erin, there's an interesting discussion of moveable type 3.0 here. also i looked into it a little, and while it seems simple enough to use, i know there's no way i could set it up. soooo... i dunno. what was your other suggestion again?
Heeeey...the other one I was looking at was WordPress. It's b2's successor and is in part based on Movable Type. They claim a 5 minute installation...*shrug* I think we can swing it (^_^). There are also detailed instructions available...and you can try a demo version here as well.
I think the biggest thing with either of these will be creating new templates...luckily there are a lot of themes available I think we can work with...and we were both going to redo our blogs anyway (^_~).
Anywho, you can email me at and I can look into setting up either Movable Type or Wordpress.
Time for work (^_^)! Ttyl!
I have all of them. They're in Iowa City, so give Brian a call-he's been reading them, so he should know where they are. Soul of the Fire is 5, Faith of the Fallen is 6, Pillars of Creation is 7, and Naked Empire is 8. I don't know if he's through all of them yet or not, but he started Soul of the Fire long enough ago that he should be done with that one by now. Faith of the Fallen was definitely my favorite; the ending was beautiful. The house number is still 337-9157 and Bri's cell is 319-330-4291. Does that help?
*is being non-productive @ work*
I was also going to mention that wordpress allows multiple authors...which is kind of cool. Movable Type doesn't...unless you want to pay a ridiculous amount of $$$ for it. (Movable Type also charges for some of their plugins- in fact a lot of features aren't activated unless you buy the product)
Also...I think that Movable Type is written in Perl...and wordpress is written in PHP. I would probably recommend PHP...even though I have more experience with Perl. Apparently PHP is easier to learn. *shrug* I dunno...there are good arguments for both...but you might want to take a peek at each and see if one looks easier.
I guess in the long run, neither of us will do a whole lot with either language since posts will be written in plain text. (^_~)
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