

i leave for colorado in an hour. i'll be gone a little over a week. if i like you, i'll have already talked to you about how to get ahold of me. if you don't know how to get ahold of me, i obviously don't like you.

also, person who asked about hollaback girl.... Shhhhh. don't yell. it's annoying and makes me want to kick you in the teeth. even though i don't know you. but... the caps lock key... you should use it.

also... um... what else? ooh, i got a new cat. her name's scout. which is horribly clever, because my other cat's name is dill. get it??

ok, gotta go finish writing to zane so i can mail it before i leave!


Blogger Emi said...

So you don't like me anymore?
Anyway, just a note to tell you I'll be in Iowa City next week if you want to hang out or anything; I'll probably come into town on Tuesday.

June 16, 2005 12:04 PM  

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