firstly, yaaaaay rob, i heart you times ten! your care package was the best! it made me super duper happy! and i loved the fruit mix! and the thai noodles! it was a happy happy day. i made thai noodles and watched return to oz, and it was a wonderful few hours, all thanks to you.
on another note, stupid blogger isn't working. bastards!!
i'm in a considerably better mood than last time, though nothing has improved at all... in fact it's gotten worse, because now my phone is entirely off. boooo. which reminds me, after i type this i have to call graham, because i talked to him for a second this morning, and he was like "WHY HAVEN'T YOU CALLED!!!?" because the last time i talked to him, i was like "i hate everything! i'm so saaad!" and i was all crying and stuff. and then i just go an disappear for a week on him... he's like "i THOUGHT you DIED! why didn't you CALL ME!?" i felt bad. i didn't think he'd notice, actually.
aaaaanyway. i'm coming off of a crazy weekend (yes, i know it's wednesday) and i think that may be the only reason i don't want to just die right now (i'll save that for tomorrow) let's see. thursday night... laura's 21st birthday... not one, not two, not twenty one... but FORTY TWO PITCHERS at the field house. ah, the joys of being a twin. nic and zac should do that on their birthday. so, that was thursday. friday, laura's birthday... part two, the eighties kegger. i was WASTED. i recall.... that i was dressed SUPER eighties... and so was jon, and everyone. and it was hott. then... we played some drinking games. and these two kids let me win, but i still managed to get very intoxicated. i recall VERY little of the actual party. aside from jon attempting to run my life, and me getting all grouchy... and then i was all grouchy for a while... then i went home. yay home! oh, i fell in a mud puddle on the way home and got mud up to my knee. that was not neat. then.... SATURDAY... we did something... oh. i was sad on saturday because boji got hurt and we didn't know if he was gonna be alright or not. (We think he's gonna be kinda ok...) so, i got wasted at jon's, went to studio for a while, said hi to matt, who i think was mad? because i've been really upset lately? i'm not sure. then, i was gonnna walk over to brothers to say hey to benny, but instead i went back to jon's and broke in to his apartment and fell asleep on the couch watching friends. i was really sad all of saturday, so much so that i didn't go to my friends' halloween party. and now they're mad at me too. everyone hates me. booo. now i'm broke AND i have no friends. this sucks. ANYway.... sunday was.... this guy's birthday party. so we went to studio for it. i was STILL in a bad mood... and EVERYONE AND THEIR DAMN MOTHER kept trying to drag me onto the dance floor. and i was like... "i kinda just wanna be at home crying right now... but i'm putting in a effort to be out and hang out with you guys... like you want.... and you gotta cut me some slack." i HATE being dragged to dance.... i HATE being danced up on... (like, someone sneaking up behind you and grinding on you... uuuuuuugh.) i don't like grinding (it's not dancing, it's obnoxious.) and EVERYONE was trying to get me to come and grind and shit. i was not amused. and there was this wasted ass girl who kept showing her tits. then dena got sick of her jumping on stage and ripped her shirt off. so... we had shirtless girl all dancing on stage. it was.... interesting? yes.
took monday night off, went to doug's 21st last night, where he proceeded to profess his love for me... and i was like "*pats head* happy birthday." then we all went to this afties... and i met some guy from sioux city who knows graham, AND some guy who works at the hospital with benny, and made me all grouchy. but, we had a nice chat before i got grouchy.
DAMN AOL!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. i HATE when it does that! disconnecting me.... and then not telling me until it's trying to reconnect, and it's going all crazy. then it doesn't actually reconnect. and it's like "goodbye. goodbye. goodbye." and i'm like "I GET IT, YOU SUCK, STOP IT!" aaaaah. i HATE aol. die die die.
sorry, i was just all mad, i finally got blogger to open and aol goes and dies on me. bitches.
i need to find vaccuum cleaner bags, because i need to vaccuum my apartment, and we are out of vaccuum cleaner bags. i think aj should buy them, because he owes me approximatly three million dollars for all of my milk that he drinks. and never replaces. grrr. i wish i had a mini fridge so i could hoard my milk and orange juice. last time, i got ONE glass of milk out of the gallon, and NO orange juice. i was furious. i still am, come to think of it.
well, aol is up and running again, so i'm gonna post this, and maybe go look for vaccuum cleaner bags. and, then sign off, because i'm being drama queened to death by someone. and it's a little obnoxious.