

the whole pink locker room scandal at kinnick is in this month's issue of 'the advocate' (which also has some of the cast of the rent movie on the cover. ooh.)

i rearranged my living room again. before you walked in the front door and the couch was on your right, along the entire wall. then, my desk was just to the left of the door between the front door and the kitchen door. on the wall to the left was the palm tree and the teevee and what not. the wall opposite the door didn't have anything except matt's old desk, and the ottoman for the couch. NOW, the couch is split a little bit. everything else is the same, only instead of the couch going all the way to the far wall, i pulled a section out to use as a chair, (which i put where the desk used to be), and put an end table in the corner. i know that doesn't make much sense... but i'll take pictures tomorrow to illustrate how lovely it is. also, there's a coffee table now. it's ACTUALLY two end tables pushed together, and it's not very cute, but it's much better than random teevee trays. which i was always knocking over.

also, after spending all day in a horrible mood, coming home and sitting in bed watching friends, i decided to make fettucine alfredo. so i made fettucine and sauce and chicken, (while talking to matt, who called right as i started cooking). then, after eating i went on a cleaning spree and deep cleaned the kitchen. which ended up being a good thing, because i took matt's desk apart (well, i took the top shelves off and left the bottom table part intact) and put it in the kitchen! and now i actually have room for stuff in the kitchen! very exciting. plus, it fit REALLY well, and it looks fine! though, i had to move matt's weights from by the fridge, and now i have nowhere to put them. plus, they're so heavy i have to roll them around because i can't lift them. AND the kitchen floor slants, so they won't even sit against the wall where i want them to sit until i can move them. they keep rolling away.

i'm still in a really awful mood, but at least i was very productive with it. i also decided that rather than wait and buy a really nice rug for the living room, i'm just going to buy a cheap wal mart one. because really, a plain rug would look fine in the living room. my mom offered to give me her fake oriental rugs from HER college apartment, but if i remember correctly, they were falling apart back when i was in high school, and they don't match at all. SO. plain rug from wal mart it is. i would really like to get an off white one, but i question how wise that would be. then again, matt's not here to spill his drinks on it...

oh well. rug and curtains and the living room will be finished. woot! i wanted to put up my kitchen curtains today, but the curtain rods i have aren't long enough.

i have a huge list of things i'd like to get done tomorrow, most of which i would have liked to do today, but didn't have time for before five... and then when i got home at six i was just like... sad and lethargic. so i didn't do anything until i decided i had to cook or i'd starve...

ok, i only got online to look up an episode of friends. so i'm gonna do that.


Blogger ~renata~ said...

i heard about the pink locker room thing from miriam! how crazy.

seriously though, pink is for fags.

October 26, 2005 5:01 AM  

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