

well. i'm blogging because i'm waiting for ben to get off work. when he does we're gonna move everything. woot! hopefully we're gonna move everything.... we shall see how successful this endeavor is.

i think ivy's gonna be way pissy because she wants me to drive her to a couple places, and help her move her clothes. but this is my like... only chance to get a lot of my stuff (desk, tables, etc etc etc) moved. especially since i actually have help. and hey. i'm bringing her a bed, so she needs to not whine. (especially since it's mine and i'm letting her use it.)

or maybe she won't be. hopefully. i'm grouchy enough for both of us right now. i'm not gonna get to see stuart tonight... due to the fact i'm moving, and exhausted, and broke, and it's at the yacht club.... (i cannot see him there, it gets SO croweded... i had a panic attack last time.... it was not good.) i'll try to say hey to him if i get a chance... which i hope i do.... if it were at the mill i'd be there in a heartbeat. stupid yacht club. stupid... so much to do. i have to be memorized for rumors by tomorrow. which isn't a problem, but i wanna work on my lines for awhile tonight. i don't wanna have to be calling for lines every five seconds.

AND i cannot find my damn wallet. shit. *sigh*

i hate being in a bad mood. working forty hours a week makes me depresssed and grouchy... welcome to the rest of my life. ugh.

oh, but nina sent me and email and it made my day. i love nina.

what ALSO just made my day.... is the new website for sackers. www.sackersmovie.com woot. i know it's not a link, bite me, i'm laaaaazy



derek just left me a rotten voicemail. it's just like old times.

i was downstairs doing laundry when he called. and i was like "who the hell??" when i saw my missed call. but then i realized it was derek. (i deleted his number the last time me made me mad) and he hung up on me and it WAS just like old times. oh well. derek, i'm sorry for anything bad that happened because of me. really. believe me.

now, don't go leaving me any nasty comments.... or i'll have to delete you again. and that "available" remark you made... all i have to say to that is..... you bitch. oh well.

grease is the word

i don't FEEL like blogging.

but i will anyways.

andrea's coming home tomorrow!!!!!! yaaaaaaaay!!

i'm doing laundry, and packing.

i had a dream last night that ivy spent all her rent money to go to a psychic. bad omen...

rehearsal today was good. i took a nap on some chairs. i have no energy since this weekend. i've just felt... blah. sad. oh well.

but erin brought me chocolate and kleenex at work on monday. that made it a lot better. and, monday i sold like... $700 worth of jewelry on monday. and two careplans. no credit apps though. boo.

wooooork tomorrow. i need to go to bed. though my nap at rehearsal helped, it was not enough. and, although it's pretty much a given that i'll be sad and tired tomorrow, i don't want to make it any worse than it has to be.

i spilled gain all over my pants. at least i smell nice now.

i have to go, and check on stuff for my flight to colorado. yup.

p.s. i just talked to rob3t2 for about two hours. and he brightened my day like NOTHING else. i am about four billion times happier than i was two hours ago. i love my rob.



i don't feel good.

and nobody likes me. *sob*

and i have NOTHING to wear.

and i have to pack. (doh, i keep forgetting to tell people important stuff. i'm moving. with ivy. to 929 iowa ave. come see me. unless you're a stalker. then, don't.)

and i doooon't feeeeeel goooood! *sob*

don't you HATE people who seem to im you the SECOND you sign on. and like, do it every time you sign on.... and have nothing to say, and you don't really even like them? yeah, me too.

should i go out? or stay home?

no one likes me, so i should just stay home.

there's talc in tums. and ten calories in each one. *nod* and the green ones taste gross. lime flavored chalk. the pink ones are good. i was like "mmm pink!" and then i ate a green... and i'm like "bleaaargh" it was not good. *gasp* and they expired in august. aw man. i just ate two expired tums. this is horrible. man. just when you think life can't get any worse, you go and eat expired tums. *SIGH*

i told ivy i was packing... and she's like "where are you going?!" and i was like. "to our apartment, dummy." she's like "oooooooh. riiiight."

well, provided my expired tums don't kill me... i'm headed out.



ever since i updated aol, my computer has SUCKED. stupid aol. i fucking hate you.

that's the main reason i don't blog so often anymore, it takes FOREVER to do anything, and i have to type everything in notepad, because i can't type ANYthing on webpages... it takes forever.

so, apologies for the lack of posts. but, really there's nothing interesting to post about. i work a lot. it's not exciting. at all. don't believe erin, it really isn't. i go out occasionally... the only time that's really exciting is when i run into gabe, or when trey does something stupid and patrick gets upset, and drama ensues. or when ivy and i climb fire escapes.

i need to talk to patrick. just rant and rave and be a horrible person for feeling how i do... about... things. but. he has drama, so i won't, because he needs me to listen. le sigh.

i've been listening to a lot of stuart and being very contemplative and occasionally depressed.

my day off is drawing to a close. i don't have another until sunday. yuck. i hate my schedule. at least i got my friday shift figured out. it was just...too long. and i would have killed myself. i can't work every day, then a 9 and a half hour shift, plus opening the next day... i'm exhausted all the time as it is. (my own fault, for being out and about... but, it's that or... have no social life, and want to die.)

i'm in too bad of a mood to be blogging.


bed time...

erin just told me that she works at six o'clock yesterday.

she means tomorrow...

work today was pretty good. long day, but it went by pretty quickly, lots of stuff to keep me busy... i met someone named chris... i unpacked jewelry, i fixed a watch... i folded some sweaters... that's about all... really.

did anyone watch paradise hotel last night? i'm so glad charla won, and SO glad she didn't split the money with dave. i hate dave. i want to kick him. he's so creepy and egotistical, and stupid.

oooh yeah, before i forget... steff, i'm in rumors, at city circle. is your number still the same?? i so need to call you! so we can talk! i would just go off and rant to you about everything here... but i bet derek will read it and interpret it as something horrible. you so need to call me, my cell # is the same... if you don't have it... uh, leave me a comment and i will email it to you ^_^

erin's writing a story about how adam and eve were mentally unstable. in spanish. i wish i wrote stories like that in spanish.

my feet are both asleep. and i'm pretty tired myself. tomorrow's jeans day at work. yay! erin and i will be declaring our denim! (fall for the good life, fall for sears. ^_^) i work open - 6, and erin works 6-close.

i really wanted to go see heather's show tonight, but i couldn't and i was (am) way sad. (ben left me a message "i'm going to go see heather in rumors tonight. would you like to come?" then another message "heather isn't in rumors. YOU'RE in rumors. she's in the shape of things... do you want to come?")


well, i don't really know where i left off, but let us start with yesterday.

and by yesterday i mean tuesday...

i met paulina for lunch at the cottage, and it was great. we shared this hazelnut vanilla chocolate torte cake thing. it was wonderful, even though paulina kept disassembling it. and she had quiche and i had a chicken salad sandwich with FOUR BILLION raisins. i only ate about two billion of them though. they were all engorged with chicken salad juice. they were like... chicken salad grapes. but we finished eating, and then went and picked out some cheesecake for me to take to erin at work. but it sort of mushed, and became less of a slice and more of a box of cheesecakegoo. but it was still really good. then, we were at the counter, and over in the little den/teevee area of the cottage... there was this guy watching sports... and all of a sudden, he's like "GO GO !! AAAH!!!" and me and paulina and the counter girl just CRACKED UP. oooh funny. so, paulina and i leave. and are standing on the sidewalk and talking about what she should call her blog. and i suggested "hey is that jason shibata?" but she didnt like that. it was jason though, and he asked what we were doing, and we told him we just had lunch together, and he's like "Awww that's so cute." and we were like... " um....?" oh well.

then, on my way home, the guy who was driving next to me was all checking himself out in his visor mirror, for like eight blocks. i laughed at him.

aaand then i went to rehearsal, and we had good times. and we got SO much done. and... it's FUNNY. oh my god. i was cracking up every five seconds. i spent the rehearsal completely disregarding my blocking and running into people and being exasperated with myself. i'm sure michael and everyone was exasperated with me as well. especially when i tripped and THREW my script at dennis. woops.

then, i went oot with ivy.

then i came home and went to bed.

then i got up and went to work. where i broke my pants. (but i fixed them) .... and sold jewelry. and stuff. aaaand shoes for awhile. with janet. aaaand... *thinks* that was work. then i came home, and discovered that the dinner i had so carefully put aside last night was GONE. and my mom yelled at me about her eating it... like, she took it to work, and it wasn't what she thought it was. and she' slike "you tricked me and i had to eat gross low fat pizza stuff." and i was like "oooh, cry. i have NOTHING to eat now. thanks." so i drank some milk, and did my nails. THEN my mom came upstairs and grabbed my hands... like, to make an emphatic point... and she RUINED my nails and i almost cried.

then dad and caleb called and wanted me to come out. so i did. and i hung out with davina (who is back for like... a week!!!!!) and derek, and my dad and caleb, and adam for five seconds... and patrick and sunday and stuff. yup.

now i'm at home. being kinda randomly sad. because i am quite woe filled. but... it's weird. *sigh* much much valid sadness... and some random "poor me" sadness that is prolly unwarranted.

the end, good night.


awwwwwww jeeeeeeze.