

i'm sad and hate everyone again. stupid people. person. grr.

i'm so gonna get the "i'm not with stupid anymore" shirt. even though i'm sure i'll just get bitter everytime i wear it.

i'm watcing room raiders again. and i'm really tired because i didn't sleep last night. as is usual for monday nights.

someone go buy me the pockettease shirt and cheer me up. or bring me some soup or something.


Blogger ~renata~ said...

i would buy it for you if they accepted the currency of renataland. which is rubber bands.

but i don't think they do.

instead i will say... remember that time we sat on a dead bird for six hours?! remember the time someone got fucking murdered in our hotel? remember that time rob stalked dominique roy? remember that time we inadvertently stalked jake manabat in the mall of america? remember BACON?

because, i do.

February 22, 2005 10:40 PM  
Blogger robert said...

we can get soup on friday. sorry i couldnt help yesterday. man, soup does kick ass, especially when it has coconut milk and lemongrass in it.

February 23, 2005 1:11 PM  

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