...Need to mail a bunch of stuff
...Should FINISH my blog redesign (I started it, can you believe it?!)
...Still haven't called Brian about getting those books.
...Wish Matt would come back from Wisconsin
...Need to organize my closet, because I can't find ANY of my clothes.
...Am surprised (good surprised, for the most part) by some things I have found written about me.
...Need to figure out how/when/ if I am going to a million auditions this week
...Need to email Dave (dammit, I keep forgetting)
...Need to email Zane's mom
...Am drinking Gatorade
...Have finally become annoyed with my lack of capitalization.
...Get to go to the Johnson County Fair with my sister today!! wooo!
...Think that YOU should come to the fair and see my sister's rabbit, blink.
...Should tell you that my sister's hedgehog won reserve champion (in the fair's pet show).
...Need to talk to Erin about this WordPress business.
...Find it bittersweet to be leaving Blogger after all these years... *sniffle*
...Will elaborate on some points of this list, as I see fit.
...Miss Renata, because she's off being a camp counselor
...Need to email ROB! Goddammit. I keep forgetting...
...Want to look into making a subdomain, and changing all my meagna stuff to something less confusing.
...Really want to get my license back.
...Need to recheck all the Little Shop/Wicked dates. (I think I missed Wicked. Whoops.)
...Should figure out a plan for the next six months. Or I'm gonna go nuts with all these shows.
...Totally have to find out when Cal comes home, because I think it's soon.
...Almost killed myself running to answer the phone today.
...Got new hate mail today!
...Can't get my computer to look at the CB.com boards properly.
Blog design. Ok, so not a lot is done. But there's a definite "layout" that I have decided on, I've narrowed down the graphic possibilities, thought about colors alot... and have begun selecting quotes (which may become an integral part or the design. whooooa). All that's really left is a weekend with Erin to start finalizing stuff, and beg her to help me with the parts that are two smart for me... and Tada! It'll be done. And my blog won't suck again! (Actually, it'll not suck for like, six months, then I'll let it fall into disrepair, and get all sad about it again.) Also, I have a million new links of blogs I read daily, and are UPDATED DAILY! (A novel idea, I know.) So, I'm excited to include those. If only so I can access them all from my blog, without using bookmarks.
Matt's at advanced training (I think that's what AT stands for... *shrug*) in Wisconsin. Where it is apparently much cooler than it is here in stupid Iowa City. So, he needs to get back, because I'm bored and miss him... and his phone gets crappy reception so most phone conversations are like "what? What?! WHAT?! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" so yeah. get home soon. (I know, I know, Friday's almost here, and he could be gone for TWO weeks. but I'm impatient.)
I was perusing the many (many many many) online journals of people I know/know me/know of/know of me... and I came across several interesting opinions. Some I was not surprised to find were rude, untrue, and mean. but, then again, I've come to expect that from a lot of people (this goes with my "I got new hate mail today!" thing as well). Yeah, so lots of people don't like me. Lots do. And, occasionally I find out someone I consider a friend has said something unsavory about me (as happened a few weeks ago...) and that's kind of upsetting, just because... well, I thought we were friends. it comes down more to the disrespect involved that can piss me off. Just because it seems two faced. As for people that I don't like, and don't like me... unless there is direct provocation, I'm like.... "Uh, so? Yeah, we don't like each other. Settle." BUT, I also found some really sweet little asides in people's blogs that I never read/always forget about. People I hang out with only when I run into them, but run into them pretty often. So, that was very nice. In addition to my hate mail, I had some nice website mail too. Which was exciting. They were the very opposite ends of the spectrum, which I found very interesting.
I think everyone remembers that every year, I beg everyone to come to the fair to see my sister's rabbits. This year she only has one rabbit, Blink. She was going to show Salvador instead, but he had a cut on his toe. And they said she couldn't show him. So Blink stepped in. Thus, tomorrow at one, in the rabbit barn... I will be hanging out with Allison and Blink. And you should come see us. Because blink's really cute, and he needs some cheering on during the competition.
Today, while making chimichangas for my sister and me (at midnight, no less...) the phone rang. Now, it was our home phone, and it was midnight, so everyone's asleep except Allie and me. So usually I keep the cordless close, in case people call for me later on in the evening... tonight was no different, I had the phone nearby. So it rings, I reach for it... but it's GONE! So I'm like "AH! Allie where is it?!" To add to my distress, I have a pan of chimichangas in my hand at this point... so, I drop the pan on the stove top, and take off for the nearest regular phone, so I can answer it before it rings again. Apparently, to Allison, who was watching... this was the funniest thing she'd seen all night. I was like, leaping over hurdles to get from the kitchen to the library fast enough. While wearing an oven mitt. (It was Graham on the phone, if anyone's wondering...)
I think that's everything. Also, a poll. Should I cross post between Blogger and Livejournal for every significant (like ANY of these are significant....) post? yes? no? you don't care? Or, should I just let Livejournal exist for commenting reasons? But then, it's confusing if it's an empty Livejournal… Oh the decisions.