i'm blogging fast and not worrying about capitalization... because i'm so tired and really need to go to bed... and the left shift key doesn't work, and it infuriates me.
i have to work at 10 tomorrow morning, but it's with tammy, and tammy is hilariously awesome, so it's ok.
i'm in a crappy mood, due to people being hypocritical and self righteous. things that seem so unbelievably obvious to me (and everyone i've talked to about this...) are apparently NOT obvious to some parties. and in addition to being not obvious, they are apparently ridiculous and wrong, and warrant being a jerk, then telling me how mean i am. it's a damn two way street. something that is also lost on some people. what i think it really is is "well, i think that was mean, i better be twice as mean in return. that way i'm not a pushover." then, when i am surprisingly NOT tickled and charmed by the retaliation, it's a SHOCK. because GOD, you think i'd be nice after someone lectures me (in a manner suggesting i'm five years old, stupid beyond all belief, and inherently evil) on something THEY need to be lectured on. the whole thing's fucking stupid, and i'm still mad about it. oh well, i'm gone all this weekend, and won't have to talk to said person until sunday. maybe by then i'll either not care enough to prove my point and i'll let it go, or maybe they'll try to see things from my point of view (yeah, that'll happen. my point of view is that of an evil horrible witch, who is HORRIBLE enough to say "knock if off" when i want someone to fucking KNOCK IF OFF and, by the way, no i wouldn't need to say it nine times, if you would fucking listen the FIRST time). really, it reminds me of a livejournal post from a few months ago, where i was complaining about people not understanding simple body language, and jason suggested i add punching people in the face to my body language. apparently for some people that is STILL not clear.
at least i got to talk to tristan for a couple hours last night. it was amazing how often i was about to bitch about something, and tristan would bring it up before i could (which surprisingly happens ALL the time with MOST of my friends...). which made me feel a little better, because... if everyone is bringing up these issues to me... maybe i'm not just being critical.
i'm sorry this is a vague ranty blog, but i don't want to be all outright in my complaining, because i think it's stupid when people are like "i have something to say to you, so i'm going to be passive aggressive and bitch about you in my blog!" sure, people can prolly figure out who i'm complaining about, but i've said everything i've typed to them (which was met with much "nuh uh"ing...) and i really just felt like venting, because the whole situation's stupid, and i'm seriously upset about it and it's been bothering me all day. i guess in the past i've been lucky enough to deal with people who actually make an effort to fix things that are wrong, rather than complain about them being wrong, then not doing a damn thing to fix it (but, berating ME for not fixing it).
ok, i have to get to sleep, i work in the morning, and i'm tired and cranky and i don't want to have a shitty day tomorrow, because i know my whole weekend's gonna be shitty, and yesterday definitly was... so, it'd be nice to have SOMETHING nice at some point.