

i love that blogger now has the picture insert thingy. hot.

i wanna upload some pictures now, but i actually signed on to bitch about some stuff. i'm really annoyed with people who need attention so badly that they can't keep their damn mouthes shut. it's one thing if what they're saying is true, and i was stupid enough to confide in them, but when things are ENTIRELY made up... Grrr. what really irks me about it is that these people had nothing to gain from telling lies about me.... and were being sweet as could be to my face all night. and come to find out they're assholes. i'm upset that i'm still pissed about it, especially because (thank god) the person they were telling these things to is smarter than that, and didn't believe them and came and talked to me about it instead. still though, why do people have to suck?

so, this weekend laura and i had a bonfire, and it was awesome, and i had so much fun, and i totally just want all my friends to just come to my house all the time. i also want my parents to be out of town all the time. they've been back for like six hours and i am already in a much worse mood. I missed the fireworks today, I told my mom i kinda wanted to go to coralville with her and allie to see them, and she acknowledged that she heard me.... then i came downstairs and she'd left without me. and i was sad. my parents do that to me all the time. just ignore the fact that i would like to do things with them and leave me at home. that's what really put me in a bad mood this evening... then, i was like "oh well, i'm not gonna get all upset, there's nothing i can do." but, i did get all grouchy and sad and upset. i didn't get to see any fireworks, and i sat upstairs and watched bad teevee instead. sure, i could have gone outside and walked down the road to see the fireworks, but i felt like it would put me in an even worse mood to go stand by myself on the side of the road and watch fireworks.

but, mitch called to wish me a happy fourth of july, which cheered me up (yay mitch!). i totally want to call him right now, since all the pv kids are having a party, and i told mitch i totally want to talk to him when he's all stupid and wasted... but stupid colorado and it's stupid mountains... no way to call. stupid mountains.

hmm. what else. we had illegal afterhours last night, and encountered a very rude cop... "how stupid are you?! how long did you think you'd do this without someone finding out!? god!" (in regards to our party) and we're like "well, we did it prolly ten times last summer and never got caught, and we've been up here for a good three hours and you caught us as we were leaving.... soooo, seems like you're the one that's not too quick..." so then we went to jerry's house, where i sulked over my stupid friends and how much they suck... (seriously, i say this to zane all the time, i HATE my friends. they are all such tools. and what's funny, is that none of the people i'm referring to read my blog. i have like two cool friends that i regularly hang out with and read this. and that's it. and it sucks. i either need to make new friends, or just hang out alone ALL the time instead of a lot of the time.)

man, i'm sorry i'm so angsty... maybe i'll just post this, then see what pictures i can be annoying and upload.


Anonymous Locke said...

Hurray for acquantiences =) *hug*

July 05, 2005 7:00 AM  

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