

my last post mysteriously disappeared. how... odd. and i looked for it... and i seriously think blogger spontaneously deleted it. odd.

ok, my sister wants the computer, i want to finish my laundry and take a bath... so, i'm gonna go do all that and let my sister get online.


we're going to studio tonight, if anyone would like to come. i think it'll be me, matt, matt's roommate perry, and adam-ba-dadam. and anyone else we bully into coming along. so, COME! and meet us there before nine. yup.



matt is magic. he just managed to make a drink APPEAR out of NOWHERE. i gave him my glass to make a new drink, and he had his.... and when he came back, he had THREE drinks. and neither of us know where the third one came from. and all three have unmelted ice. weeeeeird. i'm so hanging out with him ALL THE TIME now. because he can make drinks APPEAR. out of fucking NOWHERE. i am officially amazed.



now blogger. you listen here. WOOOORK!!! nooooow!

i hate when blogger lies to me and tells me that it's working, and it really isn't working AT ALL. i'm so digusted with blogger that i am going to go watch the clerks uncensored dvd in my room with a pepsi and some popcorn. THAT'LL show you blogger. you stupid.... blogg...er... doh.

so, i think that zac left (is leaving?) on his road trip today. alas, i will miss him. i meant to call him last night, but i fell asleep. because i'm a loser. matt's gone today, zac's gone (or going) today, my mom and my sister leave tomorrow... i leave on friday to visit my mom's parents... (this is going to be the first time in over a year i go visit them where i haven't visited graham too. i kind of have a feeling it may be a little traumatic. routine is hard to overcome.) hrm. boo.

adam wants to go out tonight (aaaahooooot tonight.) but, i have to do laundry and clean my room (my room's hilarious right now, i haven't unpacked ANYTHING. so it's like, my bed... and then the floor just has random stacks of boxes. and i have no idea where ANYthing is. so i just wear like... the same three outfits every day. because i'm awesome.)

ok. yes. popcorn, clerks, nap. woot. may call graham later to suggest meeting half way between lake park and sioux city for lunch... that way i can see him, yet will be unable to yell at him for being a jerkus. since... well, he is, but i forgive him. and he will realize he's a jerkus on his own time. there is no way for me to make him realize. yes. < / deep thoughts >

ok now blogger, for real. publish. PUBLISH YOU BASTARD!

happy ides of march!

i was gonna blog about this awesome foxtrot cartoon from like... the last ides of march, but i can't find it, and i don't really remember it. but it was funny! i promise!

ok, i had something else typed, but matt's keyboard is possessed, and randomly started just... typing 1's, all by itself. and i tried to delete them, and they just kept coming! omg. that reminds me... when i was in like junior high my cousin patrick and i would always be like "attack of the x's!" or something to that effect... and we'd like, send three ims of "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" (only like, times 100) and we'd be all "Aaaah! the x's!" i had completely forgot about that until now, but i remember being VASTLY amused by it. hopefully patrick will comment and refresh my memory, because i really only have a vague recollection of the hilarity that was me and patrick. oh WAIT! maybe that wasn't me and patrick, maybe that was me and emily, and it's definitely wasn't the x's, it was the w's! oh my god, i cannot remember anything more, except that it was HILARIOUS.

matt is being a grumpy bunny because he got up late, through no fault of mine. i woke him up multiple times, as did his alarm clock. and, i've been sitting at the computer for a good two hours now, and his phone's rang at least once. he doesn't believe any of this, but i tell you all, i am right, and he is wrong. he's also being really whiney, so i yelled at him and told him to go take a shower. (actually, i think that would be more accuratly described as... he tried to pat me on the head, and i whipped him with a blanket and told him to stop reading over my shoulder and take a shower. then he left for the shower, and i yelled at him again when he came back for a towel. you don't DESERVE towels!)

ok, i just asked my cousin emily, and it was in fact, the W's, and also the @'s. and, i really can't tell you much more, except that we would rapid fire send entire ims of just @'s or W's.... and that we did it all the time, and that BOTH of us were just laughing about it. i really don't know *why* we did this... oh well, we're now reminiscing. man, we were hilarious. i'm pretty sure we still are, actually.

so, matt's supposed to leave for wisconsin this afternoon at some point, but he has all this crap to do, and he has to change heff's oil. and, he's been hitting the snooze button for like two hours, while i yell at him from across the room at the computer. because the alarm is SO FREAKEN LOUD. i'm not even sleeping, and it wakes me up every time it goes off (actually, i jump everytime it's gone off. and matt just lays in bed. and i have to throw something in that general direction, and be like TURN OFF THE ALARM. which he does. then goes back to sleep. grrr.)

i'll quit bitching. i'm sorry. it's just that i've been trying to read and type and stuff for two hours, and every twenty minutes or so, i get the crap scared out of me. and i'm so over that.

stupid smart ftp is being stupid. i hate that program, smart ftp my ASS.

also, blogger, you make me want to die. WORK dammit!!

i'm a thief!

i stole this meme from renata.

There's been an accident, and my memory's been wiped clean. I have no recollection of who I am. Tell me about myself. What do you know about me? What kind of person am I? What are my likes and dislikes? How did we meet and how long have we known each other? Is there one thing in particular that stands out about me? Tell me who I am.

do eet.


so, i want renata to come visit me on spring break (i typed "spreak" instead of spring break, i think it's an awesome new word.) anyways, she said i should come up to grinnell...

"and we coul db el ike... woo, grinnell. and icouild learn how to type."

ooooh renata.



i know i keep talking about dooce.com, and am way too excited about having another daily blog... but this has to be quoted, because i said almost the EXACT same thing yesterday...

from the "how to annoy me" list...
"Mumble. Open your goddamned mouth."

seriously. it drove me crazy when we were dating, and we aren't now, so i can tell you, OPEN your mouth for fucksakes. you know how to speak, now do it.



ok, so i'm like... twelve. but i found this funny... i have 69 friends at iowa on facebook. i totally don't want to add anyone ever again now. so, if i don't add you, that's why. that, or i don't fucking know you.

illin noise.

i just got back from illinois! we went to pick up suman's new car, and i spent the better part of today chasing him back to iowa. he drives faster than graham. my GOD. it was fun though.

there's this random girl who's insulting eric on her livejournal, and i was gonna be mean to her, but have now decided there is no point, as she has the IQ of lettuce. which i'm kinda sad about, because i like being mean to obnoxious stupid people. but they at least need the IQ of like... a house cat or something. (though, renata and my cat, curtichu, had the IQ of lettuce as well... doh. he was smarter than this girl though, he at least could dance with us on our disco floor.)

a bunch of people i don't know listed me as facebook friends... and i'm like "REJECT!" because i DON'T freakin know them.

so, it just went from forty six degrees to hail storm in approximately ten seconds. crazy iowa. it was sunny and raining all the way up from southern illinois. oh my god, that reminds me, the guy that went with us when we were test driving was HILARIOUS. he's like "my dad's a mechanic, but heck, i don't know nothing about cars. i just take the pictures and put them up on ebay. i didn't take a picture of the trunk though, cuz i couldn't figure out how to open it." i was like... dying trying not to laugh. he was so adorable. he kept being like "if you guys wanna keep test driving, that's fine with me" because he didn't wanna go back to work... then, when we were leaving, and he's like... trying to plastic wrap a car part and was like, wrapping himself to the part. i was VERY amused.

ok, tara lost her keys, and is freaking out, so i'm gonna go aid in the search.


uh oh, new addiction.

yahoo messenger, with the web cam. oh no, i am such a freakin nerd. suman just connected to the web cam even though i'm in the other room. dork.


my nose still hurts. stupid renata.

so, if canada is america's hat, mean canadians must be headlice. so says matt.

i just stretched, and hurt my shoulder. stupid shoulder. stupid EVERYTHING. rawr.

i wanna listen to my "davis does costello" cd, which rob sent me (*hearts*), but it's at home, and i'm at suman's. life is so freakin hard. also, the teevee in the living room is broken, so i can't watch bad vh1 shows. woe is me. i'm left with nothing but the computer and my mountain dew to entertain me. and suman's dog. but he's in the other room. he was sleeping, but i accidentally sat on him and woke him up (he was under the blankets, so not my fault. i'm sure suman's going to say it's all my pent up rage towards the dog. anyone or anything that eats my make up brushes gets rage unleashed up them/it. just fyi. so don't anyone eat my make up brushes. i need them.)

i really need to get my fucking website back together. i don't even remember where i had my counter from... (ooh wait, i bet it's the same site we used for cc.com ... ah, i am a genius.) ok. goal for this week.... make the website not suck! or at least... suck less! yay!!

the shirt i'm wearing has like four holes in it. and the shirt i'm wearing under it has the most ridiculous pit stains ever (i used to wear it for dance). i am SO hot right now. rawr. fear my hottness, for it will... burn...in...ate... you. yes.

anticipate many more blogs tonight, because i'm in a big blogging mood.

firstly, thank you renata.

renata just made me shoot mountain dew out of my nose. i think it was worth it though.

so. speaking of hate mail, i just checked my old yaccs comments because i knew i had some i hadn't read from back when i was having crazy comment issues. and BOY, am i glad i went and looked them up. because hilarity ensued.

"your kinda a fag..........i mean i didnt really read your site of any thing but from the looks of it your a BIG FAG! im just really board and aint got nothin better to do than go to sites that no one cares about and no one goes to. why did you even make this site you must have a really lot of time on your hands.......MAKE A BETTER SITE!"

aaaahaaaaahaaaahaahahaa. i am kinda a fag, wait no, a BIG FAG. what the HELL is this comment?! i really have to think it's one of my friends fucking with me, because there's NO way someone is that big of a moron! their email address is supposedly nobodyfuckinglikesyou@fuckyou.com ... hmm. oh so amused though.

then, a bunch from overseas ip addresses....

"i really love and i want to meet u soon just i want to sleep with u only five days if possible make a chance as soon as u received mu Email iam from Afghanistan Kabul thanks shirzad"

"iwanna friendship"

"i love picture & you"

those are all kinda nice though. i enjoyed them. renata and i had to wonder if shirzad is related to abdul (anyone remember the hilarity that was abdul? it wasn't his real name. we were in kansas city and i wished renata a happy birthday of doom, and she responded with "who's abdul?" and i was like "no, OF DOOM" and she's like "ooooh" then this guy walked up, and del was like "ABDUL'S HERE!" and it was awesome.)

ok, i was just REALLY amused by those and had to share.


ah, yes.

this makes possibly the most sense of anything i've read in the past... long time.

"just because you could hurt more doesn’t mean you don’t hurt." from finslippy. also, people who like to email me and tell me to quit whining, because they have it worse... YOU quit whining. because, i bet someone else has it worse than you. so eat it. or get a blog and whine about it there, because i don't want it in my inbox.


so, i was just reading dooce and i am now enraged over an email that she recieved. seriously... i couldn't be more angry if it were my own hate mail (which i now just ignore, or respond with the simple and elegant: "if you don't like what i write, don't read it. and also, fuck you. love, megan.") also, the guy who wrote it (jackson.matt@att.net, send him an e-greeting) is like "I am the principal of a major company in Southern California with offices in 10 countries" because, you know, you don't want which company you work for to get out.... yet then, the info in his email makes it rather clear which company he works for. moron. then he goes on to this like... numbered weird form letter thing. noting first that he does not have a drug or alcohol habit, which seems a little random. it's kind of like the telltale heart, where the first thing the narrator says is "i'm not crazy" (when he is). or when adam gets drunk, and constantly announces "i'm not drunk" (when he is). no one asked, and why are you telling us this unless you're in denial about it. UGH, i'm not even gonna go on. because he's such a jerk that it's offensive to ALL women who are not doormats. and if i go on i will get (even more) irate.

ok, so yeah. suman says it's bad that i have so much pent up rage, but i think it's good, it keeps me interesting. in other news, i have a burrito from pancheros, and it is very very good. the guy that made it is the guy who used to always be working when we came in after work at studio, so he knows to put like, as much sour cream as possible on it.

also, fucking pop ups need to DIE. and they need to do it *right* now. asap.

the new strong bad email is not nearly as awesome as i had hoped. i was quite disappointed in it. after watching it i had to go watch a bunch of teen girl squad to renew my faith in strong bad.

alright, i just remembered to sign on to aim, and now i'm going to remember to check my email. so, maybe i'll blog later after i've calmed down about mr. matt jackson.



allie. zac is SO hot. you don't even know.

sorry you couldn't go to rock and skate. i would have taken you if i was home. and, if you EVER doubt zac's hotness, i'll totally kick your little punk ass. bwahaa.



i keep missing going out on thursdays because i party too much on wednesday. boo.

the good news is, i can stay home and read dooce, my new favorite blog. it's oh-so-amusing, and oh-so-deserving of a bloggie. i hope she wins.

zac's blog has really made me want an angus steak burgery bacony ranchy type of thing. but i'm reading fast food nation in an attempt to talk myself out of it. because, i wanna lose three pounds. hey, i wonder if matt still has mean girls at his apartment, because that would totally be something i wanna do. mmm... mean girls and food. yes. hot.

hmmm, i need to get offline and call suman so i can go get my car, which is at his house. because i never made it back over there last night. *sniffle* i'm sick. and it's making me unhappy.



i'm in adam's dorm room!!! i haven't blogged from a dorm since devin and i were dating. whoa crazy. adam and i are watching abba gold. and adam's dancing. and making ramen noodles. he spilled crushed ramen noodles EVERYWHERE earlier. oh my god, and we exchanged birthday presents today!! does anyone remember the brown satin coat at gadzooks that i wanted SO bad?? and when i went back to get it(i'd been watching it, waiting til i had money) it was GONE? remember that? well, that's what adam got me for my birthday. he's the best fake little brother ever. awwww.

man, abba gold rocks. shoot, i think i'm supposed to call zac in like ten minutes. oh well, he'll just have to wait, unless adam will let me use his phone. which he always gives me shit about. stupid jerk.

so, i've blogged a million times today, and i'm gonna stop now. bye.


English Genius
You scored 100% Beginner, 93% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 77% Expert!
You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!

The Commonly Confused Words Test

yaaaay!! i'm an english genius! goooo me!


i'm on the phone ordering pizza. yuum.

we got a crazy pepperoni trio thing. i'm a little wary... but i'm sure it'll be good. oooh shoot, i hope we have ranch dressing here... yes. we do. good. the conversation with the pizza hut guy was SO freaking confusing though. the website had some offer that he didn't know about... and it was crazy. and then i got all distracted because they didn't have salads, and forgot to order breadsticks. dammit.

i still haven't gotten my nails done. i'm so lazy. i could go now, but i just ordered a pizza! dammit! life is so hard. also, zac, you went out and got wasted and were blogging at 4:30 last night! our schedules are just off i guess. because i was in bed at 12. heh. i wonder why allie's not online, i wanna pester her. i could go pester suman's dog.... but it's really not the same. and he just pesters me back.

this morning i helped my dad install a giant custom made iquana cage. it was kinda weird. like... the cage cost like $2,500 or so... but the house we were at didn't seem like they had the money to be buying enormous custom iquana cages. but at any rate, it was freakin hard to get in, because they measured all the doors wrong (and, my dad even told them they needed to re-measure and make SURE before he built it, and to be sure it would go around corners and stuff. and they didn't. actually, they did, but they measured wrong or something.) SO, anyways, it took like five hours of carrying stuff in, and putting it all together, and wiring all the heat lamps and stuff. and the iquana was in the room, and kept creeping me out and making evil dinosaur-like faces at me. stupid iquana. then, after we finally finished that, we went to KFC for lunch, and then back to the shop. oh! haha, at the shop, we were reading the paper, and my cousin's husband was in the des moines register today. with this article about past due registration, and hidden costs when you buy a car. and it sounded like... you know... he'd had to pay like a LOT of money to get the registration up to date... but it was only $36. "tillman thought he was getting a good deal when he bought this 1992 cadillac from a friend, but little did he know that there were hidden costs." ... so apparently $1036 is NOT a good deal.

anyways. that's all. i'm gonna go surf around, and see how old kristin davis is, because suman and i are arguing about it.

my sister's a doooork

haha, i just wanted to make her leave another comment. ALLIE YOU SUCK. and i can't believe you're in love with ZAC! (aaaahahahaaaaha. both zac and allie are gonna hate me.) now allie, don't leave any mean comments or i'll kill you. hehe.

room raiders drives me crazy. grrrr. this girl is so full of herself. aaaugh.