try to use all the negative energy i have on something productive... aside from making tuna salad... which, by the way, i am going to eat ALL of.
ok, so stuff that needs to get done. i've been thinking about all this stuff, and just doing it as i think of it. i need it all written out and posted somewhere that i'm going to see it and think of it all the time. (i'm printing the list to put on the fridge at home too).
--make sure that suman knows that the two weeks of hours i sent him are both yet to be paid.
(i worked 16.5 hrs two weeks in a row, and i think he doesn't realize that he's only paid me for one of them).--pack up matt's computer desk.
i've been having trouble packing matt's stuff and putting it away... like, his shoes are still by the door, because if i put them in a box it means he's REALLY not going to wear them... because he's in stupid mississippi.--either throw out, give away, or disassemble and pack up matt's desk.
--sweep and use the woodfloor swiffer in the living room.
--clean the baseboards and window sills.
--get rid of the four million wire hangers in the closet.
seriously! matt, don't you watch queer eye?! wire hangers = bad!--wash the windows
--wash wall in kitchen where mysterious brown streak is.
i think (hope) it's chocolate.--move couch to new apartment.
--continue to pester mom about taking the pretty rug to new apartment.
--bring vaccuum to apartment.
but, only if i get the rug. even then... i don't think it has any bags... hmm.--set up file drawer.
for all my important stuff, plus all matt's important stuff that i'm dealing with.--call phone company AGAIN.
i don't believe that no one's had a land line in this apartment. nor do i care. i want a land line! and the little paper matt got with our lease has info on getting a land line! so, phone company, get your buts to work! which reminds me...--call obnoxious landlord/manager about land line.
this is an ongoing issue, plus zane can't visit until i have one, and i need to give it to matt's parents, and to several billion other people, because i don't want my work cell to be my only #. which it is. plus, the only people that call me aside from matt, suman and zane are people calling for tammy. (i've been woken up in the middle of the night TWICE now. grrr.)--go grocery shopping.
also, figure out grocery list for just one person. i don't know how to cook for just me. i've always cooked for me and a roommate. or me and graham, or me and matt and mason and perry. lately i don't cook, because it seems like so much work when it's just me eating, and i don't care what i eat... i've been eating a lot of crackers lately. and the last of the frozen veggies.--move table to new apartment.
the skinny one i want to put in the living room.--move chair to go with table.
--move all my shampoo and lotions and junk to apartment.
--find missing laundry baskets
seriously, i have like four. and i can only find two.--re-dye hair.
i died the platinum part so it would match my roots dark blonde with red, but now it's faded and doesn't match anymore.--rearrange bedroom.
see, the bed is centered on one wall now, and there's no room for anything else. i would like either a vanity or a dresser, or at least somewhere to put the laundry without feeling like it's in the way.--DO DISHES.
i've washed the wine glasses a million times. just because... well, erin brought wine, then jeff and laura and cal were over, then adam... then victor and brian... so, i keep washing those so they have things to drink from.--compile folder of all the work stuff suman is constantly asking for, so i always have it.
because i don't like carrying ALL my stuff for work... because there's a lot... but suman always wants some obscure thing that is back at my place. so i'm making him copies so he can deal with them.--get sr-22 quotes from progressive.
i'm actually doing the website version right now, but i have to actually talk to someone.--call uihc about papers certifying that i am not an alcoholic.
i have to prove i'm not an alcoholic, or am in treatment, to get my license back.--figure out if i can pay $400 to DOT and get my license.
from the letter they just sent me, it seems like i can pay $400 and have proof i'm not an alcoholic, and proof of insurance, and get my license. but, i THOUGHT i had to pay my full fine, which is over $1000, or like, at least half of it, before i could get it.--call mercy hospital for other appointment stuff.
sisters of mercy back.
because i feel bad not returning phone calls from nuns, who are really nice to me.--upload pictures to flikr so i can delete them from my flash drive.
--get nails done
--get hair cut?
i wear it in a pony tail every day. i seriously haven't done anything with it in over a month.--take measurements for breakfast bar thing in kitchen
--measure weird cabinet we have at home.
(see, we have this fairly nice, random shelf thing, and at my apartment there's this random spot next to the stove that is occupied by a table built from 2x4s and press board. i would like to get rid of it and replace it with our cabinet.)--buy an iron.
actually, look around for iron/call matt. it seems like he has one, because he has to iron his class A uniform. though he may have used perry's... though... there's an ironing board in the pantry... at any rate... obtain iron.--measure places where i'm considering shelves.
--decide if i want to keep the ugly black shelves in the bedroom.
--figure out what to do if i DON'T want the ugly black shelves.
--get fabric to make curtain for around bottom of bathroom sink.
i'm catsitting dill while my parents are in mexico, and that's where i'm gonna put his litter box, so it'd be nice to have it out of sight. plus, afterwards i was planning on keeping a shelf under there. or possibly bringing scout to live with me. though, i asked matt for a puppy for christmas, so maybe having a full time cat wouldn't work.--write matt another letter.
even though he hasn't gotten the one i already sent him! i sent a package and a letter, and i sent money in the letter... and i sent them separate, because i expected the package to take longer... and i wanted him to get a nice letter right when he got to camp shelby, and to have money to go to the PX, but NOOOOOO. he got the package two days after i sent it, and still hasn't gotten the letter. i'm annoyed.--continue thinking of things that need to be done.