

i just got back from colorado!!

i rode horses, and mechanical bulls... well, just one mechanical bull, but still. and, i had so much fun. even if someone SOAKED me during the rodeo.

i'll try to go through and write some more stuff about it later, because it was awesome. it was great. so fun. but, my arm hurts from the mechanical bull. and my butt hurts from riding. mitch, charlie is a nice horse, but he has a trot that could rattle the teeth out of a troll. trigger was a much better trotter. and he didn't whine as much as charlie. AND, he didn't try to ditch me in a pine tree half way up the mountain like charlie did.

oh, and i'm sunburned on my shoulders, because my dumb ass wore a tank top on a ride, AND a tank top to the rodeo. but, my face isn't sunburned! because i wore my stylish cowboy hat. because i'm cool like that. ok, i'm gonna go watch futurama, more later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you get around to typing this up, don't forget the most important part. Where you and I clean up at drunken Gin!


July 06, 2005 12:16 AM  

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