
stupid day.


last night = stupid (still)

work today = stupid

my computer = really stupid

auditions tomorrow = stupid

have thirty minutes to get to dance gala. so i can spend $20 that i shouldn't spend at all. maybe i should have not bought a winter coat so i could go see jon tonight and not be over spending again. i shouldn't have to make a decision between having a coat, and being there for my friends. i hate this.

had a SLOW day at work, only to have two crazy sales at 5:50, and a stolen return at 5:55.... meaning, all my registers had to be recounted, i had to close one like $90 short, file an incident report, file a over/short report... and ended up being stuck there til like... 6:45. tried to come home and get lyrics for my audition tomorrow... didn't even make it out to chris's today because i was so damn busy, gonna have to go tomorrow at noon, giving me six hours to prepare... great. just wonderful. it helps that i'm in such a good mood, and not mad at all. and that i get to go to dance gala with people... oh, wait, no. i'm in a bad mood, i'm mad at several people, AND i get to go sit by myself at dance gala. i'm just thrilled. i am so upset i don't even want to go, i just wanna go home and cry because everything is STUPID.



it's friday night, bitches.

i'm at doug's house (which is in graham's old building, every time i come up here i automatically turn to go to graham's, but... it's the wrong way. doh, i'm stupid. we're all drinking, in doug's room, because the living room is too crowded. we might go to studio later, but they're shady and i HATE them more than life itself, so we might not go. jon and i think tonight might be "the one with the bud ice." (last weekend was "the one where graham comes back" ... hmm.) bud ice will fuck you up fast... dude. now i know why nick drinks it all the time. it reminds me of psycho beach party... mmmm bud ice. (we actually have bud ice light. how cool are we? very.)

someone is singing a song behind us... it's something like.. "doug and me... climbed a tree..." it's gonna be a big hit. you heard it here first kids.

bud ice apparently fucks jon up more than normal people. because he's quoting sex in the city... (but, so am i... whoops.... "i had my maaaan jokes.... and my purse puns..." "i'm drunk. drunk at vogue.")

the view from doug's window is way better than graham's... i can watch iowa ave from where i'm sitting.... graham's i could only watch the back door of the piano lounge.... and the plants on the people across the alley's balcony.

it's only ten! ah! a follow up blog of how i spent the evening (if i can remember) will follow tomorrow.


it's friday night, bitches.

i'm at doug's house (which is in graham's old building, every time i come up here i automatically turn to go to graham's, but... it's the wrong way. doh, i'm stupid. we're all drinking, in doug's room, because the living room is too crowded. we might go to studio later, but they're shady and i HATE them more than life itself, so we might not go. jon and i think tonight might be "the one with the bud ice." (last weekend was "the one where graham comes back" ... hmm.) bud ice will fuck you up fast... dude. now i know why nick drinks it all the time. it reminds me of psycho beach party... mmmm bud ice. (we actually have bud ice light. how cool are we? very.)

someone is singing a song behind us... it's something like.. "doug and me... climbed a tree..." it's gonna be a big hit. you heard it here first kids.

bud ice apparently fucks jon up more than normal people. because he's quoting sex in the city... (but, so am i... whoops.... "i had my maaaan jokes.... and my purse puns..." "i'm drunk. drunk at vogue.")

the view from doug's window is way better than graham's... i can watch iowa ave from where i'm sitting.... graham's i could only watch the back door of the piano lounge.... and the plants on the people across the alley's balcony.

it's only ten! ah! a follow up blog of how i spent the evening (if i can remember) will follow tomorrow.



aaah, i love halloween.

let's see... friday night... i went to studio and hung out with tammi and we drank a LOT of jager, then i wanted to see if jamie was at the piano lounge, and he wasn't (yet) but penny gave us like... three martinis, and tammi and i bonded, and this weird guy hit on me... then jamie showed up and saved me... then, i go to leave... and guess who's sitting outside the door waiting for me.... graham! i was like "what the HELL?!" and hugged him and almost knocked him over. and he's like "they wouldn't let me in, and jon said you were here, so i waited for you." and i was like "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" and that was exciting, since i had NO idea he was coming into town. since my phone's off, so i have no idea what's going on with anything or anyone right now.

so, that was friday, it was exciting, i had a LOT of fun with tammi, and i think i had fun talking to jamie when he showed up, but it was kind of late in the evening to recall with 100% certainty.

saturday, i get ready, and go to jon's at like nine... because we're apparently going to some costume parties... and matt and kara's? i really just wanna go to the bars.... but nooooo, it's special, it's halloweeen, we have to go to parties that are unbelievably far away. so jon FINALLY finishes he costume at 10, quits panicking about random things at 11, and we finally leave. we stop and visit with prity at ajaxxx, and she is looking very hot as a cat... and we enjoy being all costumed at ajaxxx, and doug shows up, so we go to the party, which is actually pretty fun, despite being SEVEN blocks away *cries* ... then adambadadam showed up, and him and i actually had a lot of fun, then jon dragged us downtown and we go to studio, and have some vodka redbulls.... then jon comes up and is like "graham's in the alley, they won't let him in because he's too drunk." so i go and find graham who is WAY too drunk. and take him home... or, attempt to take him home... it took FOREVER. and he climbed this thing.... that was two stories high, and i thought he was going to DIE... it was scary. then the people who found his phone got ahold of us, and we trekked back downtown to get it.... then FINALLY got graham back... and in bed. he woke up at like 10 just freaking out "what happened last night??" his last memory being of the union, a good half hour to hour before he found me. so, he tries to sober up/not die of a horrible hangover... and heads back to sioux city around 12. i get ready to go to my parents house... but instead get distracted and watch "the 100 scariest movie moments" on bravo, and by the time aj gets home i'm TOTALLY creeped out. then we watch teevee, and i FINALLY go home and get the digital camera and get allie ready to go trick or treating.... and eat something, then head back downtown. which brings us to....

sunday night!! cal comes over around nine, and keeps me company while i get ready, and then we go to keareys for a few drinks, then to studio for the drag show, and it's great because augusta's there. i get to see matt and jenny for a few minutes, but they wanna hang out in the main room, and i don't have enough range of motion in my costume to be squeezing past people in there(i wanted to KILL all the people who were angels, or bees, or fairies. or at the very least, take their wings and beat them with them.) then we watch the costume contest, which is HILARIOUS because this girl is dressed up like david bowie from labyrinth, and i know she's TOTALLY gonna win, because it's the most awesome costume ever. and she did. it was SUCH and awesome costume, i meant to take a picture, but my dumb ass was too drunk. whoops. so then, liz and i hang out, which is SO amusing, because she's working beer tub, and we both take way too many shots, and are having a great time. and i keep dropping my fur wrap thingy... (i was a fifties movie star, and i had this ENORMOUS fur stole that was WAY too long and i kept dropping it.) then.... everyone from kearey's party gets there... and then i get all upset, because it's last call, and jamie points out i didn't set my watch back.... and i'm like "YAAAAAAAY!" so in celebration we took some shots. because i was SO happy... it was like, a surprise extra hour! yay!! i only hung out with like, three people, because i sat next to liz or on the pool table all night (it was REALLY hard to sit down and get up in my dress. not to mention going to the bathroom... i was like "liz, i'm gonna go to the bathroom, if i'm not back in five minutes, send help." and then, terra actually did have to save me once. damn dress.) so yeah. if i can figure it out, i'll post some pictures... especially the "megan and jamie series" it's like.... ten attempts at a good picture of us, but zac's taking them, and he's not the best photographer. so he first one, jamie's eyes are closed, then the next one is part of jamie's chest, but mostly zac's leg and a beer bottle, the next one is me looking at jamie and just CRACKING up, and jamie's got his eyes closed and is laughing... the next one is jamie trying to smile and get me to stop laughing, and so on and so forth...and then the final one is a nice picture of us. (which *i* took, i was like "give me that" and just held out the camera, and it's a very nice picture.) i would have liked to have hung out with jenny and matt more, but i couldn't really get around, and it's always SO easy to just stick by the door, and avoid the crowd and dance floor (which were both icky) and have all my friends like... hanging out within ten feet. i have a major tendency to just get situated by the pool table and not move all night. then.... i think we went to pancheros? then to kearey's? (this is a little blurry, i know i was with shea, and promised to come strip at his club in southern iowa... and we were definitely eating at some point.... and then we were at kearey's and i was drinking... another cosmo maybe? i don't know, but i was drinking at kearey's again.... then, we all get ready to go home, but it's raining, and i'm cold, so we take a cab like... three blocks. ridiculous. but it really was worth it, i was SO cold. theeee end.

in non partying news.... i downloaded slingo and out of order, the two best boxerjam games EVER. i'm SO readdicted to them. i need to call matt, and see if he wants to hang out tonight.... i also need to call jamie, because i think he may have died last night, but i'm not sure... well, i'm gonna post this, and go back to playing slingo. woooohooo slingo!