have something in my eye. it's been there for about a half hour. i thought maybe it was my contact. but they aren't in. so i bet it isn't that. i can see it though. it keeps drifting across, and it's driving me absolutely up the wall. grr.
went out tonight. BY MYSELF. uuuuuuuuuuugh. well, actually i'll start at the beginning of the day. *time out while i try to get this thing out of my eye again....* ok. took allison out for back to school shopping, she got some way cute stuff, and i got a jordi labanda mousepad! with the picture of the girl driving! (yooooou know the one. well, erin does. it's a blonde girl. in a convertible, with sunglasses. and it's great. and it was way cheap at gadzooks. though, the sales girl was bitch. i wanted to kick her. but i didn't.) anywho, i got a mousepad, allie got TONS of new clothes. go allie. i took her to ragstock (they were playing elvis costello, and allison came on, and i'm like "AL! YOU'RE NAMED AFTER THIS SONG!!!!!" and the guy at the counter was like "REALLY!??!" and i was like "yeah!" and he thought that was way cool. so, we bought some shirts at ragstock. and i made allie try on all the hats. and some sunglasses. and she whined about how i'm the most embarrassing older sister in the entire world. then we went to preferred stock, and i wanted to get a cat. (they have cats from the animal shelter there... there was one that was soooo cute, and he only had one eye, and i loved him. and wanted to get him, and give him a pirate name. but allison pointed out that dad would KILL me if i brought another cat home.) so.... preferred stock.... allie got a shirt, and i fell in love with the cats. then we went back to my car... which didn't have a parking ticket, yaaaaaay, and i saw james davies. and allie was like "that's the guy in the trashcan!" (there's a picture of james in a trashcan in like... the last issue of our high school newspaper. yeah.) .... and that was our shopping down town.
then we went to the mall. actually, we may have gone to burger king first. i dont' remember when, but i had a craving for gross fast food. so we got some. mmmmmmmmm. it was so good.
the mall. we went to rue, and talked to jess for awhile, and got some jeans, then to.... some other places..... and stuff... and the mall sucked.... and i'm so glad i don't ever have to work there agaaaaain. yeah. well, i may have to work there again. you never know. bah. after that we went to my dad's and his car wasn't there, but caleb's was, so we decided to go in.... but no one was there, so we left, but they were at the gas station about a block away. so we went and talked to them, and caleb made fun of my hair, and i cried... only not really. i just glared at him. grrr. then we went home! and my mom was making fried zucchini! and pasta! and made me call dad and caleb and tell them to come home and eat. and they did! then there was a huge thunderstorm, and we all ran around the front yard saving potted plants, and lawn chairs and stuff. theeeen i took allison to the ice cream social.... and then... uuuuh.... oh people blocked my car into its parking spot, so i went and bullied these little boys who were swinging so that i could swing. and i swung. then my shoes fell off. and i couldnt' stop swinging, and i started twisting, and nearly killed allison, and got wood chips and mud everywhere. then we went home. then we played old sega games for a LONG time. then we played warcraft two, tides of darkness, for awhile, then allie went to bed. and i sat at home and was like "woe is me, woe is me." and was sad. so i played some toejam and earl... (and i got to be earl! i always let allie be earl, cuz she likes him too.) and then i played some maniac mansion.... (a game i still have not beat, because at the end, i always blow everything up, because i'm stupid.) then i decided to go out. so i went out. and danced the night away with thaaaang and jennny. then i left to go get cigarettes, because i needed to smoke. (it was smoke, or hate my life. back off.) then i came back and they were gone... but treye was there! and i was like "raaaaaaaaaaalph, daaaaahling." and we talked. and he hit me.... *sniffle* and then i went and sat in the alley. and smoked. with.... aaaaaaaaaaagh... i forgot her name. one of the gelfling lesbians. awww. love her. then i went for a walk. and some guys at the deadwood hit on me. and were like "come have a drink with us!" and i was like "i can't, i'm not 21" and they claimed i was lying, so i wouldn't have to hang out with them. so i showed them my id. and they let me leave.
theeen.... i ran into joshy! and was like "heeeey guuuurl." and he's like "i'm so fucked up." and like.... ricocheted back towards the cat. i mean studio. doh. so, i continued my walk, and met this kid, graham.... who was sitting outside hair quarters.... with an injured thumb (which he injured on that damn wall by studio. HOW many times have i hurt myself climbing on that damn thing?! it's dangerous. be careful kids.) ... and sat and talked to him for like... an hour... (hello random.) he was really cool though. and we talked. alot. about deep things... (i'm glad i wasn't drunk. i have the most ridiculous deep conversations when drunk.) then kelly mellecker walked by. and professed her love for me. and kept calling me megs. which only.... like, five people still do. and i was amused. because she was all drunk, and it was hilarious. and i love her. it was great. then... oh, somewhere in there marty came running up and picked me up and tried to bite me.... then left again. crazy DJ's *shakes fist* and then action jackson doran came by. and it was weird. then he walked by again, and i just ignored him... i didn't really mean to. but... it happened. oh well. i'm sure he'll get over it. if not, i'll apologize profusely next time i see him. ah well... it was a night of many coincidences.... and i'm way glad i stopped and talked to graham, because he was really cool, and i am generally a bitch to guys who say hey to me when i'm out walking... but... since... well, i looked at him.... and then i looked BACK over my shoulder at him.... then he said hey... i thought it'd be rude to be like "yeah, i was checking you out, but don't you hit on me!" so yes. exchanged numbers, and now just need to get my phone turned back on.... (which i'm gonna do tomorrow around nooon. wooot.)
sidenote: i now have whatever was in my eye before.... AND soap.... aaaah it huuuurts. i hate my liiiife. nobody loves me and my eeeeeeye hurts. booo.
hey, have you guys seen the 'mr. bartender' video? by sugar ray? don't you just love mark mcgrath more than life itself? because i do. mmmmmm..... maaaark mcgraaath.....
ok, my and my watery eye are going to bed. i was gonna blog more.... to celebrate the possible end of my blogging slump, but i have a party tomorrow night, and a day full of preparations for alex and tom, the brothers of sleaze. (though, when they meet zane, they will both bow to him... awwwww zaaane. i still love him so much despite.... well, despite of EVERYTHING sleazy about him.)
oh, one more thing.... many thanks for the commments! i love you guys! especially scott, my random fan from conneticuit. i can't even spell your state's name right.... awww. i feel so bad. but, yay scott! and yay aaaaaandrea and emiiiii and eeeeveryone. and renata, even though she isn't coming to see stuart. bitch.