"i am laughing, very hard.... because of this: "renata: dude, the first guy... he's going to COLLEGE yet his keywords include "animels", "cammping", "musice", "partys" and "soccor"?""
-renata and i when i first got into hot or not...
"renata and i are making fun of my most recent batch of "someone wants to meet you" candidates on hot or not. oooh dear. highlights include the guy who isn't "sinical", and is kissing a stuffed dear in his photo. (renata and i decided that tongues that touch deer to not touch us.) also the guy in a tux who appeared to have just whited his wife out of the picture. ("he should have put "you could be next!"") the best was the link i tried to send renata... but it showed her a girl in iowa who was recently single. and wanted us to give her a holla. and there was a picture i thought was gabe for a second, it wasn't. he was a retro cowboy though. someone whose interests were "kissing, more kissing and even more kissing." he sounded like a fascinating young man. and his profile was practically soft porn... but he had nice abs. all guys who want to meet me need to meet the four s's. ... sexy, sassy, super... sailboat-owning... or wait... was it savvy... something to do with snuggling... smart... wait... thus far, sailboat-owning has been hard to fulfill. also, a lot of people are really into fishing. and i'm afraid of fish (shut UP! they're scary)."
-again, more hot or not.
"am looking at all of my "someone wants to meet you" links. i get about two emails a day of them.... and i never check them out anymore. (i got over hot or not very quickly. i acquired about five stalkers, loads of random people.... and an alex from detroit. and boy, i can't stand alex. ^_~) aaanywho. these crack me up. ok, and.... about these things...
a) why would you be on "meet me" if you have a girlfriend? (or boyfriend for that matter...) maybe it's just me, but i would get a little distressed if i found out my boyfriend was actively trying to meet girls on hot or not.
b) why do people click yes to me, when they're like homophobic bible thumping hunters from texas?? helloooo, did they just not read ANYthing i wrote??
c) what is with the "just fooling around... thought it'd be funny if i just put my pic up" guys... who then have like... year long star memberships??
d) i hate anyone with "sex" as a keyword.
e) it's weird when i find people i know....
f) i hate guys whose picture is them some random place, like their living room, with their shirt off! aaaah!
ok. also.... keywords that are unacceptable.... "being a girl", "oral sex", "country music television", "life cereal" (i mean, c'mon, let's not get too attatched a cereal...), "cuddlin", "hot women", "vanilla" (what?), and "hats" (who likes hats THAT much. really.)"
-the first installment of unacceptable keywords.
"unacceptable keywords. part II
-"gazebos" ... hi, i'm megan, my interests include writing, drawing, acting and gazebos.
-"thugged out" ... need i say more? it was this short little white guy.
-"pajamas" ... ?
-"ducks" ... ok. alex has "feeding the ducks" which is SO cute. and i used to feed the ducks every wednesday over my lunch break from classes, and ALWAYS after my dance classes. so, i like ducks as well as the next person... but...really... just ducks?
-"jumbo" ... one of his other keywords was "prince albert" and his profile mentioned that he had a three year old daughter. i was concerned.
-"wet" ... "hi, i enjoy things that are wet. *suggestive eyebrow motions.*"
-"lindsay" ... what? maybe he just REALLY likes the name lindsay...
-"party's" ... he enjoys things that belong to parties?"
-part two.
"when i was at ben's, and i was talking to brian on aim even though he was close enough that i could hear him typing.... him and ben were talking... and ben's like "duuude, there's a girl in my room!" and brian was like "here, i'll talk you through it man, don't worry" and such. but i got bored and wandered over to brian's room. and he types to ben "DUUUDE, now i've got a girl!!" ... ok, we're all dorks. but i was really amused."
-hanging out with ben and brian
and now, a play by renata.
"i will write a play. right now. for you.
"megan is not skanky". by renata.
act 1.
megan: hi renata!
renata: hi megan!
megan: do you think i'm skanky?
renata: no, i think you're cool. now let's play clue.
megan: okay.
act 2.
renata: hi megan, good to see you again. i'm glad you're still not skanky.
megan: hi renata. i'm glad you're not skanky too.
renata: but you know what is skanky? is lemons.
megan: yes indeed. however, they are quite antiscurvylicious.
renata: yes, yes they are.
the end. "
"highlights include.... the poster of a castle in a bunch of clouds... i used it to alter emily's driving reality so that it was like she was driving away from a castle in the clouds. then we had to put it away, and missy and i made use of the poster condom. then we found (more accurately, i went in search of... there's a picture of me climbing over the back seat... it's like... my butt and my feet in the air.....) the cargo net, and missy and i were held captive in the back seat by this giant net.... but then we got our helmut (aka big popcorn bowl) and broke free. also, discovered that we could turn emily's car into a helicopter by opening the back windows.... aaaand.... then we got to the airport and took pictures of ourselves being iowan in the gift shop (corn hats!!!) and i bought an iowa postcard to send to alex. (it's the best postcard ever, it's a field with a bunch of cows. only i added myself, and a ufo. and some info about the cows.) then we hung out by the GIANT revolving doors.... and even managed to get brian trapped in one.... then we sat on some scary chairs that kept almost tipping over.... and this lady took our picture.... and was like "i just spilled soda all over my pants... can you tell???" and we were like "no, no you can't" ... then missy got on her plane... and we were sad.... so we went to mcdonalds. and came up with bands names. ("insatiable baptist" and "bunny foo and field mice"...) i tought emily how to use the hand dryers ("push button.... wipe hands on pants.") and we set off again. i sang show tunes for the first half of the ride home, and slept for the second half. emily tried to kill us once while i was sleeping, but i woke up and stopped her. (*car swerves wildly, i wake up* "aaaah what's going on?!" "i'm trying to kill us all.... go back to sleep" "ok. *sleeps*") then we took the scenic route back to iowa city after some exit confusion. all in all, an excellent adventure ^_^ the pictures we took to illustrate are HILARIOUS.... i can't wait to get them up."
-des moines trip... i never did put all the pictures up, just one.
"when we left, nicole somehow managed to get like, every candy wrapper in the world stuck to her shoes. it was hiiiiilarious. and we got outside, and nate's like "my eye hurts." and i'm like "ooh, it does look all red..." and erin's like "oh, maybe it's infected again?" and i was like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH nate's infected! kill him!" but, he promised that it was just his eye. ("nate's eye has rage! it wants to kill us all!" "don't worry guys, i'll keep it in control.")"
-after i saw 28 days later the first time.