

i opened this with a specific topic in mind... a REASON to blog... and i don't remember what it is.

OH! i remember. I'm gonna do chorus in Sweet Charity at city circle! woo! also, i don't know if i mentioned, but i'm in the new play festival (also at city circle) as well. the show i'm in is called life force, and it's a two woman twenty minute show and i play carter. and, i don't know when EITHER of my shows go up. i suck. but, if you want to be better informed than i am, you can check out the city circle website. i'm actually gonna go look and figure out when my shows are in a minute, so maybe i'll post dates later (along with ticket information. come see me, bitches.)

So, that said, i'm gonna go to bed (after i check up on the rumor i heard that manparis and parisparis broke up) so i can get up early to type up some junk for work. goodnight!


wings and work

i just got back from the vine where i had wings... that were veeeery good. i went with matt and heff and perry. yay! soooo good. though, i got my nails done last night, so now they're all saucy. and i'm leaving for work in a couple minutes, and i need to de-sauce them.

last night was fun, i fixed my parent's computer, so it works now, and doesn't make me want to die... and sims works on it again! wooot! then, we went and picked up allie and went to the mall and got our nails done. which took forever, and it was SO busy, and i was sad because the guy that owns the place wasn't there, and he does the BEST job, so i really wanted him to do my nails. but i had some random lady instead. and she was annoying, and it made me sad. Allie hadn't ever gotten her nails done before, so it was interesting... because you have to learn how to speak to/understand nail people. i had to tell them like three times that she was getting the exact same thing i was. and i'm like "full set of french acrylics" and they're like "yes, that's what we're giving you." and i'm like "HER TOO" and they'd be like "what is she getting?" and i'd want to scream.

So, i'm off to work now, once i smoke a cigarette and de-sauce my nails. I'm gonna try to get suman to cook tonight, because he has company, and i want filet mignon. So, that's today. I'll blog more tonight.



i'm blogging fast and not worrying about capitalization... because i'm so tired and really need to go to bed... and the left shift key doesn't work, and it infuriates me.

i have to work at 10 tomorrow morning, but it's with tammy, and tammy is hilariously awesome, so it's ok.

i'm in a crappy mood, due to people being hypocritical and self righteous. things that seem so unbelievably obvious to me (and everyone i've talked to about this...) are apparently NOT obvious to some parties. and in addition to being not obvious, they are apparently ridiculous and wrong, and warrant being a jerk, then telling me how mean i am. it's a damn two way street. something that is also lost on some people. what i think it really is is "well, i think that was mean, i better be twice as mean in return. that way i'm not a pushover." then, when i am surprisingly NOT tickled and charmed by the retaliation, it's a SHOCK. because GOD, you think i'd be nice after someone lectures me (in a manner suggesting i'm five years old, stupid beyond all belief, and inherently evil) on something THEY need to be lectured on. the whole thing's fucking stupid, and i'm still mad about it. oh well, i'm gone all this weekend, and won't have to talk to said person until sunday. maybe by then i'll either not care enough to prove my point and i'll let it go, or maybe they'll try to see things from my point of view (yeah, that'll happen. my point of view is that of an evil horrible witch, who is HORRIBLE enough to say "knock if off" when i want someone to fucking KNOCK IF OFF and, by the way, no i wouldn't need to say it nine times, if you would fucking listen the FIRST time). really, it reminds me of a livejournal post from a few months ago, where i was complaining about people not understanding simple body language, and jason suggested i add punching people in the face to my body language. apparently for some people that is STILL not clear.

at least i got to talk to tristan for a couple hours last night. it was amazing how often i was about to bitch about something, and tristan would bring it up before i could (which surprisingly happens ALL the time with MOST of my friends...). which made me feel a little better, because... if everyone is bringing up these issues to me... maybe i'm not just being critical.

i'm sorry this is a vague ranty blog, but i don't want to be all outright in my complaining, because i think it's stupid when people are like "i have something to say to you, so i'm going to be passive aggressive and bitch about you in my blog!" sure, people can prolly figure out who i'm complaining about, but i've said everything i've typed to them (which was met with much "nuh uh"ing...) and i really just felt like venting, because the whole situation's stupid, and i'm seriously upset about it and it's been bothering me all day. i guess in the past i've been lucky enough to deal with people who actually make an effort to fix things that are wrong, rather than complain about them being wrong, then not doing a damn thing to fix it (but, berating ME for not fixing it).

ok, i have to get to sleep, i work in the morning, and i'm tired and cranky and i don't want to have a shitty day tomorrow, because i know my whole weekend's gonna be shitty, and yesterday definitly was... so, it'd be nice to have SOMETHING nice at some point.




I kept forgetting to blog this week. I actually had a ton of chances... and I just never did it. Oh well. I'm sure no one was distressed by this in any way.

I'm working for Suman now, so I'm at work. I'm restoring and upgrading this guy's laptop. It is the most exciting thing I have EVER done! I cannot complain at all though, because i'm also drinking a soda and watching teevee. Suman was actually just mentioning how nice it is to have a big screen teevee and a fridge full of food in the "office" (I'm in his living room... the basement will be the office soon, but it's still in it's post-tara chaotic state, so it'll be a bit).

woot! The service pack install I was waiting on is done! Thus, I'm gonna go and actually actively accomplish things, rather than wait for things to finish.


Girls Next Door

Ok, I am too obsessed with E! shows. First Wild on Tara, and now the new playboy mansion show... It's so awesome. We're still in the Paris Hilton phase of teevee. I totally miss having cable, if only because I don't get to watch bad celeb teevee everynight.

Aw man... Girls Next Door is over, I think it's Kill Reality now... I've never seen this one, but it's got Trishelle... who scares me... so... I'm a little worried. I think we're gonna watch a movie instead. Suman's in the kitchen making filet mignon, it's taking way too long though... because I'm starving.

I was supposed to go to the fair today, Suman and I were going to drive up and meet my dad and my uncles in Des Moines, but I was sick yesterday, and I was still all sick this morning... So, I decided to stay in Iowa City and rest. I'm sad that I'm missing the fair, but there's still a tiny chance I could go sometime this week.

Ok, I'm gonna go and see if there's anything I can do to hurry up the food situation. Maybe I'll post more later.


Wild on Tara!

OMG. Wild on Tara has to be the best worst show ever. Like...Tara is just such a stupid ho, and she has NO IDEA. She's such a tool. Paris Hilton is prettier when she's not doing the ParisPose (tm). I wonder what it would be like to be Tara Reid and have no idea how lame you were, and just like, bumble drunkenly through a charmed, rich, life... and get your own show where you get to talk about how intelligent you are, and how much you LOVE everything, and how AMAZING everything is. Oh my god. Tara was just talking about Paris, and she's like "you never see her in real life! like, you see her out on the red carpet, or milking chickens." Also, you can totally tell that Tara's all wasted, and ParisParis and ManParis totally want her to go away. Like, Tara's all dancing up on ManParis, and you can tell he's like "uhm, ParisParis, come save me from your scary friend!" did anyone see the most recent Tara picture on go fug yourself? It is frightening.

i really only signed on to post about how unbelieveable Wild on Tara is. I wish I was watching it with friends so i could bitch about how lame she is... rather than blogbitching about it.

p.s. I know I'm totally opening myself up for hatemail/hatecomments with my "i wonder what it would be like to drunkenly bumble through life not knowing how lame you are" comment. so, if you're gonna be a jerk, please be original.



I'm eating lunch. I was going to make bacon turkey melts. I had everything all started, and I went and got the turkey, which we bought less than a week ago, and no one has used ANY of it... and it is ROTTEN. Like, I touched it and it was mushy, and I almost threw up. SO gross.

so instead I just ate the bacon I'd made, and made a salad and hot dog to go along with it. It's a really good salad though, I'm pretty happy about it.

Matt's in Wisconsin until Thursday, and I'm leaving for Ames Friday night... because I'm going to.... The Iowa State Fair! Yay!! I'm excited. I get to see my uncle Rob and aunt Sarah, my uncle Davis (whose real name is David, we just call him Davis cuz he can't type), my cousins Amy and Emily and their husbands, and Amy's kids. and apparently my Aunt Beth as well. And prolly my aunt Mary too. Wow. Jeanne's gonna be the only one missing. Poor Jeanne. But, she's in Florida. So, she DESERVES to miss the fun, if Florida's more important than her FAMILY! Anyhow, Rob, Sarah, Davis, my dad, my sister and I are going to the fair on Saturday... so we don't have to do the fair tour with two small children. We were unable to ditch Allie, unfortunately.

I'm really excited though, I haven't been to the fair in FOREVER. And I love the state fair. So much random Iowa fun to be had. And they have buffalo jerky. Which is really good.

In other news, Renata's home, but she still isn't updating her blog, and it makes me very very very sad. I was so excited when she got home, and now I bet she went and left again without telling anyone, and now I am woeful.

Ok, I'm gonna go read the CB boards and laugh at all the craziness the Rent movie is causing. There's a new person who spells "want" w-o-n-t. It makes me wont to die.



I have dealt with far too many stupid drunk people in the past week. Seriously. just... out of their mind, moronic, no excuse drunk asses. Stop it!

I really don't have anything to blog about, I just thought I'd post quick while I had the chance. Matt doesn't have internet at his house, and rather than get it, he wants to convince his parents to buy him a laptop so he can steal wireless internet. He thinks it's brilliant, I do not. Especially since Iowa City randomly is being all hardcore about stealing WiFi. Like, actual arrests and shit. Plus, he already had TWO computers. Whatever. I really don't care either way, it just seems like some harebrained plan the Marx brothers would try.

My shoulder hurts from holding the phone to my ear with it while doing laundry and talking to Graham. I cleaned out my car yesterday (no, I don't have my license back, no I'm not getting it back soon. $200 "processing fee" to reinstate it (what the HELL do they have to do? it's a fifty cent piece of plastic and a couple keystrokes. Like i'm not ALREADY giving you ENOUGH of my money. Bastards.) Plus insurance, and fines... and all that crap. So, looks like instead of waiting for all that to get taken care of, we're going to sell my car, to insure that all the money we spend to get me licensed is wasted, as I won't have anything to drive. I'm not sure how my dad thinks I'm going to be getting to and from class... but, no one really seems to care either way. So, expect upcoming semesters to be even more bitter, as I'm gonna be stuck at school for 12 hours at a time.

anyway, the main gist of that is, I cleaned out my car, and it was full of clothes, so now I'm doing laundry and sorting it into "keep" and "sell at stuff etc." piles. Stuff Etc is so shady though, everything there costs as much used as it does new. I've seen used stuff there that's more expensive than the brand new, newer model counterpart in the stores. When I was little it was an awesome store, but now it's a chain, and it's huge and useless. And since Zane left, it is apparently staffed only by moronic girls. It's fun to see them trying to deal with the furniture, but not fun trying to accomplish anything. We were there the other day and there were like six of them trying to move a desk, and NO ONE else anywhere in the store.

Ok, I'm gonna post this so i can move on to bigger and better things. Like my Auditions, which I ought to be getting ready for.