

i had an excellent twenty first birthday. i was very drunk. and i spent the majority of afterhours apologizing to matt's roommate. even when i didn't need too. and i was really hung over this morning. i layed on matt's bed with a wash cloth of my face for like an hour.

so, futerama's on and i'm distracted. so, yeah, i had an awesome birthday, i didn't fall down behind the bar at all, and i didn't throw an enourmous party at my apartment. it was good times. ok, futerama.


Blogger megan said...

note to self: futurama. not futerama. i'm a bad english major.

February 15, 2005 5:49 PM  
Blogger megan said...

second note to self... enormolous, not enourmous.

February 16, 2005 12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ARE a bad english major, at least with this post. i was a meticulous english major myself, but look where that has left me. in colorado. so buck up, or youll end up in colorado...but then we could get lunch and watch movies together on our 6 by 8 foot projector screen like tonight when chad and i watched shaun of the dead, or saturday with i heart huckabees. so maybe if poor spelling lands you close to us, i can live with that and wont make a big deal of it.

so i just read your blog and found out you can't use your phone so i'm gonna call you wednesday and hopefully you can answer it. i sent you a text happy birthday message but maybe you didnt get it. and i also sent you a TM asking if you will have time to hang out when i am in IC next week, so i'll have to ask you that tomorrow too.

now i'm gonna go download some tunes for my ipod for the trip across nebraska. you know someone loves you when they will drive across nebraska to see you. thats some wisdom for all of you reading this blog. kansas would probably qualify too, though i have never been to kansas.

February 16, 2005 12:52 AM  

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