
bowling compulsively

so, my buddy sandy gets to go to the rent movie premiere, because she is an ultimate renthead! (there was a contest, and they didn't actually announce a winner, but they're sending all three finalists. which is lame, but awesome.)

also, on the boards, rick's (or maybe roland's) ex-girlfriend (or possibly just ex-fuck) just randomly showed up and started bitching. it was hilarious. finally someone locked the thread, thank god. i enjoyed it though, nothing like showing up to air your dirty laundry on a message board with over a thousand members. very cool.

i'm at work, so, i'm gonna go. but i just wanted to post about those two things. because they are some of the many reasons i adore compulsivebowlers.org.


.need to go to sleep.
.got a tootsie pop stuck to my shirt while i was talking to zane earlier.
.am really bored.
.am really lonely.
.found my missing grey slipper (yay!)
.can't find my warm pajama pants
.bought a new GREEN sleep mask at target yesterday.
.have SO much to do tomorrow.
.am jealous that renata gets to see stu in amsterdam, and i have to just see him here.
.am going to bed. because i'm tired.



ok, i'm blogging this because i keep forgetting about it.

stuart's at the mill on october 14th.

that's all.

my GOD, blogger!

take six hours to open why don't you?!

i am not in the mood to wait for your dumb ass, blogger. so knock it off. grrr. i'm in a not so patient mood today. and my soda keeps trying to soak me. i think burger king gave me a dribble glass. and a dribble sandwich. i just got mayonaise on my shirt. stupid mayonaise.

i totally don't understand how jessica simpson can put up with her assistant, when cacee (isn't that her name? i don't like her already, learn how to spell your name! now!) is exactly the same as jessica, and like... makes an effort to be a jessica clone. i couldn't do it. i want to stab people when they act like me. i don't like me, i'm mean, i'm demanding, i'm cynical, and i don't like taking shit from people. so... if someone is like "oh, i really like megan..." and then starts imitating me, i'm immediately like "what the hell's your problem?!" people always find it weird when i'm like "stop acting like me, it's annoying." or "i don't like them, they act too much like me" ... they're always like "what, so it's not attractive when they do it, but it is when YOU do it?" and the only way i can answer that is, "you're the one that's friends with me..." I'M not friends with me, and i totally wouldn't be friends with me. i'm spoiled and self centered and shallow and not very nice to people i don't like... but, hey, you went and became friends with me so leave me alone. see... THAT should be a reality show... not jessica and cacee annoy poor nick lachey... but... get me an assistant who tries to imitate me and watch me flip out about it. i personally wouldn't watch it... but hey. (who am i kidding, if it were on vh1, i would TOTALLY watch it.)

this post isn't very nice. to me at least. i keep insulting myself. doh. i seriously think about that a lot though. and it's all brought on by watching celebrity best friends on vh1.

i hate ty pennington or whatever his name is... the handyman guy from trading spaces who's the sears guy now? oh he's so annoying. just a little too excitable.

i have another complaint about burger king... my fries aren't done all the way, and they're gross. boooo. and the last bite of my sandwich tasted weird... bleaaagh.

there's the scariest picture of gwyneth paltrow on
thesuperficial (sidenote, i love that the tagline for superficial is "beause you're ugly"). seriously gwyneth... eat soemething. you look scary. really. they just showed a really hot picture of her on teevee and i was like "i don't know if that can be the same person..."

i obviously don't have anything to talk about. so i'm gonna go.



so, i typed a post, and aol killed it. because aol is satan, and the only reason we use it is because we live in the middle of nowhere and can only use dial up. and we've had it for like... six years, and it's tough to convince my parents to change. and really, we only live on the edge of nowhere now. there's all sorts of crap being built up around us. it seems like we should be able to have internet like normal people! i dont' WANT to have to sit in coffee houses when i need to get stuff done! (that reminds me.. do to: add the giant website graphics to the html form i made. asap.)

anyhow, yeah, aol sucks, and i hate it. suman was supposed to pick me up for work like three and a half hours ago. and he hasnt'. he claims he was troubleshooting something for a client, but i bet he was just ebaying and laying around with the dog. i didn't sleep last night (i woke up at like 2 feeling like shit, and didn't fall back asleep until five thirty, it sucked,) so when he called at 12 and was like "i'm gonna be late" i was like "ok, call when you're on your way" and took off my work clothes and got back in bed. rightly suspecting he would be upwards of an hour late, and that whenever he called, i would have a good half hour before he got here. and, i was right. he called about thirty minutes ago to say he was on his way. so, he's gotten distracted again, apparently.

what else was in my poor deleted post...? hmm... oh, i'm gonna start a flickr account. because everyone has them, and they're cool, and i'm jealous. i want to bore the world with my pictures too, dammit. (i shouldn't say that, renata's flickr is actually REALLY entertaining. well, a big part of that is because she's in london, but another big part of it is all of the captions. which are hilarous.) so. i've decided. i shall get a flickr as well. man, i always feel like i'm copying renata, like, ALWAYS. it's just because she's smarter than me so she figures stuff out faster. i did uh... start my blog first though! just technically though, because she had a fairly kickass website before that. (i REMEMBER it being kick ass, though i'm sure if it still existed, i would be less impressed. it was like, five years ago? (holy cow!?)) oh, also, i THINK... i saw rent first. just by chance though. those are the only two things i've ever done on my own apparently. one is a technicality, and the other is just a fluke. i'm destined to copy renata forever. oh well, at least she's cool.

also, i just realized that the first time i saw rent was SEVEN YEARS AGO. oh my god i'm old. i'm gonna go over to the compulsivebowlers boards and wave my cane at the newbies.

really though, i'm gonna go read the boards. so, bye.

also, i'm putting my number up here so zane can call me. don't anyone start phone stalking me. if you don't have my new number, i SUPPOSE you can write it down... but, yeah, no stalking. and don't be surprised if i dont' answer when you call. i screen a lot after five. it's three one nine, six three one, zero seven zero five. shhhh.



it's been a very laid back sunday so far. read for awhile, watched a movie... pretty boring, but very nice. a minute ago i was walking through the family room, where dad and allie are watching the ring 2, and i apparently scared allie, because as soon as i walked in she was like "AUGH!" and jumped. i was gonna watch it with them, but i've never seen the first ring movie... so i decided to come blog and read. though, the kid in the ring 2's name is like... hayden, or aidan... and they keep yelling it and it sounds like megan when i'm not paying attention. so, i keep thinking someone's yelling at me, but it's just the movie.

i'm hungry, and i want to eat something, but i'm lazy. i have leftovers from last night though... we went to perkins at like... 2am, because i was starving to death. then there was a drunk bar crawl there... and they were SO annoying... and the whole restaurant was packed, and it took forever to get our food. then, by the time it got there, i was literally falling asleep. so i ate like a third of it and took the rest to go, because i was going to pass out. i actually did fall riding home from perkins. SO tired. but, i slept late today, and have just been laying around, and it's soooo nice.

alright, i'm gonna go eat, so i'll be back later.



i got a comment from zane! it was so exciting to get a comment from zane. i was like "yay! a comment! YAY A COMMENT FROM ZANE!" so exciting. though, zane, you did not leave me your e-mail address! so i cannot email you! but, i will just talk to you via my blog. so, i've tried to call you like a million times, but you're never there! and everyone's always like "zane? what kind of name is that?" and i'm like, "shut up and go find him." i left a message with the office with my phone number, and i told them i was going to try to come up and visit on sunday, but they said i wasn't on the visitors list yet. and that your counselor prolly had it. and, i dont know if i can get a ride on sunday now, so... otherwise, next weekend for sure. also, i wrote you a looong (and fairly important) letter and mailed it on friday. but, i got your letter that you were in davenport friday when i got home. doh.

i cannot believe i will be seeing ZANE in like, a WEEK! oh em gee.

i'm watching friends and eating a chicken sandwich. yuuum. also, my watch alarm goes off every night at 9:30, and i don't know where the watch is, but every night i hear it beeping. stupid watch.

matt's bar crawl last night was a success. at one point i was really pissed off with some people, but i got over it. i mostly hung out with perry, and we had to take care of rich after we left sports column, because he was WASTED. he was on the phone with his mom, and she was gonna come get him (rich is 25, btw... it was pretty funny) so, i got on the phone with her and gave her directions, and perry and i practically carried him over to where his mom parked (in front of atlas). if i don't get to hang out with perry after matt leaves, i'm gonna be so sad. i heart perry. matt was WASTED, people kept buying him drinks and shots. i ran into keith and hung out with him after bar close, and got to see ben, and it was great.

you know what else is great? my u of iowa sweatshirt. it's like... the most comfy shirt ever. best saturday night ever, laying around watching friends and screwing around on my lap top. i may play sims in a little bit, anyone want to be in my sims game? because i just reloaded it and i need to recreate all my families. leave a comment and i'll make a sim of you ^_^

my foot hurts, my toe's broken again, and matt stepped on it at blockbuster. it hurts. boo.

ok, i'm in a good mood, so i may blog more tonight, depending on whether anything interesting is going on.



Zane's in davenport! and i can CALL him! and TALK to him! and VISIT him!!


also, matt's goodbye bar crawl is tonight! woohoo!! they're finishing up the tee shirts, and then we're off. i don't actually know where we're going... but, we're going to bars. woohoo!



so, i just made the most ridiculously huge sandwich... like five slices of bacon, a TON of turkey, two slices of cheese... on this enormous bagel. even though i was STARVING the whole time i was making it i'm like "there's no way i'll eat all this..."

i did. and i totally doused it in ranch. and that's in addition to a bowl of cottage cheese with tomatoes... and now i'm eating pudding. oh it's sooo good though.

i watched the LOST season premiere tonight, and it was awesome. i can't wait for next week. i also can't wait to buy the whole first season on dvd. i love LOST more than any normal person should... the only thing that makes me feel better about my obsession is the crazy livejournal communities that are full of people who obsess over each individual line and all the characters... i'm not QUITE that bad yet. (and if anyone mentions "rent" in the comments in regards to this, i will kick you.)

man, i totally want another sandwich.

also, if you read this post, will you please comment? blogger is being bizarre, and i'm never sure what actually publishes and what doesn't. if you'd comment (even if it's just to tell me i'm a fat ass for eating that whole sandwich) it'd be super.



so, apparently the t-shirt place is claiming they didn't talk to me, and matt freaked out and called me at work, but there really wasn't anything i could do. so. yeah, i'll call tomorrow morning.

i'm using the new lap top though, which is exciting. i'm gonna finish some stuff with this, so i'll write more later.


woohoo wednesday! happy hump day!

this wednesday is good and bad. good because it's hump day, almost the end of the week! bad, because it's almost friday, and the bar crawl's friday. however, i did call around and find a place to buy cheap black shirts in bulk (yay!), and matt apparently called all the bars and got info, but then went out and got drunk last night and forgot it all. so... step forward, step back. but he claimed to have written it down...but he didn't. now he claims to have saved it on his phone? whatever works. if he can have a bar list by the time i get off work today, i will be happy. and if we can have all the templates and crap for the shirts made tonight, i will be happy. and if we get the shirts picked up tomorrow, and at least half done, i will be THRILLED. since, matt was supposed to work 11-2 today, i figured we couldn't get anything done early (by his standards)... but he didn't work. so blah. we could have gotten the shirts picked up today. blaaah. and, he works 5-12 tomorrow. and 11-2 on friday. i just hope his happy ass realizes i'm not going to cut off work early on friday to help make t-shirts, so he'd better get a planning for tomorrow.

all in all i'm pleased with the progress that has been made with bar crawl planning. considering it's been done in two days. so, tonight: pick up stuff at wal mart, come up with logo for front, template for back. figure out time to actually do all the shirts... and we're done for tonight. i just hope matt doesn't remember whatever it is he made plans to do tonight. (i talked to him last night, and he's all drunk and is like "i have plans tomorrow, i've definitely got to go out tomorrow night." and today he's like "nuh uh, i never said that.")

in other news, my new lap top came in the mail today! i haven't seen it yet, because it's at suman's. and he's out fixing cammie's car? or something? i really couldn't tell you. though, i could tell you that since uscellular's directory assistance is down john (the other guy that works for him) and i have become suman's personal directory assistance. speaking of suman, he's on his way to get me, so i've gotta go.


dammit blogger. start working. or i will kill you.


my last post refused to publish. stupid blogger.

also, i hate word verification, when there's a weird blurry box with lines and tilty letters.... and you have to prove you're not a computer by typing the words in... i can never tell whether things are 1's, or I's or l's ... and it's so frusterating, and makes me feel stupid.

that's really all i wanted to talk about.

end of the WORLD

Matt's goodbye bar crawl is this friday. anyone want to come? it's on facebook parties if you're a facebooker. otherwise leave a comment. it is apparently also the biggest thing to happen EVER. i have never seen so much drama over so little (not that matt leaving isn't a big deal. it is, but, the little details of the bar crawl are not QUITE as big as being deployed for a year and a half). i mean... i've worked in a gay bar, i hang out with gay people, i've planned gay bar crawls... and nothing has been this bad. "you mean, someone doesn't want to wear a bar crawl shirt?! OOOH my GOD! *dies*" so. i guess it has fallen to matt to plan his own goodbye bar crawl. i offered to do it, so i imagine i'll do a fair amount, but not until everyone calms down. that reminds me, i need to call cal. i'll do that after work. oh crap, and i need to talk to will. i can do that right now. oh, he's not online. i can't do that right now. blaaah.

ow, i couldn't figure out why my wrist hurt so bad. but it was because i have a hair tie on my wrist and it was squeezing the bruise on my wrist. doh. stupid wrist.

ok, i'm gonna go back to talking to zac, because he's a lot more interesting than talking to myself on my blog.



i'm dying my hair. i hate it right now, it makes me want to die. and as everyone knows, whenever something is wrong, i change my hair color or length. i want to grow my hair out though, so i'm refraining from anything too extreme. i half want to just cut it all off. and dye it really dark again. i'm done with light blonde. maybe darkish blonde. i'm really trying to not go out of control. so, we'll see.

still though. worst monday ever. shopping on the way home includes hair dye and ice cream now. we'll see if the list grows much more.


i'm in a disgustingly bad mood. so upset that i'm physically sick. i've thrown up twice today, just because i'm working, and i can't cry. it's weird that it's easier to take five minute to go to the bathroom to throw up, and no one notices, but if you so much as tear up a little bit, everyone notices you've been crying and wants to talk to you. and i really don't feel like letting anyone in these offices know that i am not happy right now... ugh.

at least i'm getting a lot done. and i got to take a nap this morning thanks to a mess up with dell's support. and now i have panera food, and it's a nice lunch break, because i can eat my food and cry in private. which is good, because i'm really hungry.

i'm stopping to get chocolate ice cream on the way home. then i'll go sit in bed and eat it. and watch romeo and juliet, because i bought it like a week ago, and i still haven't watched it. that should be a hint of how upset i am. i hate chocolate. and i don't really like ice cream that much. and i hate watching movies. when i'm in a good mood, i don't have the attention span to sit that long.




it's eight o'clock.

i've been eating dinner for like... the past hour and a half. suman made steaks, and veggies, and i sat and slowly munched and watched real world.

alas, it is sunday, and i have to go to studio for the miss iowa city pageant. and, i need to get there at eight thirty, AND i need to stop at home so i can change clothes and bring jon his mink wrap.

ok, i'm gonna pester suman.


new orleans

I'm at work waiting for various updates and downloads and whatnot, and i've been reading into the new orleans situation a little more in depth. i can't believe that we can send god knows how many people off to iraq and whatnot... and we can't even get enough national guard troops to louisiana to take care of our own citizens. i can't imagine how horrible it must be down there. there are reports of over 100,000 people still in new orleans. and, now they can't evacuate as effiently, because people are threatening the troops and volunteers with guns... and "evacuate my family first, or i'll shoot you," kind of thing.

i'm going to have to restart my machine in about a minute here, so i'm gonna cut this short. but i'm donating to the red cross this week, and i think everyone should at least do a little bit. send in one night's worth of bar money and have a movie night this weekend, or SOMETHING. seriously.

# 91

you spin my right round is only the 91st best dance song ever, according to vh1. what a travesty. i can't believe macarthur park is higher on the list! well, it's only two or three spots higher, but it's SO bad. no one cares about who left your damn cake in the rain. what were you doing with your cake outside in the first place? honestly.

i'm taking my lunch break, and checking my email before i head back out to (hopefully) finish a project at an office downtown. i've been working down there all week, and every day i'm like "i think i'll finish today! yay!" then something happens, and i don't. and it makes me sad. it's also turning my write up into the most confusing procedure manual EVER. no two computers have set up the same way so far... it's kind of expected, but frusterating nonetheless.

ooh, according the the viewer poll, truly, madly, deeply is the best slow dance song. awww. seriously, why bother reading vh1.com? i keep you up to date right here. also, macarena makes me want to die. i never ever want to see a bunch of fat white guys doing the macarena at a wedding (or, my family reunion... i've never been more ashamed of bohlkes) ever again.

ok, i'm gonna look over my notes and see what i'm gonna need to do downtown and smoke a cigarette... then go downtown.

also, allie, i didn't save the address to your xanga site, will you leave it in a comment for me? i'll look at it later tonight ^_^