
oooh, update.

when i checked my blog, i was like "*GASP* someone hacked into my blog again!" then i realized it was renata.... since she identified herself... and i felt stupid. *sigh* i'm at home, stealing aj's computer since mine doesn't have a modem (i did finally move it to the new apartment though. that's a step in the right direction at least. it cracks me up how many people use aim on this computer. there are like, nine million screennames in the memory. and, for the record, i'm not ACTUALLY stealing aj's computer, i have permission, so don't get all worried. i think it has a virus though (aj keeps saying it does, that's why i think so. and it's kinda slow). even when it's being obnoxious and slow, it's still like, ten million times faster than any other computer i could use.

i actually wrote a big long update on my computer, intending to use a disk to put it on aj's and post it, but now i'm too lazy to walk across the hall to my room and get it. alas.

i'm apparently going oot and aboot with matt tonight... (no one knows matt, i ran into josiah's friend fat nick one night, then we ran into matt, and matt and i hang out occasionally. it's like... six degrees of iowa city or something.) i would go oot and aboot with josiah, but, i'm not. i'm listening to jon for once, since so often, i don't, and he's right.

hrm... i'm kinda excited about my new comments, everyone should leave me a comment, so that i will feel special and happy.

i'm trying to quit/cut back smoking... i'm doing very well, except when i'm angry, or nervous or something. then i need a cigarette so i can gesture with it and angrily smoke it, and such. it's frusterating when i'm doing so well, and a pack lasts me for so long, then i hang out with certain people and they smoke all my cigarettes and it makes me angry.

since it is becoming painfully obvious that i have nothing to say.... i am going to stop saying things, and go eat something. because i'm hungry. so, you should all comment, and call me, and stop by... and make me feel loved in whatever way you see fit (gifts, sky writing, fireworks, your choice.)


Blogger ~renata~ said...

yeah, i totally broke your template. oh craziness.

also i find that spoons are really good for gesturing angrily with.

and good luck quitting!! yay megan!

September 22, 2004 8:04 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

I was going to comment earlier this morning...but...I had to go to class...and I wasn't entirely awake either. It's been soooooooooo long since I've seen youuuuu!!!! I'm going to be in IC for like...a whole 15 hours next week though... I'm going to see some bands in the IMU with Mr. Howard (assuming he bought me a ticket) and sleep a bit before I have to drive back to school for an exam... But anywho, I'm glad to hear that you're trying to quit/cut back (^_^)- good luck!

Oh! And you really do need to get a modem...either steal one from UI Surplus...or from the computer of someone who you don't like so much...or order one cheap:

Hrm...Kyle just called me to say that he walked by a stationary exercise bike that was chained to a bike rack. So...I'm still not sure if I'm awake yet. In fact, I think that I should go find some caffeine. *nod*

Have a good weekend and hopefully I'll get to talk to you soon (^_^)!

September 24, 2004 10:56 AM  
Blogger Emi said...

You are special! You should feel special all the time! Anyone who can say in all seriousness during class that they run into things b/c they can't walk and chew gum simultaneously....

I miss you. What's your phone #? Then I can call to arrange a good time for fireworks. Good luck with the quitting smoking...I'm so happy for you! *love and hearts*

September 25, 2004 12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! The layout is teh broke! In other news, I just returned from the great White north where people actually say "oot" and "aboot". Not too tough a feat as Seattle tens to be 200 miles from Canada. *waves*


October 04, 2004 3:38 AM  

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