
working computer!!

i officially have a working computer at my disposal again!! YAAAY! my parents just got a brand new dell, and it's rocking my world, even if i did have to put it all together and teach everyone how to use it... it's worth it to be able to blog on at least a weekly basis, and not only when i'm at ben's. because, let's face it, i'm usually .... chemically enhanced when i'm over there, which does not make for the best blogging conditions.

i love this keyboard so much, it just makes me want to type for like, seven hours. it's so nice. and the computer! aah! this is by far the nicest computer my family's ever had, i'm so beyond thrilled... it's also the first computer i haven't built out of random parts from surplus and other people's machines.... so it's all matching instead of being random shit all mashed together. woohoo!!

if i didn't have to work tonight, i would just sit here and blog for like, an hour or so, but alas, i have many things to do before i go to work in... an hour. AH! I WORK IN AN HOUR?! jesus, where does the time go? i have to go to wal mart and buy some smoother stuff for my hair, because it is enormous and out of control, and threatening to eat tokyo, and i need to get some deodorant so that i don't smell all bad at work.... aaaand some white tee shirts, because my last one got ripped in half by one of our bartenders who will remain unnamed. aaaand what else was i supposed to get? *thinks* oh, easy mac. *nod* and some butter, but i'll do that when i go grocery shopping.

oh dude, random side note... guess who i've been hanging out with a lot lately.... it's one of the young twins, and it's not nic. how bizarre is that? i never really knew zac in high school, and the only time i talked to him was when i mistakenly ran up to him thinking he was nic.... but he's really nice, and i fully regret not being his friend before now. and he totally did dishes and cleaned up for me today. i could not have been more thrilled. especially since i'm trying to pack so i can move out of my apartment, and stop paying insane amounts of money due to the fact that i am a horrible judge of character and have had two roommates ditch out on me. oh well! soon i'll be living with AJ, who i know is wonderful, and won't be a big jerk... i'm so excited! yay! ok, i really gott go get stuff at walmart and get ready and go to work. i was sorta hoping my parents would be home by now so i could give them a crash computer course, but it doesn't look like they're gonna make it. oh well.

alrighty, i'll talk to y'all laters, and you should all come see me at the stuuuuudio tonight, i'll be wearing my studio 13 shirt with the NEEEEEW DEEEESIGN! made by DJ. i can't wait.


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