so, i called graham earlier.... and he didn't answer. but then, someone called back (it was a private number, so i was confused...) and it was GREGG! and he's like "this is gregg, did you just call this number??" and i'm like "yeah, i did, but i was calling for graham...." and he's like "wait... is this megan??" and i'm like "yes.... OH MY GOD! GREGG!!! as in... GREGG! so, him and i talked for like an hour, because graham was apparently passed out. so, gregg and i chatted, but graham wasn't REALLY passed out, and was listening (don't worry, i didn't say anything bad (because i can never say anything bad about graham)) and he came and took the phone from gregg... and he's like "i have to hang up with you because i don't want you talking to gregg." and it was hilarious. and great. GREAT!