

benny's back in town for the weekend! AND he just got promoted to the general manager of the brothers in lawrence kansas! yay benny! we all went to brothers here in iowa city to celebrate last night. it was so neat to see everyone! JD still insists on calling me "mary lou" instead of megan, and mikey tryed to put me in a headlock, but all in all it was fun. ben's new drink of choice is lime vodka and redbull. it's really bizarrely good. but BRIGHT green. i told JD that it was to brighten up any puking that may result from drinking 25 of them. i think we're all gonna hang out tonight again, but i haven't actually called anyone.

dammit. the cable just went out. stupid cable. it *was* that really annoying colonial lanes commercial that's based on that really annoying quiznos commercial... so it was kinda nice to have that go away, but still. now there's no teevee. which is annoying. and i was gonna text message some peoples phones, but now i can't. boo.

it also means that i can't just publish this whenever i want, i have to wait for the cable to come back. which means i'm either gonna forget to publish it, or ramble on forever. grr. now teevee is back, and the computer CLAIMS that internet is also back, but it is a dirty dirty liar.

(twenty minutes later) it's working again!


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