

i'm at suman's house watching goonies, and playing with his puppy dog. awwww beagles are the cutest dog ever. except maybe for malteses... maltesi? oh well.

i'm supposed to hang out with like nine people tonight... but i'm still kinda sick.... but i finally got cough drops and stuff, so i'm a little better. though, last night i had to take sleeping pills to the point i was worried i'd overdose. but i was coughing so hard i couldn't do ANYTHING. it's a good thing zac stayed at home, otherwise he would have hated me. ~_~ i was just gonna call him, but i can't find my phone. dammit all. life is so freaking hard. oh well, i'll have someone call it, then i'll follow the noise. it plays "god is a dj" and it's so loud... it could be at my parent's house and i'd still hear it.

i really wish i had some interesting things to say about what's been going on lately, but i've just been so sick, that i haven't had the time or energy to do anything interesting. unless you count laying around coughing and sniffling as interesting.

i'm trying to finish my cough drop so i can drink my bacardi raz and lemonade. (it took me three times to type lemonade... lemondate, lemondade....) oh you know what... the lemonade and cough drop don't taste so bad together.... ahhhhh aftertaste! i take it back! blaaaaah. yet i just took another drink. i'm a smartie.

hopefully, everything will time out nicely tonight... we're grilling here, zac's having dinner with his madre, and derek's pouting at home... if i've calculated correctly, we should all finish up at the same time, and be able to rendevous downtown. (and derek, don't get all grouchy because i said you were pouting, that's what it sounded like on the phone. you were so woeful.)

i'm gonna go eat some shrimp, because no one's iming me. *cries*


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