried... only not really. i just glared at him. grrr. then we went home! and my mom was making fried zucchini! and pasta! and made me call dad and caleb and tell them to come home and eat. and they did! then there was a huge thunderstorm, and we all ran around the front yard saving potted plants, and lawn chairs and stuff. theeeen i took allison to the ice cream social.... and then... uuuuh.... oh people blocked my car into its parking spot, so i went and bullied these little boys who were swinging so that i could swing. and i swung. then my shoes fell off. and i couldnt' stop swinging, and i started twisting, and nearly killed allison, and got wood chips and mud everywhere. then we went home. then we played old sega games for a LONG time. then we played warcraft two, tides of darkness, for awhile, then allie went to bed. and i sat at home and was like "woe is me, woe is me." and was sad. so i played some toejam and earl... (and i got to be earl! i always let allie be earl, cuz she likes him too.) and then i played some maniac mansion.... (a game i still have not beat, because at the end, i always blow everything up, because i'm stupid.) then i decided to go out. so i went out. and danced the night away with thaaaang and jennny. then i left to go get cigarettes, because i needed to smoke. (it was smoke, or hate my life. back off.) then i came back and they were gone... but treye was there! and i was like "raaaaaaaaaaalph, daaaaahling." and we talked. and he hit me.... *sniffle* and then i went and sat in the alley. and smoked. with.... aaaaaaaaaaagh... i forgot her name. one of the gelfling lesbians. awww. love her. then i went for a walk. and some guys at the deadwood hit on me. and were like "come have a drink with us!" and i was like "i can't, i'm not 21" and they claimed i was lying, so i wouldn't have to hang out with them. so i showed them my id. and they let me leave.

theeen.... i ran into joshy! and was like "heeeey guuuurl." and he's like "i'm so fucked up." and like.... ricocheted back towards the cat. i mean studio. doh. so, i continued my walk, and met this kid, graham.... who was sitting outside hair quarters.... with an injured thumb (which he injured on that damn wall by studio. HOW many times have i hurt myself climbing on that damn thing?! it's dangerous. be careful kids.) ... and sat and talked to him for like... an hour... (hello random.) he was really cool though. and we talked. alot. about deep things... (i'm glad i wasn't drunk. i have the most ridiculous deep conversations when drunk.) then kelly mellecker walked by. and professed her love for me. and kept calling me megs. which only.... like, five people still do. and i was amused. because she was all drunk, and it was hilarious. and i love her. it was great. then... oh, somewhere in there marty came running up and picked me up and tried to bite me.... then left again. crazy DJ's *shakes fist* and then action jackson doran came by. and it was weird. then he walked by again, and i just ignored him... i didn't really mean to. but... it happened. oh well. i'm sure he'll get over it. if not, i'll apologize profusely next time i see him. ah well... it was a night of many coincidences.... and i'm way glad i stopped and talked to graham, because he was really cool, and i am generally a bitch to guys who say hey to me when i'm out walking... but... since... well, i looked at him.... and then i looked BACK over my shoulder at him.... then he said hey... i thought it'd be rude to be like "yeah, i was checking you out, but don't you hit on me!" so yes. exchanged numbers, and now just need to get my phone turned back on.... (which i'm gonna do tomorrow around nooon. wooot.)

sidenote: i now have whatever was in my eye before.... AND soap.... aaaah it huuuurts. i hate my liiiife. nobody loves me and my eeeeeeye hurts. booo.

hey, have you guys seen the 'mr. bartender' video? by sugar ray? don't you just love mark mcgrath more than life itself? because i do. mmmmmm..... maaaark mcgraaath.....

ok, my and my watery eye are going to bed. i was gonna blog more.... to celebrate the possible end of my blogging slump, but i have a party tomorrow night, and a day full of preparations for alex and tom, the brothers of sleaze. (though, when they meet zane, they will both bow to him... awwwww zaaane. i still love him so much despite.... well, despite of EVERYTHING sleazy about him.)

oh, one more thing.... many thanks for the commments! i love you guys! especially scott, my random fan from conneticuit. i can't even spell your state's name right.... awww. i feel so bad. but, yay scott! and yay aaaaaandrea and emiiiii and eeeeveryone. and renata, even though she isn't coming to see stuart. bitch.



i don't know what i want.

yet, out of all the options, that are distressing me muchly... i dont' think any of them are actual viable options. every one of them is going to lead to me getting hurt.

but... i'm... so confused. aaaaaaagh.



i have been in the weirdest mental frame regarding blogging. like, i still think of how i'm gonna write about things... and i have like, three nights that i REALLY want to blog about.... but i don't care enough to do it. it's really strange. like, normally, i really want to share everything with everyone.... only lately i'm just like... eh, no one cares, and i don't care. bah.

last night someone i don't even KNOW yelled at me about being on the who's who. i was like "the reason half of you guys aren't on there are because i dont' know you! or if i do... i dont' really care! aaaaagh. i do need to ad erin though. since we're purse twins... and i heart her muchly... and i need to ad alex and tom, because i heart them muchly as well. and i need to fix some of the random stuff.... maybe i'll do that today. i want to see where my update that i didnt' upload is. and maybe update that. then it will be a super update.

last night was adam's birthday, haaaaaappy birthday adam!

i think i might get rid of my twin bed... entirely, and just have my futon.... and make a little platform for it.... (i.e. ask my dad and/or caleb to make me a little platform for it...) because i think that'd be really cute. i'm gonna go and finish cleaning, so that when alex and tom come... they won't be frightened by my bedroom.



need to ad ryan to who's who. (also, keisha, and like, four billion others.)

woooo friday night.

whoooa, long night last night. hung out with... everyone in the entire world. and, afterhours at mikey's house, which consisted of ryan looking at personals ads on the computer, ivy passed out on the floor, mikey and nathan (i think it's nathan, i'm so bad about putting the wrong name with a face. but i actually KNOW this kid, i've seen him in stuff at tcr, and with mikey. ah.) well, anywho, they just hung out and talked with ryan, and jon and i layed on mikeys bed and made fun of people, and gossiped. i heard "secrets don't make friends" like four billion times last night. oh well. valid secrets, things that aren't everyones business and weren't REALLY gossip. i promise.

"oh shut up, you want to have like, two thousand of his babies"
-mikey, after we were talking about.... someone. (i also vaguely remember that this lead to the discussion about naming said two thousand babies. boys willl be george, girls will be laquita)

"why don't you take that comment and mail it to about twelve minutes ago when it happened."
-mikey, again... (i was like "hey! you took your shirt off!" but apparently i was a little behind the times. jon thought it was hilarious, and insisted on writing it down.)

"you crush my will to live!"
-i'm really not sure. not my handwriting...

"do you guys hear that? it's the nerd alert, and it's going off."
-mikey, after well all broke into the cheer from the beginning of bring it on...



heather, your 21st birthday plans sound awesome. i can't wait hun!



hi, i'm megan, and it is my job to take care of all drunk gay men in the ENTIRE WORLD. at least that's what i did tonight.

glad to hear that erin's ok! yaaay! and that kyle seems to be ok... aaand, didn't get ahold of alex... tried a couple times... but got a really weird error message. *sniffle* alex daaahling, call me at home aaaanytime tomorrow. (though, if you call before three in the afternoon, my time... i won't be there... you COULD call me at work, but i'd prolly be crazy busy, and i'm afraid of the phone. so that might not work.)

went oot, had a great time... thad's home... i was happy. i ran out and jumped him as soon as i saw him walk by the window. awwww happy. also, hung out with jon and AJ. and with michelle and michael.... aaaand kayla and tim came... (and adam. but... maybe he's mad at me? or just didn't want to talk to me? either way i was sad. REALLY sad. but it's ok. *cries*) and it was a nice evening. but ihave to work tomorrow (stupid stupid megan) so i'm goign to bed. after i finish typing really badly and being too laszy to delete and fix stuff.



so, i believe that my toast twin, my purse twin, AND my ... alex and tom.... are without power. scary!

i'm really tired still, i just took a nap... (and when i woke up there was all this crazy blackout stuff on the news. it was that same kind of "what the fuck" feeling of september 11th.... i left the house and they're liek "huh, something's on fire in the world trace center..." i get to school like... a half hour later (i went for a drive before going to school....) and go up to mr. neuzil's room and there's like.... crazy panic. weirdness.) so... my nap was nice. i had a really weird dream. it was REALLY complicated actually. and involved three different people... but they were all the same person.... and.... it was really bizarre. so i was already kind of off balance when i come out to the living room.... watched the end of grosse pointe blank with my mom... and then she's liek "well, when i got home, and turned on the news, i couldnt' stop watching all this stuff that's going on on the east coast..." and i'm like "what?" and she turned the news on... yeah. weird.

i'm glad we have power. i'd be a nervous wreck if we didn't.

i'm nervous that alex and tom and erin and kyle dont' have it.... but not a wreck. and, it helps that alex emailed me to say when he's coming to see me! (the 23rd...) so.... yaaaaay!


...have to work at nine
...have been filming all night
...really want a pickle
...hope that i get to see adam before he goes home for the weekend
...want alex to get off his ass and email me
...went to see pirates of the caribbean again today
...want orlando bloom to love me
...haven't eaten since noon
...am really hungry
...REALLY want a pickle
...don't know why pickles are suddenly so important to me
...am going to go eat some cheese sticks (provided allison didn't eat all fo them. i HATE when she eats all my food.)
...wish that more people would leave me loving comments
...wish i'd update more often
...don't want to work tomorrow. *sob*
...am sad
...am leaving to get food now.



got it on purpose....

You're Penny Pingleton!

What Hairspray Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

wooooohoooo penny!

la la. work tonight was great. highlight would be.... the sink was clogged... so we investigated.... and discovered.... a radish. radishes dont' go in drains, guys.


adam- i brought spiceworld out and about (oot and aboot) for you tonight. and what thanks do i get? you left without saying goodbye. i had to ask nick if you left! and i didn't want to! and it wast HORRIBLE. i almost cried. (not really...) but i WAS distressed because nick is really not my biggest fan. and i was like "*meep* um... nick?" "yeah" "did adam leave?" "adam left" "oh. *runs away*" and i went to danny and beau and they were like "why do you care if adam left!?" and i was like "*meep* *runs away*"

alex- i was sitting in my car, about 4:30 this morning, after SUCH a weird night... thinking... what do i do? i'm so confused about feelings and people and EVERYthing. and all of a sudden.... "don't stop believin" came on the radio. and i just stopped, and thiought of you and missed you. and was like "aw."

in other news, i have to be up in two hours. dammit all.


oh, and...

yesterday, at work, i realized how much i love jon. (as in jon from alice in wonderland, tweedledee.) he was working with me, and he was GREAT. he's hilarious, and i love him. we even had a really nice talk on break, and i really like him and want to hang out with him all the time. also, he's going to be another one of my husbands. he was training me on registers, and this guy was like "is she the new girl?" and jon's like "she's my boss! and i still have to train her! life's not fair!" and i was liek "there there jon, there there." and he was just... hilarious. aw. we talked about ... a lot of stuff on break... and it made me love him even more. (if only because he's so darn cute. "do you remember... in high school... for you and rob's final presentation in acting and movement.... when you wore that purple dress? that was hot. i whistled at you." i was like "aaaw jon.") and he just... is a great guy to work with, and be friends with. ("jon! where have you been!?" "kids... quarters.... gumball machines... trouble!" "i'm a pizza ranch super genius. *runs into shelf with bill of hat* well, that makes me a little less of a super genius... but still super.") also, he has an uncanny way of imitating the way i talk. "table eighty five..." "eiiighty fiiive?" (it's difficult to demonstrate...) but... he does it a lot, and very well... like, so well that i'm like... "hey. are you making fun of me?!" but i'm not quite sure...

today i hung out with jane, and ran all over the place doing errands and such. and us bank pissed me off. grrr. jerks.

and i had some popcorn. it was pretty good.

and i lightened the very front of my hair (going for a ginger spice during spiceworld kind of look...) annnnnd got peroxide stuff on my fingers, and they turned all white. and i was concerned. but it's going away now. though, my fingers ended up getting lighter than my hair. which didnt' get much lighter at all. doh.

and now i really need to clean my room. and my car. aaaand it's dark out! what the hell!? aw jeeeze. ok. byeeee kids!

i'm alive!


so, let's start with some highlights of the andrea and megan rock the midwest and part of canada tour.

we had the BEST time ever. oh my god. andrea picked me up at about two. (this is LAST saturday...) we went to wal mart first, and each got a six pack of 24 oz mt dews. then to patrick's house.... and then off we go! so we actually get going around 2:30.... about three hours into our journey, we had our first highway interchange, had to get on i-94.... and we missed our exit. so andrea decides we'll just make a u-turn, rather than get off at the next exit. well. THAT was exciting. 0-65 in.... thirty seconds! go doug. (doug is andrea's car...) ... then, we stopped at a wal mart (and a burger king, where andrea had a salad popsicle... mmm. frozen.) and we bought crayola markers, and two little boys white t-shirts.... then i made "andrea and megan's rock the midwest and part of canada tour" t-shirts. SO cool. also, somewhere along here we discovered that if you spit mt. dew out the window while traveling at 80 miles an hour, it all comes back in. andrea was kind enough to demonstrate this, and as a result the entire inside of the car (and the outsides of us) was very sticky.

then we got to "detroit" and hung out with alex, who i LOVE! then we met tom! who i also love! and we had good times. and such. then alex took us on a tour, before we all headed to kyle's house. (after some mapquesting by kyle) and then we met kyle and erin!!! and i love them both so much. oh my god! they were so great. i didn't want to leave them ~_~ *Sniffle* so, we all stay at kyle's where we watch some rent boots and kyle and erin and i had rent nerd conversations. it was much fun. then we all went to bed. then we all got up the next day and had toast. then alex left to go get tom so we could go to canada. and andrea left to go get other andrea so we could go to canada.... and i stayed with kyle and erin and we went to this little diner, and had the cutest waiter ever. his name was scott, and him and kyle need to go out, because it would be too cute. it was scott's third day, and he was all nervous. and just DARLING. awwww. so... kyle and erin and i all order the exact same thing.... (grilled cheese with fries, and a pickle, and some ranch dressing. and i asked for grape jelly for my sandwich. mmm. it was so funny. we're like "can we have three grilled cheeses?" and scott's like "you all want the same thign!?!" like it's the craziest thing in the world. and i'm like "can i have grape jelly to put on top of mine?" and he's like "oh, sure!" like it's the most normal thing in the world. awww scott.) and we all got milkshakes and water. mmm. it was great. then i called andrea to see what the canada plans were.... and she's like "i already told alex!" and i'm like "uh, i'm with kyle and erin, not alex." and she's like ... "oooooh. i thought you were with alex. i wonder if i confused him..." so we get all ready and go back to kyles and watch hairspray for awhile, then liza.... (LIZA! with a Z! it was GREAT. maybe i'll post liza's life lessons later...) then i leave with alex and tom to meet up with andrea and andrea in canada. and we get there (after craziness at the border...) and get to the casino.... and begin searching for andrea and andrea. andrea #1's phone isn't working, so we don'tn think we'll find them, but we do.

then we set off to downtown windsor.... and went to pepper's then to somewhere else.... jokers? it was great, apparently in canada, the bars all send out guys to like.... recruit you to come to their bar. it was great. then tom and alex demonstrated some sleaze for us... and we had good times, then we had mass confusion... but it was all good. and tom and alex took me to grosse ile to andrea #2's house... and we all said our goodbyes... and andrea #1 played jenga with her cell phone charger and andrea #2's nightstand.... and we went to bed.

then we got up in the morning and had pancakes! and andrea #1 ate like 40. it was great. then we tried to leave for butler, but we kept getting lost. because of the crazy banks. on the way to indiana we went to ohio. i don't know if we were supposed to, but we did, and ohio was very nice. we also tried to buy fireworks, but everything was all closed. then, i took a nap... and it was a vicious cycle.... it was raining... so i'd close my window, then i'd wake up REALLY hot... and open the window... and fall asleep. then i'd wake up all wet.... and close the window.... it was horrible. then i got up.... and we got to indiana... and met libby, who was SO great, and i love her and i really hope she comes to stay with andrea. then we went to the sigma nu house to meet chris tracey and.... someone whose name i forgot... then we went and took pictures of ourselves breaking into the phi delt house.... *innocent face* then we went back to libby's.

in the morning (by morning, i mean about.... 2 in the afternoon... we got up and went and ate... and then we set off for home. took SO long getting home. we stopped like, twelve times. and took a tour of peoria. and got ice cream. and stole window clings from gas stations, and went to iowa 80 (world's largest truck stop!) and it was GREAT.

the end!!!



i just read my drunk email to adam from a couple nights ago. and it really wasn't so bad. didn't even say anything stupid. go me! i'm becoming a lot more tactful in my drunkeness. woot.


so many. and some are even straight.

this jason kid was all over me at the bar tonight. i use the term "kid" very loosely, he was about derek's age. let's not do that again, eh? it went so horribly the first time..

v. attractive though. but he kept kissing me, even though i was like "heeeey let's not do that." and he asked if i was single, and i was like "i am, but i'm not completely unattatched...." just to try to get him to back off a little.... ugh. but he WAS really really nice, and easily the hottest boy in the bar (aside from treye and jon. *rawr*) aaah well, after work tomorrow i'll see what's up.

it's hella late, and i've been at afties for the past three hours, it's really bedtime. met some coooool people at afterhours, and some annoying people.... and tried to help jon end the drama.... with a little success... (note to boys: don't do cocaine in other peoples bathrooms. it's not cool boys, really. and it really bothers me and jon and aj (who i just met, but is SO darling. love him.) so, please keep the nasty drugs to yourself, or just leave them alone.)

speaking of nasty drugs, had a very long talk with scarybootsthecokedealer tonight. i was chilling on my wall in the alley (sidenote, i discovered today.... written on the wall.... "megan was here, #1 fag hag" and something else. totally in my handwritiing. do i recall doing this? no. damn.) aaaanywho, talked with will for quite awhile on the wall, nice guy. i know a lot of really nice people who do really bad things. *sigh*

love to everyone. *hearts* to alex, treye, adam, jon, everyone..... yeah.

though, adam your hearts may be revoked due to not coming to afties.



this is the least that this has been updated in monthes. holy moly. yet, there are like four billion private live journal entries. because... of stuff. *flail* much turmoil.

or something.

am all sickly. boooo sickly. could be partially a result of drinking and smoking when i was already sickly.... and now i'm like four billion times worse. stupid megan.

michigan rant is almost typed. and i swear, i''ll post it soon. this won't be like the last four times i've promised something is coming soon and it never appears. in other news, i need to make an archive for august. bah.

i'm thinking about dying my hair. because... it went so well last time? no. i'm SO summer blonde right now, and i'm sick of people being like "your hair's really blonde!!!" everytime they see me. it's apparently horribly surprising for everyone. but, i've never had dark hair, and i kinda wanna try it....

ok, i have to go. bye kids! maybe more later!



i PROMISE i will update soon.


but not right now.


home sweet home.


full account of the rock the midwest tour will come either later tonight, or tomorrow when i get up. i'm SO tired.

"so, anyway, the dog ate all the newt food..."
-andrea, explaining why she was worried about her newts.

"note to self: do not scratch toe while driving..." *moments later* "note to self: learn how to drive"

"i just... want... to charge... my phone! *everything on nightstand goes crashing to the floor* it's like playing jenga!"
-andrea, trying to plug in her charger

"drunk test!! *smack* OW... failed..."
-drunk test administered by me and andrea many times....

"the fact that you're both smacking yourselves in the face may be an indication of drunkeness..."
-i'm not sure...

"how's your water?"
"well, it's really hot, and it has junk in the bottom"
-me and andrea, regarding libby's drunken attempt to get water for andrea

"aw, i love eric too much to steal his watch"

"note to self: drive on the road"

"mmmm... tastes like floor"
-andrea and her dirty floor breadstick...

"note to indiana: get some scenery"

"internet! that's where we're from!"

"hi, i'm megan, no wait, i'm andrea."

"hi, i'm andrea... NO... wait... i'm megan!"
-me (we're so stupid)

"i was laughing hysteriously"

"i guess we'll just have to become mormons..."

"aric is hotpants, ben is funkypants... and jordan is.... jordanpants."

"pogally wogally operated?"
-andrea... i SAID 'locally owned and operated..." she didn't hear me.

maaaaaaan, goodtimes. we LOVE alex and tom. and we want them to come visit before andrea has to leave. and tom's going to be our puppy dog (our sleazy puppy dog). i'm not sure WHY we decided he was gonna be our puppy dog... but he is. aaaand, alex's code name is lush, and tom's is sleeeeaze, and jordan's is jordanpants. aaaahahaa. (we had some horrible jokes on the way back... oooooh boy.) the ride home was almost as great as the ride there....

also: andrea is goign to marry.... the sea (because it's big and grumbly like drew, drew does NOT equal cubs....), aric (hotpants!), ben (funkypants!) tom (sleeeazy puppy), and alex (lush!) .... and... someone else i think. i am going to marry aric, alex, ben, tom, jordanpants, and strongbad (oh, andrea's gonna marry homestar, duh.)

ok, i have like, ten times as much stuff to telle veryone.... but i'll do it tomorrow.... (like, how many window cling stickers we stole from various gas stations.... hehee. redbull, aquafina.... that gatorade water stuf.... they have GREAT window clings...) ok. tomorrow. night!


currently rocking: canton mi

am at kyle's house in canton! woo!! we just had toast together! it was great. erin's here too, and we have matching purses, and it's great. alex WAS here, but he just went home. he's coming back later so we can all go to canada. with other andrea and andrea and everyone! yay!

thus far, the best part of the trip has been the car ride up here. highlights include the u-turn in the middle of the highway after missing our exit.... and andrea spitting mt. dew out the window. note to self: don't spit mt. dew out the window when traveling at 80 miles an hour... it will all fly back in. we had a great time touring rest areas and generally rocking. we made shirts in the car after we stopped at walmart outside of chicago.... "andrea and megan's rock the midwest and part of canada tour! 2003" and they have our names on the back and everything. we aren't nerds, i swear.

i'll be sure to get pictures of our shirts.... aaaand such. and many pictures of the canada adventure today.

hi renata and priscellie!! hope texas is treating you well!!!

love, megan.



andrea and megan rock the midwest and some of canada tour begins NOW!

will try to blog occasionally while i'm gone... (if renata manages to update from MEXICO.... i should manage from "detroit")

expect MANY pictures! as well as quotes! i will miss everyone very much! and see y'all on wednesday!

following is really an email to alex, but my email won't type any k's or r's or e's.... because it hates me. and also tries to send after i type about three words...

LOVE the movie, oh so angsty. see you tonight! hope we don't get lost! aaaaand, i'll call you when we get close to "detroit"

i didn't even cheat!!

You're Strong Bad

You're a born leader with natural evil tendencies. You are content with elaborate pranks, and causing phyiscal and emotional pain to your friends and enemies alike. Despite your illusions to the contrary, you're not a ladies man.

Which Homestar Runner Character Am I?


packing for rock the midwest tour.

lost my list of anthony and my top ten songs. but, "just cant get enough" was number one.

am SICK! whhhhhy do i get sick right before the one fun thing i've done in forever. booooo.

this time tomorrow, andrea and i will be rocking "detroit"!! yaaaaay!


ha! i KNEW i blogged last night. stupid blogger. i HATE YOU.

gotta go to goodwill for some fun shopping times. will be back laterish. and then, to bed early... because tomorrow... i work, and then we leave, on ANDREA'S ROCK THE MIDWEST TOOOOUR. woot. i'm gonna be a roadie.

when i get back, i will have the top ten songs from the pizza ranch satellite radio... as compiled by anthony and megan. also, an account of my terribly exciting day, AND maybe i'll upload the new who's who.

goodbye my dear.

stupid naps...

yeah, so i fell asleep right after friends... and slept til about one. doh.

so now i guess i'm gonna go get something to eat and go back to sleep.

i.e. i'm gonna be up til like, four, reading. booo. i want to go back to sleep NOW but i tried, and i can't. i really need to talk to andrea about our trip to "detroit" .... and my parents too, they might like to know a little more about it.... since as of now i'm like "i'm gonna go on a roadtrip with andrea. bye. "

ok. i'm gonna go throw a few things in the wash, and eat something.