now blogger. you listen here. WOOOORK!!! nooooow!
i hate when blogger lies to me and tells me that it's working, and it really isn't working AT ALL. i'm so digusted with blogger that i am going to go watch the clerks uncensored dvd in my room with a pepsi and some popcorn. THAT'LL show you blogger. you stupid.... blogg...er... doh.
so, i think that zac left (is leaving?) on his road trip today. alas, i will miss him. i meant to call him last night, but i fell asleep. because i'm a loser. matt's gone today, zac's gone (or going) today, my mom and my sister leave tomorrow... i leave on friday to visit my mom's parents... (this is going to be the first time in over a year i go visit them where i haven't visited graham too. i kind of have a feeling it may be a little traumatic. routine is hard to overcome.) hrm. boo.
adam wants to go out tonight (aaaahooooot tonight.) but, i have to do laundry and clean my room (my room's hilarious right now, i haven't unpacked ANYTHING. so it's like, my bed... and then the floor just has random stacks of boxes. and i have no idea where ANYthing is. so i just wear like... the same three outfits every day. because i'm awesome.)
ok. yes. popcorn, clerks, nap. woot. may call graham later to suggest meeting half way between lake park and sioux city for lunch... that way i can see him, yet will be unable to yell at him for being a jerkus. since... well, he is, but i forgive him. and he will realize he's a jerkus on his own time. there is no way for me to make him realize. yes. < / deep thoughts >
ok now blogger, for real. publish. PUBLISH YOU BASTARD!
i hate when blogger lies to me and tells me that it's working, and it really isn't working AT ALL. i'm so digusted with blogger that i am going to go watch the clerks uncensored dvd in my room with a pepsi and some popcorn. THAT'LL show you blogger. you stupid.... blogg...er... doh.
so, i think that zac left (is leaving?) on his road trip today. alas, i will miss him. i meant to call him last night, but i fell asleep. because i'm a loser. matt's gone today, zac's gone (or going) today, my mom and my sister leave tomorrow... i leave on friday to visit my mom's parents... (this is going to be the first time in over a year i go visit them where i haven't visited graham too. i kind of have a feeling it may be a little traumatic. routine is hard to overcome.) hrm. boo.
adam wants to go out tonight (aaaahooooot tonight.) but, i have to do laundry and clean my room (my room's hilarious right now, i haven't unpacked ANYTHING. so it's like, my bed... and then the floor just has random stacks of boxes. and i have no idea where ANYthing is. so i just wear like... the same three outfits every day. because i'm awesome.)
ok. yes. popcorn, clerks, nap. woot. may call graham later to suggest meeting half way between lake park and sioux city for lunch... that way i can see him, yet will be unable to yell at him for being a jerkus. since... well, he is, but i forgive him. and he will realize he's a jerkus on his own time. there is no way for me to make him realize. yes. < / deep thoughts >
ok now blogger, for real. publish. PUBLISH YOU BASTARD!
Livejournal never lies... it's very straightforward with it's shittiness. Eek, my mom is yelling for me to come eat so I will finish this comment later (if I remember). :-*
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