soooo frusterated.
so, for like the third time this week suman is just not going to do what he said he would. i got a ride to my parent's house from cal around 6, because suman said he'd be able to pick me up when he went downtown later. i knew that he'd say ten or so, and not actually get me til midnight... not a huge deal... i figured i'd just wait. so, i've been trying to figure out when he'd come get me, i've called him three times, i've messaged him... he finally ims me and is like "oh, i figured you were out at the bars" ... uh, no. duh. there's SO many reasons that i would NOT be out at the bars... but hey, remember how i'm at my parent's house packing with no way to get downtown? yeah, that would kind of stand in the way of any monday night bar hopping i may want to do. (i hate when he says stuff like that too... he'll call me at four in the afternoon and be like "HEY! you'are awake!" duh, it's four in the afternoon, of course i'm awake.) so he's like "well, call cal or adam and make one of them drive you." it's TWELVE FUCKING THIRTY. if either or them are even still up, they're at home, doing homework, ready for bed. plus, i've already had to call them and have them pick me up because suman's backed out at the absolute last minute. it wouldn't bother me at all if he would tell me "no, i can't give you a ride" right up front. but, he ALWAYS says it won't be a problem, then just avoids calling me or makes up excuses right when i need to be somewhere, or generally several hours afterwards. i just want to be able to drive again, so i don't have to depend on people to be going out of their way to get me...
so, no my options are... stay here, and get up early and go downtown with my dad... where i will drop off my stuff, and then further bother people trying to get what needs to be done tomorrow done. or take a cab back to my apartment, which would suck, because i can't very well bring all the stuff i've been packing with me in a cab. so i'd still need to figure out a time to get all that there. plus, my room is completely taken apart, i have NO blankets or bedding or anything, and any spares we have are in the closet in my parents' bedroom. and they've both been asleep for like three hours. plus, my mom works at 6:30 am, and prolly doesn't want to be woken up.
SO frusterating. i seriously want to cry, i don't want to have to sleep in a sleeping bag in my old room only to get up at 6:00 am to go to work with my dad and move tons of crap up to my apartment at 7am. but, as that looks like my only choice, i suppose i should go make sure we have a sleeping bag in the downstairs closet still. otherwise i get to unpack the throws i packed earlier and use those. (plus, they're packed with fragile stuff wrapped in them, so it's like unpacking three full boxes.)
i have enough stuff bothering me today that has been making me want to cry, i really didn't need a shitty end to my day.
so, no my options are... stay here, and get up early and go downtown with my dad... where i will drop off my stuff, and then further bother people trying to get what needs to be done tomorrow done. or take a cab back to my apartment, which would suck, because i can't very well bring all the stuff i've been packing with me in a cab. so i'd still need to figure out a time to get all that there. plus, my room is completely taken apart, i have NO blankets or bedding or anything, and any spares we have are in the closet in my parents' bedroom. and they've both been asleep for like three hours. plus, my mom works at 6:30 am, and prolly doesn't want to be woken up.
SO frusterating. i seriously want to cry, i don't want to have to sleep in a sleeping bag in my old room only to get up at 6:00 am to go to work with my dad and move tons of crap up to my apartment at 7am. but, as that looks like my only choice, i suppose i should go make sure we have a sleeping bag in the downstairs closet still. otherwise i get to unpack the throws i packed earlier and use those. (plus, they're packed with fragile stuff wrapped in them, so it's like unpacking three full boxes.)
i have enough stuff bothering me today that has been making me want to cry, i really didn't need a shitty end to my day.
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