so, i typed a post, and aol killed it. because aol is satan, and the only reason we use it is because we live in the middle of nowhere and can only use dial up. and we've had it for like... six years, and it's tough to convince my parents to change. and really, we only live on the edge of nowhere now. there's all sorts of crap being built up around us. it seems like we should be able to have internet like normal people! i dont' WANT to have to sit in coffee houses when i need to get stuff done! (that reminds me.. do to: add the giant website graphics to the html form i made. asap.)
anyhow, yeah, aol sucks, and i hate it. suman was supposed to pick me up for work like three and a half hours ago. and he hasnt'. he claims he was troubleshooting something for a client, but i bet he was just ebaying and laying around with the dog. i didn't sleep last night (i woke up at like 2 feeling like shit, and didn't fall back asleep until five thirty, it sucked,) so when he called at 12 and was like "i'm gonna be late" i was like "ok, call when you're on your way" and took off my work clothes and got back in bed. rightly suspecting he would be upwards of an hour late, and that whenever he called, i would have a good half hour before he got here. and, i was right. he called about thirty minutes ago to say he was on his way. so, he's gotten distracted again, apparently.
what else was in my poor deleted post...? hmm... oh, i'm gonna start a flickr account. because everyone has them, and they're cool, and i'm jealous. i want to bore the world with my pictures too, dammit. (i shouldn't say that, renata's flickr is actually REALLY entertaining. well, a big part of that is because she's in london, but another big part of it is all of the captions. which are hilarous.) so. i've decided. i shall get a flickr as well. man, i always feel like i'm copying renata, like, ALWAYS. it's just because she's smarter than me so she figures stuff out faster. i did uh... start my blog first though! just technically though, because she had a fairly kickass website before that. (i REMEMBER it being kick ass, though i'm sure if it still existed, i would be less impressed. it was like, five years ago? (holy cow!?)) oh, also, i THINK... i saw rent first. just by chance though. those are the only two things i've ever done on my own apparently. one is a technicality, and the other is just a fluke. i'm destined to copy renata forever. oh well, at least she's cool.
also, i just realized that the first time i saw rent was SEVEN YEARS AGO. oh my god i'm old. i'm gonna go over to the compulsivebowlers boards and wave my cane at the newbies.
really though, i'm gonna go read the boards. so, bye.
also, i'm putting my number up here so zane can call me. don't anyone start phone stalking me. if you don't have my new number, i SUPPOSE you can write it down... but, yeah, no stalking. and don't be surprised if i dont' answer when you call. i screen a lot after five. it's three one nine, six three one, zero seven zero five. shhhh.
anyhow, yeah, aol sucks, and i hate it. suman was supposed to pick me up for work like three and a half hours ago. and he hasnt'. he claims he was troubleshooting something for a client, but i bet he was just ebaying and laying around with the dog. i didn't sleep last night (i woke up at like 2 feeling like shit, and didn't fall back asleep until five thirty, it sucked,) so when he called at 12 and was like "i'm gonna be late" i was like "ok, call when you're on your way" and took off my work clothes and got back in bed. rightly suspecting he would be upwards of an hour late, and that whenever he called, i would have a good half hour before he got here. and, i was right. he called about thirty minutes ago to say he was on his way. so, he's gotten distracted again, apparently.
what else was in my poor deleted post...? hmm... oh, i'm gonna start a flickr account. because everyone has them, and they're cool, and i'm jealous. i want to bore the world with my pictures too, dammit. (i shouldn't say that, renata's flickr is actually REALLY entertaining. well, a big part of that is because she's in london, but another big part of it is all of the captions. which are hilarous.) so. i've decided. i shall get a flickr as well. man, i always feel like i'm copying renata, like, ALWAYS. it's just because she's smarter than me so she figures stuff out faster. i did uh... start my blog first though! just technically though, because she had a fairly kickass website before that. (i REMEMBER it being kick ass, though i'm sure if it still existed, i would be less impressed. it was like, five years ago? (holy cow!?)) oh, also, i THINK... i saw rent first. just by chance though. those are the only two things i've ever done on my own apparently. one is a technicality, and the other is just a fluke. i'm destined to copy renata forever. oh well, at least she's cool.
also, i just realized that the first time i saw rent was SEVEN YEARS AGO. oh my god i'm old. i'm gonna go over to the compulsivebowlers boards and wave my cane at the newbies.
really though, i'm gonna go read the boards. so, bye.
also, i'm putting my number up here so zane can call me. don't anyone start phone stalking me. if you don't have my new number, i SUPPOSE you can write it down... but, yeah, no stalking. and don't be surprised if i dont' answer when you call. i screen a lot after five. it's three one nine, six three one, zero seven zero five. shhhh.
this damn thing killed a comment that was like a page long that i posted....ugh
makes me want to shank it...but I have to remind myself, 'self,' i says, 'self, you aren't in prison anymore, no shanking.'
miss you megan, got your phone #
call tonight (monday night) ill be gone some time in the evening for an AA meeting....but I'll be sticking near the phone when I'm in the house...try around 6, 615, or later....don't give up!
what's your email? I can't find it on this page! -zaner
this post amused me so much. oh MAN, the first time i saw rent was 6 years ago (so yes, you did see it first ^_^) also you're the one who got me into stu.. so that's like, at least 3 things.
anyway, i'm excited that you're getting a flickr, because then we can be flickr friends! i only have one flickr friend and it makes me feel like a flickr loser.
oh also, i got your comment- yes, a thumbdrive is the same as a jumpdrive/flashdrive/little memory stick thingie-- it was just a problem with the computer, i went and bitched at the internet cafe lady and she let me switch computers. and then i saved my files and it was good.
also, my dialup at home sucks too. as does my pirated wireless in london, come to think of it, but at least i don't pay money for that.
oh also, i'm pretty sure my pre-blog website was pretty lame. at least i'd laugh at it if i saw it now. i did also have a pre-blog blog over at like, opendiary or something lame like that. it was lame though. LAME.
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