

so, i called graham earlier.... and he didn't answer. but then, someone called back (it was a private number, so i was confused...) and it was GREGG! and he's like "this is gregg, did you just call this number??" and i'm like "yeah, i did, but i was calling for graham...." and he's like "wait... is this megan??" and i'm like "yes.... OH MY GOD! GREGG!!! as in... GREGG! so, him and i talked for like an hour, because graham was apparently passed out. so, gregg and i chatted, but graham wasn't REALLY passed out, and was listening (don't worry, i didn't say anything bad (because i can never say anything bad about graham)) and he came and took the phone from gregg... and he's like "i have to hang up with you because i don't want you talking to gregg." and it was hilarious. and great. GREAT!

this **** is bananas

ok, the video for hollaback girl.... ROCKS YOUR COCK!

and i'm so happy about it. it's so clever, with all the "shhhh"'s and such. and it brings back my highschool drummajor band nerd days. which rocks.

seriously, it inspired me to update, after FOREVER.

AND, allie, your xanga rocks.



Your Taste in Music:

90's Pop: Highest Influence
90's Rock: Highest Influence
80's Pop: High Influence
80's Alternative: Medium Influence
80's R&B: Medium Influence
90's Alternative: Medium Influence
90's R&B: Medium Influence
Adult Alternative: Medium Influence
Alternative Rock: Medium Influence
Punk: Medium Influence
80's Rock: Low Influence
Classic Rock: Low Influence
Dance: Low Influence
Old School Hip Hop: Low Influence
Progressive Rock: Low Influence
R&B: Low Influence
Ska: Low Influence