
pirates. arrr

in response to the many inquiries about pirates in how to succeed...they're the like... assistants in the treasure hunt game show that finch comes up with at the end.

dammit, matt was right about facebook... i have become irrationally addicted. and grrrr, i hate all the people that i'm not friends with who just want big lists. you guys suck and take up valuable spots on my friends list, that could be held by REAL friends.

i'm debating taking a nap before class... or doing my vocab homework.... i have to be to kirkwood at 5 to print some junk... class 6-9 and fat tuesday celebration shortly thereafter. so, if i wanna take a nap, i better do it now.

ok, here's the plan. drive home... stop and pick up a red bull on the way... once i get home, decide what to do.... and in what order... sleep, shower, vocab, stop for coffee... if i get the vocab done at home, i can put off going to kirkwood til 5:20... hmm. okie, i'll think about it on the way home. and we'll see what happens.


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