
halloween weekend!

i'm watching friends at home. i ran into adam while i was walking home from john's grocery, and he invited me to a party, but i'm staying home. i'm just not in a put-up-with-drunk-people-in-costumes mood tonight. there were a ton of people at john's getting kegs and shit, and they were all in costume, and all already stupid drunk. i had been thinking about going downtown for awhile, but five minutes waiting at john's changed my mind. i keep hearing people walking by on their way to the bars. it's like, i want to go, but i can't, and i just don't feel like it... but i want to.

i need to make some food. because all i've had today was two pop-tarts. graham and i were going to have lunch, but he lost his phone last night, and i didn't want to call him, because i think he takes me trying to get ahold of him as stalking, and i didn't want to put up with that, so i figured he'd just call... but he'd lost his phone, so he didn't have my number. and he called my parent's house a bunch of times, but apparently allison was asleep (until two? wtf?) and "didn't hear the phone" (her phone used to wake me up in MY room). and i guess no one else was home? so, i finally called and left a message around 2:30, and he stopped by at 3:30ish, but we didn't go get lunch... and then i watched movies ('girl, interupted' and 'return to oz') and worked on some stuff online... and didn't eat... (well, i had a mini three muskateers bar). now, it's almost ten, and i haven't eaten, and i've reached the point where my blood sugar's so low i can hardly even make something to eat. (last time i did this i was talking to matt on the phone while trying to just make tuna salad... and i kept haveing to sit down on the floor of the kitchen because i was so dizzy and tired. stupid stupid megan.) but, i know i have leftover chicken alfredo sauce, so i think i'm just going to boil some fettucine, and reheat my sauce.

matt's supposed to have called me by now. *frowl* i guess... he got off line at ... eiiight? and he was going to shower, and clean up his bunk, and then call. and i thought it'd be around 9:30... but.. boo. though, i should get up and start cooking before he calls, otherwise i have to cook one handed. after i cook, i'm gonna clean up. it's not really messy here, but it's just cluttered. and it's bugging me.

maybe after i clean i'll go on a meme-a-thon for renata's amusement. or sell my blog and take off to london to hang out with her. i doubt anyone would want to buy my blog... but, hey.

ok, i started the water boiling, and put my leftover alfredo sauce on the stove... but it was all chicken and hardly any sauce, so i added more sauce... and i decided to make a big batch of bowtie pasta instead of linguine. that way if i'm hungry later i can have pasta and olive oil and parmesan and mozzarella. yay! ok. i'm going to go clean up the kitchen a little (i dropped the tupperware lid on the floor, and it landed sauce side down. sad face.) sooo. yeah. happy saturday before halloween everyone! i hope that all of you that are drunkenly walking by my apartment have fun. i also hope that the guy down the hall doesn't have afterhours again. because his friends are annoying and loud. and hang out in the hallway. which is essentially MY FRONT DOOR. it's ok though, because i can spy on them through my new peephole.



My blog is worth $9,597.18.
How much is your blog worth?

though, renata's blog is worth twice as much. alas, she is always cooler than me. i need to find a good meme to fill out to appease her. since i scolded her for tagging me last time. (it's just that i ALWAYS get sent that one!)


stupid u.s. post office. ("more like the u.s. LOST office!" quick, what's that quote from?)

ah well, i guess now i get to try again. i appreciate getting things done SO much more now that i don't drive. doctors appointments that stretch over three days, when they should take ONE are a perfect example. just because your office is full of incompetant receptionists, i should not have to come to coralville THREE different times. especially since, if i had gone to UIHC for this appointment, i would have been there ONCE. and i would not have had to go to RANDOM buildings that are not attatched to the doctor's office. stupid satellite clinics. UIHC prolly would have kept me in various waiting rooms for at least as much time as i spent in the doctors office, but every one of them would have been IN the hospital.

i also had to deal with strangest lab tech ever. like, i'm in the lab waiting room (which, of course, is completely independent and separate from the clinic. blaah.) and there's two other people there. one of whom is there from a pre employment drug screening (i was eavesdropping), and is wearing a shirt with a pot leaf on it. and one... who i guess was just getting clinic blood work like me. the lab tech (she was the receptionist too), was SO rude to both of them. like... just really bitchy and condescending. then, i go back for my blood work, and she's SO nice to me. like... chatty and friendly and stuff. i was like "what?" plus, she took faaaar more blood than any doctor would ever want. i didn't want to say anything, but i was like "dude, seriously. leave SOME of it in me..." ... yeah, weird lab tech though.

then, today, i was trying to get suman to tell me if he needed me, and i told him to call me around noon or two, otherwise i was just going to go about my day as planned, and not make room for work. he keeps going on about how busy my day is, and he won't need me, i shouldn't bother, he WON'T need me. then i check my phone later and there's like nine million missed calls from suman. aaaaargh. i would have rather worked this afternoon than do all the random crap i did (productive and neccessary random crap, but still). hooooow hard would it have been to say something at nine am when i talked to him?! so frusterating.

also, mercy was supposed to send me info about my doctors appointments and stuff, and instead they sent me a map of johnson county, and a bunch of mercy on call information. i was like "uh, thaaanks?" so, if i even get lost in johnson county (possibly while trying to find the many different buildings that mercy's offices are scattered in), i will have a map.


temple of doom

in my apartment, every morning around 9:00, there's this ray of sunlight that hits one of my living room windows, and somehow it hits the blinds so that a reeeeally thin beam of light shoots in. it looks JUST like the part in temple of doom when indiana jones is in the cave thing, with the stick and the amulet thing, and the light points at where to dig. according to my apartment, he should dig in the corner of the living room by the radiator. exactly where my air purifier sits. my air purifier is the temple of doom!

also, my air purifier reminds me of the episode of friends when ross is living with joey and chandler and he has the air purifier that drives chandler crazy because of the noise it makes. i actually have the air purifier more for the noise than the purification... i need to have noise in the background to fall asleep, so i usually have friends on, or i leave a fan on so there's something. but it's too cold in here to leave the fan on, and sometimes i'm too lazy for friends. so my mom brought the air purifier.

ok, my battery's gonna die, and i've gotta get ready, so i've gotta post this quick.


the whole pink locker room scandal at kinnick is in this month's issue of 'the advocate' (which also has some of the cast of the rent movie on the cover. ooh.)

i rearranged my living room again. before you walked in the front door and the couch was on your right, along the entire wall. then, my desk was just to the left of the door between the front door and the kitchen door. on the wall to the left was the palm tree and the teevee and what not. the wall opposite the door didn't have anything except matt's old desk, and the ottoman for the couch. NOW, the couch is split a little bit. everything else is the same, only instead of the couch going all the way to the far wall, i pulled a section out to use as a chair, (which i put where the desk used to be), and put an end table in the corner. i know that doesn't make much sense... but i'll take pictures tomorrow to illustrate how lovely it is. also, there's a coffee table now. it's ACTUALLY two end tables pushed together, and it's not very cute, but it's much better than random teevee trays. which i was always knocking over.

also, after spending all day in a horrible mood, coming home and sitting in bed watching friends, i decided to make fettucine alfredo. so i made fettucine and sauce and chicken, (while talking to matt, who called right as i started cooking). then, after eating i went on a cleaning spree and deep cleaned the kitchen. which ended up being a good thing, because i took matt's desk apart (well, i took the top shelves off and left the bottom table part intact) and put it in the kitchen! and now i actually have room for stuff in the kitchen! very exciting. plus, it fit REALLY well, and it looks fine! though, i had to move matt's weights from by the fridge, and now i have nowhere to put them. plus, they're so heavy i have to roll them around because i can't lift them. AND the kitchen floor slants, so they won't even sit against the wall where i want them to sit until i can move them. they keep rolling away.

i'm still in a really awful mood, but at least i was very productive with it. i also decided that rather than wait and buy a really nice rug for the living room, i'm just going to buy a cheap wal mart one. because really, a plain rug would look fine in the living room. my mom offered to give me her fake oriental rugs from HER college apartment, but if i remember correctly, they were falling apart back when i was in high school, and they don't match at all. SO. plain rug from wal mart it is. i would really like to get an off white one, but i question how wise that would be. then again, matt's not here to spill his drinks on it...

oh well. rug and curtains and the living room will be finished. woot! i wanted to put up my kitchen curtains today, but the curtain rods i have aren't long enough.

i have a huge list of things i'd like to get done tomorrow, most of which i would have liked to do today, but didn't have time for before five... and then when i got home at six i was just like... sad and lethargic. so i didn't do anything until i decided i had to cook or i'd starve...

ok, i only got online to look up an episode of friends. so i'm gonna do that.



matt JUST called. at ONE AM. he has been on duty ALL day. i feel sooooo bad for him. i mean, he had to get up at like, five am. and do army stuff until one am. i was really upset, because i thought that he just didn't call when he got done today. but then he did call, and he had such a crappy day, i felt sooooo bad for him. i told him about my current "hate issues" aka, how his friend was attacking me on her blog, and making me feel like shit... and he reassured me that the right thing to do is to ignore her. it's hard, i don't like people being horrible, and me just letting it go... but... "be the bigger person."

and i am, and it's good.

i'm watching friends, (third season, first disc), "the one where no one's ready" i heart this episode.

i'm going to go unpack some stuff, and hang out on my COUCH. (i have a couch!! in my apartment!! woot!)

(also, the light at the end of the hallway has never worked, and my mom was all upset about it, because it was dark by my door. so, she brought a NEW light bulb so it would be light. turns out, the light bulb that was there was just unscrewed. which is hilarious, because i've been complaining about it forever.)



renata, when *i* click the link, it still goes to the pendant... hrmmm. was it a cool sweater at least?

i got lots of stuff done! the stuff in bold stil needs to be done, but will hopefully be done later.

--make sure that suman knows that the two weeks of hours i sent him are both yet to be paid.
--do the dishes.
--pack up matt's computer desk.

--pack up the random pile of junk in the corner. DONE!
--sweep and use the woodfloor swiffer in the living room. DONE!
--clean the baseboards and window sills.
--wash the windows.

--wash wall in kitchen.
--move all my shampoo and lotions and junk to apartment. DONE!
--move table to new apartment. DONE!
--move chair to go with table. (i doubt this will happen, the table can be disassembled to fit in a car, the chair cannot.) DONE!(today though, not yesterday)
--set up actual time to move the couch. DONE! not only that, but the couch is HERE!
--rearrange bedroom. (maybe just rearrange a little bit...) DONE!

and, other stuff that i got done...

--moved the teevee trays over
--moved my pineapple
--folded up all the random bedding that is EVERYWHERE
--got paper towels (why i didn't clean much, didn't have paper towels)
--got some essential groceries, including pepsi! woot!
--did laundry
--packed up all of matt's stuff except the desk.
--took cans and bottles back to the grocery store.
--hung my paper lantern in the living room (it's bright now! matt's was nice, but it was red, so it was all weird.)

so yay! also, i fixed matt's facebook account and livejournal for him (he ASKED me too, i didn't just hack into his account.), figured out when he was at AT, so he can get paid, swept the bedroom (still need to swiffermop). aaaand, reorganized my bookmarks! now i have the random blogs i read every day, my friends blogs, blogs of people i know, but am not friends with, and random webcomics and whatnot. it has made my daily blog reading much more effiecient.

so, now, i'm going to clean in the living room a little more, then hopefully do the dishes (and put them away), fill all my water bottles, aaand i think that's it for tonight.

whoa em gee

i've wanted this forever. but i don't have it yet! i'm gonna buy it eventually, but i don't know what i'd put on the charm. (for those of you that aren't going to click the link, it's this awesome sterling pendant that you can pick the inscription on.) isn't it cool though? any thoughts of what i should put on it? i'm thinking "525,600" or... something else. hey, if you buy it for me, YOU get to pick the inscription! what a deal. though seriously, what should i put on it? renata? you always have good ideas..



eat it phone company! i found the incoming phone lines that you claimed weren't there!


i have started a team of people to help me with the couch! which means i don't need to worry about suman's empty promises of being able to use the escalade. aaand, i will have a couch to sit on!

so so so so much to do today (lots of personal/family type stuff that's not on the list, plus everything on the list...) where to begin... ok, here are things i would like to accomplish today:

--make sure that suman knows that the two weeks of hours i sent him are both yet to be paid.**
--do the dishes.**
--pack up matt's computer desk.*
--pack up the random pile of junk in the corner.*
--sweep and use the woodfloor swiffer in the living room.*
--clean the baseboards and window sills.
--wash the windows.
--wash wall in kitchen.**
--move all my shampoo and lotions and junk to apartment.**
--move table to new apartment.**
--move chair to go with table. (i doubt this will happen, the table can be disassembled to fit in a car, the chair cannot.)
--set up actual time to move the couch.**
--rearrange bedroom.* (maybe just rearrange a little bit...)

alright, that's a very ambitious list... the ones with two stars are the ones that i think WILL get done today... the ones with one star will get done if i make it back with time to do stuff... and the other ones, i'll try.

ok, i'm still at my parent's house (no wait, maybe i decided to go to the bars at 4:00 on a tuesday! i bet that's what i'm doing... because i'm an uncontained party animal.), and i think i'm going to take a shower so i can do my hair... allie has a really cool straightening iron that i want to use, so i'm gonna go do that, even though i don't have any clothes to change into here. (well, not entirely true, i did laundry, but there's really nothing in there that makes an outfit, you know? very mismatched.) i'm gonna try to look nice today, since matt left i've seriously worn jeans and a sweatshirt everyday. i think it's because i don't leave the apartment very much... i'm not saying i'm not going to wear a sweatshirt tonight... but i may wear one of my nicer ones. oh yeah.

so, before leaving for downtown:

--do hair
--attempt to find clean outfit
--do make up
--eat some chocolate ice cream
--call cal and see what the plan is...
--make sure boxes to go downtown are organized and able to travel.

might as well

try to use all the negative energy i have on something productive... aside from making tuna salad... which, by the way, i am going to eat ALL of.

ok, so stuff that needs to get done. i've been thinking about all this stuff, and just doing it as i think of it. i need it all written out and posted somewhere that i'm going to see it and think of it all the time. (i'm printing the list to put on the fridge at home too).

--make sure that suman knows that the two weeks of hours i sent him are both yet to be paid. (i worked 16.5 hrs two weeks in a row, and i think he doesn't realize that he's only paid me for one of them).
--pack up matt's computer desk. i've been having trouble packing matt's stuff and putting it away... like, his shoes are still by the door, because if i put them in a box it means he's REALLY not going to wear them... because he's in stupid mississippi.
--either throw out, give away, or disassemble and pack up matt's desk.
--sweep and use the woodfloor swiffer in the living room.
--clean the baseboards and window sills.
--get rid of the four million wire hangers in the closet. seriously! matt, don't you watch queer eye?! wire hangers = bad!
--wash the windows
--wash wall in kitchen where mysterious brown streak is. i think (hope) it's chocolate.
--move couch to new apartment.
--continue to pester mom about taking the pretty rug to new apartment.
--bring vaccuum to apartment. but, only if i get the rug. even then... i don't think it has any bags... hmm.
--set up file drawer. for all my important stuff, plus all matt's important stuff that i'm dealing with.
--call phone company AGAIN. i don't believe that no one's had a land line in this apartment. nor do i care. i want a land line! and the little paper matt got with our lease has info on getting a land line! so, phone company, get your buts to work! which reminds me...
--call obnoxious landlord/manager about land line. this is an ongoing issue, plus zane can't visit until i have one, and i need to give it to matt's parents, and to several billion other people, because i don't want my work cell to be my only #. which it is. plus, the only people that call me aside from matt, suman and zane are people calling for tammy. (i've been woken up in the middle of the night TWICE now. grrr.)
--go grocery shopping. also, figure out grocery list for just one person. i don't know how to cook for just me. i've always cooked for me and a roommate. or me and graham, or me and matt and mason and perry. lately i don't cook, because it seems like so much work when it's just me eating, and i don't care what i eat... i've been eating a lot of crackers lately. and the last of the frozen veggies.
--move table to new apartment. the skinny one i want to put in the living room.
--move chair to go with table.
--move all my shampoo and lotions and junk to apartment.
--find missing laundry baskets seriously, i have like four. and i can only find two.
--re-dye hair. i died the platinum part so it would match my roots dark blonde with red, but now it's faded and doesn't match anymore.
--rearrange bedroom. see, the bed is centered on one wall now, and there's no room for anything else. i would like either a vanity or a dresser, or at least somewhere to put the laundry without feeling like it's in the way.
--DO DISHES. i've washed the wine glasses a million times. just because... well, erin brought wine, then jeff and laura and cal were over, then adam... then victor and brian... so, i keep washing those so they have things to drink from.
--compile folder of all the work stuff suman is constantly asking for, so i always have it. because i don't like carrying ALL my stuff for work... because there's a lot... but suman always wants some obscure thing that is back at my place. so i'm making him copies so he can deal with them.
--get sr-22 quotes from progressive. i'm actually doing the website version right now, but i have to actually talk to someone.
--call uihc about papers certifying that i am not an alcoholic. i have to prove i'm not an alcoholic, or am in treatment, to get my license back.
--figure out if i can pay $400 to DOT and get my license. from the letter they just sent me, it seems like i can pay $400 and have proof i'm not an alcoholic, and proof of insurance, and get my license. but, i THOUGHT i had to pay my full fine, which is over $1000, or like, at least half of it, before i could get it.
--call mercy hospital for other appointment stuff.
--call sisters of mercy back. because i feel bad not returning phone calls from nuns, who are really nice to me.
--upload pictures to flikr so i can delete them from my flash drive.
--get nails done
--get hair cut? i wear it in a pony tail every day. i seriously haven't done anything with it in over a month.
--take measurements for breakfast bar thing in kitchen
--measure weird cabinet we have at home. (see, we have this fairly nice, random shelf thing, and at my apartment there's this random spot next to the stove that is occupied by a table built from 2x4s and press board. i would like to get rid of it and replace it with our cabinet.)
--buy an iron. actually, look around for iron/call matt. it seems like he has one, because he has to iron his class A uniform. though he may have used perry's... though... there's an ironing board in the pantry... at any rate... obtain iron.
--measure places where i'm considering shelves.
--decide if i want to keep the ugly black shelves in the bedroom.
--figure out what to do if i DON'T want the ugly black shelves.
--get fabric to make curtain for around bottom of bathroom sink. i'm catsitting dill while my parents are in mexico, and that's where i'm gonna put his litter box, so it'd be nice to have it out of sight. plus, afterwards i was planning on keeping a shelf under there. or possibly bringing scout to live with me. though, i asked matt for a puppy for christmas, so maybe having a full time cat wouldn't work.
--write matt another letter. even though he hasn't gotten the one i already sent him! i sent a package and a letter, and i sent money in the letter... and i sent them separate, because i expected the package to take longer... and i wanted him to get a nice letter right when he got to camp shelby, and to have money to go to the PX, but NOOOOOO. he got the package two days after i sent it, and still hasn't gotten the letter. i'm annoyed.
--continue thinking of things that need to be done.

soooo frusterated.

so, for like the third time this week suman is just not going to do what he said he would. i got a ride to my parent's house from cal around 6, because suman said he'd be able to pick me up when he went downtown later. i knew that he'd say ten or so, and not actually get me til midnight... not a huge deal... i figured i'd just wait. so, i've been trying to figure out when he'd come get me, i've called him three times, i've messaged him... he finally ims me and is like "oh, i figured you were out at the bars" ... uh, no. duh. there's SO many reasons that i would NOT be out at the bars... but hey, remember how i'm at my parent's house packing with no way to get downtown? yeah, that would kind of stand in the way of any monday night bar hopping i may want to do. (i hate when he says stuff like that too... he'll call me at four in the afternoon and be like "HEY! you'are awake!" duh, it's four in the afternoon, of course i'm awake.) so he's like "well, call cal or adam and make one of them drive you." it's TWELVE FUCKING THIRTY. if either or them are even still up, they're at home, doing homework, ready for bed. plus, i've already had to call them and have them pick me up because suman's backed out at the absolute last minute. it wouldn't bother me at all if he would tell me "no, i can't give you a ride" right up front. but, he ALWAYS says it won't be a problem, then just avoids calling me or makes up excuses right when i need to be somewhere, or generally several hours afterwards. i just want to be able to drive again, so i don't have to depend on people to be going out of their way to get me...

so, no my options are... stay here, and get up early and go downtown with my dad... where i will drop off my stuff, and then further bother people trying to get what needs to be done tomorrow done. or take a cab back to my apartment, which would suck, because i can't very well bring all the stuff i've been packing with me in a cab. so i'd still need to figure out a time to get all that there. plus, my room is completely taken apart, i have NO blankets or bedding or anything, and any spares we have are in the closet in my parents' bedroom. and they've both been asleep for like three hours. plus, my mom works at 6:30 am, and prolly doesn't want to be woken up.

SO frusterating. i seriously want to cry, i don't want to have to sleep in a sleeping bag in my old room only to get up at 6:00 am to go to work with my dad and move tons of crap up to my apartment at 7am. but, as that looks like my only choice, i suppose i should go make sure we have a sleeping bag in the downstairs closet still. otherwise i get to unpack the throws i packed earlier and use those. (plus, they're packed with fragile stuff wrapped in them, so it's like unpacking three full boxes.)

i have enough stuff bothering me today that has been making me want to cry, i really didn't need a shitty end to my day.



i was gonna blog a big long thing, but cal called and he's gonna give me a ride home. so i need to get ready.



well, i'm at my new apartment. i loooove it. though, i just got everything all settled in, and i'm like "i should call matt! i want him to see how great it is!" then i was like "oh, wait..." because i'm smart like that.

while i know what matt meant when he said it was really lonely here, i like it. also, i find that when i live alone, i'm much more likely to clean. because i get bored, and then even the little things get done, not just the major stuff. though, i will admit there are dishes in the sink. i did put away all the clean ones though... there's just glasses left to do, and they're left over from matt's gigantic stack of dishes. i KNEW he wasn't really going to do them, he was just going to leave, and then i'd have to do them. i'm still bitter about that, which is why i haven't done them. that and they've all been rinsed (he at least did that) so they aren't skanky and frightening anymore.

my dad just came over to see the apartment, and he asked if i had any beer in the fridge and i was like "there might be some of matt's berry weiss..." and, my dad likes leinies, and i wasn't gonna drink it, so he had one, and apparently he's never had berry weiss before, and it was hilarious. it's a REALLY sweet beer, and i don't think he was expecting that at all... especially since it was matts. he expects matt to drink more manly beers, apparently. but yeah. my dad said he'd help me with the kitchen, i'm either going to move the fridge so i have space for a table where it is now (the fridge is in the most random space wasting spot ever) or, we're going to build a little thing that juts out over where the radiator is (the radiator is in the only other spot you could possibly put a table). so, either way, i will have somewhere to sit and eat breakfast. yay!

also, he fixed the knobs on the radiators so i can actually control them now (they were stuck before, and i was very concerned that they'd either be on super low, or super high, and i'd just have to deal with it all winter). so, now all i really have left to do is get my phone line set up, and move a few more pieces of furniture over... and get rid of matt's computer desk, and i'll be in business. my dad said not to get rid of the computer desk until allie sees it and can decide if she wants it. even then, if she wants it, she'll have to clean her room before my dad will bring it to her, so it may be here awhile yet.

i just ordered chinese... and i'm veeery excited about it. because all i've had to eat today is a bagel. and i'm all lightheaded and woozy. it's all suman's fault, really. i was planning on him picking me up at 10, and he didn't get there til one. and i was gonna grab something to eat once he picked me up. at about 12, i realized he was going to be even later than usual and made a bagel, because i would have died otherwise. then, we didn't get a chance to stop for lunch... so i was gonna pick something up before he dropped me off at my apartment... but then he kept trying to find the PERFECT parking spot... and we were downtown... so i figured i'd just order something or walk downtown when i got home. then i got home and started cleaning, which took two hours, then my dad came over... and then i FINALLY ordered food. and now it's gonna be 40 minutes. AAAH just as i typed that someone knocked on the door, and i went to get it, and it was my food! a whole 25 minutes early! though, he forgot my soda, so he went to get that and he'll be back. woohoo! so, i'm gonna go eat now. byee!



i heart toothpaste for dinner.

also, aaaah! wallace and gromit was soooo good! if you haven't seen the three w&g shorts, i would recommend seeing them before the movie. it will be even more hilarious. oooh my god, soooo many great parts. i looooved it.

man, del and i are reminiscing about kansas city. i hope she gets the pictures tomorrow (yes, it takes over three years to get pictures... what of it?) because she said the one we took of me about to be crushed by the falling lamp post is quality.

oook, it's 12:30(ish) and i wanted to go to bed at 12, so i'm going to bed. goodnight.

oh, and...

the boards appear to be down. stupid boards.

but i'm going to make taquitos and go work. so, bye.


cal and michael and i are going on a date tomorrow! yay!

we're going out to dinner, and then to see wallace and gromit! i'm very excited, because i don't really get to do stuff like that ever, and i'm excited! granted, my date is with two gay guys... and we're going to see an animated movie... but still, it's going to be quite the night out for me.

i just called cal to see if he was on his way home (he lives out by my parents, so i was gonna see if he wanted to hang out while he finished homework and i finished work stuff). but he was drinking wine at michaels and typing his paper. but, we gossiped, and made many sexual jokes about beer and head and how it was so good he was going to come. and planned our date. yay! i think we're going to olive garden, so i can have yummy olive garden salad and pasta! though, i will be sad, because the only people i ever go to olive garden with are gone. but now i have new people to go to olive garden with, and they're neat! and not gone!

now that i'm in a better mood i'm gonna go work til about one, then go to sleep. provided the cat hasn't taken over my bed again.



must remember to watch live with regis and kelly on thursday. rent cast will be on. it will give me something to do while i wait for suman to pick me up. (he always says "i'll be there in 10 minutes" despite the fact he's coming from 15 minutes away, and usually has to do something before he leaves.)

also... i just tried to upload a bunch of pictures to flickr, and it didn't work, and now i'm sad. i kinda wanna stay at my new/matt's old apartment tonight, but i'd have to get cal to give me a ride downtown... and pick out tomorrow's clothes right now... and just generally get off my ass. if i stayed downtown i could get a ton of website junk done...it's just a question of whether or not i would...


well, stupid iowa city only has wallace and gromit evening showings at nine. which is annoying, because with "kids movies" that have adult humor... i like there to be a 9:40 showing where you're almost guaranteed not to have kids there... whereas 9:00, some morons still bring their kids... who are usually tired and annoying. plus, cal has homework tonight, so we can't go to the 9:00 one. so we have to go tomorrow.

and, i totally ate a whole frozen pizza just now. and now i feel gross. blaah.

i need to type up some additional stuff for all the set up manual things for various offices... suman's all mad because my hand written notes aren't laid out "correctly", but... he always tries these random shortcuts with printers, then they don't work, and i have to go back and figure out how to make them work, so there's tons of sidenotes and stuff. so, i'm going to type them in a way that makes sense to him... (it won't make sense to me... but... oh well). he told me like six times tonight how important the layout of my notes was. at least it got him talking about something aside from his match making exploits. i'm debating whether to type them downstairs or in bed. if i take some cold meds i think i'll do it in bed.

aw, it's tuesday. matt and all his army buddies always went to gabes for "stupid tuesdays" ... well, happy stupid tuesday guys, i hope sleeping in tents in mississippi is as fun as hanging out in the gabe's beer garden. (hehe, i typed "bear garden" first. that'd be awesome if gabe's had a bear garden, i'd totally go there more often.)

i totally shouldn't have eaten that whole pizza. now i feel gigantic.


i have a cold. and it makes me sad. i'm like 99% sure i have aleve cold and sinus somewhere (because matt and i went to get it at target, and couldn't because of the whatever drug in it that is used to make meth. stupid non-super target. so, we had to go to wal mart, and wait in this huuuuuge line, and it took forever. but anyways, that wasn't that long ago, so i should have some left somewhere). but yeah. i have a headache, and a runny nose, and the worst dry cough ever. it's been keeping me up the past two nights, and driving me crazy at work. i had to drink like three giant things of tea just to keep from coughing non-stop. plus, suman is being even more difficult than usual so far this week (if i hear about how he took chris and nate and monica and heather out last night ONE MORE TIME i'm going to lose it).

so yeah, that's what i've been up to. i'm waiting for cal to call me back because i want to go see the new wallace and gromit movie tonight. because i had a long sickly day. i'm going to have to smuggle a giant mug of tea into the theatre so i don't cough through the movie though. i bought some good cough drops today... and they help. my mom gave me a handful of cough drops earlier, but they were stupid ludens or whatever. so they're pretty much cherry candy. useless. booo, noooo more coughing. pleeeease.

ok, i'm going to go read the compulsive bowlers boards and eat my frozen pizza. and finish my tea. which isn't very good. boo.



i had an ok weekend. i spent all of sunday in bed. stayed at my new apartment saturday night, and then seriously stayed in bed til like... 4 in the afternoon on sunday (i woke up at 10 or 11, but i had my laptop in bed, so i just wasted time online for several hours). i wanted to go home at four to have soup with my family, but my parents wouldn't come get me because they don't love me. so, eventually adam came and got me (he doesn't love me either, i just told him he could have soup too if he took me home).

didn't do too much today, packed, cleaned, ate a pancheros burrito... tried to fix my parents' computer... yelled at my sister for stealing everything i own... and so far that's all. i have the WORST cough though. ugggh, it's awful. and, now that i've spent a day all by myself, my automatic next step is call matt and see when he gets off work and if he wants to go to perkins for dinner. boo. i did write him a letter and get the package of stuff he forgot ready to send... but it's columbus day. so there's no mail. doh. stupid columbus.

so, if anyone's wondering what i'll be up to tonight... i imagine i will be at my parent's house... not doing anything. i wish i was tired enough to go to bed early... because then i wouldn't have to bum around being all sad that i have nothing to do.

anyhow, i'm gonna stop writing about how bored and sad and lonely i am, because it's making me even sadder. i may call suman later and see if he wants to do something... or maybe i'll go hang out at his house and possibly get some work done... or at least print out all the pictures i promised to send matt (matt has all of them on his laptop, but i thought maybe he'd want a few actual prints of him and friends to actually have with him when he's not on base).

oh, in random news, my uncle went to tour lizzie borden's (the ax murderer) house. and he's terrified of ax murderers (long story). apparently all the doors in his house have the same door knobs as the lizzie borden house, and now he's all creeped out. plus, when he moved into his house we got his neighbor to tell him that there'd been an ax murder there like fifty years ago. and his house is haunted (seriously, it's creepy). but, yeah, i talked to him today and found that to be amusing.

i'm going to go try to call zane a couple more times before i... make some popcorn and watch my friends dvds for the millionth time.


Hate is a puzzle
One look and I saw double
Fear is a riddle
That made my bones brittle
Love is a wand
One wave, the riddle's gone."

oh stu, you are so right.



i just talked to matt. their bus got lost, they're supposed to be in st. louis, but they're still two hours away. apparently their bus driver has been retired for like ten years, but randomly is back to drive their bus. so, they're lost. AND, matt had to transfer buses at camp dodge, so he's not on a bus with rich anymore... and he doesn't know anyone on his bus. they're at a gas station right now, and matt said some guy just bought a pillow... but they're $9... and i think he only has like $30 for the next week. so i told him to buy a pillow and i'd send him a twenty when i send his computer charger tomorrow. because i can't imagine trying to sleep on a bus without a pillow... especially in those circumstances.

sad face.

matt left for camp shelby today. i have officially lost 33% of my friends. and essentially my best friend in iowa city. i'm very forlorn. i cried at the "support our troops" commercial that was on a minute ago. i was on the news tonight though. at the goodbye ceremony they interviewed Rich and his mom, and then they were talking to me and matt and matt's parents, and the camera guy kept hovering. so there was a shot of me and rich and matt, then a shot of me and matt's parents on channel 2 news.

this seriously reminds me of when i was in like... third grade. i had all these friends, then i got kind of shy and quiet, and i pretty much "lost" all my friends, except two, who were my BEST friends. then they both moved away. i spent an entire year of elementary school eating lunch with our school counselor, or the secretary. because no one would sit with me in the cafeteria. in the past year i've really withdrawn from the party scene, and thus lost most of the friends i had. with the exception of matt and adam and cal (now, if you're not matt, adam or cal, don't be upset. they've just become the only people i've been really close to here). then, cal went to germany, and i was just friends with adam and matt. now cal's back, but we still aren't quite as close as we used to be... and now matt's gone. and, we all know, adam's kind of a flake. (i loooove him to death... and i am admittedly a flake as well... but still). the way i feel right now really reminds me of third grade, only i don't have a school counselor to notice that i sit by myself and cry at lunchtime and take pity on me.

i guess i've been so busy the past month making sure that everything would be in order when matt left (apartment stuff, computer stuff, bills.. tons of crap), and taking care of all the craziness *i* have going on right now, that i never really stopped to think about what it'd be like once he left. i got home from the send off tonight, and i was really depressed, and i just wanted to veg out and watch friends and eat... and i picked up my phone and automatically went to matt's number. i think that's when it really hit me. we don't get to hang out anymore.

i'm sorry if this is an annoying post... but i was lonely here before... and it just seems like it's gotten ten times worse.


la la

i'm waiting to go to the lobby ("let's all go to the loooobby, let's all go to the loooobby" i get that stuck in my head every time i go to the lobby). i'm in cedar falls for matt's goodbye ceremony. cedar falls is JUST as confusing as i remember it being! damn you confusing cedar falls! anyhow, i have to meet matt's parents in the lobby in about an hour so we can go to the gym? unidome? armory? somewhere... for the deployment ceremony. i feel like it's past check out time, but no one's tried to clean my room yet... and if they do, i'll just move to the lobby! ha!

we couldn't figure out the internet thing here earlier... because matt's dad insisted that he'd plugged his laptop into a special jack on the phone... and we were like "wait, what?" because there's only an additional phone jack on the phone... no network jack... so, much confusion... but, uh, turns out it's wireless. so duh.

in other news i either have allergies or a cold. i cannot stop sneezing. they're like, super sneezes too. i had a headache last night, and i sneezed, and it hurt sooooo bad. at least i'm not having multiple sneezes... like where you start and you can't stop, and it's out of control... each sneeze is just a single atomic sneeze. alright. i think i've explained my sneezing enough for this post.

fifteen minutes til i go to the lobby!

ok, i just got distracted talking to derdrache from the rent boards (yes, i'm a nerd, get over it) so not i actually have one minute til i go to the lobby! bye!



reading a new blog... and it made me laugh.

"A foreign man rang to report that he had cut himself shaving. I quickly established that the area of injury was not his face, however, he seemed to be a little coy about naming the exact area. After a while spend with me proferring various body parts as possible culprits (including “penis” and “pubic hair”), the penny dropped that the man did not know the English word for the offending body part. He described it as follows: “Is for sex, there is two and they is round”. This caused me to exclaim “Oh, testicles!!” gleefully in rather too loud a voice."

it just brings to mind the dispatcher sitting at their desk shouting "OH! TESTICLES!"

ok, i'm in like third grade. sorry.


la la

i'm at matt's and he is watching matchstick men for the four hundreth time this week. eric and meredith and amy are over and watching it too. only they're talking and not watching... so every five seconds matt goes "WATCH THE MOOVIE!!"

i'm working. only, i can't bring myself to start the next thing i need to start. it's just too HAAARD. actually, it's not... but i just don't want to.

i started moving today! i brought two throw pillows and a table over. baby steps. i wish we'd brought my couch today, because matt's couch sucks, and mine doesn't.

hrm. i had so much to blog about, and now i can't think of aaaany of it! (matt just yelled at everyone to watch the movie again, so that's five since the beginning of this post). renata needs to update her blog. skanky lemon that she is. i get sad every time i go to read it and it's the same post. renata! i have no life! update your bloooog! entertain me!

OH GOD. they all want him to restart the movie now! NOOOOOO.

i can't keep blogging, because everyone except amy is exasperating me beyond belief. and if i keep blogging about it, i will die.

so, the movie is restarted, and no one is watching. blaaagh.


blogger was down for scheduled maintenance earlier, but no one bothered to tell me, so i was distressed because i couldn't blog. i'm trying to fix matt's computer for him, but he left to buy beer for someone, and i can't really do anything until he comes back and puts in his password, because his computer is like, wannabe fort knox. ok, he finally called back. i called him like three times, and he FINALLY called back. aurgh. so now i'm continuing the fixing. i totally don't know what the hell he did, but his brand new lap top if fucked up. seriously annoying. i bet i'll have to manually uninstall norton on top of everything. norton antivirus makes me want to die sometimes.

i just read renata's blog about her walk, and i must say, renata, you are much strong than me. i would have given up very early on. and had i not given up, and continued... i would have reacted much more hysterically. so, good job on being level headed! though, i'm sorry about your jeans.

i tried to call zane for TWO HOURS today. and it was always busy. except once, and it was this really rude girl who was like "um, zane? let me check... is zane here? *three second pause* no he's not sorry." and hung up. and i was like "ooh, i would so kick your ass if you weren't far away... and prolly much more suited to kicking *my* ass. it was sad. i think i'll try and call him around ten thirty though.

grr. seriously matt's computer. stop being a jerk. i seriously haven't seen a machine this fucked up in a long time. and i deal with people who regularly download those emails that have aejodcnvpoaeugnbz at the end of the subject. woo, at least the firewall is back now!

baby steps.