
man. austin powers... pure genius.

maaaan. i think maybe i killed too many brain cells last night. because my sense of humor has become so low brow. like, in the last six hours.

but, on the bright side, it's much easier to keep myself entertained.

oh, it's so sad when austin's all sad and no one likes him because he's all crazy and seventies and stuff. pooooor austin.

i have NO attention span today.

i really cannot focus... it's bad. i wish i could just live like colin... sit around in my awesome apartment and make art. (that is what i did all morning. i didn't really make any art, i just sanded some.) oh oh oh! hey! it's nic and zac's birthday!!! haaaaappy birthday!!!! (i must have wished zac a happy birthday at least 50 times last night. though, i wishe nic happy birthday first, then saw zac and didn't even say anthing. doh)

i'm creating a yahoo messenger profile. because i'm awesome.


Blogger ~renata~ said...

there is nothing wrong with a lowbrow sense of humor!

hee... poop.

February 05, 2005 8:16 PM  
Blogger Emi said...

Way to be easily entertained! I just finished reading your story about Picalina, and I really enjoyed it. I still remember her. Love you!

February 06, 2005 3:00 PM  

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