
and one more thing...

graham and i are both 9.4 on hot or not. awww.

i'm so hot

....because i have hot curlers in. and they're warming my head to about 100 degrees.

haaaaappy new years everyone!

thus far, since my last post.... the only one of those things i have gotten was.... doritos. *sob*

i'm at erin's house right now, and we're getting ready for new years eve! even though erin has to work tomorrow so she's gonna go home at about 12:01.

i don't have much to blog about.... sorry. all i do is hang out with erin and complain about missing grahamcrackers... and wish i had a rooommate. c'mon guys, really.... if ANYone wants to live in iowa city, whether i know you or not.... comment, and i will totally show you around the apartment.... it's cuuuuute, c'mooooon. $300 plus half the electric... so, like $325. it's a deal! c'mon! and you get to live with me!!

ok, i'm gonna go do my make up. later kids.


a post christmas wish list...

i want....

..some doritos
..graham (now graham, i don't want doritos more than you, it's just... i could go get some doritos..)
..tristan to get his ass home!
..a roommate (watch for the "be megan's roommate!" contest!! coming soon! seriously, anyone out there wanna move in with me?)
..some of those $80 cashmere slippers from catherine's
..the "juicy" shirt from catherine's (it's so sparkly...)
..a computer that works. (i have TWO shitty ones. it makes me sad.)
..a new layout (and title, and such.)
..an antenna for my phone. (is it antennae? or is that only for bugs?)
..the time to update my website *sob*
..six (three sets) of sterling hoop earrings (the little little hoops, if you don't mind...)
..some BBQ wings from the vine (and, while i'm asking for stuff, some hot wings too...)
..health insurance (so i don't just suffer when i get injured, or sick...)
..some sleep...

i'm so tired. but i haven't been sleeping very well since graham moved home... so, i'm at my parent's house celebrating december 25th. woo. hoo. nothing's open, and it's been driving me crazy. oy. i miss all my friends like crazy... and, i forsee this becoming a "i'm soooooooo depressed and there's noooooo one arooooooooooooound" post. so, i'm gonna go. bye kids.


love broke out of the bardo....

hellilujah is such a good song. *hugs hellilujah*

graham's at aj's house jumping his car. we partayed at aj's last night. full summary of the evening: jon and megan and aj: "cronk! pull the lever! *pause* wrooooooooooooooooooooooong leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeer" that times ten billion.... with hysterical laughter.... yes. so we're nerds. and then tristan called and i talked to him for like, twenty minutes. while we were walking home. then graham and i got back to his apartment, and got in a BIG argument about hunting... and killling things. after we saw a hunting show while channel surfing. we cannot just be happy drunks. we either get all sad because he's leaving (in like, an hour... actually.) or argue about religion, and stuff.

yep. so graham moves home in like... an hour. maybe a little longer. *sad*

he'd better start updating his blog. jerk!

i just realized that my last post is very poorly written. doh.


dude. if you didn't see this in renata's blog..... FREAKY... this girl is pretending she's maggie benjamin... and has stolen and altered them a little bit... and pirated all these pictures from various places....

and i agree with renata.... to weird girl: if you still read this, you're weird and creepy. and kinda sad. knock it off, eh?


me and graham on his bed. awwww isn't he cute? awwww isn't the picture huuuge? i'm too lazy to resize again.

me and graham in the mirror in his bathroom. it's artistic like. in the full size version, you can see gel in the cabinet. it's awesome.


tristan and i are at graham's and i'm yelling at him for not updating since we made his blog. but i haven't updated since them.

for the record, graham is behind me being a complete dork.

i hate pop up ads. even if they're offering free horoscopes.

i'm gonna go so that graham can blog.



i am at graham's house. i just set up a blog for him. AND you can go check him out on hot or not. yup.

if any of you really wannna know what i'm up to, check out erin's blog. she'll keeep you all up to date.

i really want a chicken sandwich.

i need to remember to put graham in the who's who. i will do that as soon as i get internet. i PROMISE.

i gotta go, because graham wants to make out. ^_^